2 minute read
lVendling-Nathan Co.

Don't Forget These Dates---All Lumberurcn Invited
Los Angeles Hoo.Hoo Christm.r Party
12:09 P. M.-Elite Cefe-Loc Angele3
San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Chrigtmas Patty l2z09 P. M.-Palace Hotel-San Francisco

East Bay l{oo-Ffoo Club Chtistmas Party
6:30 P. M.-Athenc Club--4akland
(Continued from Page 10.)
W. H. Dole, Aloha Shingle Co., Aloha, 'Wash., was chairman of the afternoon session at which the question, "Why a 16-Inch Shingle" was discussed.
Governor Roland H. Hartley in a short talk made an appeal to the shingle manufacturers to: use better merchandising methods. "You will sell just as many shingles if you as\ a price that will give you a living-profit] as you will if you continue to give your product away as you are doing now," he said.
S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., was elected president, and W. H. Dole, Aloha Lumber Co., Aloha, Wash. vice-president. R. S. Whiting, Chicago, was reelected secretary-manag'er, and Arthui Bevan, -Seattle, asslstant secretary-manager and treasurer.
The 1928 Advisory Board is as follows: C. E. Merritt. Huntting-Merritt Lumber Co., Vancouver, Chairman; W. C. McMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle, Vicechairman; S. G. Smith, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, Vancouver, B. C.; R. R. Morse, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Long- view'; P. R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co,, Seattle; R. D. Mackie, Mackie Mill Co., Hoquiam,-Wash.;
H(}BBS, ITAI.L & C().
Hubert Schafer, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash..; Jess Schwarz, Crescent Shingle Co., Kelso, Wash.; S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie Falls, Wash.; Walter Mann, Everbest Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; W. H. Wasser, Wasser-Hubbard Shingle Co., Dryad, Wash.; G. G. Evenson, Quality Shingle Co., Edmonds, Wash.; C. J- Culter, Hammond Cedar Co., New Westminster, B. C.; Robert McNair, Robt. McNair Shingle Co.,. Vancouver, B. C.; H. J. Bratlie, Bratlie Bros. Mill Co., Ridgefield,, Wash.; Dale Craft, Royal Shingle Co., Whites, Wash.; H. A" LaPlant, Skagit Mill Co., Lyman, Wash.; P. H. Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, 'Wash.; C. J. Melbn Everett Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; H. J. Bailey, Saginaw Timber Co., Aberdeen, 'Wash.; R. L. Ifennessy, Mumby Lumber & Shingle Co., Bordeaux, Wash.; I.L- Daugherty, Irvin-Daugherty Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; Lou Fluhrer, Fluhrer Bros., Mayger, Ore.; W. H. Dole; Aloha Shingle Co., Aloha, Wash.; E. W. Mersereau, Doty Lumber & Shingle Co., Doty, Wash; Ed. Ilartley, Everett, Wash.; W. H. Morrow., Hoquiam, Wash.; and Dan Giles, Merrill & Ring Lurnber Co., Seattle.
In "Robbins" Flooring vou are as- surd of the very finest tfiat has ever been, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, t h e modern machinery in our mill, and tfie t1rye of men who make our fooring, all go to.make this statemelq_poqsibl,e. "RobbinC" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southcrn Celifornir: C. J. LAUGHIIN
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Three Steamcre Insure
Prompt Delivery
Northcrn Celifornie:
GEORGE C. CORNITTUS, Ancrican Benk Bldg. San Frencieco