3 minute read
Sash, Doors and Frarnes,
standard or special,
with workmanship and material (California Pines) of the very highest quality are turned out by our system that combines quantity production with craftsman-built workmanship. Doors include our laminated, water-proof, els and veneered faces of California Pine. able.
warp-proof construction with panHandsome, attractive and depend-
Builders like these goods. Dealers find them highly salable.
"l had a cook once," said Paul Bunyan, "who was one of the first men to think of quantity production. He made up a month's supply of pancakeo at one time. They got so tough we used them to half-sole our boote and for hinges on the doors. He was gent down the tote-road, for I demand quality as well as quantity."
MIXED CARS FROM RED RMR of er unique adoantages. Wide range of stochs, rates and shipment seroice. Do you get our"Weekly Stoch Letter?"
"Producerc of White Pine for Over HaIf a Century"

An attractive feature of the Builders' Exposition of f/ On Saturday, November the 26th, the Sacramento ValSouthem California, by the Builders' Exchange, November ley Lumbermen's Club held their regular monthly meeting 28 to December 3, was the exhibit of Northwest Forest in the Senator Hotel at Sacramento. In the absence of Eod-ucq, which was prepared_by the West Coast Lumber President 'Walden, Jo Shepard of Friend & Terry Lumber Trade Extension Bureau of Longview, Washington, and Co., Sacramento, presided.- J.J. Farley of the Paiific Lumwas loaned to the California Retail Lumbermen's Asso- ber Co., San Francisco, was on hand with moving pictures ciation. This handsome educational exhibit was placed on of their mill and logging operations at Scotia, which prodisplay in the Exposition through the cooperation of three vided a very intereiting lna instructive entertainrnint. Los Angeles lumber firms-Hammond Lumber Co., Con- Harvey fsenhower of thJHolmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Many thousands of people from Los Angeles and neigh- convention recently held at Los Angeles. L. J. Woodson, boring towns attended the expositiop and the lumber Ex- Northern California representative of Wheeler-Osgood Co., hibit proved an important drawing card. Many prospective manufacturers of Laminex Doors, talked on conditions in home builders, architects, contractors and others visited the sash and door industry. the Northwest Forest products exhibit and procured liter- Th$" present at thg meeting were: ature and other information regarding Red Cedar shingles, lo Shepard, Friend & Terry Lbr. Co., Sacramento; C. D. Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock, Sitka spruce and West- l.eMaster, Sacramento; Russell Tracey, Friend & Terry ern Red Cedar lumber for various purposes in construc- !bt. Co., Sacramento; Walter Baker, Friend & Terry Lbr. tion. A number of actual sales of shingles and lumber Co., Sacramento; I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico; were made at the booth during the Exposition. L. J. Woodson, "Laminex Doors", San Francisco; H. Isenhower, Holmes-Eureka Lbr. Co., San Francisco; E, T. Robbie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn; Tom Brown, J. E. Higgins Lbr. Co., San Francisco; J. J. Farley, The Pacific Lbr. Co., San Francisco; Earl E,. Bbwe, Nat. Lbr. Mfg. Assn., San Francisco; R. C. Thompson, The Timberman, San Francisco; Harry Terrell, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co., San Francisco; J. R. Neylan, Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co., San Francisco; "Doc" Folsom, Celotex Co., San Francisco; H. Henry, Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co., San Francisco; W. H. Woods, "The California Lumber Merchant". San Francisco.
solidated Lumber Co.. and E. K. Wood Lumber Co, Francisco, reported on the California Retail Lumbermen's
This attractive exhibit of West Coast woods is one of sixteen that the West Coast I umber Bureau is making for display at various state retail lumber dealers' conventions all over the country. The exhibit was on view at the California Retail Lumbermen's convention in Los Angeles, November 10 to 12, and was loaned to the state association by the Bureau for exhibition purposes all over the state by district clubs or retail organizations and by individual or groups of dealers who may desire to utilize the exhibit. Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary California Retail Lumbermen's Association, 112 Market Street, San Francisco, is handling the matter of furnishing the exhibit to ' dealers over the state.
"Ask Redwood Association to send airmail three sets working instruments design 'Pioneer'."
This message, sent by Mr. G. N. Thornton, Treasurer of the Southern Pacific Company, from his office at 165 Broadway, New York City, was received on December 6.by Mr. G. S. Evans, of the Railroad's office in San Francrsco.
Mr. Evans telephoned the request to the office of the California Redwood Association and twenty minutes later the blueprints and specifications rvere delivered to the airmail section of the San Francisco Post Office.
Myron Woodard A San Francisco Visitor
Myron Woodard, president of the Silver'Falls Timber Co., spent a few days in San Francisco during the latter part of November.
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