4 minute read
" Ghronatcd T.lnc Ghtortdc tt PRESSUNE TREATED LUMBEN
Now Trcated and Stocked at Our Long Bcach Plant for fmmediate Delivery to Lumber Dealerr
Clean Odorlerc
Paintable o
Termite and Decey Rerictant . Fire Retardant
Buy TiBAXCO" for Servicc
Pronpt rhigmcat fro drr .tocl.
Exchen3c renie--daalcr,r utrcatrd lumbot lc m Chmatod Zhc Chlcid. .to.L plu chu3c fc tmdDr.
Erclueivc Salcr Agent in California for WEST CIDAST $IOOD PNTSENVING CO. Seattlc, Wash.
All hcve our own pcrtented swivel brccket. This gives added strenglh cs indiccted in picture, which shows cr severe test ol cn ironing bocrd.
Boqrd shown is No. 2-R Jr., c short bocrd, ccrsed cnd door hung crt the lcrctory.
Ccn be installed crlter cll plcstering is done.
Talk about an itemized bill ! The pchurch painter and decorato'r had fixed up the interior of an old church, and here is the bill he sent in:
The best law-the Golden Rule.
The best education-self-knowledge.
The best philosophy-a contented mind.
The best war-to war against one's weaknesses.
The best theology-a pure and beneficent life.
The best medicine-cheerfulness and temperance.
The best music-laughter of innocent childhood.
The best science+xtracting sunshine from a cloudy day'
The best art-painting a smile upon the brow of childhood.
The best journalism-printing the true and beautiful on memory's tablet.
The best telegraphing-flashing a ray of sunshine into a gloomy heart.
The best biography-that life which writes CHARITY in largest letters.
The best mathematics-that which doubles the most joys and divides the most sorrows.
The best navigation-steering clear of the lacerating rock of personal contention.
The best diplomacy-effecting a treaty of peace with one's own conscience.
The best engineering-building a bridge of faith over the river of death.-World Call.
A Hint
Sergeant: "Did you shave this morning, Soldier?"
Private: "Yes, Sir."
Sergeant: "You sure about that, Soldier?"
Private: "Yes, Sir."
Sergeant: "'Well, Soldier, tomorrow morning when you shave. stand a little closer to the razor, see?"
Another Day
King Hassan, well-beloved, was wont to say, When aught went wrong, or any labor failed, "Tomorrow, friends, will be another day." And in that faith he slept, and so prevailed.
The supervision of a railroad received the follorying note from one of his track foremen: "Am sending the accident report on Casey's foot, when he hit it with the spike mallet. Now, under 'remarks,' do you want mine or Casey's?"
Just Like One
"Did Jones take his bad luck like a man?"
"He sure did. He blamed it all on his wife"'
The Deacon
By Elizabeth Wheaton
Ouah chu'ch deacum's got er gal ! Hit dat young, twistY, Yaller Sal.) De deacum's wife, she awful sore Sense he don' take HER out no more!
Las' Sunday night, he tiz ter PraY, Braish as you please, sense dat he way' An' who war settin' bY he side, But yaller Sal, all swole wid Pride.
Co'se, deacums is human, lak de res', But all us chu'ch folks finks hits bes' Dat he 'muse huh some Yuther waY' Dan bringin' huh ter heah him PraY !
Cefotex "Trallic Top" Department
America's growing interest in recreational roof decks has caused The Celotex Corporation to create a separate "Traffic Top" department for a more concentrated effort in sales promotion and engineering service in connection with products to which this trade mark is applied. This has been announced by I. Z. Hollmann, Celotex general sales manager. The head of the new division will be Louis Matz, rvho has been rvith The Celotex Corporation since 1936. As a member of the corporation's general sales organization, Mr. Matz specialized in roof insulation and "Traffrc Top" products. fn announcing the new division, Mr. Hollmann said that there has been a sharp upturn in demand for "Traffic Top" (formerly called Promenade Trafifrc Top) and that the large potential market for the roof deck material rvarrants a concentrated sales activity.
Los Angeles Visitors
Frank O'Connor and J. E. (Eddie) Peggs, San Francisco Itrmbermen, were l-os Angeles visitors the first of the month on business. They also attended the Notre DameUSC football game.
Jim Chase is now connected r,vith the wholesale department of the San Pedro Lumber Co. in their Los Angeles office. Jim has been associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for many years, and was formerly with the American l{ardwood Company. He took over his new duties on November 28.
Anton Nelson
Anton Nelson, founder of the San Pablo Lumber Co., passed away on December 9, at a Richmond hospital. He u'as 73 years of age,
Mr. Nelson had been a resident of Richmond for twentyfive years, and on his retirement a year ago he turned the business over to his two sons, Andrew and Albert Nelson of Richmond, and made his home with a daughter, Nfrs. Millie Mero of Berkeley.
He came to California from Germany fifty years ago, and settled in Eureka where he lvas connected with the lurnber business. He was a member of the Elks Club, Knights of Pythias, and Woodmen of the Worltl.
Besides his t'ivo sons and a daughter, he is survived by a brother, A. C. Nelson of Fortuna. Funeral services rvere helcl at Richmond on December 10.
Closes Branch Yard
Tl.re branch yard of the Hammond Lumber Company at Westmoreland has been discontinued and the stock moved to its yard at Brarvley. George Raine, who has managed the yard for several years, has been transferred to the company's yard at Holtville.
Leaves For The Northwest
W. J. (Jack) Ivey, fieldman for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, rvho has been in Southern California the past feu, rnonths on trade promotional work for the Bureau, recently left for Seattle. He will return to California after the first of the year.
Ours for the New Year will be the same as for many years past:-r'?no STRII/E AT ALL TIMES To MERIT YouR CONTINUED GooD wlLL"-that good will which has helped so materially, for three-quarters of a century, in the buildingofour Organization.