7 minute read
-'so that when they build, they'll bry lumber from you
ADVERTTsEMENTs like the one reproduced in I\ miniature above, are promoting the home building idea-are suggesting that these homes be built of wood-are stating that this wood be Doug_l_es Fir,'\il7est Qoa-sr Hemlock, Sitka Spruce and \Testern Red Cedar.
'What is more natural than for prospective builders to think of you when they think of building? Vhat is more logical than for you to think of our member mills when you buy your lumber? _ \7hy- not send for complete details of our dealer help plan? Address'\U7est Coast Lumber Bureau, 16u Mount Hood Building, Longview, 'STashington. District oftces: Seattle,'\ilTashington; Portland, Oregon.
Here is a great thought for the pentfu-"Bvery man starting out in business will have to go over a hard road and find out its turnings for himself. But he need not go over this road in the dark if he can take with him the light of other men's experience." -
These words were written by one of the wisest merchants who ever lived-the late John Wanamaker, who had three great drapery shops in the States. He began with nothinB, and when he died he had 17,000 employces and a fortune of twenty-five million dollars.

He did not waste his life finding out what other men had already found out. He knew that life is short, so he took every short-cut. And he lit up his path with thc light of other men's experience, as well as with the light of his own. That is why he accomplished so much.-Efficiency Magazine, London.
He Just Found Out
A colored agent was summoned before an insurance commissioner.
ttDon't you know," asked the commissioner, "that you can't sell life insurance without a state permit?"
"Boss," said the darky, "you suah said a mouthful. I knowed I couldn't sell it, but I didn't know de reason."
Let Each Man Know Himself
Let each man learn to know himself ; To gain that knowledge let him labor, First to correct within himself
The faults he finds most in his neighbor. How lenient our own faults we view And conscience voice adeptly smother, But, Oh, how harshly we review Those self-same errors in another.
Not On The Program
"Rastus, why did you call you last baby Encore?"
t'Cause, she wasn't on de program at all."
Darwin On Creation
I fecl most deeply that this whole question of creation is too profound for human intellect. A dog might as wcll speculate on the mind of Newton. Let each man hope and believe what he can.-Charles Darwin.
Be Thou The Man
Search thine own heart. What paineth thec fn others, in thyself may be; All dust is frail, all flesh is weak; Be thou the true man thou dost seek.
Last May in London the dismembered body of a woman was found in a trunk. Within a week or so the murderer was arrested. His trial and conviction followed. Early in August was hanged. The case is typical of English justice. The police are intelligent, incorruptible, and efficient. They work fast. The courts are unmoved by technicalities or subterfuges. In England, crime distinctly does not pay, because punishment is swift and sure.
"Happiness is the interest \R Zecent action draws, and the more decent actions you ilb, the larger your incomc will be. Let every man try to make every day a ioy-"Robert fngersoll.
Life affords no greater pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes, and seeing them gratified. He that labors in any great or laudable undertaking has his fatigues first supported by hope and afterwards rewarded by joy.-Dr. Johnson.
We cater to the small yard-----
From the hearts of everyone connected with The Pacific Lumber Company

At this season of the yeer, we cast off the mantle of care and join in that spirit of camaradede and good fellowship traditional with the Yuletide, and so apdy oudin"dby that mecsage, "Peace on Eerth, Good-will to Men."
Ve wish you the season's greetings, hoping that you may be surrounded by your loved ones when the carols ring out, whetr the Y"l" l"g is on the fire, and the children, young and old, gather about the tree.
And the New Year-May yours be full of happiness arrd prcsperity. ft can be, for what one receives depends in the main on what one gives.
Christmas is particularly a time for introspection and retrospection for lumbennen. You, with your family in your home, do you rcalize that Christmas has no red meaning without a home? And, that your mission in life is the providing of homes to the homeless?
Vhen you see a beautiful, perfect tree, an evergreen, decorated and lighted to celebrate the peaceful, loving occasion of christmas, does your heart not quicken its beat a little bit with the thought that you oflyotrr whole community are most closely identified with coniferous trees; that your service to your fellowman consists in translating Mother Nature's message of service from her trees?
M. D. Campbell, Portland, Oregon, general sales manager of the rail department for the Chas R. McCormick Lumber Co., was a recent 'California visitor after complEting a trip throughout the east rvhere he visited the company's eastern officers and called on the lumber trade. His itinerary carried him to the Atlantic Coast, Middle West, Southern States including Texas and other points, Arizona, Los Angeles and San Francisco. While in Los Angeles, he visited the company's office where he conferred rvith their Southern California sales manager, Ed. Culnan. He was also a visitor at the company's main office at San Francisco where he spent a day conferring with officials of the company and with "Jimmie" Atkinson, manag'er of their Northern California rail department. Ife returned to Portland shortly after the first of the month after a seven weeks' trip.
Wendell Brown Will Spend Holidays At Eureka
Wendell Brorvn, Los Angeles, Southern California manager for the J. R. Hanify Co., will leave shortly after the middle of the month for the North where he will spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays at Eureka. He will also spend a few days in San Francisco where he rvill confer with officials of the company. He plans to return to Los Angeles after the first of the year.
A. T. Show, Los Angeles representative of the BoothKelly Lumber Co., is in Arizona rvhere he is calling on '.h.e Arizona retail trade. He will spend about ten days in the Arizona territory. H. C. Clark, manager of their Sourhern California office, states that Mr. Show tvill return to headquarters around the middle of the month.
R. T. Bournr, Prcr. Edward M. Paulrcn, Sec'y.
North Bend, (Coor Bay) Oregon
We Speciali-e on Quick Deliwerier
California Reprerantativer:

No. I Drunrn Strcct, SAN FRANCTSCO, CALIF.
San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held their regular luncheon Thursday, December 8th, in the Blue Room of the Palace Hotel. Professor Walter Mulford of the Forestry department, University of California, was the speaker of the day and gave an interesting talk on Forestry in California. The San Francisco supervisors have the shingle ordinance up again and the club devoted some little time to the discussion of this topic. Fred Roth of the J. H. McCallum Lumber Co., is one of the leaders in this fight on behalf of the retailers. Max Cook is devoting considerable time to this matter on behalf of the Redwood Association, and Earl E. Bowe is representing the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
The program committee is to be congratulated on the programs they are preparing for the club. Russell Gheen heads this committee ably assisted by C. C. Stibich. 'fhey are preparing a surprise program for the Christmas party Dec. 22 and request a large attendance.
President Bert Johnson presided at the meeting with C. C. Stibich as chairman.
The Gieb Lumber Co., Carlsbad, aie starting an expansion program and will build an attractive new office building on land recently purchased. The land will also be graded and filled in and the whole tract will be enclosed with an attractive fence. George Gieb, prominent Southern California retailei, is the manager of this progressive Iumber concern.
The Simeral Lumber Co., Pasadena, are now located at their new office and yard at the iunction of Walnut Street and Huntington Avi., Pasadeni. rTheir telephone number remains the same. Colorado 2665.
Makes Survey Of Box Shook Situation
The California Fruit Exchange, which h'as a membership of 7,000 fruit growers, does not contemplate a move from wood to fiber containers for fresh fruit shipments, according to Earl E. Bowe, field engineer of the Western Division, who has just made a survey of the box shook situation in the deciduous fruit industry of California.
The total amount of box shook, car bracing, and car strips used by the California Fruit Exchange this year amounted to L.24O cars of lumber.
Enough Lumber In One Tree To Build Three Residences
One of the largest Douglas fir trees ever.cut in Snohomish county, Washington, where a large number of big trees have been found, was felled recently near the little logging town of Sultan. It contained enough timber to build three five-room bungalows and enough left over for woodsheds and chicken coops for each. Three cars were required for shipment to the mill.
The base of the tree measured eight feet across, almost a perfect circle, the entire tree containing la ltotal of 34,540 board feet. There wasn't a blemish in any of the seven log cuts made and the least diameter, the top log, was two feet.
Twenty-one kittens were initiated at a largely attended concatenation at 'Westwood on December 3. This was the lirst concatenatiqn directed by the new Westwood vicegerent snark, Jack Shere of the Red River Lumber Co. Parson Simpkin attended the concatenation and delivered an. excellent inspirational address stressing the part that Hoo-Hoo plays in maintaining cooperative relations arnong lumbermen.
For 22 Yeare
..CHICKASAW BRAND" OAK FIOORING her becn a rtandard of @anufacture
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