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The whlte ant lrroblem? Ask ltfeGorrmlic?l
LALIFORNIA architects are specifring tneated lutnber for any purpose that bri4gs it in contact with the ground. Underpinning and sills creosoted under presrue the McC.ormict< way solves the home builder's white ant pnoblem.
Our own treating plant is taking cirne of such orders daily, and is part of the complete chain of service we offer from the forest to your yard.
A feer d 25 ltdcConnicL ves*ls are bngaged in delivey of McC,ormick lumber. Twenty-five y€ars of growth arc bach of the unusual senrice we offef,. ***
When you have special needs, you can depend on McC,orrnick. I-et our nearest sales ofrce or sales rqrresentative quote you in straight or mixed cars. Besides cargo facilities, we have a departnrent specializing on rail busincss.