2 minute read
with the Sash Door and Mill Workers Lumberman
Flies Own Plane to Millwork Convention
Kenneth R. Walker, Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, flew _his own plane from Los Angeles to San Francisco on November 22, in order to attend the convention of the Millwork Institute of California.
Mr. Walker left Los Angeles at 9:30 a.m., and was sitting-at lunch in his old fraternity house at Stanford Univ_ersity at l2:3O p.m., proceeding later to San Francisco. His plane is a Tiavelair, powerJd with a Wright Whirlwind engine. He estimates {hat this plane can make the trip from San Francisco to Westwood in an hour and a half.
Planing Mill Burned
Fire destroyed the planing mill of the Doty Lumber & Shingle Company at Doty, Wash., December 5. The loss was estimated at $75.000.
Interior View New Biltmore Hotel Annex White Cedar Firms Merge
The above illustration shows Conference Rooms 3 and 4 of the new Annex to the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, with the interior walls made of beautiful quarter sawed white oak panels.
The Hammond Lumber Co. of Los Angeles manufactured and installed the interior and exterior woodwork of the new addition to the hotel. Art Gallery No. 2, Arcade, Conference Room No. 344 and Galleries were furnished in selected quarter sawed white oak. The entrance lobby to the_ apartments on the upper floors, all doors from foyer to ball room, and ladies rest rooms in the sub-basement ire in black walnut. The doors to the apartments and guest rooms were.,furnished in birch.
The superiority of the millwork as fnanufactured by the California mills may be best evidenced by this recently completed building. The architects were Shultz and Weaver, who were represented by Mr. Heitschmidt.
7O0 Year Old Fir Cut
-_A Douglas Fir tree was cut recently at Twin Camp, Wash., which was 700 years old and scaled 58,000 board feet. The stump was slightly oval, 12 leet the narrow rvay, and 13 feet the widest way. It stood 3lO feet high lvithout a flaw, the center wood being as hard as a pencll. A three-foot section near the stump was saved for a permanent exhibit in the museum of the State University at Seattle.
Announcement was made recently at Marshfield. Ore.. of the completion of a $5,000,000 *erg.r of Port Orford White Cedar interests. The new holding company will be known as the Port Orford Cedar Products Company. and will control two veneer plants, one lumber mili, and 31,000 acres of timber.
The member firms are Western White Cedar Company, Coos Veneer & Box Company; Pacific Veneer Company, and the Willamette Pacific Box Factorv.
The company controls 412,000,000 fe"et of Port Orford Cedar, and 1,100,000,000 feet of Douglas Fir.
Officers of the holding company are Charles Russell, Dant & Russell, Portland, chairman of the board; A. E. Adelsperger, Western White Cedar Co., president; Ben- jamin Ostlind, Coos Veneer & Box Co.; vice-president; l_ohn -D. Goss, attorney, secretary, and Claud Nasburg, Coos Veneer & Box Co., treasurer.
Dant & Russell, Portland, will handle the sales output of the concern.
This deal puts the White Cedar business at Coos Bay in the hands of two firms, as the Evans Auto Loading-Co. of Detroit recently acquired the plants of the W. J. Conrad Lumber Co. and the Western Lumber Mfg. Co.
L. C. Stewart, Vice President of Sudden & Christenson, San Francisco, is spending several days at the Company's mills at Willapa Harbor and Grays lfarbor, Washington.