2 minute read
1he Cost of Carelessnessl
Careld$ness is always costlylug nowhere does it exact a more frightful toll, in lives and money, than in our annual tribute to fire. Each year, I 5,000 lives are gacrificed and nearly $600,000,000.00 is lesl-and the pity of it is that 75Vo of all fires could be prevented, over | 1,000 lives and $450,000,000.00 of property could be saved. The Lumber Industry pays its full share of this l6ss-6nd can save in equal measure by 6re prevention.
Prevention of fires means a reduction in fire losses. As a matter of service to our policyholders and to the Lumber Industry, we give special attention to the elimination of hazards and the prevention of fire. If we fail to pre' vent, our resources and reputation guarantee prompt settlement for losses suffered. The Lumber Mutuals offer the highest quality of protection a lumberman can buy, with dividends which actually represent a definite saving of about 40/c in cost.
Write any ol our companies for information aboul our fire prevention seruice, the protection oflereil uniler our policies, anil the saving eflecteil by our dividenils.

Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Hold Dinner and Concatenation
Parson SlrtuPkin
About 50 members of Hoo Hoo attended the dinner and concatenation staged by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoq gn Monday evening, December 10, at the Commercial Club. Six past vicegerent snarks of the district which included B. C. Forsyth, the first snark of the District, Dave Woodhead, Frank Curran, Herman Rosenberg, Phil Hart and W. B. Wickersham were present and were called on for short talks. W. F. Johnson, vicegerent snark of tJre Fresno District, was present and addressed the meeting.
Parson Simpkin was the speaker and gave an excellent inspirational address on the work and activities of the Order.
William I. Jones, Field Engineer for thq Trade Extension Department of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, was initiated into the Order by Parson Simpkin. Dave Woodhead read the code of ethics. Jack Dionne acted as toastmaster.

San Diego Hoo Hoo Initiate Nine Kittens
Eighty-five members of Hoo Hoo attended the dinner and ioncatenation held at San Diego on Tuesday evening, December 11. Nine kittens were initiated and there were five reinstatements. During the dinner hour, there was / music and an excellent entertainment' / Parson Simpkin was the speaker of the evening and gave an excellent address on the work of the Order. The initiation was in charge of Bill Cowling, Vicegerent Snark of the District, and the Nine are receiving many compliments for the fine work they put on in leading the kittens through the onion patch.
San Francisco Hoo Hoo
To Hold Annual Christmas Party
December 20
San Franciseo Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 will hold their Annual Christmas Party for the children on Thursday noon, December 2O, at the Cliff Hotel, San Francisco.
Russell Gheen has been appointed chairman of the Arrangements Committee by Prisident Fred Roth. The fti,llowing will act as chairmen of the various- committe-es-: Finanie, Frank O'Conhor; Entertainment, Chauncey Stibick; Transportation, Bill Clarkson. M. E. (Duke) Euphr,at will act as Santa Claus. Howard Gunton will furnish the Christmas tree. Through the courtesy of the Market Street Railway, special cars will be furnished free for transporting the children.
Mrs. Frank O'Connor and Mrs. Russell Gheen will purchase and wrap the Christmas presents for the children, and will act as hostesses at the Party.
The Club will act as host to children from the McKinley Orphanage, St. Joseph's Orphanage and the Friendly Centei Settlement. The Christmas party is one of the big events of the year with the San Francisco IIoo Hoo, and as usual a big attendance of lumbermen will attend the party.
Fred Roth Elected President of San FranciscoHoo Hoo Club
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club on November 23, Fred Roth was elected president, succeeding J. E. Higgins, Jr., yho--recently risigned. Mr. Roth has always been an active Hoo Hoo workel in the Bay District and is a former vicegerent snark of the District. During the past year, he was a member of the Supreme Nine.