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A True and Durable Vhite Pine-Pinus
MADERA SUGAR PINE is both water cured and air dried. The leaching out of the voluble gums and resinous substances by water curing makes our lumber whiter, softer, and easier to work. It is especially adapted to factory and pattern work.
MADERA SUGAR PINE is cut from the finest stand of timber in California. Our scientific piling insures pet. f*tly air dried lumber. Our manufacturing methods have stood the test of time, and our lumber has set a standard for Quality and Sewice by which other stock is gauged.
Forty Preliminary Judges In Lumber Slogan Contest
They Will Probably Have More Than 100,000 Slogans To Pass On
Washington, Nov. 29.-Preliminary judging in the $15,000 slogan contest of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association will begin about December 1. A thorough and equitable system of judging has been worked out, the work to be done at night by carefully selected groups of judges. The slogans which pass the first two groups of judges will be submitted to a group of experienced lumberrnen, publicity and advertising men who will submit their "eligible" list to the members of the National Lumber Manufacturers Trade Extension committee for final selection. The two groups of preliminary judges will together number from 35 to 40 persons.
With the close of the contest only 17 days oft, the slogans in answer to the lumber industry's offer of "a iortune for an idea" are coming in at the averaged rate of over 4,000 a day. Approximately 70,000 have already been received and it is predicted at the headquarters office that when the contest closes, midnight, December 15, 100,000 slogans will have been entered in the contest. On the record day 5851 slogans were received. Inquiries and slogans together exceeded Lz,W on the combined record day and were above 10,000 on November 28.
Altogether, from the Washington and New York offices, 335,97I copies of "The Story of 'Wood" have been sent out. Individual requests for the booklet are nearing the 150,000 mark.
She: Do you file your finger nails, Bill ?
He: No, lust throw them- away aiter I cut them ofi.