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eeMersizd) E*presses the l{ew One-Ton Fugeol
HEAVIER than any one-ton truck in the field, it will give more miles per dollar than any truek on the market.
FAGBOL for years has built the sturdiest, most compact and most durable trucks to be found in Amerieal and the Fageol Cub is no exeeption to the rule. THE cuB is not an experiment; but the outcome of years of experience in truek building...and the same quality which has long exemplified Fageol trucks is built into this newest addition to the line.
THE cuB is built entirely of truck parts strong, long wearing. manufac. tured solely for truek duty...not interchangeable with passenger cars...as Fageol builds trucks only.
THE CUB has ideal balanee and weisht distribution beeauee of its accurately designed wheel base. The radiator is a solid cast aluminum shell which will not rust. The cab is upholstered in genuine leather and every comfort and convenience is added for the driver. This and man)r more new features make up the Fageol S-point truck...TEE CUB.
Ask our nearest dealer for dentonstration.
Specifications... THB FAGEOL CUB
CrPrcm-l tor.
WErcrrr-3675 Dounds.
Fneur-Pressed steel channel, hot riveted throughout; _5 inches deep: 3 inch flange: f6 inch thick. wsrersese-Srandard. 144 inches: optional 156 inch or 168 ineh. at extra cost, Moron-Waukesha Model "X", 4 cylinder with genu. ine "Ricardo" high compression head. Bore, 3]{ inches; Btroke, 41,$ inches. Displacement. I73 cu- bic inches. Force feed lubrication to all crankshaft, connecting rod, camshaft and timing gear bearings. Develops 35 R.H.P, at 2500 R.p.M.
CAnBUREToR-Zenirh. I04% model; I inch intake Arn CLE^NER-United.
Icnrrror, Srlnrrrc AND LrcETrNc-Delco-Remv senerator. distributor and starting motor. Six.voit. truck type battery in rubber case provided for starling and lighting.
DrrvE SHAFrSpicer.2-piece, with 300 size universl joints. S,K.F. midship bearing,
AXLE Rarlrs 4,/7 to l-
Fnont Axrs-Timken Model 11703-H-..I" beam *c. tion. Timken roller bearings. REAR AxlE-Timken Model 52000-H. bevel gear. semi. floating type. Timken roller bearings thrcugboutBrlrns-Lockheed. four-wheel hydrrulic. internal ex- panding with dust shields. Front size td inch diameter x 174 inch face. Rear size. 16 inch diametea x 2r/+ inch face. Emergency brake on transmission. Spnrrcs-Chrome vanadium steel throughout. Front. 6 leaves, 32Y+ inches x 21/2 inches, Rear. 9 leaves, 5O inches x 2J[ inches. Csessrs Lusntcerrot-Alemite pressure aysrem. StEnrxc-Roee. cam and lever type. Model 200. l8 inch dianeter steering wheel. Steering post set to give maximum driving comfort. Ball thrust bear. ings, R.H.D, can be fumiehed, Furr Suppry-Gas tank on chassis under €eat i capacity, 20 gallons. Stewart yacuum system, extta large vacuum tank. Crurcs-Brown-Lipe multiple dry disc typc.
Wsrrrs-Steel, spoke typc, hub integral. S.A.E. gtandard mounting.
CooLINc SysrEM-One piece, caet aluminum radiator shell. highly polished. Mounted on pure gum rubber blocks. Radiator core of ample eize. Improved belt-driven fan, 15 inch diameter, Thermo-syphon circulation. Radiator capacity, 6 gallons.
CoNlRoLs-Gearshift and emergency brake leverg at center; switch, ammeter, oil gauge, speedometer and irstrument light on dash, foot acceletator provided, Tnlrsurssror-Brown-Lipe llodel 20, four speed, dilect on fourth. Low ratio 5 to l. Reverse,6.42 to l.
Trnrs-Balloon tires. Front, 32x7.00; rear, 32x7.00 single, Make of tires our option.
Srrroeno Equreuewr-Fenders, front bumper, speedometer. motometer, electric starter, headlights, tail light, electric hom, tire carrier, tool kit, wheel and axle vrenches, heavy duty jack, oil can and grease gun.
Manufncturedby I[GE6il fr@E trFAffi oakland,, carifornia
Srerrrr Pcnrrello . Sar FneNcrsco
Los Arctr.rs
SeN Drrco
Vercouvun, B.C.
Rrro, Nrveol
Holroluru, T.H.
Serr Leru Crrv, Urln

E wish one and all of you lots of good cheer---
The Happiest Christmas---the Brightest New Year--Muy you get what you want---and want what you get, And ne'er have occasion to worry or fret.
We wish you all sorts of things---Vigor and Health-Contentment---Prosperity---Honor, and Wealth. And also we wish--while we're wishing you cheer.-That you'll sell Cowan Built-Ins through all the next year.