2 minute read
First Quarterly Round Table Meeting of the Pacific Coast Group National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers
Held in the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cafifornia, on December lst and 2tld,, 1E27.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Walter S, Johnson,Mr. Paul L. Grady, Chicago, Ill., Secretary-Treasurer of the Association, gave a report of the activities of the Association as a whole.
Mr. B. F. Masters, Chicago, Ill., Chairman of thi Board of Governors of the Association, addressed the meeting.
The Pacifc Coast Manager read his report concerning the activities of the Pacific Coast Group,
The meeting then took up a "round-table" discussion of the subiects outlined in the Docket.
The following Motions were passed during this Meeting:
'Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was:
RESOLVED that the Pacific Coast Secretary of this Association prepare lists of all box operators who are not members, and as,sign these lists to difierent groups of the present members, with the request that the present members use their influence, and whatever efiorts are necessary, to persuade them to become members. That the members who .receive these lists make suggestions as to whether they, or somebody else, can better handle possible subscribers.
,Upon motion duly made and.seconded, it was:
RESOLVED that the Secretary of this Association at the Chi-
C. E. Dant, president of Dant & Russell Lumber Co., Portland, was in San Francisco the first week in Decernber. While Mr. Dant spends most of his time in Portland, yet his many interests bring him to San Francisco occa' sionally.
cago, Illinois, office issue a bulletin directed to jobbers, wholesalers and retailers in the Eastern territory and Middlewest, advising that they can now obtain their western canned goods packed in light weight wooden containers, at approximately the same weight and freight as the present fibre case, if they so specify; these bulletins to indicate how cases can !e made, suggestions for nailing, wire strapping, etc, That the Secretary submit proposed copy of such brrlletins to the Pacifc Coast Group Executive Committee before publication.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it
RESOLVED that tier tallies be included in every car of shook shipped, together with the manifest.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was:
RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the Pacific Coast Group be increased to nine rqembers, this Committee being prcviously composed of seven members.
The following members were elected to the Executive Committce of the Pacific Coast Group, to serve for one year: Mr. C. H. Daggett; Mr, Robert L. Ferral; Mr. W. G. Hyman; Mr. Walter S. Johnson; Mr. Herman Paine; Mr. J. W. Rodgersl Mr. John &. Tomlin; Mr. J. M. White; Mr. C. R. Wisdom.
The Chairman of the Executive Committee will be elected 9t the first regular .meeting of the Executive Committee to be held at 2:00 P.M., December l5th, 1927, in the office of the Association, 537 Call Building, San Francisco.
The Higman Lumber Co., with office and mill at Ninth Avenue and Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, are now open for business. Jerome M. Higman, president, has been a resident of Los Angeles for many years and was formerly manager of the Southrvestern Lumber Co.