1 minute read
Every dealer has faced the situation where a customer has had to have immediate attention wher€ sofil€, thing just out of stockis need, ed RIGHT NOW due to thteatining' rbins' o r' ekpira, tion of contract time limit.
Those are times requiring a great deal more than the us, ual good service . .-. times when PIONEER SERVICE pays the dealer. No matter whether it's roofing shingles, building papers, felts or r€, lated products, the Pioneer Dealer can supplythem in re, cord time because he has Pioneer behind him!
That means he is backed bv every modern facility in the 16r/z acre Pioneer plant ... that he has immens€ wo.r€. house stocks to draw from ... spot service. and the intelligent cooperation of the Pioneer Engineering Depart, ment.
If there is anything that will help dealers hold customers and get more of them... you can count on Pioneer to do it!
PapsR CoMp^q,Ny, INc.