4 minute read
For Smooth, Faster
If you have not tried the Planer Saw -1131 ns$' smoothcutting saw f o r wood$r6rksys - you are missing an opportunity. This saw cuts almost as smoothly as a planer well on hard knife, rips and cross-cuts equallY or soft wood and stands fast hand feed.
Specify the Planer Saw when you want better. service. SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO.
416 E. Third St., Lor Angclcr 2m-?28 Firrt St. San Franeirco, Calif.
Tom Jackson, Fruit, Growers Supply Co., Susanville, has been elected president of the Susanville Hoo-Hqo Club. He succeeds J. B. McAllistet, under whose administration the club made remarkable progress during the past year. Other officers elected were: W. 'E. Hunt, vice president, pnd Fred Klemm, secretary:treasurer. W. C. Graf was nominated to act as vicegerent snark of the district for the coming. year. Messrs. Hunt, Klemm and Graf are all connected with the Fruit Growers Supply Co.
Hammond Lunber Co.
(Continued from Page 44) general appearance of the office building is that of a very handsome home rather than a business building. The ouiside walls are covered with thin split Redwo6d shingles, and the roof is one inch thick split and beveled Reddood shakes. ,The signs on the office lre particularly attractlve, being..all of unusu_al character. The rnain iign ..Hammond" over the office door is lettered with s;iiln wood, imbedded in stucco. The street number on the corner is of sand-blasted Redwood. They look sreat.
'The inside of the office is 54 by 36, most of which is one big and airy work room, sales room, and customers' room. Along ole end there are two private offices. At the othcr end is the hardware departrnent, only partly partitioned from the main room-
The doors are of sand-blasted Redwood. Even the sash in the windows are all Redwood. The walls of the entirc interior are beautifully done sand-blasted Redwood panels. Every other panel has the letter H sand blasted irito thc center. These panels reach to within three feet of the ceiling,, and the upp€r wall space, and the ceiling itself, is covered with Insulite, laid in squares, and each corner held in place by wooden rosettes turned out of R.edwood. It makes a beautiful ceiling.
Across the front of the big center room there is a counter sepafating the office force from the entrance, and the front of this big counter holds a series of small showcases fronted with glass, in which are displayed very beautiful examples of builders' hardware. Each of theie cases is electrically lighted, giving a pleasing effect, and the back of each of these little show cases is panelled with difierent kinds of hardwoods. This is the only wood displayed in the office except Redwood.
The hardware department is a small but finely equipped one at one end of the office opposite the private -offiies, and the plan book department is in one corner of that side. There are flower boxes outside each window with flowers in bloom, and there are attractive shrubs all around the bullding, giving it a very homelike look.
Mr, O. D. Adams, Manager of this yard, is very justly proud of the new office and plant. So is A. tt. Culnoa, oi
(Continued on Page 49.)
Los ANGELE5 Hog-Hoo cLuB No.2
w. E. coopER LIISBER co. HAVE HARDwooD io, Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club No. 2 held their regular EXHIBIT'A4SUILDERS''EXPOSITION runcheon at the Erite care, on rhursday, December 8. "frtfi,$
Plans were discussed for the Third Annual Christmas Angeles, frorir' Noverpbtr 28 to December 3'inclusi.'", *.s party when 400 children will be guests of the Club on the-hardwood displfii'r6f the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. of W;;;"S;"t nbon, D.."mber 2r- s. w. Bookstaver and 17; tlq:]::.'
Floyd 'b.inier have arranged for an excellent entertain-. /In addition to'Ufftlpiting ihe regular line of harclwood ment ror the children which wil be one-or the nnest p'"- .A#il:i*i"t#lu'ffifi:;""1":31:;.1'tilt,,t?t"Tl:ojJ$: granrs ever Put on by the club. Santa Claus will be pre-" i'"* n;";il;"tit i;t[titOi iri-. -ih;;;gh the usebf "herrr- sent 'and will see that the youngsters receive appropriate ical itains, Ariibiican lacquer and virnitro, this display Christmas presents. The committee in charge of -theaarty 'showed'rhbw'maple flooring, panels and interior trim can irrcludes A^. L. "Gus'r Hoover, chairman, B. W. Book- 'be beautificd; so.as to harinonize with the interioi decorastav*i'.: Bern€ Barker, Frank Burnaby, Ted Lawrence, {ions of:the homel These'beautiful efrectS,"which are' atFloydi Dernier, B; 'W. Byrne, Roy Stanton and Mel Coe' tainable through the use of stains furnished' by the MarAlll'llrmbermen are inviied to attend and are urged to ietta Paint & Color Co. of Marietta, Ohio, have been found participatelinl'extending Christmas cheer to the children' uniformly dependable and have already been adop.-eld b-y -
Hernran Rosenberg,.The Hipolito.Co., Detroit, tle-Map_l_e$oo:ingAssociation. Accord,ing.to.theoffiCii|ls nfi"fri*.r; rvho is sp[tai"g a few-weeks at the Los An- of the.W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., this is the "Butter'Fly geles.1fficeoftheiompanywaS.preSext.atthe.meg!ing# fnd made a short talk on business conditions in the East' Herman was formerly president of Hoo-Hoo No. 2, vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles District, and Hoo-Hoo Jtate counselor for California.
Al Porter, who is now a resident of Los Angeles, was present and ,made a few remarks. A. R', Istael, special iepresentative of the West Coast Lumber Bureau, and R. L. Stein, rnanager of the'Hollywood Builders'.Exhibit, attended the meeting. .u.: ' ' : President J. Er;,{a?fin presided over the business sesslon.
In the December 1 issue, we inadvertently stated that Mr. Monroe Butler was the author of the article, "Thc Ethical Relationship of the Building-Loan Associations ancl the Lumbermen;" appearing on page 42. This was in error. as this article was-written by our correspondent and was based on Mr. Butlerrs address deliver6d before the convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.