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Send Your Friends .TIOTSA" FUN For Christtnas
Iqck Dionne's Book oI Fcrvorite Stories in Dialect
A Limited Number oI This Populcn Book Remain Unsold. The Price is $t.oo PER GOPY
Delivered Anlwhere in the United Stctes Postpcrid
Iqclc Dionne 318 Centrcl Building Los Angeles, Ccrlilornicr
Enclosed find ( ) dollcns lor which plecrse send me postpoid ( ) copies of "Lotscr" Fun.
Nqme Address
The annual Christmas program of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 r,r'ill be given at their dinner meeting on Friday evening, December 16, at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland.
Don E. Coveney, chairman of the Club's entertainment committee, announces that Hal Martin, brother of Tony Martin, will act as master of ceremonies, ,presenting an allentertainment program. All lumbermen and their friends are invited to attend.
Ten Years Ago Today
From December 15;1928 lssue
(Continued from Page 23)
A Douglas fir tree was cut at Twin Camp, Wash., which was Z@ years old and scaled 58,000 board feet. The stump was slightly oval, 12 feet the narrow way, and 13 feet the widest way. It stood 310 feet without a flaw. A threefoot section near the stumrp was saved for a permanent exhibit in the museum of the State University at Seattle.
An illustration in this issue shows Con{erence Rooms 3 and 4 of the new annex to the Biltn-rore Hotel, Los Angeles, with interior walls of beautiful quarter sawed White Oak panels. llammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, manufactured and installed the interrior and exterior woodwork of the new addition to the hotel.
Ray B. Cox, Built-in Fixture Co., of the Board of Governors of the Bureau of the East Bav district.
Eighty-five members and concatenation held cember 11. Vicegerent of the initiation.
Berkeley, is chairman Ifome Modernization of Hoo-Hoo attended the dinner at San Diego the evening of DeSnark Bill Cowling was in charge
Sudden & Christenson have moved their headquarters from the Hind Building to 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco. They will retain their same telephone number, GArfreld A46.
Al Nolan, Western sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, spent the week of December 5 with Gus Kramer, San Joaquin Valley salesman, calling on the trade. He left San Francisco' Decembet 2 and' ttavelecl by way of Los Angeles to Bakersfield.
Visit California
Orville Miller of the Deep River Logging Company, Portland, Ore., operators of ;the Knappton Mill, spent a few days in San Francisco around Thanksgiving. He rvas accompanied by his son rvho is a student at the IJniversity of Oregon, Eugene.
FHA Approves Smaller Gause Shinsle Nail
No one l-ould have belier,ed that such a fuss could l.:ar.e been raised by such a small matter as a ferv thousandths of an inch on a sl-ringle nail but this subject has, nevertheless, been "hot" irr tlre rlisctrssiorrs and just plain "cussin's" of Southern Caiifornia lurnlter retailers, contractors and shinglers alike for the past couple of mon,ths.
Now all are jubilant again because the FHA office, which had for a time been insisting on the thicker-shanked 13 gauge 3d nail for use in applying 16-inch cedar shingles on roofs and rvalls, has now accepted a nail of. 14 gaage-|L/a inches long-L/a inch head-hot dipped zinc coated, which is a nail in much closer harmony with the nail specifications recommended in the Red Cedar Shingle Bure'au's Certigrade Handbook.
W. I. (lcck) Ivey
Dealers and contractors, and the shinglers who put the cedar shingles on, all had been grouching because they felt the nail FHA was insisting on was heavier than necessary for the job and didn't permit as good a job of application as the thinner nail. These same men of the building industry are now giving high p,raise to W. J. (Jack) Ivey, the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau's field represehtative in California for some diplomatic work with all concerned in getting the nail size shaved down a few thousandths of an inch in diameter, a task which they agree was much more of a feat than it sounds.
Jack is an authority on shingle construction and has established a friendship wirth hundreds of California dealers. Although young in years and appearance, he is a veteran of more than a dozen years' experience in the Red Cedar shingle business that ranges from production and application to trade promotion. IIe has sholvn the Bureau's tlo sound-motion pictures to thousands of California ci'tizens, mainly dealers, contractors, carpenters and shinglers, architects, FHA officials, and others directly interested in the building industry.
Rotary Club Sees Redwood Pictures
I\{otion pictures of the Redu'ood lumber industrl' $7s1s recently shown at a meeting of the Sunnyvale Rotary Club by James Arends of the Gror,r'ers Lumber Company, who acted as chairman of the day.
Showing the pcrtented single instcllcrtion unit lor double hung windows.
1 The Modern Method of \ I Pertect Window Balancing I
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