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Arizona Beats The Gun

First Enrollment of Merchandising Institute Sales Development Program Comes from Phoenix Deoler

By Chris Totten Secretary, Arizona Retail Lumber & Builders' Supply Association, lnc.

To the Western Lumber & Equipment Company, Phoenix, Arizona, goes the distinction of recording the first enrollments for "Tested Seliing Methods," the' new sales development prograrn of the Merchandising Institute of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, Inc. Without waiting for the formal announcement, II. C. Schweikart, manag'er, buttonholed the Institute's field director, Paul E. Kendall, in Phoenix on November 2, and handed in his own name and that of yardman Allen l3urch, Junior, as enrollments Nos. I and 2.

This occurring in ar.rd coming from the lancl of },Ianana and of perpetual sunshine is pleasing to me. Usually 11'g, rvho live where orange blossoms gror,v and in the shadorv of the snotv capped mountains that stand as silent sentinels over us, prefer to say there is nothing new, and if there is, n'e will look into it tomo,rrow (trIanana).

I asked Mr. Schweikart to tell me rvhy he, as a retail lumber dealer, became interested in this program.

He admitted that there were efiective methods usecl by other successful dealers throughout the country that he knew little or nothing alrcut. He also acknowledgecl this was the first opportunity in his life as a retail lumber dealer to gain first-hand knowledge of these methods as used by other outstanding retail lumber dealers throughout the United States, and he, theref,ore, felt that he and his employees couldn't afford to do otherwise than avail themselves of the opportunity of becoming acquainted with the plan, and putting it into general use in the sales.department, even though it resulted in only one additional sale per month, for the returns on the small investment woulcl be far greater than the return on any other investment that he had made in the 'Dast ferv vears.

This appeared to lte very good logic, but it must be remembered that Schu'eikart is a hard-headed Dutchman, and they usually reason things out fairly well.

I feel sure there rvill be many other dealers in Arizona, as n'ell as the plan, irnproved ods."

Lelt: H. C. Schweikcrt throughout the country, w.ho, after investigating will be convinced their selling methods can be by availing themselves of "Tested Selling Meth-

Bight: Allen Burch, Ir.

Peace and Good Will

Softly the bells are chiming

Under the vaulted blue, Peace and the Christmas Spirit Are calling to me and to you; And here where the fields are smiling As in rvinter lands afar, The eyes of earth's children are lifted To the light of one shining star.

Beautiful Golden Legend, Thrilling the u'orld again. Easing the weight of our burdens.

Soothing the throb of pain ; Whispering low, "be patient, Valiant a'nd faithful still ;"

Breathing the olden messag'e, "Peace ancl Good Will-Good \\'ill."

Linger, oh Christmas Spirit. Dwell in our midst for aye, Shedding the light of gladness

Over life's shadorved rval-;

Speak to the troubled nations, Bid envy and hatred cease.

Till the whole world rvalks serenely In the smiling paths of Peace.

Softly the bells are chiming

Under the vaulted blue, Peace and the Christmas Spirit Are calling to me and to you; May we not keep them rvith us. All through the glad Nerv Year, With the light of the Star to guide us And the Angels' song to cheer?

A. Nlerriam Conner.

Arizona Sends Delegation To Football Game

Arnong the members of the Arizona lumber and building material trade who attended the Notre Dame-USC football game at Los Angeles on December 3, rvere Jack Mrrlcahey, I\Iulcahey Lumber Co., Tucson; Jack Halloran, HalloranBennett l-umber Co.. Phoenix; Francis W. Pool, E. K. \\,-ood Lumber Co., Phoenix; Louis Jennings, Jennings I-umber Co., Safford; Cleon Knapp, Southrvestern Portland Cement Co., Tucson, and John O'Malle-v, C)'Mailcl' Lumber Co.. Phoenix.

Must Be Champion Air Commuter

Mason E. Kline, sales engineer, IJnion Lumber Company. Sarr Francisco, has traveled an aggregate of about 225,W rniles by air in the last five years. He makes a round trip by plane every week between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and occasionally has an extra trip. He also travels to Salt I.ake and Denver bv the air route from time to time.

Meeting thcrt kind oI a demcrnd is whcrt ecrns the cement decrler lcrsting good will. You can do it by <rlwcrys hcving in stock-


VELO is a stqndqrd Portlcnd cement with speciql properties which make it involucble in emergencies. It impcrts to concrete qn eqrly strength high enough for the job to be finished cnd ready for use in cs little oLs24 hours! A scving in time that mqy meon q tremendous sqving in money! Without the use of cny qdmixtures, VELO is highly plostic qnd makes q dense, watertight concrete. It is mqde from the finest rqw mqteriqls in <r plcnt unsurpqssed in modern methods qnd equipment.

Sell VELO for cny type of concrete construction recommend it pcnticulcrly lor emergency jobs . cnd'hcrve it on hcrnd when emergencies qrise.!

TelePhone: Mlchigcm l8l I

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