Sandra and George Bakowski, MD
Light it UP!
ridges come in all styles, shapes, and sizes. Whether it is what took place on that bridge, its innovative design, or its setting—bridges are memorable. And sometimes, they are worth seeking out even if you simply wish to gaze on them.
Ask anyone. The bridge is arguably one of the most transformative engineering marvels of our time. Throughout history, they have brought people together to not only close the gaps between physical obstacles, but have helped find ways for people to share a multitude of experiences. Remember the significance of the Bering Strait Land Bridge? The place most archaeologists agree humans first passed from Asia to populate the Americas. Or, thousands of years later, the newly opened Brooklyn Bridge, where Showman P.T. Barnum led 21 elephants, 7 camels, and 10 dromedaries to prove the bridge’s safety (not to mention its usefulness as a public-relations opportunity). What about that known bridge that cuts your commute in half? I bet it has a name, even if it’s an unofficial one.
Why are they significant? Bridges connect people, communities, and economies—creating possibilities out of impossibilities. They are a powerful creator of opportunity; more than just spans of pavement across a chasm. A bridge is a metaphor that defines a connection through communication and art, binding people together on an issue or idea. Think about it. The concept of what the bridge is, and what it can become. That notion, too, is constantly changing. Over the last two decades, cities from London to New York, from San Francisco to Singapore, have transformed their city’s bridges into breathtaking canvasses of light illuminating the landscape—reinvigorating new life where these sprawling structures have made their connections. Now, thanks to a public and private sector commitment, Shreveport-Bossier will join in this up-and-coming architectural lighting trend that will display a spectacular palette of light, art, color, and creativity over the Red River with the Bakowski Bridge of Lights. In 1994, anyone driving through Shreveport-Bossier got to enjoy the glow of the neon lights that adorned the Texas