1 minute read


"Bleodtexing" is selling and applying Veatherwood*

Blendtex-a business that's easy to learn and easy to sell. It is an answer to economical remodeling and to low-cost new building because it builds, quiets, insulates and decorates walls and ceilings all in one easy operatioD and at one surprisingly low cost.

You have to see S7eatherwood Blendtex to aPPreciate its utider profit possibilities. Soft pastel colors are blended with a soft, fascinating texture. Surface treatment is especially wear-resisting to save future redecofation exPense.

Vheo you eocourage your conractors to get in the

"Blendtexing" businessr /ou ar€ widening your own profits. For here are the profits from insulation noise quieting and decorations all in one material-a material that walls and ceilings in both oew and old rooms are waiting for. Homes, schools, churches, theatres, stores, offices, all needthe benefits that Blendtex can give them. That's why it will pay you to get behind the blended "Blendtexing" idea-why your contractors will find "Blendtexing" a new business opportunity.

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