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The Prfect Grnbination h Grnent
TIHROUGH an ingenious combination of qualities, Victor Hydro-Plastic Cement possesses plasticityeasy workabilitywithout any loss of strength.
All of its remarkable qualities exist side by side without detracting in the least from each other, which makes it the new cement to meet new conditions.
fn stucco work Victor HydroPlastic produces a fineness of grain and uniformity of, texture that is eminently pleasing.
We have some interesting facts to glve you regarding Victor Hyro-Plastic Cement. Facts that will mean additional profitstime and money saved. Ask us for them.
Thirty Five New Installations of Cowan Built-in Displays
The merchandising campaign of H. V. Cowan Company, fnc., on their kitchen built-in-displays for retail lumbir oifices, has met with remarkable success. and Mr. Cowan expresses himself as highly pleased with their initial ninety day effort.
Already thirty-five retail lumber offices in Southern California have installed this very attractive display, and many others are planning to rearrange their offices to make room for the equipment so that they can do likewise.
"And rvhat pleases us most," says Mr. Cowan, President, is that these dealers have not only installed these displays, but our order files show that they are pushing sales to beat the band." The Cowan plant on South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, one of the most efiicient institutions ever built for the purpose of building built-ins, is running full blast and to full capacity, taking care of their orders.
They have divided their Southern California sales territory into districts, each district being covered by a special salesman, and these salesmen are not only calling on the retail lumber trade, but they are likewise calling on the architect, contractor, and building trade, selling the idea of these standardized built-ins.

Besides the regular set of built-in displays which Cowan has been featuring, they likewise have smaller units of display for offices not large enough for the full equipment.
Sudden & Christensen have moved their headquarters from the Hind Building to the Alaska Commercial Building, at Sansome and California streets, San Francisco, where they occupy the entire seventh floor. The nell' quarters are larger than the old ones and are much more convenient,
The company has arranged to retain its former telephone number, Garfield 2846.
There Is A Reason
Why the Largert millr are inrtalling our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your requirements for air cooled and. brick lined refure burnerrnew and used boilerr of all rizes and typer.
Scettlc, Wuh.
I Clitr Estes
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Arrange for Annual Christmas Party
/ The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo will hold the Fourth Annual y'Christmas Party for needy children on Friday noon, December 2L, at the Commercial Club, Los Angeles.
Cliff Estes, Chairman of the Committee, has appointed the following to serve on the committee: LeRoy Stanton, Paul Hallingby, Howard Curran, Kenneth Smith, J. A. Thomas, Curtis Merryman, Eugene F. Ganahl, J. E. Martin, Curtis Williams, A. L. Hoover, T. B. Lawrence, B. W. Bookstaver, Harry V. Hanson and B. W. Byrne.
Through the cooperation of the teachers in the Public Schools, the lumbermen will entertain about 1@ needy children with a luncheon and entertainment. Useful gifts will also be presented to the children.
Pacific Southwest Hardwood Co. Install Small Mill
The Pacific Southwest Hardwood Company has installed a small mill at their plant on South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, consisting of a planer, cut-off saw, and some small equipment. This enables them to give an improved service in the preparation of their stock. The sheds and fences have been very attractively emblazoned with advertising signs on the boulevard side, full advantage being taken of their excellent location. S. L. Stofle is manager.
Red Cedar Shingle Congress
(Continued from Page 28)
Merrill & Ring Lumber Co., Seattle; G. G. Evenson, Qual- ity Shingle Co., Edmonds, Wash.; R. L. Hennessy, Mumby Lumber & Shingle Co., Bordeaux, 'Wash.; S. G. Smith, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.; E. M. Dearing, Consolidated Shingle Mills of B. C., Ltd.; Geo. Pauze, Eureka Lumber & Shingle Co., Hoquiam, Wash.; Al Kuhn, Robert Gray Shingle Co., Hoquiam, Wash.; H. J. Bailey, Saginaw Timber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., and P. R. Smith, Seattle.
In the evening the annual shingle industry get-together dinner and dance was held in the ball room of the Hotel Georgia. Archie Moore of the B. C. Lumberman acted as master of ceremonies. Cabaret entertainment was provided, and George Gittus gave a clever impersonation.
16 California St., San Francirco Importerr of
Japanese Oak
Lumber, Logr, Squarer, Dimenrion, Steppi.g
E:clurivc Mill Agcntr for thc Paciic Coart