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"Rea [r-to,-L.ry Ptospects /o, tle ReJwooJ
l[N "t y L.r"irress, it is a tremenJous anJ n e*perr"ioe tast to segregate tL" olir," p.orpect' from tlu *"., of po.ritl. L..y."r.
Greater prof,t ..u trr.Ju Ly tL" J"J"t *Lo.u tirrru "rrJ effort is concentrateJ or. tL. p.orpect wlo i, in tle rnartet norp.
IIo* "tu you going to Lnow *Lo tLu "li-,u prospects' ate?
Fo. tlu tLi"J "oo.".utive year, an extensive aJvertising campaign L." L""rr cooJ,rcteJ
L)' TL. CJifo",.i" R.J*ooJ Association.
TLe "to'y of R.J*ooJ-it, J.r""Lility ",'J otLer outsta.'Ji"g q.rJiti."-L* L."rr tolJ to ,,"illiorr" interesteJ i" L.rilJi"g.
In 2Yz f.ears, some 80,000 prospects Lave
.rrr*.t.J tlis aJverti"ir.g, a"tirrg fo. ^o.u inforrnation. To J""lu"" stocling R"J*ooJ, lirt, oftlu"" prospects ".u "ug.rlr"ly sent. A survelr "f 11,000 ""rrJorr, .""e. ,Lor,rs tL"t 6l/oL"1ll t itli. uigLt.u,, ^or.tl, ^nJ 66/o of Jtot" *Jr" L"ilJ uo" R"J*ooJ.
TL.r" tL" R"J*ooJ Ju"l.t', prospects are 'R""Jy-to-Lrry.' II. Joes not waste time "t J effott -^ro'fi,,g tL" fiulJ atlarge. Hu "gr.- centrates on tLe prospect *1ro i. actually in tle -"rlet.
Y"" -oill firrJ orl.r"Lle infor-ation on Jor",'" of native *ooJ" in our oR.J'rooJ S"1." M"rr.r"l." A cornplimentary copy is yorr., fo" tL" ""Lirrg,