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Red Cedar Shingle Congress
W. C. McMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle, was elected president, and Dale Craft, Royal Shingle Co., Whites, Wash., was elected vice-president, of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, at the Twelfth Annual Red Cedar Shingle Congress, held at the Hotel Georgia, Vancouver, B. C., on Thursday and Friday, December 6 and 7.
R. S. Whiting, Chicago, was re-elected secretary-manager and Arthur Bevan, Seattle, was re-elected treasurer.
Thursday afternoon's session was devoted to the eighth annual Superintendents' ahd Filers' Conference, which was presided over by G. L. Fessenden, Safety First engineer of the Consolidated Shingle Mills of B. C. Filing and sawing problems were discussed, and Tom Shields, Simonds Saw & Steel Co., Seattle, addressed the meeting, which was well attended.
President Sam P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie, 'Wash., presided at the Friday morning session. In his report Mr. Johns stated that the shingle industry is now more firmly established than ever before. He referred to the wonderful record of the Red Cedar shingle in withstanding the Florida storms, and the heavy Middle West hailstorms; paid a tribute to the fine work which has been done by the stained shingle companies, referred to the success of the reroofing campaign, and made an appeal to all sllingle manufacturers to support the Bureau.
:The president then turned the meeting over to R. D. Mackie, Mackie Mill Co., Markham.
R. S. Whiting, secretary-manager, then presented his report, which was mainly a statistical record of work accomplished during the past year. He also read the report of Inspector F. J. Parker.
Assistant Secretary Arthur Bevan read the treasurer's report, and reported on the activities of the Bureau on the Pacific Coast. He particularly referred to the importance of the indorsement of the Uniform Building Code by the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs at their Sacramento convention, which he said was virtually an. indorsement of vertical grain shingles.
Richard P. Milne, Milne-Ryan-Gibson, Inc., advertising counsel for the Bureau, reported on the advertising program for the past year. The reroofing campaign, he said, had given the best results, dollar for dollar, ever obtained from any activity of the Bureau. He stressed the value of the home market in the states of Was'hington and Oregon, and predicted a banner year in l9D for the industry.
Qeo. H. Steeves, B. C. Red Cedar Shingle Co., Vancouver, was chairman of the afterhoon session. Mr. Steeves welcomed the delegates from Washington and Oregon, and in calling on H. H. Bein, National Discount Corporation, for an explanation of the proposed time payment plan for reroofing sales through the retail lumber dealer, said he considered that this plan if adopted would be the most progressive step taken in a long time by the industry.
Mr. Bein presented the plan, which he said differed little from those used by the patent roofing manufacturers, and which calls for the addition of 10 per cent to the price of the roof, and the payment of 20 per cent of the cost in cash, and the balance in ten equal monthly payments.
The meeting went on record as being in favor of the plan, and instructed the trustees to complete arrangements for putting the plan into operation. The Advisory Board met later and authorized the president to confer with the National Discount Corporation, for the purpose of arranging final details for going ahead with the plan as outlined.
Discussion on manufacturing and shipping problems was led by P. H. Olrvell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett. Subjects discussed were : "\Mhat Constitutes a Crimp," "Lateral Shrinkage of Shingles in Drying," "Loading of Cars" and "Grading of No. 2s." 1
Those joining in the discussion included D. H. Carpen- ter and H. E. Holman, W. I. Carpenter Lumber Co., Everett; W. C. McMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle; A. H. Landram, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co.. Tacoma; Robert McNair, Vancouver; S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls, and P. R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co., Seattle.
Paul R. Smith outlined plans for 1929 for the Bureau, and recommended the employment of more field men. Mr. Whiting said they had received many requests from Texas for a field man, and suggested putting field men at Dallas, Atlanta, Buffalo and Chicago.
Harly E. Gosch, president of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y., spoke on the subject of merchandising and advertising, warning the manufacturers that unless they did something to promote consumer demand the shingle industry will fall by the wayside, due to the keen competition of other industries for the consumer's dollar. His company built up their business by advertising, Mr. Gosch said, and suggested the formation of a strong organization to merchandise the Red Cedar shingle.
The congress adjourned at 4 p.m., and the business meeting of the Bureau followed immediately with S. P. Johns in the chair.
W. C. McMaster, chairman of the resolutions committee, read the resolutions, which were as follows:
Vote of thanks to the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo for their active interest and support of the shingle industry.
Vote of thanks to national and regional retail lumber associations for opportunity to appear on their convention programs.
Vote of thanks to the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, and the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for their co-operation. i
Vote of thanks to the lumber trade journals for their gen- 'erous and continuous support.
Vote of thanks to Sam P. Johns, Jr., and other members of the advisory board for the generous giving of their time to the affairs of the board.
The following were elected on the Advisory Board for the coming year: S. P. Johns, Jr., Snoqualmie Falls, Wash.; W. H. Dole, Aloha Lumber Co., Aloha, Wash.; W. C. McMaster, Seattle; R. F. Morse, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Long- view, Wash.; R. D. Mackie, Mackie Mill Co., Markham, Wash.; Hubert Schafer, Schafer Bros. Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash.; Jess Schwarz, Crescent Shingle Co., Kelso, Wash. ; $=I. Bratlie, Bratlie Bros., Ridgefield, Wash.; Dale Craft, Royal Shingle Co., Whites, Wash.; C. E. Merritt, Huntting-Merritt Lumber Co., Vancouver, B. C.; C. J. Culter, Hammond Cedar Co., New Westminster, B. C.; Robert McNair, Robert McNair Shingle Co., \rancouver, B. C.; Leo Black, Seattle Cedar Lumber Mfg. Co., Seattle; H. A. LaPlant, Skagit Mill Co., Lyman, Wash.; P. H. Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; C. J. Melby, Everett Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.;, Lou Fluhrer, Fluhrer Bros., Mayger, Ore.; D. W. Guiles,
(Continued on Page 36)