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Central California Lumbermen's Club Hold Annual Meeting
L. H. Elliott Elected President
Saturday the Central California Lumbermen's Club held its Annual Meeting and Ladies' D^y program. The first meeting was a luncheon at Hotel Stockton u, 12:15 P. M. which was attended by about fifty of the members with their wives and guests. Following the luncheon, the ladies were entertained at the matinee while the members went into a business session, electing officers and discussing to some extent the subject of the adoption of the joint meeting of the three clubs of the Great Central ValIeys-this meeting to be held in Stockton at some suitable time in llIarch or April 1929; that the meeting be a two day session on a Friday and Saturday and to be for the purpose of discussing matters vital to our industry and for a social "get together" time; that the expense of said meeting be borne equally by the three clubs on the basis of membership; and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the presidents of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club and the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club with the request for their consideration and the same action on their part and that, in the event of their approval of the plan, a committee be appointed by the president of this club to meet with similar committees from the other two clubs: said committee to have full porver to make all arrangements for this joint meeting. The members and their wives and guests again gathered around the dinner table in the evening at the Hotel Stockton and were entertained by musical and dramatic talent from the College of the Pacific. Mrs. J. C. Stark entertained with readings which were well received and Miss Francis Falconbury, daughter of W. H. Falconbury of the San Joaquin Lumber Company, put on some very pleasing fancy dances. Community singing was led by Alex Emerson who also sang some very pleasing Scotch Songs and told Scotch stories. O. V. Wilson was chairman of
American Standard Sizes and the 1926 west coast Asso- the arrangement committee and c. G' Bird, of the same ciation Grading Rules. At a previous meeting they had al- committee' presided at the meeting' Following the evereacly approvEd and recom'mended the sE-gregation of Yi,9, t|tt"tt"ttilfrtlt' dancing was indulged in from 9 o'clock grades. After a long discussion. it was decided to make f"-" ' [his a subject of a lai-er meeting and with this in mind the I The officers elected at the business session were: following resolution was presented by C. G. Bird, which V President, L. H. Elliott, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi, Calif.; was seconded by W. H. Falconbury and unanimously Vice-president, W. O. Mashek, Kewin Lumber Co., Mo- adopted:
RESOLVED: That the Central California Club express their willingness and desire