3 minute read
SnoqualmieFallsLuoberCo.,SnoqurtmieFalb,Vesh. ClearmterTimberCo., I.ewiston, Ideho TheNorthernlbnCo. Cloquet,Minn. Humbirdl-mberCo. Sandpoint, Idaho Weyerhaeuser Tbr. Co.,,Everett,I7ash. Johnson-Ifeotwotth Co.,Cloquet,Mion. Edward Rutledge Timber Co. Coeur d'Aleoe, Idaho Veyethaeuser Tbr. Co., Baltimorc, Md. 'VoodC,onvenionCo, Cloquet,Mino, PodatchLmberCo. ..... Podatch,Idaho VeyerhaeusetTbr.C.o.,Portsoouth,!'.I. BonoersFertylbr.Co.,BonnersFerry,Ida. Boise Payette LuberCo. .Boise,Idaho VeyerheeuserTb.Co.,PortNewarkNJ. Ifeyethaewer Timber Company, Minaesota Transfer, St. Paul, Minoesota
L. C. Hammond Elected Vice-President
J. M. Hotchkiss, Hobbs, Wall & Company, was re-elected President of the California Redwood Association for the 5th consecutive .time at the organization meeting of the Board of Directors of that Association. held in San Francisco on December 6, L927.
Mr. L. C. Hammond, Hamrnond Lumber Company, was elected Vice-President, and NIr. R. F. Hammatt, who has been with the Association since 1921, r'vas retained as Secretary-Manager.
The Board of Directors affirmed its policy to continue the Redwood advertising and merchandising campaign and formally adopted Budget which, in its opinion, will permit of the execution of that campaign.
Longfellow Club Members May Get Longer Life Now
Mr. Ben Ostlind, Coos Veeneer and Box Co., Marshfield, Oregon, is interviewed by Int.ernational News Service reporter on his recent visit to Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5.-(I. N. S.)-Ben Ostlind of Marshfield, Ore., head of the Longfellows' Club of the Tall Men's Association, unbent long enough today to tell of some of the achievements of his organization, which is dedicated to making life more tranquil and comfortable for men with towering frames.
Mounting a small step ladder, a reporter managed to shout into Ostlind's ear:
"lJnhinge, Mr. Ostlind, and tell us what is going on."
Whereupon from his great height, Ostlind recounted and recapitulated as follows: down from his perch.
"Twenty-five hotels have put in long beds and bedding for the convenience of the long men.
"Several cities have passed high awning ordinances.
"New Pullmans will have longer berths.
"Special long beds have been installed on some of new ships of the Swedish-American Line."
The Los Angeles HooHoo Club are going to entertain the children again at their Third Annual Christmas Party, Wednesday noon, December 21, at the Elite Cafe, 633 So. Flower Street, Los Angeles. If you attended this event last year when the Club was host to over 400 orphan children, you will surely want to be on hand again this year to assist in extending some Christmas cheer to these youngsters. An excellent program has been arranged for their entertainment and the committee is not overlooking anything to make these youngsters hrppy. Luncheon will be served and Santa Claus will be there in person to present the children with presents.
The party is being financed through the sale of tickets at $1.00 each. If you want to act as sponsor for one or more of these youngsters, forward your check to Mel Coe, 403 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles, who is acting as treasurer for the committee.
All lumbermen are invited to attend and are urged to participate in this event. The Christmas Party Commit- event. I ne Lnnstmas rarty Lor tee. includes: A. L. Hoover, chairman, B. W. B ne :luoes : -f\. t-. lJ. w. 5yrne, Barker, Roy Stanton, Frank Burnaby, Ted Lawce, B. W. Bookstaver, Floyd Dernier and Mel Coe.
Big Douglas Fir Sticks Cut For Use In Panama
A Douglas
recently was "big sticks" fir timber, 80 feet long and 34 inches square, cut at a West Coast mill as the last of three for a special government order. It was taken nore than four feet in diameter at the small the from a log more than small end. which scaled 9.925 board feet. These are to be end, 9,925 feet. to be
"So long !" remarked the interviewer, as he stepped used as anchoring "spuds" on government dredges in \he Panama Canal Zone-
"You said it !" was the somewhat lind as he moved away, his head in pensive reply of Ostthe clouds.
Jack Rea, Los Angeles manager for W. & Co., spent a few days around the first calling on the San Diego lumber trade.
R. Chamberlin of the month
R. F. Hammat, San Francisco, secretary-manager of the California Redrvood Association, was a recent visitor in Los Angeles. He spent a few days in the Southern California metropolis attending to association business matters.