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How Lumber Looks
Building activity in the West gained 69.1 per cent in November, compared with November of last year, according to the Western Monthly Building Survey prepared by H. R. Baker & Co., California Investment Banking firm.
Reports from 83 cities showed 12,224 permits had been filed rvith a dollar volume ol $22,532,4O4 in November, 1938, compared rvith 10,706 permits with a valuation of $13,331,96O in November. 1937.
Los Angeles retained first place and San Francisco second position, with the largest volume of permits in many rronths. In third place was San Diego and was followed by Berkeley and Sacramento, which also registered large gains. I-ong Beach ranked sixth and was followed by Oaklan<l, Portland. Denver and Tucson. all of which had total rpermits of more than $400,00O.
During the week ended November 26, 550 mills prorlnced 166.238.000 feet of softwoods and hardwoods combined, shipped 178,224,W feet, and booked orders of. 224,813,000 feet, according to reports to the National Lumber Nlanufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of important softwood and hardn'ood rnills.
Lumber orders reported for the week by 459 softwood mills totaled 215,134,000 feet, shipments were 168,258,000 feet, and production was 158,435,000 feet.
Reports from 110 hardwood mills for the week gave new btrsiness as 9,679,W feet, shipments 9,96,6,00O feet, and production 7,803,000 feet.
feet, and new business was 90,254,352 Ieet. The unfillecl order file at these mills stood at 273,705,834 feet.
The same number of mills reporting for the week ende<l December 3 produced 87,439,874 feet, shipped, 95,059,625 feet, and new business was 105,%6,475 f.eet. The unfillecl order file at the end of the rveek was 82.672.092 feet.
The Westen-r Pine Association for the lveek ended December 3, ln mills reporting, gave orders as 78,417,W feet, shiprnents 64,256,000 feet, and production 50,055,000 feet. Orders on ha.nd at the end of the r,veek totaled 205,881,0@ feet.
The California Redrvood Association reported production of 13 mills for the 'iveek ended November 26 as 6.717.00O feet, shipments 6,178,000 feet, and new business 5,088,000 feet. Week-end orders on hand totaled 25.688.@0 feet. The 13 identical miils reported production 17 per cent greater and new business 13 per cent g-reater than for the same lveek last year.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended December 3, 110 mills reporting, gave orders as 27,240,0N feet, shipments 29,131,000 feet, and production 26,989,W feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 57.975,000 feet.
Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles Harbor for November totaled 61,671,W feet, as compared with 58,384,00O feet in November, 1937, and 77,47L,0@ feet in October, 1938. Lumber cargo arrivals at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ended December 3 were l3,W2,W feet as against 14,567,ffiO feet the previous rveek.