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A y""t ago we said 1927 was going to be a Redwood year. We felt that a good product' working hand in hand with modem merchandising, was bound to be successful.
Today we s€e that prophecy vindicated by facts. The Association mills shipped 3Sl mitIion board feet of Redwood during the first 11 months of. 1927, an incease of.5Yz7o over the corresponding period of, 1926. Orders increased, stocks were reduced.
For the year 1927 up to December 1, redwood cargo ar:rivals at San Pedro showed an increase of nearly 21 million board feet as compared with the same petiod rn 1926, while Douglas fir cargo receipts showed a decrease of 159 million feet.
This increase in the consumption of Redwood took place in the face o, " O""ra. in buitding throughout the country ranging from 3 to 33Vo.
The reasons behind Redwood's plogress are not hard to find:
I.-CONSUMER INTEREST IVAS STIMULATED by a nationd advertising campaign in a score of magazines having a total citrulation of over 2r7OOr0OO. The teal story of Red. wood went out to meet the public. Thousands who had never thought of Redwood were intetested to the point of action.
2.-MODERN MERCHANDISING BACKED UP CONSUMER ADVERTISING. Literally tons of material in the form of plan books, letter inserts, agricultural series, architectural ssvice, etc., etc., were distributed direct and through retail yards.
3.-REDVOOD PRODUCTS WERE MODERNIZ'F,D to suit the demands of modetn buitding. Economy and Anzac siding, new suins and finishes, interesting efiects in sandbtast and buffing btought Redwood directly in line with present-day desires for artistic intedons and exterions.
4.-REDWOOD SATISFIES THE DEMAND FOR BETTER BUILDING. People are tired of cheap, fimsy construction. Much evidence everyrvhere is convincing prospective home owners of the foolishness of moving into ttcraclcer boxestt that cost the owner hundreds of dollars to keep in repair. Ffomes that endure are the kind that are wanted. And people are leatning that Redwood endures for generations.