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TutoTears Ago the California Redwood Association undertook the task of telling the public the Story of Red*99d-,a story that we knew would solve the problem of demand, once it had firmly gripped the public mind.
One Tear Ago a complete advertising campnign, supplemented by new plan books, afarmbuilding series, and a wealth ofinformation on Redwood was offered to the public. Prospects were referred to Redwood dealers, and Redwood dealers to prospects.
Today stocks of Redwood are much reduced, prices are firmer, consumption greater. Inquiries are pouiing in at the rate of zooo a month. Scores of dealers have written us saying that prospects referred ro them are increasing their business. The job is well begun-let's complete it!
Ve z.uantr ltou to share tbis business
Dealers stocking Redwood are supplied with the material advertised, as well as many other helps such as letter inserrs, yard andjob signs, technical information, mountain cabin booklet, etc.
Use the Coupon below for securing your compiimenrary copy of the Rnowooo Sarns MaNuar. It contains valuable information on dozens of native woods, including Redwood. You need it for reference.