2 minute read

The Golden Rule

By Jack Dionne

At the Christmqs secson we heqr cnd reqd more crbout "The Golden Rule" than ct cny other tirne oI the yecr. And m(my oI us crre inclined to think it to be some specific group ol words ol Christicn derivqtion, cnd cre not certqin iust whct, or lrom whence. Not so. The philosophy thcrt we ccrll "The Golden Rule" hcrs come down to us through cU peoples lrom the ecrrliest dcrwn ol civilizction.

The ancient Persians said: "Do cs you would be done by."

Buddha tcughft "One should seek lor others the hcppiness one desires for onese[."

The qncient Chinese tcrughh "Whcrt you would not wish done to yoursell do not unto others."

The qncient Egypticrns pui it this wcy: "He sought for others the good he desired tor himself."

Mohammed said: "Let no one ol you trecrt his brother in c wcy he himself would dislike to be trecrted."

The ancient Greeks crdvised: "Do not thct to c neighbor which you would tcrke ill lrom him."

The crncient Romqns wrote: "The lcw imprinted on the heqrts ol qll men is to love the members oI society crs themselves."

Moses tcught: "Whqtsoever ye do not wish your neighbor to do to you, do not unto him."

And Jesus Christ tcught: "All things whcrtsoever ye would thqt men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them."

The ctvercae person simply scrys: "Do to others crs you would hcrve ihem do to you." And thct is the soul qnd essence of "The Golden Rule." But regcrdless ol which ol these mqnners ol scying this scme truth you mcry think the Iinest, makes little dillerence it you will jusl live Iully up to the philosophy. II "The Golden Rule" prevcriled smong cll men, humcrnity would be hcppy, hecrlthy, contented, peccelul, Iree lrom leqr qnd lrom crll evil.

Appointed Exclusive Distributors

Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, recently took over the exclusive distribution of Jamison Lumber & Shingle Company's Cedar Crearn Brand Red Cedar shingles in Southern California.

This concern's main plant in Everett, Wash., has 22 machines with an output ol l,M squares a day. They have another plant that operates 11 machines, making a total of 33.

Back From Texas Tour

Lee H. Eubank of L. H. Eubank & Son, Inglewood, returned ,last Week from a visit off several wee'ks to Texas, where he visited relatives and friends.

Before coming to California Mr. Eubank was associated u'ith the lumber business in Texas lor 8 years. On this trip he saw a number of lumbermen he used to knorv there in the old days. Texas cities visited on his tour included l{ouston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Beaumbnt.

Spending Christmas In Southland

William Vaughan president of the Coos Bay Logging Company, North Bend, Ore., and Mrs. Vaughan were in San Francisco early last week on their n'ay to southern California, where they will spend the Christmas holidays.

Mr. Vaughan's cornpany operates two mills in the Coos Bay area. He is a former mayor of North Bend, and is a prominent figure in the industry.

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