1 minute read
Kotrsible Sasb is a feature q,f tbe T{etu Arnerican Windou., accornplisbed without cI ' re*d
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.t tuto sasb tyPu
Numerous installations in office buildings, hotels, hospitals, apartments and residences, plus satisfactcry performance in daily use, is ybur 'assurance that the new American ' Window is sound in principle and not simply a new-fangled idea.
Positively none of the merits of the pres. ent two-sash type of window have been sacrificed. Ncw conveniences have been achieved by simply improving the methodof hanging the sash through the use of twelve simple pieces of hardware, sturdily constructed and inexpensive to install.
Featares of the Neut Arnerican lf,/indout
Top and bottom sash reverse without effort for cleaning panes from inside of room.
Top and bottom sash may be entirely removed for glazing or repairing.
Both sash automatically lock when closed.
Top sash automatically locks in ventilating position without weather hazard, and secure against outsi{e entrance.
Ifardware is attractivell designed-simple to install and positive in operation.
Any millwork plant can build the frame for the American Window, for it differs but slightly from the usual window frame. Any carpenter who understands blue prints can install American Window hardwale, for it fits any size or thickness of double sash. Once installed, there is positively nothing to get cut 6f slds1-n6 springs-no trick hardware.
You will be interested in knowing the details of the new American Window. The coupon below, properly signed and mailed to us, will bring complete information. Our technical booklet will also be sent on request.
The demand for the new American Window has been phenomenal. It will become a new scurce of acceptable proft to wideawake lumbcr merchants. Write today for information.
e-r{medcan Vindout Hardutare is naiketed tbru millanrk pl.an ts. Tbe coabon belou.,, sisncd and mailed to us aill bring cokplete infoniatiotz,