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$H nG

Check these strong selling points of Plyscord Sheathing-Easy, quick nailing+ave time, labortwo widths-takes fewer nails-improved face-greater comfort! Stock now! Get in touch today with your nearest Douglas Fir Plywood source of rupply.

the elements of tremendous prosperity. Only confidence has been lacking. Today confidence is partly restored, and we improve. Improvement will continue in exact ratio to the improvement in confidence.

As I read the daily *nJ r, ;u horrors being perpetrated upon defenseless humans by Hitler the Headsman, I wonder what sudden curse has fallen upon the v/omb of the world, making it produce monsters where recently it brought forth philosophers, statesmen, and a variety of world benefactors? The men who shake the rafters of the world today appear to be NOT those who bring Promethean fire from beyond the stars, but rather the vultureheaded who devise only shocking ways of eliminating hope from the hearts of humanity.

Will Cover Additional Territory

C. R. "Chet" Aronson, Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco, is now calling on the trade in the East Bay area, and after January 1 will travel the Napa, Sonoma and Marin Counties territory.

Bakersfield Yard Has Fire

Fire, believed by fire department officials to be of incendiary origin, swept the Chester Avenue branch of the King Lumber Company, Bakersfield, early on the morning of November 30. The loss was estimated at $50.000.

Combination Scr Een And Metal Sash Door

Aristocrat o[ Screen Doors

Fills a definite need in the construction or renovrtion of c building or r home where convenience, service and cost rre prerequisites.

DooRs Ve also manufacturc SH c. DooRs

Perry Dame Appointed Sales Manager

.Annorrncement lvas made recently by the Vancouver Pl.n*rvood & Veneer Company, Vancouver, Wash., of t'heir appointment of Perrv A. Dame as sales manager.

New lllustrated Booklet on "Monowall"

A new illustrated booklet showing in full color 32 patterns of "Monowall," modern one-piece wall finish for residential and commercial interiors, has just been issued by the Armstrong Cork Companv. The booklet answers questions most frequently asked about the material, and contains instructions for installing and cleaning it as well as descriptions of recommended moldings and their applications.

Monowall is a one-piece wall panel of factory-finished, durable, wood fibreboard for interior walls and ceilings. In addition to its use in new construction, its light rveight and easy ap,plication make it particularly usable in modernization work. For example, a wainscoting of Monowall for an average bathroom weighs only 150 pounds.

many years \\,as Western sales manager of the CreoDipt Company. His large acquaintance u'ith u'holesalers and retailers of building materials througl-rout the cottntry 's'i11 be a big asset to him in his nerv l'ork.

Back From Northwest Trip

N{r. Danre has held a number of im,portant executive sales positions u'ith nationally knbrvn manufacturers ancl distributors of building materials ancl is well equipped by his ekperience for his new position. For the past several -vears he has been \\testern sales representative of The Upson Company, and for Angeles, the mills

Art Penberthy of Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los recently spent 10 days in the Northwest visiting his firm represents in Southern California.

Visiting In Honolulu

tr. L. Reitz, E. L. Reitz Co., Los Angeles, and l\{rs. Reitz, sailed {or Honolulu on November 26 rvhere thev rvill remain until after the New Year'

Patterns of Monowall run from plain colors and tile designs to rare wood and marble eftects, reproduced with photographic accuracy. The glossy finish of the material is tough, but flexible, and will not crack, ctaze, or peel, accorcling to the manufacturer. Nlore than 100,000 installations of Monowall have been made in the Philadelphia area alone. The booklet can be obtained free by writing to the Builcling Materials Division, Armstrong Cork Company, I-ancaster, Pa.


E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, inadvertently omitted the word "Philippine" in their advertisement on Densetex Philippine Mahogany Cabin Lining u'hich appeared in our December 1, 1938, issue. They regret that this error occurred.

For a Prosperous New Year

As the season approaches for commemorating good will among men, NOYO, Chief of the Redwoods, again takes up his "pipe of peace" and reflects with deep appreciation on his priceless asset-your friendshi p.

Chris Totten

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