3 minute read
Terse and Interesting Facts
Chicago Skyscraper Done Hammond Supplies Redwood Entirely in Philippine for Highway Jobs
R. E. Ford, of Los Angeles, Director of Sales for Cadwallader-Gibson Company, has just returned from a business trip to Chicago, and reports that the consumption and popularity of their Philippine woods is developing very fast.
There has just been completed in Chicago a wonderful modern skyscraper building, with doors and trim throughout made of Bataan. It is the Stop dnd Shop Building, right down in the loop district of the city, and is made up of stores from basement to roof. Mr. Ford says the woodwork in this building is attracting great attention.
Pickering Lumber Co. Buys More Pine Timber
Purchase of 51,000 acres of timber land in western Modoc County by the Pickering Lumber Co., which acquired the acreage from the Red River Lumber Company, was announced recently by officials of the company. Approximately 1,000,000,000 feet of timber was involved in the deal.
The Hammond Lumber Company recently started shipping structural grade Redwood for the highway jobs, one of which is located in Kern County, and the other in Madera County. The two jobs will use about 450,000 feet. The lumber for the Kern County job was sold by King Lumber Co., Formosa.
The piling for both of these bridges was supplied by the Union Lumber Company.
Pacific Preparing Special Screen Door Catalogue
"We are going after this eastern screen door business strong, and are preparing a peach of a brand new catalogue on our Sugar Pine screen doors alone," says'Charles Mapel, Secretary of the Pacific Door & Sash Company, of Los Angeles. Mr. Mapel recently returned from an eastern selling trip impressed more than ever that California Sugar Pine screen doors have a great future all over the country, that they surpass in quality any eastern-made screen, and that Pacific must specialize in them more than ever before. Therefore the new catalogue.
Realistic Drawing
"Smell anything, Grandmother?" asked the youngster who was lying on the floor drawing.
Grandmother sniffe4 and assured him that she did not. He drew some more, then lrepeated his question. Again Grandmother sniffed the air.
"No, Johnnie," she said, "I don't smell anything. Why?" "Well," said the boy, "You ought to, Grandmother. I've jest drawed a skunk."
The Difference
The codfish lays a million eggs, ThC modest hen but one, But the codfish doesn't cackle
To inform you what she's done. And so ute spurn the codfish egg While helpful hens we prize, Which indicates to thoughtful mindsIt pays to advertise.
College Stuff
Parson George Washington Lincoln had graduated from a "cullud" university of high standing, and had learned college ways of speaking. He began his firqt .sermon, as follows: "Brethren, unless you repent, in a measure, and be converted, as it were, you will, I regret to ,state, be Damned."
The Scotch Farmer
Economical Angus MacPherson fell in his cistern. The watef was eight feet deep, and cold, but Mr. MacPherson could swim. His wife, discovering his situation, yelled excitedly down to him: "I'll ring the dinner bell for the boys and they'll come in and pull you out." "What time is it?" asked MacPherson. "About eleven o'clock," said his wife. "No," said MacPherson, "let 'em work on until dinner time. I'll swim around'till they come."

Mary wears a little skirt, It's short and thin and airy, It never shows a speck of dirt But it shows a lot of Mary.
True love of country is not blind partisanship. It is regard for the people of one's country, and all of th'em; it is a feeling of fellowship and brotherhood for all of thern; it is a desire for the prosperity and happiness of all o{ thqm. The essential condition of true progress is that which is based on grounds of reason, and not of prejudice.
-Elihu Root.
They Softly Walk
They are not gone who pass Beyond the clasp of hand, Out from the strong embrace, They are but come so close We need not grope with hands
Nor look to see, nor try
To catch the sound of feet. They have put off their shoes
Softly to walk by day
Within our thoughts, to tread
At night our dream-led paths
Of sleep.
They are not lost who find The sunset gate, the goal Of all their faithful years.
Nor lost are they who reach The summit of their climb, The peak above the clouds
And storms. They are not lost
Who find the light of sun
And stars-and God.
-Hugh Robert Orr.
No More
They sat alone in the moonlight, She smoothed Joe's troubled brow, "Dearest," she said, "my life's been fast
But I'm on my last lap now."
"f want to buy a lawn mower," said the piospective customer to the clerk.
"We don't handle lawn mowers. This is a drug store," replied the clerk.
"\ily'ell, all I've got to say," said the prospective buyer as he looked about him curiously, "is that this is a Hell of a drug store."
The Most Important Things
IN A HOME, are not the furnishings, but the things money cannot buy.
IN RELIGION, are not its doctrines but the tlings a man experiences for himself.
IN A CHURCH, are not its sectarian peculiarities but the inner lives of its members.
IN A SCHOOL, are not its textbooks, but the ideals of its teachers
IN POLITICS, are not present promises but past performances.
IN A MAN'S SUCCESS, are not his physical assets, but the things he cannot bequeath his children.