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Will Buy Lumber Yard
Want Northern California lumber yard. Trade San Francisco income property. Address Box C-728 California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Married man wants position as yard clerk or foreman. 15 years' experience in retail lumber business. Well acquainted with all building supplies. Can give the best of references and will go any place. Address Box C-731 California Lumber Merchant.
Forest Service Will Fight National Park Extensions in Califomia
(Continued from Page 28) source of irrigation water for 800,000 acres of rich agricultural lands in the San Joaquin Valley, sup,porting a rural and urban population of 150,000 people. IJnfortunately, the river varies greatly in flow from month to mo,nth and from year to ye'ar. In dry years there is a serious shortage of water, and in wet years floods cause millions of dollars of damage to farm lands and urban property, and endanger human lives. The problem, therefore, is: l, r,vater regulation and storage, and 2, control of floods.
"The preliminary Kings River water storage and flood control project calls for three reservoirs: Pine Flat in the foothill region ,of the main stream, Tehipiti on the Middle Fork and Cedar Grove on the South Fork. The last tr.vo named reservoirs have heretofore always been included rvithin the proposed Kings Canyon Park, but in the last bill introduced in Congress (H.R.10436), by De Rouen of Louisiana, in order to meet the strenuous and long continued objections,of irrigation and water company officials, the proposed park boundary was moved back by Interior f)s'pa.rtment officials to the highwater line of these reservoirs. As a re'sult, the Tehipiti reservoir would form a pocket within. the proposed park, while the Cedar Grove reservoir was excluded by bisecting the great South Fork Canyon by a line that follows n,o natural topographic features. This illogical pncposed boundary divides the canvons into two parts-the lower part to be administered by the U. S. Forest Service and the upper part by the National
Seeks Employment
Capable Manager, now employed, seeks employment in larger field. Age 33, rnarried. Can figure material lists and millwork. Address Box C-729, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Very fine Los Angeles suburban yard. Fine living conditions. Real estate $6,000 but could be bought on terms. fmprovements and equipment $12,250, Inventory $10,000. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Park Service. Thus, the public would have to deal on adjacent lands with officials of two Government bureaus operating under different rules, and also pay an entrance fee when passing from free national forest lands into the national park.
"The key question of this problern is: Shall the rvhole Kings River area be left .open in national forest status to allow for full utilization of natural resources and all forms of recre'ational use, or shall it be divided and one part made int.o a national park that is forever closed to all economic use and development and managed solely for certain classes of recreation.
"All the studies made of the Kings River problem show absolutely that the area must be treated as a whole. Any artificial division, such as that norv proposed, which will leave part open for all needed forms of development and rrse and part closed to them, will sharply limit the t'elfare and future growth of the large depende'nt valley population.
"As for recreati,on, I can assure everyone that the manv resources of the Kings River area will be fully safeguarded and develorped by the Forest Service. Detailed plans to this end have be'en prepared and work has been under way on a substantial basis for some time. These plans and policies were worked out by Forest Service officers on the ground, in cooperation rvith local and state-tvide organizations and mountaineering clubs. Furthermore, there are no desirable recreational policies or improvements for the Kings River area. r,'i'hich any other Gove'rnment agencv may wish to put into effect, that the Forest Service cannot orovide."