2 minute read
B. Cadwallader Announces Important Changes
B. LV. Cadutallader
Thirty years ago last July B. W. Cadwallader went to the Philippines wearing the ,uniform of Uncle Sam, and for a year he fought in the American army over there'
At the end of a year he quit the army and went into the lumber business in the Philippines, and has been in it ever since.
I{e was one of the first to realize the great value of the hardwood forests of the Islands, and for twenty-nine years he has devoted his time and energy and enthusiasm exclusively to the work of manufacturing Philippine hardwoods, and developing markets for them all over the world.
For the past several years he has concentrated his energies in the United States, moving to Los Angeles, building a great manufacturing plant here, and introducing those incomparable Philippine woods with their wonder{ul texture, and their tremendous variety of color and grain to the lumber users of this country. Philippine lumber, Phillippine doors, and Philippine floors have been his specialty.
Mr. Cadwallader is one of those energetic characters who simply absorb jobs and responsibilities, and during the last few years'he has fairly loaded himself down with business burdens on both sides of the Pacific.
So now he has decided to transfer some of his more detailed labors to younger shoulders, and he makes the following announcements:
/ Effective December first Mr. Roy Barto succeeded Mr. ,/ Cadwallader as President and General Manager of Cadwallader Gibson Company of California. Mr. Barto is an energetic and forceful young man who has grown up with the Cadwallader operations in the Philippines, and for years has been in charge at Manila. He came to Los Angeles about four monthls ago, fitting himself for the big jol he has now undertaken. Mr. Cadwallader states that thev know Mr. Barto's ability through many years of experience with him, and have complete confidence in his business ability.
No change in the personnel of the organization is anticipated, R. E. Ford will continue as Vice President and Director of Sales, and J. W. Mcleod continues as Secretary and Auditor
Mr. Cadwallader retains his entire interest in the company. He continues as President of his original concern, The Cadwallader Gibson Lumber Company, of Manila.
He will handle the active management of the Manila operations, and will give much more time to them in the future than he has been able to for the last few years. They manufacture an average of four million feet of lumber a month at their Philippine mills, and have a sufficient timber supply for many years to come.
Mr. Cadwallader has a number of other interests that his retirement from the active management of the American business will permit him to give more time to than he has in the past.
He will continue to make his home in Los Angeles. Mr. Barto is now making his permanent home here.
The Cadwallader Gibson Company operate a wonderful manufacturing plant in Los Angeles, where they manufacture a large. volume of Philippine doors, trim, mouldings, and flooring. They have their big storage yard at Long Beach, and haul their lumber from the Islands in their own ships.
Mr. Barto states that he 6nds the business in wonderful condition, their product has been spreading into new territory with amazing rapidity during the past two years, and the future looks very rosy, indeed.
He states that they have plans for expansion which will be announced in the near future.