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YiS Sash Door and Mill Workers
Ray B. Cox, Built-In-F'ixture Co., Berkeley, chairman of the board of governors of the recently formed Home Modernizing Bureau of the East Bay, presided at an enthusiastic general meeting of that body held at the P. G. & E. Bldg., Oakland, November 16.
Harlan K. Nygaard, assistant secretary of the National Home Modernizing Bureau, spoke on the subject of the assistance that the National Bureau can render to tlie local bureaus, and told of the progress being made in other cities.
J. E. Neighbor, managing director of the bureau, read a telegram from the National Bureau giving the information that as .a result of a full page advertisement prepared by them and run in two local newspapers, the Bureau had received over 10@ job amounting to $220,000 for
Narrow Band Saws
Made of high - grade steel, Simonds Narrow Band Saws take an edge and hold it. Th.y retain their tension and cut fast and smoother.
For better service specify Simonds Narrow Band Saws.
modernizing an ofifrce building, and that the bureau is swamped with work.
Ralph T. Fisher, vice-president of the American Trust Co., heartiJy endorsed the movement, promised his suppgrt, and said he believed much help could be had from civic organizations.
Emil Friesch, realtor, and J. H. Pedgrift, contractor, expressed the idea that much benefit can accrue to their respective businesses from the Home Modernizing movement.
Change Of Location
The state offices of the Millwork Institute of California are now located at Boo.m 224, Outpost Building, 6715 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles.
Frank Benz Manager Of San Diego Planing Mills
Frank Benz, formerly Assistant Manager of the Russ Mill & Lumber Company, San Diego, has recently been made Manager of ,h: tl Di:qo jl""ing Mills.
The J. Neils Lumber Company of Libby, Montana, has placed an order with the Moore Dry Kiln Company of North Portland, Oregon, and Jacksonville, Florida, for two of Moore's reversible cross circulation internal fan kilns. Construction work on the kiln buildings has been under u'ay for the last several weeks and installation of kiln equipment began on November 30. The kilns are expected to be ready for operation by December 15.