3 minute read
Consolidated Lumber Gompany
Gcncrel Oficc, Wholcralo,Yardr, Vharvcr and Planing Milb a' WILMINGTON, CALIF.
Phonc Wilmin3toa 120
Manufacturerr and Dealerc
Age" and colored flooring, panels and interior trim is becoming very popular with the public and is proving a r'ery important factor in the merchandising of these materials.
C. M. Cooper, vice-president-treasurer of the company.;. R. E. James, Secretary; Paul Penberthy, sales manager, and L. D- Reeder, flooring sales manager, were in attendance at the exhibit
The W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. maintain a permanent exhibit at the Architects tsuilding, 5th and Figueroa Streets, Los Angeles, where this beautiful display can be' seen at anv time.
,Ffat'.mond Lqober Co.
(Continued from Page 47)
lr'e.:u Yori and Office of Hantmrind Lunftcr Co. at Pasadend Los Angeles, Assistant General Manager to Mr. llarrl' to raise the standara .of .reiiif i;*fr#pii;tnts, and has alMcleod, and the man who designed the office. ready brought"them worlds of useful publicity in Pas4dena Such an office building, and the yard in general, tend by reason of this beautiful institution.
Thir Column of "\iltqts' rnd *Dog't Wrutr" ir fc:
{ LUMBER YARD SITE-For sale or lease. Two acres oh a Los Angeles Boulevard. Four-cent rate, spu,r track, sheds, planing mill building, burner, tacks, etc., all ready to so. - Will-sell on termC or lease with option to buy. Address Box C-16O. c/o California Lumber Merchant.
EXPERT MECHANIC wants position as master mechanic, engineer or machinist; thoroughly experienced in all branchis of lumber business, rod or gear locomotives, turbines, corliss engines and planing mill mach-inery. Twenty years on coast and inland, one year. jn South. Strictty temperate, do not smoke.; clean cut, 48 years of' age. Lookine for position where loyalty counts. Address R-ox C-163. clo Caftfornia Lumber Merchant. Box C-163, cl-o Ca
SASH, DOOR AND MILLWORK MANUFACTURERS need a manag'er, or assistant manager, with unusual exP-e-rience.and abitity who can handle any department., JVIy services ar. .'niilable January lst. Address Box C-164, clo Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Will Sell Or Take In Partner
Want to sell lumber yard or will take in partner. To buy into business $10,000 will be required. Yard in g-ood loiation and operating on a paying basis. .Address California Lumber Merchant, care Box C-165.
ABERDEEN, Dec. 6.-Sixty-four ships clearing from Giays Harbor during November carried 118,775,65 board feet of lumber one of the largest winter shipments on record, according to official port figures. The month brought the total for the first eleven months of the year to 1,310,368,444 board feet, within 200,0m,00O feet of last year's reoqrd breaking annual .shipment.
The bulk qf lumber taken from this port during the past month went to C.alifornia, rvhere 50,250,0o0 feet were unloaded. .Japan lpr,oved the next largest market, with 27,47l,6LO .f.eet. The lEast coast of the United States was third, with 27,O33;W feet, and Australia fourth, with 6,818,659 feet.
Horner Writes Magazine Article On Uniform Codes
An article on uniform building codes by A. manager of the Western Division of the Trade C. Horner, Extension of "House
Department, appeared in the November edition Planning." published in San Francisco.
FOR SALE-One refuse burner. Original Cost $1800. Will sell for $300. Miller Box & Lumber Company, 2Ol No. Avenue 18, Los Angeles, California' stacker. Lumber Must be regarding California
For Sale: One Sky Pilot, thirty-foot lumber Original price $1800, now $1000. Miller Box & Co., 2OI No. Ave 18, Los Angeles, California.
FOR SALE to close estate, 10,000 acres' 15Q000,000 feet of timber, complete sawmill of large capacity. All n9w. Trvo valuable d1m sites, easy transportation. $25Q000.00 is less than half the value. J. A. Timmons, 217 S. Main St., Santa Ana, Cal.
CASHIER rvanted by'a retail lumber yard. able to furnish bond. State full particulars vour experience and qualifications. Address Lumber Merchant. care Box C-165.
Position lvanted, wholesale or retail, by lumberman with trventy-five years' exoerience on the Pacific Coast and Middle West. J. T. Irish, 8833 Alcott Street, Los Angeles, California.
Issue Booklet On Douglas Fir Bridge Material
LONGVIEW. WN., Dec. 7.-The bulk of America's bridge timber is in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, accoiding to a booklet just issued by the West Coast Lumber Bureau on "Douglas Fir Bridge Material." Douglas fir trees, which grow tall and straight, yield big timbers readilv. Orders which are filled onlv with difficultv in readily. Orders only difficulty in other regions, the booklet states, are welcomed by the Douglas fir mills. Demands for I long lengths, Lrouglas lrr mllls. lJemands ror large slzes, lergtns, with- a low percentage of sapwood, are handled in the Northwest with ease.

The booklet covers the various grades of Douglas fir, grades-strength relationship, stress-property relationship, gives recommended grades for bridge items, and _working stresses for structural grades and the No. 1 Common grades. Other subjects treated include : available sizes, records of performance and preservative treatment.
Approximately 51 per cent of all the standing timber of the United States is on the Pacific slope. Sixty-two per cent of this is in the two states of Washington and Oregon and 56 per cent of all the timber in these two states is Douglas fir.
Paul Merner A Bay District Visitor
Paul M. P. Merner, Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto, was a Bay District visitor the early part of the month where he called on the San Francisco trade and attended to other company business matters. cials Conference at the fecent meeting in Phoenix, Ariz.
Mr. Iforner's article related particularly particularly to the new uniform code adopted by the Pacific Coast Building Offi'