1 minute read
Jacl< Dionne not guarantecd---Some I have told for Ag" 20 years---Some les,
Southern Dialect
One of the current magazines has a cartoon of a group of fur-clad Eskimos, and one of them is saying to the other: "He always calls his wife 'Honey-Chile' since he made that trip away down South to Winnipeg."
And one o,f the movie mags tells of the meeting between an Eskimo from the North Pole. with o'ne from the South Pole. The Eskimo from the North Pole said: "Glug, Glug." To which the Eskimo from the South Pole replied: "Glug, Glug, You-all."
Cliarlie Wilson, president of the San Francisco Lumbermen's Club reports that the Club has had a successftrl year. Attendance at the rveekly luncheon at the Engineers Club, 206 Sansome Street, has been fair, and it is expected that there will be an increase in the average attendance during 1939.
There are no rnembership dues and no regular prog'ranls. I-uncheon is at 12:15 p.m. every Monday. The price is $1.0O. All lumbermen are welcome.
Will Spend New Year Holiday In Southland
Sarn Anderson, Jr., of Bay City Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs. Anderson, will be the guests of T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and N[rs. Lawrence, over the New Year holidays. They rvill attend the Duke-U.S.C. football game on New Year's day.
Call On Northwest Mills
G. M. Harrington, president, MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, and Bates Smith of the Los Angeles office, have returned from a 10-day tour of the firm's mill connections in the Northwest.
"Shares of Happiness" in l'he Good Fellowship Christmas Fund, sponsored by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, are one dollar this year. The Fund is in such a healthy condition at this time that donors are requested to subscribe for only one share each.
Checks should be mailed to the chairnan of the Christmas Committee, Clyde I. Speer, Zenith \'Iill & l,nmber Co.,2IOl East 12th Street, Oakland.
Applications for loans for homes made to the San Francisco office of the Federal Housing Administration totaled $182,193,400 for the past four years, D. C. McGinness, director of the Northern California district, said recently in a survey report.
The San Francisco FHA office, which started in 1934 with only four employes, now employs 185 persons, and offices have also been established in Oakland, Sacrameuto and Fresno.
Henry Olwell Visits California
P. H. Olwell, sales manager of Jamison Lumber & Shingle Company, Everett, Wash., was in Los Angeles last week on business for his comPany.