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Kitchen Mod ernized and Streamlined

Belore crnd After Remodeling

IJusir.ress possibilities in the renrodeling field are ably denonstrated b1' ths Cinclerclla-like change in the Ray Andrervs' kitchen of 3243 N. E. 16th Avenue, Portlaud, Ore.

The before photograph shows that the old kitcben was b1' no nleans archaic. The sink was tiled and surroundecl by sorne working counter, there u'as a breakfast trook, and a fume alcove over the stove. A typical American kitchen -like millions in rvhich the American woman seemingly is corrtent to prepare the "three a day."

Then the transforma.titln from the old to tl.re ner'v modernized and streamlined kitchen. The old fixtures were taken out; the plaster wall curt into for a new door; another boardecl up-all the rvalls were covered with Kraft'rvoocl, a resin-sealed, tuclor-grained plywood paneling, given one coat of dull paint, ancl a finishing coat of washable paint; the painted cabinets moved in ; the M and N'I Rezo doors hung, and with a few finishing touches the job rr'as completed.

Happiest ang;le, according to Mrs. Andrews, is the teaming up of range and refrigerator on one side of the room, rvhile Mr. Andrews favors the serving bar-a long counter that pulls out from the low partition that divides the sink ancl breakfast nook.

Tl.re remodeling job was plaunecl, clesigned and executed by Modern Kitchen Builders of Portland. The Nf and NI Woodworking Company, Portland, are the manttfacturers of Kraftr,vood plyrvood panels and M and N{ Rezo doors.

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