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Dealers tind Sales Easy lThen Advantages aIe txplained !
The big market for lumber today is the small home. And that's a market for Volmanized Lumber" too! Wolmanized Lumber gives lasting protection against decay, at a cost which everYone can afford.
Explain the advantages of W-olmanized Lumber to your prospects. Many will want iU vou will sell the treated material, and what goes with it.
Your profit on Iflolmanized Lumber is protected, because this material is sold through regular trade channels. Leading lumber producers supply it in straight or mixed carloads. Vrite us today for information. AMERICAN LUMBER & TREATING COMPANY, 1408 Old Colonv Bldg., Chicago.
Pqinters like pine doors. Smooth surfqces, cleoncut moulding qnd wood texture thot is unilorm qnd bright. Quolity point ond enomel jobs ore eosily opplied. Builders like the low cost instollotion, {inishing ond upkeep of pine doors.
"Poul Bunyqn's" soft textured Ponderosq ond Sugor Pine,-lumber cmd plywood, ore used by monufocturers of first closs pine doors, sosh ond millwork.
SMALL HOUSE, but Wolmanized Lurnber protecte it. Wolrnanized Lurnber used at exposed points, such ag sills, joists, and s-ubfloors, protects the-entire structure. The additional cost ie less than 27o for the average horrre. Wohnanized Lurrrber is cleano paintable, easily to handle.
AFLOAT, TOOI Designed for cruises to Alaska, Eaening Star is protected with WoLnanized Lurnber at exposed points. The preservative doesntt leach.
TO HELP YOU SELL: Attractive advertisernents for your use in your local papers. The kind of ads you like to use. Send for folder today.
I lost a grand old friend the other day. It was a story. One that I have told countless thousands of times-literally. It was the story of Schultz, whose ho,use was on fire. I've used it as one of my pets for many, many years. The other day some guy named Christopher Morley printed it in some mag, and The Readers Digest copied it. So now it's gone. Goodby, SchuJtz. That's the way all good stories are lost sooner or later, the mags or the movies get'em, and they become too common for further telling. But you've furnished me a million laughs, and I won't forget you.
Heads never start to swell until the minds stop growing, says the philosopher. ***
A husband is a bachelor whose luck finally failed him, says the cynic. ***
Men who glory in their work are ever the world's heroes, and its hope. Work is worship, said the monks of old.
The old wag says ;* ;", J""or,rrrr,r"d the Roman Holidays on account of the overhead. The lions ate up all the Prophets.
Figure it any -., ,Jt -""a ar, a tax is a "fine on industry"; and so, it will ever remain until that day comes when you get blood from turnips and rilealth from tramps.
Today this country is filled with witless schemes for dragging the Golden Age in by the ears, and they never fail of a following-among the gullible and the lazy.
The get-something-for-nothing nostrum is as contagious as the spirit of holiness at a religious revival. And the fact-finder who dares to point out the insufficiency of the nostrums, even though he tries to pass upon each plan without partisan prejudice, immediately becomes the geographical center of a cyclone of elderly eggs and a tornado of verbal tomatoes.
The fact that it i, irl""a: ""J cause that must needs seek refuge in name-calling, gets slight consideration. He who seeks to butcher one of these economic mooncdves, often finds himself on the meat block.
Interesting facts. Thirty-five to forty-five per cent of all negroes in Northern cities are on relief, easy prey for all sorts of strange teachings. From l9l0 to 1930 the negro population lof Chicago increased 430%; of New York, 257 % ; of. Detoit, 2813%.
A very wise econo-* "-*"a iod ,rr*"rer once said: "Credit is exactly like morphine. fn the hands of those who understand its dangers as well as its benefits in time of emergency, it is a most helpful, useful invention. But either credit or morphine, used habitually, leads inevitably to the gutter." Wise words.
Someone has said that Chamberlain not only left his country in the lurch, at Munich, but that he created the lurch he left his country in.
Funny how we tear down our old established beliefs in this modernized life. We used to say: "What you don't know won't hurt you." And most of us took the truth of the statement for granted. fn business we have discovered that the exact opposite is the truth. What we don't know not only hurts us-it destroys us. Facts have become the most vital things in business. We have learned to study facts. Not knowing needed facts will ruin any business.
The idea ttrat wisdonJ"o*J, "r,f *t,n age is the merest moonshine. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet at 36. Lord Byron made himself world famous, and died at that age. At 30 Lord Clive was conquering India, and at 33 Alexander the Great gave up the ghost, after sighing for new worlds to conquer, and finding none. At 27 Napoleon commanded the army of ltaly. At 32 Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. At 3l Webster was holding his own with such intellectual giants as Clay and Calhoun. At 31 the best essays of Macaulay had been written. Volumes of other proofs may be offered. The fact is that youth boldIy faces the unsolved enigma of the future; age turns its face regretfully to ihe past.
(Continued on Page 8)