2 minute read
Back Panel Co. Makes Steady Growth
The Back Panel Company, u'ith offices and warehouses at 310 to 314 East 32nd Street, Los Angeles, wholesale dealers in softwood and hardwood panels, started in business in :r modest way in 1931 when J. W-. (Bill) Back, owner of this concern rented a store building at 3617 Maple Avenue, rvith a total floor space of 800 square feet. The main assets rvere-in addition to a small stock of plywood and a little working capital-IVlr. Back's ability as a salesman, his capacity for a lot of hard work and his firm conviction that the plywood business had a great future.
was torn down and a new building erected that covered the remainder of the lot, providing a total floor area of 8,500 square feet.
Business kept on increasing steadily and in 1937 two lots were bought at 310 to 314 East 32nd Street from Pacific Wood Products Company. This was the old Pacific Door & Sash Company location. A rvarehottse and offices rvere built on this site. The rvhole layout r'vas designed and built for the convenience of customers. Stock comes into the rvarehouse from the spur track in the rear. The various sizes
Today the Back Panel Company has a fine warehouse with 100 feet frontage on 32nd Street, a large stock of plywood, 17,5OO square feet of floor space, and a successful and growing business. At first Mr. Back did the selling and a lot of real physical work around the warehouse' Now the business keeps eight people very busy. Much credit, he says, for the firm's growth and success is due to Mrs' Back for her work in ably assisting him in the office and with the many problems of the business right from the beginning until a fe'iv mo,nths ago.
Not long after the start as the business grew and prospered a garage was rented in the rear of the store to provide more storage space. I-ater a move was made to an adjoining larger store at 3613 Maple Avenue, and in 1933 a small waiehouse addition next to the garage was built' Further growth demanded tnore floor space and in 1935 the garage and thicknesses of softwood and hardwood panels are st<ired in racks in such a way as to make shipments as effrciently a-nd quickly as possible.
The stock carried includes a complete line of Douglas' Fir plywood, Red River California Pine panels, hardwood panels and dowels.
The front of the building is finished in stucco. The walls of the office are of Philippine Mahogany panels. Ash panels were used for the ceiling. The floor is Philippine Orion.
Frank Baldwin is the company's outside salesman. Ted Back, formerly with Standard Lumber Company, is inside man.
Alma Thompson, who was formerly with Brown & Derry I-umber Co., is bookkeeper and auditor.
On Friday, December 23, Back Panel Cornpany will hold their annual open house for their custon-rers and friends.
Luubcr and Shtpptng
7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg.'
Aacricrn Mill Co.
Hoquiem Lumber & Shinglc Co.
Hrllbqt MiU Cr.
Villepr Harbor Lucrbct Millr
630 Boeld of Tradc Bldg.
310 Sansome Street, San Francisco
Abcrdcrar VelL Ryder Hanify
Hoquieo, Warh. Dorothy Crhilt
Abcdm, VrrL Jenc Chrirtcnrca
. Rrrrnoad, Verlr. Chcler Chrirtcoro
Brench Oficcr:
Natioaal Benlc of Coarmacc Bldg'
Annie Chrirtcnron
Eowin Chrictenroo
Cathcrinc G. Suddco
Eleanor Chrirtenroo
2OO HcarT Bldg.