1 minute read
'We've Met Lumbermen Like This
"Listen, Bo," said the tramp in truculent manner as he button-holed the gentleman on the street, "how about slipping me a dollar? Come on, Bo. Don't be so d-d tight. Give a feller a dollar. How about, Bo?"
"\ll/ell !" said the astonished gentleman, staring in amazement at this brusque manner of approach. "Even if you
New York And Ontario Lumbermen Visit California
N. H. Morgan, New York representative of the McCloud River Lumbel Company, and Ray Monroe, assistant manaser of the Shevlin-etait<e Co., Fort Frances, Ontario, Can"da. *.t. recent visitors to California. They spent a felv days at McCloud, and visited the company's- S1n Francisco offices, November 22 to 24. Both attended the big game before leaving for the East.
needed a dollar and I was inclined to give it to you, I certainly wouldn't do it on that sort of a solicitation. That's no way to ask for ranything."
"Listen, Bo," said the tramp decisively. "You can give me the dollar, or don't give me the dollar, BUT DON"T TRY TO TELL ME HOW TO RUN MY BUSINESS.'
The Blue Diamond Company, Los Angeles, has erected a bunker at the Hollywood yard to facilitate service of rock and sand on the Hollywood and Beverly Hills jobs. Large stock piles of rock and sand are stored at the Hollywood vard, iocated at 1111 North Highland, with clam-shell equipment for loading same, either direct to truck or through the loading bunker mentioned above'
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