Byron Bazaar Issue #274, Thursday 5th March 2020

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retrograde, forms a sweet sextile with Venus. This happens for the second time within 10 days! Take this opportunity to cherish life in great company. Almost simultaneously Venus moves into her home-turf of Taurus. For the next four weeks she is easily seduced by beauty, but also by the promise of wealth and luxury. She values art, taste and social graces. Friday is potentially a stressful day, but hard work could become quite therapeutic. During the weekend Sun and Neptune celebrate their yearly union in Pisces and bring a soft and inclusive mood. For the next few days creativity and intuition are highlighted, as well as romance. On Monday Lady Venus unites with Uranus; unique expressions of earthly delights are very much appreciated and everything new or exciting is very appealing. Surprise your loved one with something out of the ordinary! The Full Moon in Virgo is still very much under the spell of the big two conjunctions that just occurred. On Wednesday Mercury finishes his three week retrograde sojourn. For a little while it might feel as if time is standing still. This can be relaxing or frustrating, depending on your workload and stress… It’s best to practice patience because Mercury will take until the end of this month to move beyond his retrograde shadow. Only then he gains real momentum and the world opens up to new possibilities. For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.

Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: or text 0431 894 408



The Lovers Tarot card puts a spotlight on relationships. This is the week to revive romance, make new connections and appreciate your loved ones in any way possible. Before every interaction ask yourself what love would do. This could be a truly transformative and delightful experience…


The Prince of Wands is often called ‘Prince Charming’ and he arrives just in time to infuse your life with renewed passion and confidence. You may be in the mood for romance and you are willing to take the risk to wear your heart on your sleeve. If that’s not you right now, maybe your favourite creative petproject provides the pleasure you desire.


The 3 of Wands emphasises the body-mind-spirit connection and makes you aware that only activities that satisfy your whole being lead in the right direction and bring you the growth you desire. This is the week to think big, get fit and prepare for bigger things to come, but it is not time to strike out yet.


The 4 of Disks describes a dilemma: on the one hand you love being around friends and family, but on the other hand they might also take a lot out of you. You may feel forced to set limits and establish clear boundaries this week. Don’t over-extend yourself because that makes you cranky with the people you love.



The Princess of Swords is upfront and tells the truth. At times she may come across as a bit harsh. Since the astro flavour of this week is rather soft, you may be able to get to the heart of any matter, but deliver your message in the nicest and most charming way.


With the World Tarot card drawn and the Full Moon in your sign this can be a very rewarding week. You are always keen to better yourself, help others and care for the environment, and now you may find a new perspective or vision for how to do all of that more effectively while you enjoy life tremendously.


The Strength Tarot card provides great courage, resolve and composure. It renews your passion for life, even though not everything is in perfect balance yet. This is a great week to overcome old doubts and to allow your creative, artistic juices to flow freely; a very vitalising energy!


The Ace of Cups represents the ability to consciously open your heart to let love, compassion and empathy in. Through wholehearted connection with others you get in touch with some very delicate feelings which won’t be accessible if you stay in your protective armour. Giving and receiving can be equally enjoyable.


The Princess of Disks symbolises the highly creative force of the goddess who works in mysterious and mostly hidden ways. You may want immediate results, but she comes to teach you about one of the most important facts of manifestation. A lot of what you want to bring forth is already in the making, it is just not visible yet. Be patient…


With the 7 of Wands drawn you may have to hold out against pressure this week and muster a lot of courage to assert yourself. Don’t waste your energy resenting the fact that you have to teach some people how you deserve to be treated. Just be yourself and trust your expression.


With the Prince of Cups drawn the emotional tide is high. You may feel extremely moved by some encounters or find yourself in a dreamlike state. Your deep feelings may drive you to great creative expressions. Make sure you are not under time constraints, so that you have time to flow with it.


The Empress Tarot card symbolises loving care and great intuition. She inspires you to resist the compulsive urge of over-giving, and teaches you to also take your own needs into consideration. She can be your motivation to take charge in the most gentle way possible.

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