5 minute read
Electric Hand Saw long and the eye can detect not the slightest fault in alignment, of the forty-three posts. Sight along any long or-short post row in this big-plant and the same surprising accuracy of alignment is noticeable.
The saw you take to the lumber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for all classes of work where a porr. able hand 8aw can be used.
Operates from ordinary light socket. Weight 1O to 26 lbs.
The 10Jb. saw ideal for cuaing veneer. Why not investigate the man placee you can use a SKILSA\V in your business?
Syntron mototless electrio hammers for con. crete drilling and chipping. For erecting machin. ery and remodeling joba.
One naturally expects new shed framing to look .clean and good, but the L-ong-Bell kiln dried Douglas Fir dimension used to frame these sheds is so straight and good looking that the general impression is that only_ clear, perfeci lumber wai used in lts building. The alleys of generous width are sky-lighted at frequent intervals. There are no dark corners anywhere in the shed and the 7l-watt reflected lights spaced at 3Gfoot intervals over the alleys turn night into day when darkness overtakes the winter working hours. Another advantage of this lighting system is that the night watchman in his rounds can switch on the light and see into every nook and corner of the shed.
The lumber bins are of standard 4 ft. 2 in. by 7 ft. dimensions for the ground floor. Second and third tier bins are of like width, but of less height. Alley bridges placed at convenient intervals clear the alley floor by 12 f.eet. These sheds are thoroughly wind braced. Diagonal bracing over bin roofs is of 2x8 pieces laid horizontally and cairied from alley to alley or to shed wall. Diagonal
A frequently overlooked opportunity in the conduct of lumber yards is the use of the end walls of lumber sheds at alley intersections for the display of yard merchandise. Manager Broderson is preparing to utilize such space to timbers from roof to bin piers forestall end wracking by wind pressure. These sheds will probably stand straight and plumb as long as they stand at all.
Hardutare Department
display built-up sections of all roofing materials carried in stock and for displays of outside wall sections and of paint and other pickup items. Such fabricated displays help the customer in deciding on the kind and pattern of material he would purchase. Space so used is a year-around salesman adding to volume at little, if any, cost.
Considered part by part or as a whole this retail plant is a source of inspiration to all lumbermen who visit it and yet all this has been accomplished without the extravagant use of money. In fact, it is a most conservative investment. Its excellence then must be accounted for by a half century's retail lumber experience, thorough attention to detail and a desire not only to supply dependable building material but to provide service and facilities in keeping with modern merchandising.
William I. Jones, Field Engineer with the Trade Extension Department of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, is doing special work in the Southern California District where he is conferring with the retail lumber dealers. Mr. Jones was initiated into Hoo Hoo at the Los Angeles concatenation on December 10.
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
THnt ueN wrr-L Nor Drsapii'onlrfuu
Experienced executive is open for connection with high class lumber firm where integrity and ability rvill be appre- ciated. Thoroughly familiar with yard management, ciedits, publicity, salesmanship. Large acquaintance with contragtolq, architects and commercial firms in Los Angeles and vicinity. Will supply addressograph and lists for d-irect mail adverlising if desirLd. Highe-st ieferences, ''Addtess Box C-23O, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
The services of a lumberman.with ten years' experience in both retail and wholesale in Southern-California. A personal interview is desired. Address Box C-ZD, Califoinia Lumber Merchant.
Paul Masters Representing Several Northwest Mills
Paul Masters, well known Los Angeles lumberman, announces that he is now representing most of the mills on a direct sales basis that formerly sold through the Gaynor- Masters Lumber Co., which concern recently discontinued business. These mills include the Olympic Harbor Lumber Co., Washington Veneer Co. and the Buchanan Lumber Co., Olympia, Wash.; Henry Mill & Lumber Co., Eatonville Lumber Co. and Mountain Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash.; and the Stimson Mill Co. and Nettleton Lumber Co., Seattle, Wash. He is also receiving shipments from the Walton Lumber Co., Washington Lumber & Spar Co., Stimson Timber Co. and the Tacoma Harbor Lumber Co.
He is using boats for Andrew F. Mahoney, operating the SS Jane Nettleton, SS J. C. Kirkpatrick and SS Brookrngs.
Howard W. Woodruff, Acting District Manager for the McCormick Steamship Company, Los Angeles, and Miss Jean Hildebrand of the same firm, were married at Santa Ana, November 27. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff will go to Portland, after the first of the year, on their honeymoon.
, W, S.Allport, Hardwood Supervisor of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, Kansas City, recently spent several days in Los Angeles.
Youn-g-m-an as Assistant Manager retail lumber yard, town .of 3000 people in fruit growing district. State- age, experience and salary expected. Givi references. Healdsburg Lumber Company, Healdsburg, Calif.
For Sale
A. Dernier, a well known resident of Los Angeles, diid at his home on Wednesday evening, December 5. Funeral services were held at The Little Church of the Flowers, Glendale, on Friday afternoon, December 7, Mr. Dernier was the father of Eda and Floyd Dernier of the Lumbermen's Service Association.
_ Morris Jor-el President of the Jones I-umber Company, Portland, and Fred Burt, Sales Manager of the same firm, have returned to headquarters after spending several days in Los Angeles.
Arizona Lumbermen Visit Los Angeles
Joe Halstead, Joe Tardy and Jack Halloran of Phoenix, Arizona, were recent Los Angeles visitors where they spent a few days looking over lumber conditions and calling on the lumber trade.
Arizona Hoo Hoo Officers Reappointed
Supreme Custocatian Chas. G. Bird of Stockton, Calif., has annoqnced the reappointment of the following Hoo Hoo officers for Arizona: State Counselor, N. H. Huey of Phoenix; Vicegerent Snark for the Valley District, F. W. Pool of Phoenix; Vicegerent Snark for the Border District, A. W. Stacy of Douglas; Vicegerent Snark of the Tucson District, W. A. Lamprey; Vicegerent Snark for the Yuma District, L. H. DeMund of Yuma.

f f OME buyers who once I Ibousht in the darft are more inclined today to want to know what kind of lumber, what kind of workmanship, is within the walls of a home. And they areright! a a E Thistrade' mark is acceptable assurance that the lumber in the walls and foors has been accurately manufactured, properly seasoned, and is ilurable. a |F a Dealerswho sell this satisfaction and builders who make a sales point of this assurance are building steadily increasing sales.
The Long,Bell Lumber Company

R. A. Long Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. Ltmbqmea since 1875
Douglar Fit Lumber, Timbers, Door and Window Frames, Trimpak; Westetn Hemlock Lumber; Westero Red
Cedar Siding and Shingles; Southem
Pine Lumber and Timbers; Southetn
Hatdwood Lumber and Timbers; Oak
Flooring' *CELLized Oak Flooting Strips'
*CELLired Oak Floor Planks, *CELI; ized Oak Floor Blocks; California
White Pinc Lumber, Sash and Doots, Box Shooks; Creosoted Lumber, Tim. bers, Pocu, Poleg, Tiee, Guard.Rail Posts, Piling.