3 minute read
lnccpratcd rndcr tbr bve of Callfcnla
J. C. Dlo!.' Pro. and Trcs; J. E. MardD' Vle-Prcs.3 A- C. Mcrrynu, Jr, Sacy' Pubtished thc lct aid f5th d Grch nmth at 3rt-19-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES' CAL.' TELEPHONE -VAnlikc a5C5 Entcrcd u Secod-clu mattsr Scptsnber U, lr4 at tbs Pctolfie tt lan Angclee, Callfrnla' undGr Act ol Marcb I ft'g.
Subrcription Price, $2.lXl pcr YGat Slnglc Copier, 25 ccntl cach.
How Lumber Looks
Dowla.r Fir Cargo. It is reported that-moet of -the larger -iU"-il "tt"tting-down from te to 18 days duing the -.iU of DecemEe,r. Stockt on the Atlantic Coart lre r€' ""ttJ as well cleened up, and ttere have been a large It""r-t of inquiries coming in from the eart coast drring p"ri *""k, opoi"ttv for lith. Stockr at the rnillr continue low.
Vcrtical grain clearu, and dl gr-ad9 of No' 1 and 2 vertical graii flooring' are Ecarc'e and pricee very firrn"
According to tte report of the Wect Coart Lumbernen'c .4"-.1*i""-ot O"."-t r 7, orders exceeded productionty -5.t-;;t and rhipmentr have been in excecs of cutting il it p.t .""t durils the 3O weekr from Mav.,l t9 ry3' vember-24, based on reports of lo-3^maior tt:'H. in the Douglas fir-region in Washington and Orecon- ltfiu {qrr .r -t6.O per ient under thoce reported ar of May I tor 1O3 identical mills.
The Californir demand continues light but there are man-y i"""itio o"i-f"n i"t ""ty businerc. -Ar crrstomary at Qis ifri"?1n" i".t, U. dealers are holding down their rtocks orior to invirrtorrr. Fir cargo receiptt at San Pedro for the ;;;th "f N"r"*'-U* totabJ 78,990 M feet' Unsold atocks ;i-fi F"dto are below normal and well rmder the emotmt "i f.rJ"" that was on hand at this time last_ year. There
58-";eb hid up, with 6 boate on off'shore rtmr'
Dowlar Fir RaiL The rnarket hes shown practically no "h;dd"tt"s the past two weeks, and pricet remain firm'
C. G. Corkran of the Owen-Oregon Lumber Co:npany' iU.at"ra, Ore., manufacturers of both Douglas. Fir and California Pine lumber' was a recent Texas visitor on a hri"..r irip for his firm. He also visited Oklahoma City' f"f." ""a f<.ut tut City, after which he went East to visit his old home in Baltimore, Md. He expected to return to his Sacramento headquarters about Christmas'
Tud]d Greenman, superintendent of the Central Coal & dkt -ompany's big hitt at -Vernonia, Ore', recently reiur".a-to iis'head{uarters from a business trip to the company's head offici at Kansas City'
Sra Frencirco O6cc ll2 MuLot Sb,..t
7lE Seta Marhr BtdC.
Tclcphoc Damprt t/lt
Southcrn OEcc
2nd Nadoal B.nk BUs. Houton, Tuar
Advcrtiring Ratcr on Applicrtion
The shingle and lath rnarketr remain about tte rrmc. Redwood. The California and ea'rtctn demand continucr about norrnal for thir lealon of the year. Foreign ehipmcntr have beeo heavy, and there ia r good demand from the indrutrial centefr. Pricee remain firm.
Californb White and Sugar Pine. The market rhowed no change during t'he pa^rt two weelc. Pricer continue firm. The -demand for fa&orv stock, and from the indurtriel rections, continues good. -llo. 2 white pine board: are,in good demana with the price on this item very strong. Stocks at the millr are reported low.
According to the report of the National Lumber Manufacturerr As-rociation, of December 7, tAe total roftwood -ot"-ent for the firsi'f8 weekr of 1928 lhows: Production' ig,gSt,egZ M feet; Shipments, 14,35?,802 M fect; Or' d'ers, 14,351r37t M feet.
F; tfie mitts of the West Coast Lunberrnen's 'drrocia' tion. tte report ahows for thir same period: Production, 6'' S96;Zed M feet; Shipments, 6,492,508 M feet; Orderq 6,679,974 M feet. -'Th;'frd- for Southern Pine for the first 48 weeks of the r""r *.-t Production, 313191335 M feet; Shipmenb, 3r- -eZO,gtg M feet; Ordere, 3,606,278 M feet' --ic"ordittg to ihe report, the figur--er- for the Cdifornia Whit" and Susar Pine Association millr for ttris P9loi!-arg: prJ""ii*, l;282,581 M feet; Shipmentr, l,3o2rtl67 NI feet; Ordere , 1,2ffir235 M feet.
F. W. Smith, field representative of the Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing -Company, has recently returned fio- " trip to Texas, where he wa1 doing- sale: promation work in t-he interests of Maltese Cross Red Cedar Products. Mr. Smith called on the trade in the Dallas and Houston districts in company with salesmen of the W' T' Norris Lumber Compaiy, iales representatives for Texas for this concern.
Mr. R. Rumple of Pasadena, has recently purch-ased the Tweedy Bouleiard Lumber Company. A' Goddard was the former owner.