2 minute read

Finding New Redwood Prospects for the Retail Lumber Dealer

\r'o MILLToN homes are reached with the Redwood message as broadcast by the California Redwood Association through that organization's national advertising campaign. A message that tells the full story of Redwood-of its serviceability for nearly every form of interior or exterior construction.

Aduertisements tbat leatare tbe "Redutood Home Plans" booh bting tbousands of enqairies. Tbese ftospect names are turned ouet to lumber dealets in cities from ubicb enquiries originated.

And the response to this advertising reflected through thousands of direct enquiries, is evidence of the prospective home-owner's enlivened interest in Redwood. It remains for the retail lumber dealer to take full advantage of this added interest by aggressive sales effort in behalf of Redwood.

You will always find large stocks of this lumber in all grades and sizes ar Hammond's. Vhether by direct rail shipment from our Samoa mill or from wholesale distributing yards at Los Angeles Harbor, you will find a definite service on your orders for Redwoed-gfix6's a worth while insurance for you.


After two preliminary meetings at uihich the matter of The Albion Lumber_ Comp-any of San Francisco, cut and organizing a' lumbermen's cluil in So[roma County was presented t9 th-e children of San Francisco, what is predis-cussedl final arrangements were co{npleted at a meet- fumed to be the largest Redwood Christmas tree ever ing recently held at t-[re Boyes Spring$ Hotel. Eleven oJUZplouglt into San Francisco. The tree was cut near Althi fourteen lumber yards in the iouni{y were represented. ' bion, Mendocino County, and is 125 leet tal!, 30 inches in llorace Camm, Camm & Hedges, Petaluma, acted as tem- diameter and has a limb spread of 30 to 35 feet. The tree porary chairman and Herb eochrane, Cochrane Lumber was brought down on their steamer Pasadena, and it reCo., icted as temporary secretary. The motion to organize quired a fleet of trucks to transport it from the docks to a ciub was unanimousiy adopted and the charter members Twin Peaks where it is set up. The tree weighed eight of the organization wili include those yards now existing tons aL4-is a magnificent specimen of redwood growth. in Sonom-a County.

Mr. Flinn, gen-eral manager of the company, states that

Mead Clark of -Santa Rosa was elected president, Len it is the policy of the company in their operatiohs to plant Gilbert of Healdsburg, vice-president and Herb Cochrane, twenty-five to thirty trees -for each redwood tree cut and of Petaluma, secretaiy-treasurer. The club will be ofr- that this policy will be carried out in regard to this Christcially known as the Sonoma County Lumbermen's Club. rnas tree.

Sonoma County already has a Millwork Institute Branch representinC tf-te -mills.in.the. cognty and both

Bill Morrison To Visit

'ORTLAND organizations will rvork hand in hand. Both these organizations meet on the same night, around a common Bill Morrison, Los Angeles, manager of the Southern E""qu.t table, at which the matt-ers of interest to both California operations of the C' D' Johnson Lumber Co', the 'mills "rd yards are discussed. Th;- q;;.iion_gf will -spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays with ,,Credits,, will be discussed at the ".*i--*."'iio6- The his folks at Portland, Oregon. -He will leave for the y"ra, "rra *itt. of the county feel that they have made North shortly after the middle of the month' While in one of the most progr.rrilre stlps that has e.rlr been made Portland' he will be a visitor at the comp-an-y's Portland bt ah" lumber industry in the county in- a-good many office where he will confer with officials of the company' yi"r., " spirit of good will is particularit pr&;;nt and He will return to Los Angeles after the first of the year' lhey are looking forward to a year of prosperity.

Elmore King Visits Los Angeles

Elmore King, King Lumber Co,, Bakersfield' was ,a Los Angeles visitor around the first of the month where he spent a few days attending to company business matters.

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