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SheYlin Pine Sales Gompany
Years Aso Today
From the Files California
Merchant, December 15, 1928 Ten of The
Ro,r' Barto succeeded B. W. Cadwallacler as president and general manager o{ Cadwallader-Gibson Company of California on l)ecember 1, accorcling to an announccmetrt by X'[r. Cadwallader. Mr. Barto has been in charge of the Cadr'vallader operations at Manila for rnany years. J. Ur. NIcLeod continues as secretary and auditor. NIr. Cadrvallaclet retains his interest in the compan)' ancl continues as president of his original concern, The Cadwallader-Gibson Cornpany of N'Ia,nila.
Iiast Bay lumberrnen nual Christmas Jinks at evening, December 17.
and their friends rvill hold its arrthe Athens Club, Oakland, Nfonday
At the annual meeting of the California lledtr,ood Association. J. M. Hotchkiss was re-elected president. L. C. Hammoncl was elected vice-presiclent, anrl R. F. Hammatt re-elected secretary-manager.
L. H. Elliott rvas elected presiclen,t of the Central California Lumbermen's Club at the annual meeting held in Stockton. Other officers elected rvere W. O. \fashek, vicepresicient1,'I'. L. Gardiner, secretary, ancl Chas. G. llird, treastlrer.
This issue carries an illustrated article on the operations of the Riverside Cement Company.
The l-os Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club will hold its annual Christmas Party at the Commercial Club, Friday noon, December 21. One hundred children will be entertained rvith a luncheon ancl entertainment programr and useful gifts will be presentecl to them.
The Schumacher Wall Board Corporation acted as hosts to a group of retail lurnber dealers the night of December 4 at its big Los Angeles plant. They rvere treated to a fine dinner at n'hich Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant, was i,ntroduced and made a short talk. They rvere then shown thr.ough the plant where they watched r,vith great inrterest the various .processes in the manufacture of u'allboard.
The San Francisco Hoo-I{oo Club lvill act as host to children from the McKinley and St. Joseph's Orphanages ancl Friendly Center Settiernent at the annual Christmas Party on December 20. Luncheon will be served, followed by an en ertainment progranl, and the children rvill be presented with gifts.
(Continued on Page 24)