3 minute read
J*kDionne, furttbt*
. lnccpmtcd padcr tla bvr d Cdlfcala 'J. e. Dlmnc, Prcr. ind Trcu.; J. E. Msdt' Vlcc-Pu.; A. C. Mcrryu, Jr., Scy. Publishcd thr lat end lsth of each uo|t rt 3rs-te-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELFS, CAI-' TELEfHONE VAndllc r5l5 Entcnd u Smd-clas uttcr Sopt nbcr 6, L4 at ltc Pctffio rt Is Angclcr, Crllfcd!, rodcr Act of Mlrc} t' f&t.
iiubrcription Pricc, $2.lXl Pfr Ycar Slnglc Copicr, 25 ccntr cach.
How Lumber Looks
Conditions indicate trhat tbe martet is due to rhow conriderable irnprovement after the holidays. Production will be curtailed aa some of the milb in the Northweet are dready down, and many are figuring 9n g-oing- dowin earlier than-usud for the holidayr and will be clooed for a longer period. The fir log market b firm, and with much rnow and rmfavorable weather conditionr, many of the lggernel carnps will have to close for an indefinite period. Retail stocks are low and the buyerc are reported as feefing that an qd' vancc in pricea ir cbming. The generd outlook b Ego{.
The California market rhowr very little change. D*iqg the past two wee&r tte volume has continued on a fair bario with no change in pricet. There are about 11 million feet of ungold lumb€r it San Pedro, rnoct of which is underir' ablc rtock. Fir cargo errivalr'into Southem California for the rnonth of November totded 104'960 M ft., and practic' ally alt the rtock arriving ir being diepoeed of. r{r cotn: pa;ed with the month of Novernberr -1926, fit--9"tg9 arrivalt iot 1927 rhowed a decrease of nearly 24 rnillion feet For the year 192? up to December 1, fir cqrgo gr"rvals into Southern California rhow a decreare of 159 million fee$ ar compared with the rame period for 1926.
Fir cargo arrivalr at San Frencirco for the month of No' vember t;taled 45,415 M ft. For the ralne month in 1926, the cargo receiptr amounted to Slrol 1 M ft.
The lath rnarket is reported firm, with good lath saaroe. Shinglee are reported ae looking better and showing etrength again.
Building permits in the city of Loa Angeler for Novenr' ber totded -$17,4il,327-the recond larged monthly 6g' ure on record. Clag A conrtruction for November, 1927, comprired 10 building!' with an e*imated vduation of $1O,388rO98. There included two buildingr for the county, the recond rnit of tte corurty museum at Expooition Park' and a unit of the Crenerd Hoqital, ectimated to cort $9r75O'(XX). Clats D, all frame conrtruction, arnounted to $4,532,3(N lor l7l2 buildinge. The Los Angeler figure ' for November war far in qrces! of the $8,688'255 tabulated for the rame montfi in 1926, and tte total for the
Advcrtiring Rrtor ' oir Applicrtior eleven monthr of 1927 amounted to $11613961736. Thc game eleven months for 1926 totaled $112'916'344.
The November building permits for San Francirco totded $6,382,171. The Oaklar.rd building pBrmits for the rame month totded $1,908,713.
Tbe redwood market continuee firrn. Commons are very short and clean are moving satisfactorily. All rtockc at the millc are being depleted and the outlook ir encouraging. Redwood cargo arrivals into San Francisco for November total 2Or122 M ft. Redwood cargo arrivals into Southetl Gdifornia totaled 13,225 M ft.' which is practically the eame as the arrivalr for Novernbetr, 1926. For the firct elev€n months of 1927r-cargo arrivals into Southern Californit show an increare ol 23 million feet as compared with the rame period for 1926. For the year 1927 to December 3' the Redwoodl Arsociation barometer rhowr, 16 millr report- ing: Ordere received, 4091136 M ft.; Production, 3741164 M ft., and Shipmentc, 398,984 M ft.
The Califonia Sugar Pine market rernainl steady and will probably remain euite firm for the nert 60 to 9O dayr with pocribly rome nominal advancec. Factory lurnber ir getting rciarce, perticularly 8/4 No. 1 Shop. Californh White Pine is rhowing improvement. Factory gradea are reported in better rhape and the market har a firmer tonc. Stocke at the millr are broken and an advance in price will undoubtedly follow. The only grader where any surplur ir in evidence ir in No. 1 and No' 2 Clear.
For the week ending December 3, the Weat Coact Lumbermen's A$ociation baromcler, 114 mills reporting, rhowed: Production, 11718661559 ft.; New Burine*, 95r984'86E ft., and Shipmentr, 108,fi)5,389 ft. For the 6nt 48 weckr of 1927,95 mills reported: Production, 4170311721559 ft.; New Busineer, 4158314451434 ft., and Shipmentr, 4r547r46t,794 ft.
For the week ending December 3, tfre Southern Pinc Arsociation barometer, based on 109 millr, reporbd: hoduction, 6719571162 ft.; New Buolnecc, 5913721679 ft., and Shipmentr 67,028,860 ft.