3 minute read
The News Is Sp"eadittg r - r
And prospective builders and architects are evidencing great interest in the new process of stained finishes for Maple which we are now able to supply.
The introduction of this proces3 marks the beginning of a new area of possibilities for the use of this most durable of hardwoods, which the alert lumber dealer will be quick to realize.
As a result of our display at the Shrine Auditorium inquiries are being received daily regarding thio new stain. This is the only finish for Maple which is now obtainable in colors and is guaranteed to be durable and wear-resisting.
Additional information and literature may be had on request.
They're Bru"8 Growth Yeltonr
Larorv LurusBn Conapewy
October. !4, 1921
Santa F€ Lunb6r Conpuy Ss FrancLaco, CaUf.
O6ntLemon: f heve bgm lntcndln( over slnc6 thet last car anrlv6d to rrlte and congratulatg yil on th6 vsry good grades tt8t you shlppacl us fron th€ 4 C. d1L.
Tho floorin6 ud colllng wor6 nlco and, soft Mlerlal and w;ll riLLed,
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in even' foot" of our Old Growtir Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
Thg c omons rere dry arrd ac- tuslly 8tratght snough to pilc' rlthdrt ua havlng to use a sllo as e bin.
:fours vory trul.y, Laton Ixnbor ConpenJr
-dePenda. bility
-quality ?'SefVlCe
Watch these ads and read what others say about this dependable lumber.
(A. J. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in California o;nd Arizona General Ofrces:
General Offces: Kansas City, Missouri (Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.)
A joint luncheon meeting of the San Gabriel Valley Lumbermen's Club and the Pasadena Lumbermen's Club was held at the Tavern, San Gabriel, Cal., on November 28, about 45 members of the two district clubs and other retail dealers from neighboring towns being present. Wm. H. Sievert, of Alhambra, president of the San Gabriel Valley club, presided at the luncheon and Albert R. Israel, of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau. which has headquarters at Longview, Wash., addressed the meeting.
Mr. Israel, rvho is doing some special fieldwork in California for the Bureau, told of the work that organization is doing to promote the sale and use of lumber in general and Pacific Northwest woods in particular. He suggested to the dealers rvays in rvhich they could utilize the different services offered by the Bureau to their advantage and offered suggestions regarding lumber merchandising and co-operative efforts among retail lumber dealers. At the close of his talk he answered a number of questions concerning the Northwest woods and other matters affecting lumber distribution in California.

The joint meeting was arranged for by Stephen Westover, of Alhambra, Cal., secretary of the San Gabriel Valley Lumbermen's Club. Among the dealers present, in addition to President Sievert and Secretary 'Westover, were: Arthur Lawyer, Alhambra; Dean Butcher, Walter Conway and Henry Byrn of West Alhambra; C. L. Barton, Guy Casler, A. Jolly and E. A. Roush, Monterey Park; Al Muller and Amos Geib, San Gabriel; Riley Manning, Rosemead; J. Saltonstall, R. 'Wolstoncroft and F. P. Sap-
Mr. O. V. Pratt, formerly of the firm of Pratt &'Warner, and an expert in the making and merchandising of built-in things, has just been appointed Sales Manager in charge of sales and advertising for H. V. Cowan Company, of Los Angeles.
Mr. Pratt has been with Mr. Cowan for the past six months. His first job was the re-arranging and coordinating of the Cowan plant for the purpose of specializing in the production of the Cowan Built-In line of furniture. This finished, and the production and efficiency of the plant greatly increased, Mr. Pratt lvas placed in charge of the sales and trade promotion department of the company.
Mr. Cowan is going into the built-in business stronger, probably, than anyone in this territory has ever attempted be{ore, building a marvelous line of things, but featuring principally his kitchen built-ins. Mr. Pratt is keenly equipped to handle his new department.
Phillip Johnson Vistts San Francisco
Phillip Johnson, of the E. E. Johnson Lumber Co., Coquille, Oregon, was a recent visitor in San Francisco, pington of E,l Monte; Leland Muller, Arcadia; Ted Stover, Wilmar; Glenn Billheimer, Lathrop Leishman, O. D. Adams, W. G. Newmyer, Harold Simeral, 'Wm. Burns, Chas. Faulkner, William Davies, Paul Orban, Henry Plank, Mr. Smith and C. M. Enkstrand, secretary of the Pasadena Lumbermen's Club; 4 C. Hill and Clarence Parker of South Pasadena: Leslie of Los Angeles. and L. L. Kelly