1 minute read
Carelessness o and His Destroqirs Crew
Keep this crew out of your plant and your danger from fire will be reduced to a minimum. Nearly 75/o of. all fires are caused by carelessness. To the careless handling of matches, cigarettes, etc., are attributed over 25/o of. all fires. Defective chimneys and flues account for about 2O/o and furnaces, stoves, boilers and pipes are responsible for another 20/o. So on, down the list, with oily waste, defective wires, rubbish, hot ashes, etc. Keep carelessness ont, and fire has little chance to start.
'fhat is why the Associated Lumber Mutuals give so much attention to the elimination of fire hazards. \Me prevent fire if possible. If we fail in our effort to keep fire out, our resources and our reputation guarantee prompt payment of losses and our dividends returnecl to the policy-holder represent an actual saving of about 4O/o in his insurance cost.
W'rite any of our companies for more specific information as to hozu we can ltrodde the most complete insurance protection tlte lumber industry ltas czter hnoun, and. at the same time reduce your insurance cost.