K a s n a z a n I n d o o r B e a c h Co m p l e x D e s i gn , Co n s t r u c t i o n & S u p p l y w w w. c a d i n i gro u p. co m
Contents 05
our team
Kasnazan Project
T h e Di s t r i b u t i o n O f F u n c t i o n s
The Commercial Zone
The Water Park
Slides - The Water Park
rocks - The Water Park
Si m i la r p roj e ct s
co n s u lta n cy • FRANCESCO BARBA G Li • STU d I O SALA ASSOC I AT I • i n.o p e ra • S t e p h e n G e o r g e • J u b b • FH P P • T o d d & L e d s o n
For any information please do not hesitate to contact our Headquarters: Cadini Group Via Masaccio, 105, 50132 Firenze, ITALY tel. (+39) 055 573401 fax. (+39) 055 579685 email. info@cadinigroup.com
Cadini Group Headquarters, Florence, Italy
Introduction c a d i n i G ROU P i s a g lo b a l DES I G N , c o n s u lta n cy, SU P P LY AND c o n s t r u c t i o n g r o u p. I T I S FORMED BY THE JO I T V ENTURE OF CAD I N I G ROU P
Cadini Group is an Italian company founded in 1983 and based in Florence, Italy. It operates under four separate divisions: Cadini Group Consultancy, Logistics, Lifestyle and Fashion. It has affiliate offices in the UK, China, Iraq, and Jordan. Combining unparalleled experience; Cadini Consultancy Divisions are able to deliver design and manage projects in accordance with clients’ requirements, specifications, program of works and project cost profile all to the highest standards. Cadini Group through its Logistics Division provides high quality materials and equipment with the relevant design and support service, in a timely manner, and at competitive rates. Cadini Group boasts an international team that has enabled it to enter important markets and cater to diverse business interests.
The team have expertise in all sectors of the construction industry, including:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Universities Schools Sports Facilities Master Planning Theatres Parliaments Amusement Parks Residential Retail Mixed Use Development Leisure Social Housing Conservation / Refurbishment Transport Private Housing Offices Industrial Food Hospitals and Healthcare Education Hotels
“No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in humanity.”
Consultancy D e s ig n , P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t a n d S u p e r vi s i o n
Cadini Group provides a range of Design, Project Management, Quantity Surveying and Cost Management services on projects throughout the world.
C a d i n i G r o u p w a s f o r m u lat e d t o p r o vi d e a P r o f e s s i o n a l C o n s t r u c t i o n C o n s o r t i u m t o d e l iv e r h ig h q u a l i ty c o n s u lta n cy a n d D e s ig n S o l u t i o n s f o r t h e C o n s t r u ct i o n I n d u s t ry. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION - DESIGN PROPOSAL - MUSCAT - OMAN
Our Team C a d i n i G ROU P i s f o r m u lat e d i n o r d e r t o m e e t t h e d e m a n d s a n d f u l f i l l t h e s p e c i f i c D e s ig n a n d Co n s t r u ct i o n n e e d s.
Cadini Group was formulated to provide a Professional Consultancy, Design, Project Management and Supervision firm to deliver high Quality Design and Build Solutions within the Construction Industry. The selected consultans, who are part of the Group, have all previously worked together as a team and were selected on the basis of their Knowledge experience and professional approach. The team has a combined 150 years of experience working within the UK, The team have expertise in all sectors
Europe, and the Middle East.
of the construction industry, including: The consultants are able to provide a full range of solutions in accordance with the clients’ requirements, program of works and project cost profile, all to the highest professional standards. The Project Management and Quality Control Team has extensive experience in the Construction of Highways, Roads, Bridges, transports, Residential, Facilities, Schools, railways, Hospital, etc. Cadini Group main Professional Design, Project Management and Quality Control Team consist of 11 Qualified Engineers.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Alternative Energy Engineering Amusement Parks Residential Retail Mixed Use Development Leisure Social Housing Conservation / Refurbishment Transport Private Housing Offices Industrial Food Hospitals and Healthcare Education Sports Master Planning Hotels
“We have a wide ranging experience in the Construction sector.”
Kasnazan Project T h e K a s n a z a n P r o j e c t c o n s i s t s o f t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a n i n d o o r w at e r pa r k wi t h a wi d e va r i e ty o f at t r a c t i o n s .
The project is located in the margin of the road from Erbil to Koya about 12 km from the center of Erbil, near Kasnazan where is taking place a strong residential development and where an amusement park is already operating. It occupies an area of about 18,750 sqmt. between the national road and designed artificial river. Water parks in general are a derivation of the thematic and mechanical parks, after the invention of the water slides. Since the 80s of the last century, they are spreading more and more around the world. Initially they were estabilished in tourist areas, but in the last decade, many have sprung up in urban areas, in the vicinity of large cities. Most water parks are open to the exterior nd can spread out on large areas. Besides numerous attractions often they try to reproduce situations similar to those of marine beaches. More recently a new generation of water parks with covering is developing. These are smaller and require, in proportion, more investments, but they have the considerable advantage of work for 12 months a year and daiy 12-14 hour shifts. They are emerging especially in the vicinity of large cities; sometimes by transforming and expanding existing pools. The project we propose to Kasnazan, wants to be multifunctional. Inside, in addition to the water park, where the playful aspects prevail, also it includes a regular closed, pool two gyms (one male and one female) and a shopping area on three floors, where there are restaurants, cafes, shops and games. At the top of the shopping area there are two residential towers of 16-20 floors with apartments of various sizes (2, 3 and 4 Bedrooms) There are two underground car parks, one 2 floor car oark to service of two service the water park and the shopping area and one of 1 floor to service the residential towers. The one at the service of the towers will have a capacity of about 100 cars, the one for the park and the shopping area could have a capacity of about 400 cars. On the back side large service and mechanical spaces are designed (about 800 sqm) for warehouses and MEP (power station and pumps)
The Distribution Of Functions T h e K a z n a n P r o j e c t c o n s i s t s o f t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a n i n d o o r w at e r pa r k wi t h a wi d e va r i e ty o f at t r a c t i o n s .
On the street front, adjacent to the large public 10 meters wide sidewalk and parking an open space of about 1,000 sqmis designed furnished with planters, fountains and seats. From here, through a large covered loggia the passage leads to the Aquapark and the path that leads to the residential towers. Entrance to the park takes place in a large sorting hall, where you have the fundamental division of the paths among those “barefoot” and those in “shoes”. This corresponds to two types of visitors: those who want to use the pools make their way to the changing rooms of the water park, the accompanying and those who want to use the other services are directed to the commercial area, catering, games and sports equipment and fitness .ower station and pumps)
The Commercial Zone THE COMMERC I AL a r e a i s s p r e a d o v e r t h r e e f lo o r s wi t h a t o ta l a r e a o f 10,000 s q m .
The coverage will be realized with a double membrane, with an inner tube for insulation. The membrane is made of a special plastic (ETFE) that filters UV rays. The indoor air is heated throughout the year keeping an air temperature of 28-30 °. The water temperature will be constant at 28 °, excluding special pools with thermal effects. The hall leads to the main ticket office and from this to the locker room, the locker room through the foot-washing basins and warm showers leads to the water park. The main pool has a water surface of about 2,500 sqm and a height varying from 0 to 2 meters; it is accessed through a real sand beach of about 1,300 sqm; The water surface is animated by real waves (animated by underwater pumps). This pool with its beach is surrounded on three sides by a paved “U” shaped terrace and hosts the other attractions. On the left side you will find: •
• • •
6 water slides with a dedicated pool, these will have a maximum height of over 10 meters with a total length of over 300 meters. They could also be designed from a tower that develops over the coverage in order to achive more height and development The double pool with thermal effect with temperature and with Jacuzzi, The Pool-bar, a round pool with warm water approximately 1.20 m high with a bar counter in the center and diving sessions; Paddling pool with water at two different heights depending on the age of childrenand small slides.
On the right side are the cafés and restaurants with direct access from the perimeter terrace.
The Water Park T h e w at e r z o n e o c c u pi e s a n a r e a o f a pp r o x i m at e ly 12,000 s q m a n d i s c o v e r e d b y a la r g e va u lt s u pp o r t e d b y a s t e e l s t r u ct u r e wi t h a h e ig h t va ry i n g f r o m 12.00 t o 17.00 m e t e r s .
The coverage will be realized with a double membrane, with an inner tube for insulation. The membrane is made of a special plastic (ETFE) that filters UV rays. The indoor air is heated throughout the year keeping an air temperature of 28-30 °. The water temperature will be constant at 28 °, excluding special pools with thermal effects. The hall leads to the main ticket office and from this to the locker room, the locker room through the foot-washing basins and warm showers leads to the water park. The main pool has a water surface of about 2,500 sqm and a height varying from 0 to 2 meters; it is accessed through a real sand beach of about 1,300 sqm; The water surface is animated by real waves (animated by underwater pumps). This pool with its beach is surrounded on three sides by a paved “U” shaped terrace and hosts the other attractions. On the left side you will find: •
• • •
6 water slides with a dedicated pool, these will have a maximum height of over 10 meters with a total length of over 300 meters. They could also be designed from a tower that develops over the coverage in order to achive more height and development The double pool with thermal effect with temperature and with Jacuzzi, The Pool-bar, a round pool with warm water approximately 1.20 m high with a bar counter in the center and diving sessions; Paddling pool with water at two different heights depending on the age of childrenand small slides.
On the right side are the cafés and restaurants with direct access from the perimeter terrace.
Slides - The Water Park T u b e S l i d e T u r b o Ø 800
It is a specially designed slide with a slope exceeding 20%. Aimed particularly at young and energetic people, enjoying high speed and thrills. The slide can be Ø800 or Ø1000 in diameter, depending on the customer’s need, it can be designed and installed in the outdoor or indoor facilities. Technical data Diameter: 800 [mm] Pump Efficiency: 90-120 [m³/h] Optimal Length: 40-80 [m] Average Slope: min. 17 T u b e S l i d e Ø 1200
A larger version of the tube slide Ø1000. Enlarged diameter of the components gives a lot of freedom in sliding, which shall encourage a larger number of users to try it and have fun. This slide may be made in any colour chosen by the customer: transparent or in full colour, unicoloured or multicoloured. There is also an option of additional day lighting – transparent elements in laminate of any kind of shape e.g. circles, stripes, stars. Technical data Diameter: 1200 [mm] Pump Efficiency: 120 [m³/h] Optimal Length: 60-100 [m] Average Slope: 10-13 [%] Op e n S l i d e „ U ” Ty p e U 1000
The functional properties of this slide are very similar to U 1000 mm. In most cases it is installed in facilities with more space – indoors and outdoors. Its advantage is the possibility to design it according to individual need of the customer. Colouring is free to choose. Technical data Diameter: 1000 [mm] Pump Efficiency: 90-120 [m³/h] Optimal Length: 40-100 [m] Average Slope: 9,5-13 [%] Op e n C h i l d r e n S l i d e U 530
A fun Open Children Slide U 530 is something that the youngest family members will love sliding down for hours. Here’s an enjoyable idea that is sure to keep the kids smiling and having the greatest joy. Ideal solution for theme playgrounds as well as for shallow pools. Technical data Diameter: 530 [mm] Pump Efficiency: 20-30 [m³/h] Optimal Length: 10-16 [m] Average Slope: 10-20 [%] www.cadinigroup.com
Spa c e B o w l 6500
An untypical slide of a specific structure: created for aqua parks. The whole slide is divided in three stages: 1/gathering speed stage in the relatively long and steep section, which is made of 800 mm tube; 2/ repeated centrifugal rotation in the onion-shaped bowl; 3/ free fall to the pool below or, alternatively, end of slide at the tube stage. Similar to its bigger counterpart Space Bowl 6500, it is possible to combine it with the other slide or pool. Technical data Bowl’s Diameter: 6500 [mm] Pump Efficiency: 120+25 [m³/h] Inlet’s Optimal Length: 20-30 [m] Average Inlet’s Slope: 13-15 [%]
2 - La n e S l i d e
As the name suggests, this construction is composed of many tracks parallel and connected to each other, which allows several people to slide simultaneously with no risk of collision. Additional attraction related to the slide is a possibility of friendly competition between the users. The slide is available in options 2,3,4 and 5-track, and more than that, it allows to use tracks from 2 to 5 at the same time. Technical data Diameter: 1600-3400 [mm] Pump Efficiency: 90 [m³/h] Optimal Length: 20-40 [m] Average Slope: 13-20 [%]
Artificial Rocks - The Water Park These long lasting and very realistic creations are suitable for display use and landscaping, especially where access is difficult and weight restrictions apply. Pol – Glass specializes in the design and the production of laminate rocks destined especially for Aquaparks, theme parks and SPA zones. Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
TROPICAL ISLANDS Krausnik - Germany
1938 as military airfield, from 2004 water park 360x210 m - h. 107 m 75,600 sqm and over 5,000,000 mc of air at 25 °C and 40-60% humidity
10,000 sqm Rain Forest (50,000 plants of 600 species) 3,000 sqm Sea Pool 200 m long at 28 °C temperature, area with sandy beach 1,200 sqm Lagoon at 32 °C temperature, with grotto and waterfalls Kid's Pool Sauna, wellness area, fitness club, 4 Waterslides, one 27 m high 18-hole mini-golf course Air balloon tours Restaurants and cafés Hotels and other accommodations, over 1,000 beds Shopping Boulevard 6,000/day
ROOF The roof's measures 70,000 m² and is able to withstand the significant mass of rain and snow that falls on it. Two massive shell-like doors of 600 tons, no longer in use, are each made of six moveable segments that could allow the entry and exit of airships in the hangar in 20 minutes. The steel construction, of almost 14,000 tons, supports an arched membrane roof. The southern section has been replaced with a special membrane that allows UV to penetrate the interior, making it possible to get a natural tan.
1993-2007 (now closed) 300x100 m - h. 38 m 30,000 sqm. Air at 30 째C
Ocean Pool at 28 째C water and with sand beach Kid's Pool 3 Waterslides flame-spitting volcano every hour surfing waves up to 10,000/day; 1,250,000/year
ROOF World's largest retractable roof
2013 400x160 m 5,500,000 smq
Water park Conference center China's biggest shopping mall two 1,000 beds 5-star hotel Ice Rink 14-screen cinema
WEWAVE Zoetermeer - Netherlands
project 2011
7,500 sqm Sea Pool 13,000 sqm Shopping Mall 4,500 sqm Hotel and Congress area 12,000 sqm outdoor sport facilities
2008 Dome 72 m diameter,
Indoor Adventure Pools at 32-34 °C temperature Wave Pool at 28 °C temperature Kid's Pool at 30 °C temperature 2 Jacuzzi at 34-38 °C temperature Swimming Pool at 27-29 °C temperature 12 Waterslides: kids, 4th floor, 5th floor Sauna and massages wellness + fitness Hotel with 309 rooms 1,000 seats conference hall 1,000 spaces car park
N e w S c i e n t i f i c ca m p u s FLORENCE , I TALY
Francesco Barbagli www.ec2.it/francescobarbagli
A r c h i t e c t u r e , la n d s c a p e , u r b a n p la n n i n g .
Francesco Barbagli has a long and extensive experience in project management and project coordination. The firms’ activity is mainly based in Italy, but has also completed important projects abroad. In Paris, the office carried out an important urban renovation, improvement and intervention project. Most of the assignments were awarded by participating in National and International com¬petitions.
R e c o v e ry o f t h e M e d i c i S ta b l e s , P o ggi o a C a i a n o, I ta ly.
The projects’ value; range from €1m to € 40m. The projects cover most work stages: starting from feasibility studies to detailed
Francesco Barbagli and Cadini Group decades-long col-
design and project management
laboration is so relavant to the italian urbanistic and edilitistic sphere that it was added as University Department model in
The projects carried out by the firm were all finished to the highest standards, on time and on budget.
the first volume of the Italian Building Design Manual, edited by Hoepli.
• • • • •
education and research building industrial building urban renovation and upgrading Restoration and refurbishment of historic buildings master planning
Most important clients:
• • • • • • • • •
University of Florence (Italy) National Research Council (Italy) Department of Equipment (France) Marseille University (France) Municipality of Bologna (Italy) Municipality of Florence (Italy) District Council of Arezzo (Italy) Condotte Spa Roma (Italy) Servizi tecnici Spa Roma (Italy)
“Francesco Barbagli Architects have been established for over 4 decades, working in Architecture, Landscaping and Master Planning. ”
L u c c a , I ta ly T e c h n o lo gi c a l C e n t e r Cost: $ 5.100.000 Surface Area: 300 sq. mt. Date: 2009-2011
Photovoltaic Pergola in university library FLORENCE / ITALY
MSA Associati www.msaassociati.it
DATE: 2004
B u i l d i n g - i n t e g r at e d ALTERNAT I V E ENER G Y EN G I NEER I N G CLIENT: Florence University
FUNDING: Ministry of Environment, “PV A Professional Consultant expert in the Design and Implementation ofENLARGEMENT”, Building-integrated (BIPV)Region are photovoltaic EU photovoltaics program, Tuscany materials that are used to replace conventional building materials in parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights, or WORKING TEAM: Arch. Marco Sala, Arch. Lucia Ceccherini, Arch. Alessio Rullani, Arch. Arch. Michele Zingarelli Sustainability is a term nowadays largely used in architecture, but MSA Associates has been pioneering this sector for over 20 years, facades.
and now we’re proud to manage a vast knowledge, use of scientific technologies and practical experiences that not many other COST: € 350.000 competitors can praise.
SURFACE: m² 300 This achievements have been possible thanks to the strict collaboration between our office and ABITA (Architettura Bioecologica e
P h o t o v o lta i c P e r g o la i n u n iv e r s i ty l i b r a ry FLORENCE / I TALY
Innovazione Tecnologica per l’Ambiente) the Interuniversity Center of Florence of whom Marco Sala is the founder and director which has become main collaborator for the sustainable development of Italian Universities. MSA Associalti takes into account a number of imposrtant factors such as: - Highly efficient envelope integrated - Roof Garden - Active integrated system for the exploitation of solar energy (solar and photovoltaics) - Use of geothermal heat pumps and combined with rigeneration - Use of natural ventilation - Analisys of natural lighting - Use of innovative Intelligent windows system - Slidings shutters for vertical and horizontal surfaces
CLIENT: Florence University FUNDING: Ministry of Environment, “PV ENLARGEMENT”, EU program, Tuscany Region WORKING TEAM: Arch. Marco Sala, Arch. Lucia Ceccherini, Arch. Alessio Rullani, Arch. Arch. Michele Zingarelli COST: € 350.000 SURFACE: m² 300
- Use of radiant floor and roof - Use of “natural” materials (mortar, plaster, stone and wood coatings, natural insulating) - Use of hydraulic systems to recycle rainwater and optimize water consumption - Integration of power generators elements.
“Sustainable Buildings and Envrionmental Technologies”
HOTEL NH P RES I DENT M I LANO, I TALY Surface Area: 7.500 sq. mt. Capacity: 130 rooms
In.Opera www.in-opera.it
e n gi n e e r s a n d a r c h i t e c t s
In.Opera was established in 2002, founded on thirty years of work experience of its members along with the expertise and support of Prof. Eng. Andrea Chiarugi. In.Opera provides quality structural engineering, site supervision, project management and quality survey. We are committed to work in partnership with our clients to deliver solutions to each individual need. The practice is located in Florence and has a staff of around 20 professionals including engineers, architects, quantity surveyors and graphic designers and site supervisors with a wide experience in both private and public projects. In the last ten years the aquired experience on projects has allowed In.Opera to become one of the most recognized firms in the hospitality sector in Italy, working with some of the most important clients operating in the Italian market. In.Opera focuses on providing clients the full range of services required, giving professional advice in many sectors. In.Opera has expertise and experience, and can offer comprehensive services in the following:
• • • • • •
project management
H o t e l a c m i la n o, i ta ly Surface Area: 7.500 sq. mt. Capacity: 130 rooms Designs:
• • • •
Architectural Design Structural Design Mechanical & Electric Design Interior Design
Interior Design Key Hotel projects:
design management cost and procurement advice Risk management Technical service advice Brand standards monitoring
• • • • •
Hotel Savoia Excelsior Trieste Hotel Porta Rossa Firenze AC Hotel Milano Hotel President Milano AC Hotel Torino
“The goal of our company is stated in our name: IN.OPERA.”
S a la la h F r e e Z o n e A d m i n i s t r at iv e HQ S u lta n at e o f O m a n Zone is to be 1,500 ha of mixed use development including warehousing and industrial manufacture, residential, commercial, educational and infrastructure buildings. The administrative HQ is the operational hub of Free Zone and will accommodate the company and all its functions.
Salalah Free Zone - Oman Business Centre
Stephen George www.stephengeorge.co.uk a n d pa r t n e r s l l p
Key Features of the Development • 0,000 sq ft offices for administrative HQ
Founded in 1970, Stephen George & Partners has established itself as one of the UK’s leading architectural practices. • 0,000 sq ft offices for investors to Freezone • Atrium with landcaped sqaures and roof gardens Stephen George & Partners is placed in the ‘Top 100’ practices by the Architects’ Journal and has recently been included
in the ‘Top 100 Companies to work for’ listing in The Sunday Times.
• Highly sustainable design
We have extensive experience within both private and public sectors, offering quality architectural design services supported by technical expertise. Our work in the Public and Education sectors goes back to the founding of the practice in
S a la la h F r e e Z o n e B u s i n e s s C e n t r e -
1970, when new school buildings and government offices were among our first projects. Later work has covered the full
S u lta n at e o f O m a n
spectrum from Job Centre Plus projects to Magistates’ Courts and from pre-school nurseries to schools and universities. Our interest in sustainable design is equally lifelong, and we have developed strategies for sustainable design that are
Proposals for a business center provided to support Salalah
cost-effective for our clients to implement.
Free Zone’s business marketing objectives. Facility will comprise of a boutique
Many recent projects have required us to assemble a brief for the building that meets the client’s unspoken aspirations
hotel, leisure club and
and needs. This has meant working closely with our clients to develop briefs that meet both the organisational needs and
conference center. The building is located on cliff top
the budget – a relationship that forms the basis of good design. We aim to ensure that the timescale, budget and brief are
overlooking the Arabian sea and the developing Free Zone
met with sustainable designs for beautiful buildings.
towards Salalah City.
At Stephen George & Partners we are passionate about our projects. Our designs speak for themselves. Stephen George & Partners has collected a number of awards over the years, and we have enjoyed the design journey with our clients.
Our experience is wide ranging and covers the majority
We pride ourselves on delivery of quality, whether the project is large or small.
of construction sectors. However, our core experience is in masterplanning and the delivery of commercial and industrial projects. We are interested not just in designs and masterplans, but in the impact we have on people’s lives.
“Our architects design with flair, and we design for the future.”
The Deep Hull The Deep is a landmark Millennium project which is a major visitors’ attraction at Hull, housing the deepest aquarium tank in Europe. The building is visually stunning with inclined walls clad in concrete, aluminium, acrylic render and glass.
www.jubb.uk.com c o n s u lt i n g e n gi n e e r s l i m i t e d
Jubb Consulting Engineers is a firm of Chartered Civil and Structural Engineers. The firm was established in 1963 and currently we are commissioned on a variety of projects across the UK. We work closely with private and public sector clients which include local authorities, government bodies, developers, contractors, funding institutions etc. The scope of our works from highways, maritime to building projects are summarily mentioned in the following pages. Please
R a d s t o c k R e g e n e r at i o n
Radstock is a Brownfield site redevelopment of the former GWR railw and station intended to provide a mixed used development of 210 re We enjoy team work and innovation and are aware of our responsibilities and the impacts we may create on the national and Radstock is a Brownfield site redevelopment of the former units and retail / business units, including historical re-use of existing built environment. We proactively pursue proficiency in design, value engineering, options and quality in construction. GWR railway lines and station intended to provide a mixed buildings and part infrastructure. contact us for details about any of the projects or disciplines.
We undertake quality management in all aspects of our works and we seek to deliver a quality service during the whole design
used development of 210 residential units and retail / business
and construction process. We are an Investor in People employer with an active program of training and design development.
including historical of existing buildings linkage The principle visionunits, is to improve the re-use vehicular andrailway pedestrian and part infrastructure. the main A362 Frome Road and to redefine and enhanc town centre public realm for Radstock.
Our expertise has both breadth and depth and we are, therefore, ideally qualified and confident in the role of Civil, Structural, diversion of Environmental & Geotechnical and Highway Engineers and enjoy working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
The principle vision is to improve the vehicular and pedestrian Jubb Consulting Engineers have expertise and experience in and offer the following comprehensive services:
• • • •
linkage involving diversion of the main A362 to Design works include Full Transport Assessment forFrome the Road development a centre; Flood Risk redefineAssessment; and enhance a new Service Infrastructure and D Infrastructure and offsite improvements. town center public realm for Radstock. Design works include Full Transport Assessment for the
All works required development due consideration to Flood the Risk sensitive ecological natu and town center; Assessment; Service site ultimately receiving approval through consultation Planning A Infrastructure and Drainage Infrastructure and offsite with improveEA and Drainage authorities. ments. CLIENT CLIENT:
“Jubb Consulting Engineers have expertise and experience and offer comprehensive services.”
M a n c h e s t e r’ s V e lo d r o m e , B r i ta i n ’ s p r i m a ry i n d o o r O ly m pi c c y c l e t r a c k , First class facilities for basket ball, net ball & swimming pools, bowling allies in a variety of locations, a luxury leisure facility in Nottingham, Multi-screen cinema and retail units in Lincoln together with a number of new build shopping center, incorporating multi-storey car parks in Middlesborough, Stockton, Corby, Bury, Leeds and York.
FHPP www.fhpp.com I n s pi r i n g b u i lt e n vi r o n m e n t s
As one of the UK’s leading building services consultants, FHP Partnership Ltd has established an enviable reputation for excellence. In all projects, large or small, we strive to achieve the highest level of design and coordination standards from concept to completion. We also pride ourselves on our ability to deliver on time and within budget. In addition, our experienced building services design
R e s e a r c h La b o r at o r i e s
team is committed to providing the most comfortable energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions for your building environ-
United Kingdom
ment. Whatever the challenges of your project, we have the expertise to meet them. FHP Partnership was appointed to design and coordinate the FHP Partnership Ltd has skillfully applied its expertise to a range of new and refurbishment projects/developments including:
• • • • • • • • • • •
mechanical and electrical services associated with the construction of a new 5,300m2 Toxicology facility in the grounds
Commercial offices
of the existing site complex.
Town center redevelopments
The services installation includes the provision of 5No new
air handling units to serve the research rooms, necropsy
suite, cage-wash facility and associated administration areas,
providing a minimum of 20No air changes per hour to the
majority of the building. Each of the 71No research rooms is
provided with individual environmental control via the BMS, to
Laboratories/clean rooms
meet the stringent regulatory board requirements for the tem-
perature, humidity, lighting and noise levels to be achieved.
Education Local authority
Hotels and conference centres
“Excellence from concept to completion.”
S t C at h e r i n e s H o s pi ta l , Bi r k e n h e a d C l i e n t – NHS W i r r a l a n d I n t e g r at e d H e a lt h P r o j e c t s New build Community Hospital providing a range of healthcare facilities, along with extensive external works. Construction Cost - £28m
Todd & Ledson
c h a r t e r e d q u a l i ty s u r v e y o r s
Todd and Ledson is a well-established quantity surveying practice with a modern,and professional, but still personal, approach to meeting client needs. The philosophy of the practice is to ensure that there is direct partner involvement for each commission. This core value has been maintained since the inception of the practice in 1946, and it has contributed greatly to our success as a practice that highly values its client relationships. P i e r h e a d F e r ry T e r m i n a l B u i l d i n g . We have been, and continue to be, commissioned for a wide range of professional services to both public and private clients throughout the construction industry. These have ranged from small building works to multi-million pound developments
New build ferry terminal building and office accommodation.
throughout the UK. Our services include Cost Management / Quantity Surveying, Employers Agent, Project Management /
Also includes the new Beatles Experience Museum and a shell
Coordination, Monitoring Surveyors, Whole Life Costing & Sustainability advice, Management Consultancy, Appraisal Services,
space for a new restaurant.
Feasibility Studies, Option Appraisals, and Masterplanning. Todd & Ledson have worked on projects of all sizes The partnership provides a professional approach to the provision of services. Our status as Chartered Surveyors is an assurance
throughout the United Kingdom, in many sectors of the
of our expertise and professional integrity. Quality of service is a priority, and is demonstrated by our ISO9001 accreditation. All
construction industry.
work is supervised and quality assurance procedures are adhered to at every stage.
All services are based on application of knowledge, experience, expertise and information, gained working on many
Todd & Ledson add value to projects by introducing technical, financial and cost management expertise and experience to the
projects over the last sixty years. All members of our team
construction process. We have expertise in providing accurate cost forecasting and effective cost and risk management, ensuring
recognize that every project, no matter how large or small,
projects are delivered within budget, thus maximizing our client’s return on investment.
requires an innovative and tailored approach to ensure that it meets all client requirements.
“Todd and Ledson is a well-established construction consultancy practice with a modern and professional, but still personal, approach to meeting client needs.�
Global Supply, Co n s t r u c t i o n & Consultancy email: info@cadinigroup.com w w w. c a d i n i g r o u p . c o m Co r p o r a t e H e a d q u a r t e r s Via Masaccio, 105 5 0 1 3 2 F i r e n z e , I T A LY tel: (+39) 055 573401 fax: (+39) 055 5001190 Office
A l B a k r i Co m p l ex , b u i l d ing 111, floor 4, Gardens St., Amman, Jordan tel: (+962) 6
fax: (+962) 6 5522450 Office
tel: ( +964) 770 2849416 Flat 14 - Ibrahiem Al-Awsaj Building, Al-Manso o r St . B ag h d ad
I r aq
Office in Kurdistan Salm street, rawaz building -S u l a i m a n y a hKurdistan Region
ww w.c a din ig r o u p.co m