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Inorpontcd qndcr ttc lawc of Califonir

J. C. Dione, Prer. ud Tnar.; J. E. Mrrtiq Vie.Prcs.i A- C. Mcrrymu, Publlshcd thr lrt and lSth of cach mmth at 3lE-10-20 Centnl Buildin3, lot Wat Sixth Strcct, Lo Angeler, Cal., Tclephoc, Entered ac Second-clug mattlr SGptember 25, l)/l- at thc Pcto'ffie Lor Angilcr, Califonla, under Act of March 3, lt?t.

How Lumber Looks

The volume of lumber orders booked in the country for the week ended November 26, in spite of the Thanksgiving holiday, showed an increase of nearly 4 per cent over the previous week according to reports received by the National Lumber Manufacturerst Association from the regional associations

Orange County Lumbermen Hold Annual Meeting

The Orange County Lumbermen's Club helcl their annttal meeting at the Anaheim Elks Club on Tuesday evening, Noveml:er 29, rvith a large attendance. During the business session the follor.ving directors were elected : C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Company, Whittier; O. H. Barr, Barr Lurrrber Company, Santa Ana; F. N. Gibbs, Gibbs Lttmber Company, Anaheim; Ernest Ganahl, Ganahl-Grim Lumber Co., Anaheim; Walter Spicer, Bay District Lumber Co., Ner,vport; John Strickland, Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, Fnllerton, and R. A. Emison, Santa Ana l,rrmber Co., Santa Ana.

At a meeting of the directors F. N. Gibbs was elected president, and Leslie Pearson of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Santa Ana, rvas re-elected treasurer. Ernest Ganahl, the retiring president, received a vote of thanks for his splendid leadership during the past year.

The annual golf tournament lvas held in the afternoon at the Santa Ana Country Club with a good attendance. D. E. Liggett, Liggett Lumber Company, Santa Ana, had the low gt'oss score, thereby gaining a third leg on the Secretary's Cup and final possession of the cup. Mr. Liggett also had the lorv net score and was the winner of the beautiful cup' donated by the Schumacher Wall Boarcl Corp. of Los Angeles, r.vhich is played for at each of ihe Club's monthly tournaments. W. R. Dempwolfe, JohnsManville Sales Corp., Los Angeles, was winner of the blind bogey prize. The next Club golf tournament will be held at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, on January 18. All lumbermen are invited to attend the tournament.

covering the operations of 701 leading hardwood and softwood mills.

Lumber production for the week was the lowest since early February, totaling 95r5O4rOOO feet; new busiriess was 18 per cent above, ot ll2r904r000 feet. Production was 19 per cent of capacity, and new business 22 per cent of capacity.

322 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended December 3 operated at 19.7 per cent of capaaty, as compared to 18.9 per cent of capacity for the previous week. 217 mills reporting to the Association foi the week produced 5014161017 feet or 21.2 per cent of their weekly capacity. Current new business of these mills was 67r611'085 feet, or 14.15 per cent over production and 28.5 pet cent of their weekly capacity. Shipments for the week were 52,2121609 feet, or 3.6 per cent over production. *****

Unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro totaled 318211000 feet on December 7, an increase of nearly a million feet as compared to the previous week. Cargo arrivals at this port totaled 914571000 feet for the week ended DecemQer 3, including 10 cargoes of Fir carrying 9r207rOOO feet, and I catgo of Redwood with 2501000 feet. 57 vessels in the California lumber service were laid up on December 3r and 5,1 vessels were operating.

There is no change in the lumber situation in California, and the volume of business during the 6rst fifteen days of December was light. Fir mill prices are firm. Reports from the Northwest indicate that the holiday shutdown at the mills will be longer than usual this year.

J. C. Nason

J. C Nason, 35, formerly of Yuba City,."who recently purchased the yard of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. at Manteca, was killed when his automobile overturned N,ovember 29, at the side of the Sacramento Rivei High1vay, about l0 miles north of Sacramento, after sideswiping another car. Mrs. Nason, who was riding with her husband, escaped injury. It is believed that the car skidded on the wet pavement when passing the other machine.

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