Canarian Weekly Issue 669

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 669



10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Employers benefit from new regime Spain’s new labour reform package gets the green light THE Spanish Government’s muchdisputed new labour reform package was rubber-stamped yesterday (Thursday), although it failed to please everyone. But the changes, deemed essential for cutting the soaring jobless rate and reviving the fragile economy, will prove to be a blessing for employers and workers throughout Spain and the Canary Islands. There were a few alterations made before the legislation was passed, and the Socialist government received criticism from all sides - especially from angry union chiefs. Yet something had to give to offer the country a fighting chance of clawing its way out of the recession and on the road to recovery. The main victory for Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero’s government is the right to remove unemployment benefit after 30 days if the recipient does not agree to go on a training course. The previous limit was 100 days. The reforms, which have been discussed for months, will also make it easier and cheaper for companies to fire workers. When the government’s discussions with unions and employers collapsed in June, the two main unions called a general strike for 29th September in protest which, as far as Canarian Weekly is

aware, is still going ahead. The International Monetary Fund has stressed that the labour reforms are “absolutely crucial” if Spain is to cut its appalling 20% jobless rate, and rein in the massive public deficit. The agreement between Zapatero’s PSOE party and the PNV Basque Nationalist Party on redundancy means

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

that the final document offers 20 days pay per year worked as compensation. It can be applied if there are “current or forecast losses”, or the “persistent reduction of income levels” within the business. Worker can also lose their jobs if their absenteeism reaches 20% of days in a twomonth consecutive period, or

25% over four separate months in the same year, provided the average absenteeism is not over 2.5% in both cases. On the other hand, a worker with the same company for three years on a temporary contract will now have to be given a fixed contract, so this is in the best interests of the employee. An amendment from the PNV which considered that this should apply only when the person has actually carried out the same job, has not been included in the legislation. The concept of “partial

unemployment”, as suggested by the BNG, Galician Nationalists, was accepted. This means that benefits are calculated using hours and not days worked. Elena Salgado, Minister for Tax and the Economy, said the reforms would allow Spain to climb positions in the world competitiveness rankings. Unfortunately for her, the remark came the day after data showed that Spain had fallen nine places in the World Economic Forum index to No.42. Top of the list are Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore. José Ignacio Echániz, the PP

spokesman, said that the Government was “completely alone” in the legislation, without the support of either the political parties or the unions. He added: ‘It is the first labour reform in history where a Government has not been supported by anyone.” Meanwhile, Celestino Corbacho, the Minister for Unemployment, has said that one in three people collecting the 426-euro extraordinary monthly payment - given to the unemployed whose regular entitlement had expired has found work. The government has been steadfast in its defence of the new measures. Jose Blanco. Minister of Public Works and Transport, said: “Unemployment continues to be the main economic challenge facing the country and the new measures will generate employment and stability. “The measures are positive for all workers, for those who have jobs as well as those who are trying to find them. Even though this reform will not be enough to resolve all our employment problems, it will make the path easier.” Spain plunged into its worst recession in decades at the end of 2008, following the collapse of a decade-long property boom. It returned to tepid growth only this year. Zapatero’s government passed a 15-billion-euro austerity plan in May, aimed at shoring up Spain’s public finances amid investor concerns that the country could follow Greece into a financial crisis. The plan was on top of a 50billion-euro package of spending cuts announced in January, designed to cut progressively the public deficit to the eurozone limit of 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2013.


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10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Second bull-run Low marks for health fan is gored to death in Spain ACCORDING to European sources the regions of Valencia, Madrid, Galicia, and the Canary Islands all score ‘black marks’ for their low levels of health service, a FADSP report shows.

A BULL RUN spectator has been gored to death after she poked her head through a barrier in central Spain, authorities have said. “She received a fatal blow to the head from a bull at the back of the herd,” said the town hall of Arganda del Rey, near capital city Madrid. The beast’s horn pierced the neck of 48-year-old Maria del Carmen Lopez del Burgo and she died shortly afterwards, an emergency worker at the scene said. The town hall said it would hold a minute’s silence for the victim and expressed its condolences to her family and

loved ones. But it said the town festival would not be suspended. On Monday, a bull killed a 41year-old bricklayer during a similar festival in the central Spanish town of Villaseca de la Sagra. The beast had lanced

one of the man’s lungs and severed a major artery. Every year, towns across Spain hold festivals in which crowds of people run ahead of a pack of bulls, which are heading through streets towards bull rings for a fight.

In the most famous bull run in Pamplona in July, 37 people including 11 foreigners were injured this year. Since 2000, at least 36 people have been gored to death in bull runs in Spain, according to the reports.

Fyffes half-year profits down 28% A BANANA glut and rising costs have cut first-half profits of tropical fruits distributor Fyffes by almost a third. The Dublin-based company said excess market supply, higher fuel costs and a stronger US dollar created difficult conditions, which left pre-tax profits down 28% at 13.3 million euro in the six months to June. The group said trading conditions had normalised during the summer months and that it will be increasing its prices across all markets. According to the Office for National Statistics, the average retail price of a kilo of bananas rose from 95p in January to 109p in June. Fyffes, whose revenues were

broadly flat at 402.6 million euros, said conditions were tough in its pineapple division for “broadly similar” reasons, with results flat year-on-year.


But a clampdown on costs drove an improved performance from its melon business, prompting Fyffes to hold its interim dividend steady as

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Contributors: Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


well as full-year guidance for underlying earnings of between 14 million and 18 million euros. The firm began trading in the 1880s when the first commercial delivery of bananas from the Canary Islands arrived in London for E.W. Fyffe Son & Co. The world’s oldest fruit brand came into being in 1929 with the famous blue label and its bananas are sourced in the Tropics from countries such as Costa Rica, Guatemala and Colombia. Fyffes is best known for its fruit business but also retains a 40% stake in property business Blackrock International, which it spun off in 2006. The group has UK bases in Wakefield, Coventry, Portsmouth and Basingstoke, as well as a Scottish site in Livingston, West Lothian. Distribution audited and certified by

THE Valencia Region has the worst health service in Spain, according to the health services association (FADSP). The top five regions listed as having the best health service in Spain are Navarra, Asturias, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla and Leon and Aragon. Those with acceptable health services include the Balearic islands, Extremadura, Pais Vasco, and La Rioja. Further down the list were the regions of Andalucia, Cantabria, Cataluña, and Murcia, which were deemed satisfactory. The results were based on calculations on health capita per spending, the number of

beds per thousand inhabitants, the average for health insurance cards, child mortality rates, costs of medicines and the opinion of local residents. FADSP created a classification of points, with the country average of 44,05. Navarra received 56 points and Asturias 53 points. Andalucia was slightly above average with 45 points. The Balearic Islands and Murcia were below average with 48 and 41 points respectively, while Valencia hit rock bottom with just 26 points. In the Basque Region, health spending is 1,623.08 per capita compared to the 1,066.37 in the Balearic Islands. In Catalonia there are 4.5 beds per thousand inhabitants, while in Valencia there are only 2.69. In Asturias, 68.5 per cent of patients who call for a medical appointment get one the next day, but in Valencia region this happens only 11 per cent of the time.

Spain, Mercadona & Lidl lead retailers’ expansion

IN A LARGE retailers’ market generally affected by the global downturn, the brands of Mercadona (Valencia) and Lidl (Germany) lead the game by opening nearly 44 supermarkets in the first half of 2010, which account for about half of the new openings in the country in 2010. Mercadona, with 23 openings, is considered one of the largest investors in Spain. In 2010, it plans to open about

60 new stores, according to Ubifrance. Lidl, with 21 new stores, has distinguished itself through a presence in the Canary Islands, on which the group was not present. While these two brands have used their resources to further develop, others tend to greatly expand their network throughout the franchise system (Carrefour, DIA).

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2010 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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New beginnings

Each week I usually choose one topic, story or an area that I think will be of interest to our readers to research and expand upon. Only this week there is so much happening it’s difficult to know where to start. Firstly I would like to welcome Matthew Vickers, British Consul, Canary Islands as a contributor to the Canarian Weekly who will write a column for the newspaper on an ad hoc basis. You can tell its September – new beginnings – children back at school, temperatures cooling and television begins its Autumn programme schedule, there is just so much going on. This week the biggest story has to be the reform of the labour laws, so whether you are an employer or employee or even unemployed you will be affected. Moving on, if you have a Nationwide Flex account card like many residents and

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visitors alike you need to read page 37, because as from 1st November you will be charged for withdrawals made in a foreign currency, i.e. euros! They are no longer free. In our travel section we’ve highlighted this week that if you intend to go to the USA you now have to be in possession of a visitor’s visa, they cost 14 dollars, so don’t get caught out and miss seeing Mickey Mouse. And finally I would like to clarify two points, one, that even though Bristol is my home town I didn’t go and visit, contrary to popular belief, I visited La Palma, one of the other Canary Islands and if you haven’t been you need to go as it’s beautiful. And secondly, in last week’s edition, in our property section Home Sweet Home had a 5 bed luxury villa for rent at 550 euros, the price was incorrect which was through no fault of the advertiser, and definitely not a marketing ploy, but a typographical error it should have read 1550 euros. Until next week…

Back to work… THOUGH MANY of you are enjoying a welldeserved and relaxing retirement in Spain, I can’t be the only one still at the grindstone. Now, there are some obvious differences between working in the UK and here in Spain, like the views from our office windows and the absence of M&S sandwiches for lunch, but something else to bear in mind is the difference in social security systems. Paying social security (what we call National Insurance in the UK) contributions when you are working in Spain is important as it builds up your entitlement to a pension and certain benefits. Also, as Spain operates a contributions-based healthcare system, paying social security means that you, and any dependants, are covered for medical treatment. The Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) is the organisation which registers employers and workers and collects social security contributions. Our equivalent in the UK would be HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). If you’re working here, you should be registered with the TGSS. They’ll register you on the system, give you a social security number, collect your contributions and be able to provide a personal social security record (called a vida laboral in Spanish). When you start a job, your employer should arrange all

of this through the TGSS. It’s always worth having a chat with your boss to see how contributions are being paid, and whether they can give you any confirmation. If you’re working as your own boss, you’ll need to register directly with the TGSS as selfemployed (autónomo in Spanish) and pay contributions to them. As a selfemployed person, it’s really important to deregister with the TGSS as soon as you finish work, because they won’t be automatically informed and

will continue to bill you for contributions. If you don’t want to build up a pile of debt – make sure you let them know you’re no longer working. As I mentioned, paying into the Spanish system as a worker may give you the right to some Spanish benefits, e.g. sickness or family benefits. When applying through the Spanish system (they should always be your first point of contact), do so in writing and mention on your application any work you have done in

other EEA countries, including the UK. If you haven’t worked long enough here, work elsewhere might be taken into account so that you meet the minimum requirements. Also, don’t forget to mention any dependants you have, such as children or a spouse, as this may increase how much you’re allowed. At the moment, unemployment benefits aren’t available to selfemployed workers, but signing on at the INEM office (the Spanish equivalent to the Job Centre) may give you the right to some support after a year. In terms of pensions, you could have the right to a Spanish state pension as long as you have worked for a total 15 years in Spain and another EEA country. Again, applications should be given in to the Spanish authorities. Here are some useful websites if you… - want an outline to pension, benefit and healthcare entitlements for workers in Spain: n / h e l p - f o r- b r i t i s h nationals/living-in-spain/pensions-benefits/working-inspain/ - want more information on Spanish social security procedures: (available in English) - are looking for work: home.jsp Good luck, Matthew Vickers British Consul, Canary Islands

Smokers present ‘Cig’ natures to Congress THE Government is preparing harsher anti-smoking legislation from January 1 2011. The Club Fumadores por la Tolerancia, the Smokers Club for Tolerance, has presented 500,367 signatures in a petition against the new anti-tobacco law which the Government hopes to introduce on January 1 2011. They call for tolerance, coexistence and respect, and for the ‘intermediate measures’ currently in force to remain in place. A group of some twenty protestors sung and danced

as the signatures, placed inside 60 cigarette packets, were handed into the Congress of Deputies on Wednesday, presented by the club’s spokesman, Javier Blanco. He said that the signatures were complete with full name and DNI and had been collected by their ‘Prohibido Prohibir’ platform. He said that the current legislation guaranteed already that 60% of the hostelry industry was free of smoke, and he highlighted the values of tolerance, coexistence and respect. He said only two countries in Europe had a total ban on smoking. The new legislation being

prepared by the Government is still to decide whether smoking clubs will be allowed, but will ban it in all closed public spaces, a decision which has been attacked by many in the hostelry business. Only hotels and hostels will be able to grant 30% of their rooms for the use of smoking guests, and these will have to be separate from the rest of the accommodation and separately ventilated. Doctors have said they want to see that percentage reduced to 15%. Meanwhile the Basque Region is set to have a harsher anti-smoking policy than the rest of the country. The new law being pro-

moted by the Socialist led administration of Patxi López envisages banning smoking on patios and terraces of academic centres and hospitals as well as in children’s parks. Also smoking will not be allowed when there are children in the car. National Minister for Health, Trinidad Jiménez, has described the proposed Basque legislation as brave, and ‘an example for the rest of the country’. Latest reports indicate that she will be banning smoking outside the doors of colleges and hospitals, but will stop short of banning smoking when there are children in the car.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Tenerife Champions Volleyball Cup 2010 THE TENERIFE Champions Cup, “The European Challenge in Beach Volleyball” returns to Tenerife for the fourth consecutive time. On 8th, 9th and 10th October the current most important professional European volleyball tournament will take place in Siam Park. Thanks to the excellent climate which can be enjoyed all year round in Tenerife, this is one of the few events in this sport that can be staged in autumn, making the island is best possible headquarters for this competition, which has been confirmed until 2012. In this issue, expect many and great surprises. The Spanish Royal Federation of Volley Ball are the technical organizers of the event, headed by president, Mr. Agustín Martín Santos, become an Official Master European Confederation of Volley Ball. The event is a Competition Master, where they face the eight pairs champions of the leading countries in Europe and world´s best. It is already a star event on the worldwide calendar in this specialty. In the last editions of the tour the Spanish team, Pablo Herrera and Adrián Gavira, - currently third in the world ranking –

European Challenge to be held at Siam Park

were defeated in the Gran Final by the Dutch team (European Champions 2009) and the favorites from Germany –World Champions in 2008. This event has become a star event in their home country thanks to the high technical level of the players. The list of winners of the Tenerife Champions Cup are as follows: - 2007: Russian Federation with the team of Prokopiev – Kosharev - 2008: Germany with the team of Reckermann – Urbatzka - 2009: Netherlands with the team of Nummerdor – Schuil This edition of the Tenerife Champions Cup introduces

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

many novelties, like the launch of the Ladies Tenerife Champions Cup, a brand new attraction with the best female teams in the European and International ranking. The news has created a big buzz because the Spanish pair Liliana F. Steiner and Elsa Baquerizo will make their “society debut” in Tenerife. The young Spanish girls have become one of the world’s best teams and fight hand to hand against the other three pairs of first level. Thus, the current edition of the tournament features a frantic schedule of matches; because for the first and second day nine games were held daily, and Sunday 10th October will take place the

four semi-finals and two finals, both male and female. As well as a great sports show, the Champions Cup is

also a social event with presentations, cocktails, parties, galas and television programmes; it will also feature

celebrities like the actor Álex García, Patricia Yurena Rodríguez, Miss Spain 2008 – who are from Tenerife.

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Spanish hunchback dinosaur on show SPANISH Palaeontologists have confirmed that the remains of a dinosaur found in Cuenca in 2003 are from a previously unknown species Dubbed ‘Pepito’, the six metre long dinosaur had a hunchback, and was a meat eater. It lived in Spain 125 million years ago. Details of the discovery are printed in the latest edition

of Nature magazine. The beast has been given the scientific name of Concavenator Corcovatus which means the ‘hunchbacked hunter from Cuenca’. Pepito was found at Las Hoyas in the Serranía de Cuenca, and is considered to be the most complete articulated skeleton ever found in Spain. The bones will be on show to the public from today in the Castilla-La Mancha Science Museum in Cuenca.

Bin men begin strike CLEANING workers in Arona start an indefinite strike for unpaid wages. The union Comisiones Obreas (CCOO) reports that, from yesterday (Thursday), a total of 360 workers from

cleaning company ‘Camilo Alvarez’, based in Arona, will begin an indefinite strike due to unpaid wages since last August. The 360 employees of this company, located in Guargacho will consider striking if their back wages are not paid.

Dear Editor

Just a little note of thanks for all the get well messages I have received. By the time this goes to press I should be back at home but, to put the record straight:1. The Health Service in Tenerife is second to none. I am currently in the Green Hospital so I should know! 2. Doctor Palmeras can walk on water as far as I am concerned. He was the neurosurgeon who took away all my pain and has enabled me to walk again. 3. The nurses here cannot do enough to help the patients. 4. Contrary to all rumours, I have not been infected by mad cow disease – I had that before the operation! I hope to be back behind Till 2 at Iceland, Las Chafiras fairly soon – after a bit of rehab and physio – so enjoy the peace and quiet while you can! Finally, for those of you who are desperate to do something now you have read this letter; forget any expensive chocs, champers, perfumes, flowers or exotic holidays, thanks all the same. I will be back and trying to help the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal again this year and, with your help, to beat last year’s Iceland total of 868 euros. You can start by putting your change into a jam-jar now. By the third week of October it should have mounted up and by then my Legion poppies should be available. I might even flash my new scar for an impressive bid – all in a very good cause that is close to my heart. Thank you all. Lorraine Jowitt

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Festivity of Cristo de La Laguna From 03/09/2010 to 21/09/2010 Events for the whole family, including beautiful traditional celebrations such as the battle of flowers, Caballitos de Fuego (Fire Horses), and a rich schedule of cultural events and concerts. Folk Festival and a spectacular fireworks display on the 13th.More information from

Food Fair in Santiago del Teide From 13/09/2010 To 26/09/2010 Enjoy the culinary excellences of this municipality located among wide mountain landscapes, thrilling cliffs, gorgeous volcanoes and quiet sandy beaches Tenerife Opera Festival From 22/09/2010 To 22/10/2010 The Opera Festival is a must see in the cultural schedule of Tenerife. This may be probably the last edition as a Tenerife exclusive event due to its future joining of forces with the same festival in Gran Canaria, in a bid to increase the quality of the performances. “Falstaff” and “Madame Butterfly”, by Verdi and Puccini, are the two works included in the program with “Un baúl lleno de ópera” an event aimed at making this extraordinary style appeal to kids. More information from or

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Santiago del Teide – reforestation

Numbers hit a peak in Spanish schools, but Canary Island, figures are reduced A RECORD number of children, totalling 7.75 million, started school in Spain this week.

SANTIAGO del Teide have planted more than 6,000 fruit trees, including fig trees, almond trees and vines. The Minister of the Environment of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Wladimiro Rodriguez, and the deputy mayor of the Municipality of Santiago de Teide, Candelaria Perez, recently visited the area of the wasteland, located on the forest border, to check the status of the work of cleaning and reforestation they have done both administrations after the great fire of 2007. Rodriguez and Perez, were accompanied by the councilor for Local

Development, Germán Jiménez. The work of reforestation in Santiago del Teide has included the cleaning of both trails and paths. In addition, in the area affected by the fire, it has carried out the planting of 4,000 almond, 4,000 fig trees and 2,000 vineyards in order to recover an important part of the local agriculture. In the words of Wladimiro Rodriguez, “this type of proceedings are essential because it is recovering territory punished by the fire of three years ago. With this type of action not only are recovering the environment, but a way of living linked to the fields. The Municipality of Santiago

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

del Teide has been concerned about maintaining these values and we can feel happy that today this is recovering.” For its part, Candelaria Perez acknowledged “the effort made by the Town and City Hall to regenerate an area that was affected by the fire of 2007.

We are satisfied with the work that has been done because for the neighbors it’s very important recover this area, which is located adjacent to the limit of forest Corona, and that is an important part of our heritage both natural and cultural”.

Yet the Canary Islands, where children returned to school on Wednesday, have bucked the trend with a 0.5% decrease. The new academic year began in the historic northern town of Navarra on Monday, and schools opened progressively throughout the rest of the country during the days ahead. The Ministry of Education says it has never before encountered such huge numbers, even though the actual increase on last year is just 1.9%. But some northern and central regions, and islands, have seen fewer pupils starting or going back. That could be down to mass migration of young people and young couples from rural to more urban areas, where they have more chance of employ-

ment. These include Asturias and Galicia, where pupil numbers have fallen by 16.2% and 13.2% respectively, and Extremadura and Castilla y León, which have seen decreases of 12% and 9.5%. Cantabria’s figures have dropped 0.9%, but the average for Spain as a whole shows a 9.1% increase. The biggest rise has been seen in those attending post-school vocational colleges as an alternative to taking their Bachillerato (Alevels), with nearly 569,000 more students - an increase of 6.4%. This is followed by infant schools, with an increase of nearly 1.9 million (2.8%) and primary schools showing 2.75 million (1.7%) more. Bachillerato students account for an increase of 1.4%, which amounts to 659,000 pupils. Two-thirds of youngsters go to state schools, 26% to grantmaintained schools and 6.6% to private schools.

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News With the UK summer holiday now over and a cooler, duller and wetter than average August, flights comparison site looks at the latest flight trends for last month. Searches for Malaga and Alicante remained immensely popular, as these Spanish destinations held onto their two top positions whilst searches for flights to Tenerife rose two places to number three, overtaking both Palma and Dalaman. Ibiza rose one spot to number six, overtaking Faro, while London, New York and Amsterdam all held their top ten positions at eight, nine and ten. Highest Climbers Cape Town climbed 16 places, likely thanks to South Africa’s hosting of a very successful World Cup tournament which brought a huge amount of positive media coverage. Greek sun spot Rhodes rose 15 places, which will no doubt come as good news to Greece which has suffered a host of negative press coverage this summer. Munich rose ten places as

Skyscanner – Tenerife rises up the table the infamous Oktoberfest draws nearer while domestically, both Manchester and Aberdeen were up ten places during August and Glasgow, Newcastle and Edinburgh saw small rises in rankings. As thoughts turn to researching and booking winter sun holidays, flights to Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt and Tel Aviv in Israel rose 14 places, while Kuala Lumpur rose 11 spots. Biggest Fallers Croatia took heavy hits with its two biggest resort towns both dropping drastically in the charts; Split fell 21 spots, and Dubrovnik 20. Portugal’s Porto fell 17 spots and Spain’s Gerona fell 15. New Entries Only three new entries to the top 100 this month, Kos which came in at number 92, and Zante which

entered at number 94 – both destinations in Greece, known for their bargain holidays. Germany’s Cologne scraped into the rankings at number 100. Drop Outs After a brief appearance in the Top 100, Albania’s capital Tirana disappeared from the charts this month. Poland’s Gdansk also exited the charts, and Singapore too fell out of the rankings. 10 Most Popular Country Destinations Overall Spain remains the most searched for flight destination by UK travellers, followed by the UK itself, then the USA, which is the only country outside of Europe to make the top ten. 1. Spain 2. United Kingdom 3. United States 4. Turkey 5. Italy 6. France

7. Greece 8. Germany 9. Portugal 10. Cyprus Most Popular Weekend Breaks While Spain takes the top spot as the most popular searched for country overall, when it comes to weekend breaks Holland’s Amsterdam proved the most popular destination, beating Spain’s Malaga, Ibiza and Alicante which took positions two, three respectively and five. Closer to home, flights to Dublin took the fourth spot for weekend breaks. 1. Amsterdam 2. Malaga 3. Ibiza 4. Dublin 5. Alicante 6. Barcelona 7. Palma 8. London 9. Paris 10. Edinburgh

Apple outlook rosy in Spain THE much-anticipated Apple shop opened in Spain for the first time last Saturday in Barcelona, and another is set to open tomorrow (Saturday) in Madrid. The store, in the La Maquinista shopping centre, offers over 100 iPods, iPhones, Macs and iPads, and customers can try before they buy. Free tuition is also available on how to use the gadgets, and the store’s One to One programme allows shoppers

to have private lessons and assessment without charge. In addition, youngsters can learn how to make their own music and films, free of charge. The Barcelona outlet has created over 70 new jobs, and a similar number is expected for the Madrid enterprise. The American technology giant has stores in 11 countries round the world, including the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, and, naturally, the US. And millions of customers are attracted to them annually - 150 million this year alone..

BA chief already planning world air domination

Transport strikers LAST WEDNESDAY you may have seen a convoy of cars displaying red and white flags with the initials CCOO on them. It was to highlight the fact that the Unions have announced a proposed strike in October for charter passenger transportation – coaches. Canary Inter unions, UGT and CCOO sector made the announcement as negotiations have become locked. In a statement, it’s reported that they have convened an informal meeting of workers to discuss the strike in which they claim legal compliance and that there is an immediate implementation of safety standards established such as the tachograph and control of daily working hours. According to unions, employers try to change the daily working hours and economically reduce the variable part of remuneration. In past years there have been planned strikes but they have failed to come due to fruition with emergency short term measures being implemented.

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BRITISH AIRWAYS and Spanish company Iberia are determined to create the world’s largest people-carrying airline once they have completed their merger by the end of the year. They have already pinpointed 12 airlines as potential takeover targets, but will continue to operate under their existing brands as part of a new London-based holding company called International Airlines Group (IAG). Willie Walsh, outspoken BA chief, says: “In our discussions with Iberia, we have looked at airlines around the world to identify those that would be

attractive to IAG. “BA and Iberia believe in consolidation and, in creating IAG, we want to make sure it is scalable. We want it to have a structure to make it attractive to other airlines that might want to join us.” All the airlines identified would be pursued, amid foreign-ownership restrictions in many countries. But Walsh added: “Others would be possible almost immediately.” Walsh, discussing his company and the merger over the weekend in Mumbai, refused to name the airlines and said no discussions had been held with potential targets. But analysts believe BAIberia could be interested in Qantas, Cathay Pacific, American, LAN and South African.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


is getting Beautification works Melanie her teeth into the business of giving you proud smiles

WORK has commenced connecting the pedestrianised area of ‘The Almond’ and Toscal in Valle San Lorenzo, with a budget of around 1 million euros. It will be completed by the end of January 2011.

The mayor of Arona, Jose Alberto Gonzalez Reveron, visited last Tuesday morning the works being carried out. In fact, and according to Gonzalez Reveron “for the implementation of the work we have chosen noble materials and vegetation that integrates seamlessly in the environment”. In particular, the activities

consist of improving footpaths in both areas and the stretch of road (TF-28) that runs between the Toscal and recreation zone of the Almond, with rest areas and recreation those places in which the width of the road permits. The Mayor explained that “the construction of this pedestrian connection will, in addition, add a greater

accessibility to the recreational area of the Almond, and therefore, have a greater user appeal, as a space to walk, for leisure and enjoyment of residents“. The project also includes, as special element, a platform-mirador in the area of the ravine as a resting area and the integration of an old historical stone path.

Cosy Corner’s ‘well-done badge’ for their Help For Heroes effort THE Cosy Corner has been organising fund raising events for Help For Heroes for a while, and it has just pulled in another whopping 2,000 euros. That is all down to the endless efforts of Leslie and Steve, who run the Costa del Silencio bar.

They have organised various fun days and other activities for this worthy charity, and a sum of over 2,000 euros was raised recently by selling of badges and football tops around the south of the Island. The Cosy Corner would like to thank Johnny and Shammy (Pig in the Dip) for donating the badges and doing all the running about, Tracie from

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Woodys for doing all the football tops and delivering to the bars on time, Money was collected from Exiles, Target Bar, Camping Nauta , Tenerife Sun, Our Place, Albatros, The Avenue, Sandys, Connections 6, Joes Bar, Shaz Bar, Alejandras café plus the Lions. And a big thank-you to Pete the Meat, of Euromeat, for his constant help.

In addition, the girls from Cosy Corner organised a pub crawl around Las Americas, which raised over 200 euros. As from October, the carboot sales run by Liz will be restarting every Sunday outside Cosy Corner, and any donations will be welcome. It will cost just five euros per table, which goes towards the Help For Heroes fund.

IN just one hour, Melanie Bell promises she can put the biggest smile on your face - by making your teeth whiter than white. Her company’s motto is: “Be proud of your smile.” And even the British dental profession has given the business its seal of approval. The chief dental officer at the UK’s Department of Health says: “There is nothing unsafe about the technique of teeth whitening.” Melanie set up her Universal Teeth Whitening Services firm in England some time ago, having owned the popular Bungy Trampoline business in Newcastle’s Metro Centre. But after deciding she’d had enough of the UK’s 9-5

rat race, Melanie sought out pastures new, here in the sunshine. She uses the latest LED machine and the process lasts only one hour. It produces instant results and has caught the attention of the ex-pat community and also the tourist trade. Melanie operates from three British doctors’ surgeries, in Las Americas, Torviscas and Fañabe. She is also based at the 5-star Vicci Hotel, in the Bahia Del Duque area, and can provide a mobile service if required. She has full European Insurance, and has been approved by the British Medical Council. So if you feel like treating yourself, give Melanie a call on 696 814 759 and let her make you “be proud of your smile!”

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It’s Winter ‘tram’

THE TRAM resumes its usual winter timetable, increasing its frequency. Metropolitano de Tenerife (MTSA), Tenerife’s metropolitan tram line, will be ending its special summer timetable to re-establish its regular winter service on Lines 1 (L1) and 2 (L2) from last week (Monday 6th September), it increased its frequency both in the mornings and afternoons on distant stops. Therefore, during peak times on working days from 07:00 to 15:00, trams will run every 5 minutes on the L1 line, and every 10 minutes

on the L2 line. In the afternoons, L1 trams will operate every 6, 7.5 and 15 minutes, according to timetables, while on the CuestaTíncer line trams will run every 12 minutes from 15:00 to 20:00 and every 15 minutes thereafter until end of service. The Metropolitano de Tenerife tram service asks for caution and collaboration from pedestrians and drivers, who must take the signalling and the highway code in force into account, since the winter timetable will mean a greater presence of trams in the metropolitan area than during summer months.

House sales on the increase over here

PROPERTY sales in the Canary Islands

rose by 6.9% from April to June, against the same period last year. Yet overall, the figures were down for the whole year, according to Spain’s Ministry of Housing. Mainland Spain was streets ahead of the Canaries, with an increase of nearly 25%. The 149,527 transactions there amounted to the third consecutive quarterly increase since 2006. These statistics are mainly down to the increase in used-property sales, which went up by 48.3%. Sales of new-build property increased 4.6% over

the same quarter last year. Of the homes sold in the second quarter, 67,895 (45.4%) were new-build, and 81,632 (54.6%) were re-sales. The biggest increases were recorded in the Basque Country (52%), followed by Asturias (47.6%), Catalunya (46.3%), Castilla y León (35.4%), Madrid (29.3% ) and the Balearic Islands (29%). They were followed by Valencia (26.9%), Galicia (26.6%), Castilla-La Mancha (26.5%), Cantabria (21%), Aragón (19.2%), Andalucia (15.8 %), Ceuta and Melilla (14.5%), Canary Islands (6.9%) and La Rioja (4.9%). In the last 12 months, the number of property transac-

tions increased in all communities except in Andalucia, Navarra, Castilla-La Mancha, the Canary Islands, Extremadura, La Rioja and Murcia. The provincial capitals showing the largest number of operations in this period were Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza, where 28,970, 11,839 and 7,517 houses were sold respectively. Foreign residents in Spain bought a total of 8,765 properties in the second quarter of 2010, which was 46% more than in the first three months of last year. For their part, non-resident foreigners bought 700 homes.

Old folk are against higher pension age A PROPOSAL to increase the pension age from 65 to 67 in Spain has upset many old folk there. A survey by Axa Insurance reveals that no fewer than 74% of them are up in arms about it, which is 19% more than those who complained three years ago. It means the Spanish are more opposed to a longer working life than most because in such places the UK, where the official retirement age will soon rise to

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68, and in France and Portugal, where the move has been seriously considered, some 55% on average are against it. In fact, most Spanish people believe the ideal retirement age is 59. They say that manual workers, or those who spend a lot of time on their feet, cannot physically work a great deal beyond this age. And even office workers, they say, find their health being compromised by hav-

ing to be on the job for eight hours a day. So to wipe out the deficit in public pension funds, those questioned said Social Security payments for the employed and self-employed should be increased instead. Celestino Corbacho, the Minister for work and immigration, has also suggested increasing the minimum state pension qualifying period from 15 years of paying Social Security to 20 years.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

World News

Suicide bomber slaughters 15 at Russian market AT LEAST 15 people have died in a suicide car bombing at a market in Russia’s North Caucasus region. The bomber drove his car into a market square in the city of Vladikavkaz, southern Russia, before detonating the explosives. Some 133 people were wounded in the attack. No one has claimed responsibility. Footage from the scene showed widespread damage around the market with many cars destroyed. “The blast in Vladikavkaz has been organised by a suicide bomber who drove up to the entrance of the market in a Volga 3102 car,” said Taimuraz Mamsurov, a senior North Ossetian official. “The headless body of the presumed terrorist was found in the car which exploded opposite the central market.” Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s president, ordered his envoy for the Russian North Caucasus region, Alexander Khloponin, to urgently fly to

Vladikavkaz. He described the bombers as “bastards”. “We will do everything to capture these monsters... these bastards, who carried out a terrorist act on ordinary people,” Mr Medvedev said. “We will do everything to find and punish them.” Vladikavkaz is the capital of the North Ossetia republic, in the North Caucasus, which has been beset by Islamist and separatist violence.

North Ossetia is where 331 people died in the 2004 Beslan school siege. The market was bombed in 1999, killing 55, in 2001 killing six people and again in 2004, with 11 people losing their lives. It the region is north of the Georgian breakaway region of South Ossetia over which Moscow and Tbilisi fought a war in August 2008. It is also the only majority Christian region in Russia’s largely Muslim North

Caucasus. The neighbouring Muslim region of Ingushetia has been hit by a wave of deadly attacks over the last months. However, North Ossetia has largely escaped the worst of the violence.

Manila bus hostages are ‘killed by police’

A NUMBER of hostages shot dead during a botched mission to save them from a bus hijacker in the Philippines may have been hit by police fire. The gunman - a disgruntled former police captain - was killed when police commandos stormed the vehicle in Manila, on August 23rd. But eight tourists from Hong Kong died in the assault and three were seriously wounded. Philippine justice secretary Leila de Lima said bullet trajectories and the hostages’ wounds indicated some of the passengers may have been hit by “friendly fire”. She did not say whether any of the shots fired by police were fatal. But Ms de Lima added that

investigators will await a complete ballistics report before drawing any final conclusions. China has criticised the rescue operation, suggesting the Philippine force was illequipped to handle hostage situations. The new details of the investigation emerged as Philippines President Benigno Aquino III said he will stop apologising for the attack and focus instead on easing tensions with China and Hong Kong. “Let me just say that this incident will not define this administration,” Mr Aquino said. The president added that he will wait for a report from a fact-finding committee before he fires any officials for the fiasco. The Chinese Embassy said, in a statement, it expects the Philippines to come up with “a comprehensive and fair report, which tells the truth (and) upholds justice”.

Defence giant BAE to axe nearly 1,000 jobs DEFENCE giant Systems is to more than 900 from its military sions.

BAE axe jobs divi-

The 946 jobs will go at Military Air Solutions and Insyte (Integrated System Technologies), the group said. Union officials are warning that the cuts could be the “tip of the iceberg” for the defence industry. They expect the forthcoming strategic defence and security review and the cuts being demanded by the Treasury to spell bad news for the sector. With the forthcoming defence review these cuts may be the tip of the iceberg but knee-jerk reactions from employers could make things even worse. Kevin Taylor, managing

director of Military Air Solutions, said job losses were likely in manufacturing, engineering and associated support functions. “These potential job losses result from the impact of the changes in the defence programme announced in December 2009, together with other workload changes,” he said. The company said there could be 212 job losses at Brough, in East Yorkshire, 26 at Chadderton, Manchester and 55 within the Harrier team at Farnborough,

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Hampshire. A further 149 posts would go at Samlesbury, Lancashire with 298 job losses at Warton, Lancashire. The remaining 206 jobs will go at Insyte. Mr Taylor added: “We appreciate this is difficult news and we are committed to working with employees and their representatives to explore ways of mitigating the potential job losses.” Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Union general secretary Hugh Scullion said unions were shocked at the scale of the cuts. “Talks will begin locally in the first instance to attempt to mitigate the planned losses and if necessary national negotiations will follow. “The unions will oppose any compulsory redundancies.

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World News

Hacking row: MP calls for Murdoch evidence THERE HAS been a call for Rupert Murdoch to be asked to give evidence over the News Of The World phone hacking row as MPs referred the matter to the Commons’ Standards and Privileges Committee. The Sunday newspaper at the centre of the allegations is owned by News International Ltd, part of Mr Murdoch’s News Corporation. It comes after another former News Of The World journalist has claimed Downing Street spin doctor Andy Coulson would have been “well aware” of the widespread use of phone tapping at the paper when he was its editor. During a House of Commons emergency debate, Labour MP Tom

Watson suggested Mr Murdoch should be asked to help the investigation. A member of the Culture select committee which reopened the inquiry into press standards last year, Mr

Watson also said Rebekah Brooks - chief executive of News International and a former deputy editor of the News Of The World - should also be called. Using the term

“refuseniks”, he said: “We are all in our own way scared of the Rebekah Brookses of this world. We are scared of the power they yield. “If we oppose this resolution then it is our shame, we are

guilty of letting it happen.” Speaking to The Gurdian, Paul McMullan - a former features executive who was part of the News Of The World’s investigations team has challenged Mr Coulson’s claim that he did not know about hacking by staff. Mr McMullan has said he is one of six former reporters to support claims that obtaining information by potentially illegal means was widespread at the paper. (Andy Coulson) was the brains behind the investigations department - how can he say he had no idea about how it works? Mr Coulson and the News Of The World have strongly denied any wrongdoing - and Nick Clegg has defended Mr Coulson during Prime Minister’s Questions. After former reporter Sean Hoare reignited the row last week, Mr McMullan has said private investigators were routinely used to gather information - and reporters had to go through

desk editors to commission them. He told The Guardian: “I don’t think at the time senior editors at the paper thought it was an issue. Everybody was doing it. “Coulson would certainly be well aware that the practice was pretty widespread.” However, he added that it was possible that Mr Coulson’s claims not to know about each instance of phone hacking are true. “I wouldn’t have told him. It wasn’t of significance for me to say I just rang up David Beckham and listened to his messages. “In general terms, he would have known that reporters were doing it. “(Coulson) was the brains behind the investigations department - how can he say he had no idea about how it works?” Ex-royal editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire were jailed in 2007 over phone hacking.

Interest rates will remain unchanged INTEREST RATES are to stay unchanged at 0.5% for the 18th consecutive month, the Bank of England has announced. The decision by the ninestrong Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) makes it the longest spell rates have been at the historic low since the Bank was given responsibility for setting monetary policy in 1997. Policymakers also continued with the Bank’s £200bn quantitative easing (QE) programme amid uncertainty over the path of the UK’s recovery. The previous record during the MPC’s time was when rates were on hold at 4% for 15 months, between November 2001 and February 2003. Committee members are torn between the pressures of stubbornly high inflation and the threat of a doubledip recession. Consumer Prices Index (CPI)

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inflation was 3.1% in July and warnings suggest cost pressures will worsen, with food prices expected to increase over the coming months. Experts at Barclays Capital believe CPI edged up again in August, to 3.2%, which could leave the MPC facing a further dilemma. However, the majority so far opted to prioritise the need to support the economy over efforts to rein in inflation and experts believe this is likely to remain the case for at least the rest of the year. While the UK economy rose by a far better-than-expected 1.2% in the second quarter, recent data has pointed

to sharply slower growth since then. Fears UK exporters will struggle to fill the gap left by weaker Government and consumer spending were highlighted when figures showed a record deficit in the trade of goods during July. Recent surveys from the manufacturing and services sectors have also suggested the rally may be fading as firms begin to see much slower demand. This week’s demise of social housing giant Connaught - the first highprofile casualty of the austerity drive - added to fears over the impact on the recovery.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

World News

cleared Health and safety Higgins of match-fixing have fears over obese employee A 30-STONE man has left his job after being told his weight makes him a health and safety risk. Barry Fowers, 51, has taken redundancy from his job of 10 years as a fitter-assembler at a firm in Burton-on-Trent and hopes to lose some weight. He says he, too, is worried that he might hurt someone at work if he fell on them. “I’m 6ft 2ins and diabetic. If I suddenly had a diabetic hypo and there was someone smaller standing next to me, it wouldn’t do them any good if I fell on them.” And, he added, his weight was causing him problems at work - where he often had to climb on to platforms to carry out his tasks. The father-of-one, who had a heart attack at the age of 30, said: “I’ve tried dieting, I’ve

JOHN HIGGINS, the three-time world snooker champion, was cleared of matchfixing by an independent tribunal in London on Wednesday. tried swimming. “But the weight slowly crept up on me and is causing me pain in my back, hips and knees, my mobility was restricted and I was sometimes breathless. “The company had to take advice from their insurers. They asked me questions and they had concerns. “They said they needed to address my health and safety at work, how my conditions may affect the health and

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safety of others, and my sickness levels. “I accepted it as necessary. I had got to the stage where if I didn’t do anything I might have two years to live.” While Mr Fowers, from Hatton in Derbyshire, understands his employer’s decision, he is not happy with what has happened since. He says he has been left with an unfair deal after his

jobseeker’s allowance was slashed to £21.64 from an expected £65, due to the fact that his wife Shirley works part-time as a carer. “I’ve worked since I was 16 until the end of last year. I want a little bit of help from the Government to be able to do something for myself.” He recently lost 9lb but is now considering gastric band surgery or a heart bypass operation.

The 35-year-old Scot, trapped by a Sunday newspaper “sting” four months ago, was accused of agreeing to throw four frames for £261,000 after being seen on film, supposedly agreeing a deal in the Ukraine. The two main corruption charges were dropped but Higgins, and his then manager Pat Mooney, admitted to lesser charges of giving the impression of being prepared to breach betting rules, and failing to report the meeting

promptly. Mooney has been banned for life from the sport, while Higgins was suspended for six months and fined £75,000. A relieved Higgins said: “I have never been involved in any form of match-fixing in 18 years of playing snooker professionally. “If I am guilty of anything it is of naivety, and trusting those I believed were working in the best interest of snooker and myself.” Snooker chief Barry Hearn said: “It was an independent tribunal who had access to all the evidence, and not just five minutes of video footage. “I fully accept the decision, as I would if it were a court of law. I think the fans will also accept the findings.”

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World News

The Stig is sacked TOP GEAR presenter Jeremy Clarkson has revealed The Stig has been sacked from the TV show after unmasking himself in a court battle with the BBC.

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The broadcaster failed last week to get an injunction to prevent Ben Collins - who has played the white-suited driver since 2003 - from publishing his autobiography. “He is history as far as we are concerned, he is sacked,” Clarkson said in an interview published online by

Oxfordshire-based Witney TV. “It was a shock. I was hurt, actually, because I liked him and he came around to my house and had drinks and all the time he was writing a book, so I feel a bit hurt.” Clarkson hinted at changes to the programme’s format as a result of Collins becoming the second person to play The Stig and out himself in a book. “We’ve many, many thousands of people queuing up to be whatever it is that we create,” he added. “I have spent the last three weeks doing nothing but trying to figure out what we will do instead. We will get somebody. Top Gear is damaged but not out.” Clarkson, who lives in West Oxfordshire and whose local

MP is the Prime Minister, then joked that he might ask David Cameron if he is interested in the role. He added: “You may remember a film called Wall

Street in which Gordon Gekko said that ‘greed is good’ and that ‘greed works’. It doesn’t. If you are watching this, children, greed is bad.”

Collins took the role of the white-clad Stig in 2003 after Perry McCarthy, the previous incumbent, the blackclad Stig, revealed his identity in a book.

Tropical storm drowns two in Texas flooding A TROPICAL storm has swept through Texas in the US leaving at least two dead and thousands evacuated from their homes amid flooding and tornados. In Arlington, floodwaters reached up to five feet high and a series of tornados struck just outside Dallas, damaging warehouse buildings. A 49-year-old man was killed when he was swept away from his truck in flash floods between Alvarado and Lillian. North of Austin, at least one person died when their vehicle was submerged by water from a flooded creek in Killeen.

Authorities in Austin say they are still searching for a woman after her black Lexus 4x4 was swept away. Hermine packed a relatively light punch when it made landfall in Mexico on Monday night and many residents say they felt unprepared for Wednesday’s sudden flooding. Authorities evacuated 3,000 people from high-risk areas in Mexico’s Tamaulipas state but had no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The tropical storm headed into south Texas on Tuesday after dumping heavy rain on northeast Mexico near the Texas border, a region still

recovering from Hurricane Alex’s visit in June. Hermine, the eighth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, Hermine has lashed Texas with rain and winds of 50mph but forecasters say it will weaken to a tropical depression over the next 48 hours. Its tropical storm force winds extended 105 miles and gusts of up to 72mph have been reported. The storm’s path has kept it away from major oil and natural gas installations in the Gulf of Mexico, and energy companies say their operations have not been affected.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

World News

The booze-filled nights that lead you straight to hospital THE number of hospital admissions in the UK caused by alcohol has risen by twothirds in the last five years. That alarming statistic, according to health experts, is because society is “turning a blind eye” to the drinking culture there. At least one-quarter of drinkers there are exceeding healthy weekly limits for alcohol consumption, said Professor Mark Bellis, director of the North West Public Health Observatory. But he stressed: “Despite growing evidence, the country still thinks it is a “population of responsible drinkers.” The Observatory has compiled latest NHS and Home Office statistics into Local Alcohol Profiles for England, which document people admitted to hospital because of alcohol harm for every local authority area. They show that there were 954,469 alcohol-related admissions in the year end-

ing March 2009, a rise of 9.5% on 2007/08. That means almost two people were admitted to hospital for alcohol-related harm every minute. Over five years, the number of admissions has grown by 65%. Given the rate of growth, the annual number probably topped the one-million mark for the first time in 2009/10, although those figures will not be released until later this year. The NHS statistics include those admitted both as a

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direct consequence of drinking - for example, cirrhosis of the liver - and an indirect consequence, such as being injured while drunk. However, they exclude those treated solely in A&E. The figures illuminate a stark north-south divide, with people in northern cities like Liverpool and Newcastle at least three times more likely to be admitted than those in southern areas, like the Isle of Wight and the Chiltern district in Buckinghamshire. But Prof Bellis said they also showed a national problem, adding: “The price we pay for turning a blind eye to the real extent of alcohol abuse across England is reflected in the new Local Alcohol Profiles for England. And the price is paid especially by the poorest communities.” He warned: “The English death toll from alcohol now exceeds 15,500 people every year. It is time to recognise that we are not a population of responsible drinkers, with just a handful of irresponsi-

ble individuals ruining it for others. “Over one in four drinkers exceed weekly limits, according to national surveys and alcohol sales figures suggest the number is much higher. “At weekends, by the earlymorning hours, our city centres do not have just a few drunk individuals in. Actually most people are drunk, yet continue to be able to buy alcohol, despite such sales being illegal.” Prof Bellis said the “real cost of alcohol” needed to be reflected in its price, with warnings on adverts “written large enough for people to recognise the seriousness of the risks”. The Treasury is currently consulting on changing alcohol taxation to reduce the harm drinking causes, following public consultation. The Alcohol Concern charity has proposed that taxes on alcohol should be increased by 10%, saying the Treasury’s own figures suggested this would reduce alcohol-related deaths by a third.

Fraud probe into UK money-printing factory ONE OF the world’s biggest money printing factories is being probed by fraud investigators over dud banknote paper. De La Rue - which employs 600 people at its Overton factory in Hampshire - has sent a file on some workers to the Serious Fraud Office. The probe will centre on allegations staff faked certificates which verified the quality of banknote paper. The company said “appropriate disciplinary action” was being taken. Nicholas Brookes, the company’s chairman, said: “The behaviour of some of our employees in this matter was totally unacceptable and contravened De La Rue’s rigorous standards. “We do not tolerate such behaviour. The company has reported its findings to the relevant law enforcement agencies.”

The company is the world’s biggest supplier of banknotes, and paper to print it on, and has customers in 150 countries. It was forced to temporarily halt production at the Overton factory on July 21 over concerns about the quality of banknote paper. Initially the problem was believed to be confined to one customer, and related to “quality and production irregularities”. Chief executive James Hussey quit after the firm said sales would be affected, sending its shares down 10%. But in an update De La Rue revealed that it had asked the Serious Fraud Office to step in. It said some of its employees had deliberately falsified certain specification test certificates “for a limited number of customers”.

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World News

Morgan gets a ‘dream job’ PIERS MORGAN has said he was “thrilled” after being chosen to replace TV chat show veteran Larry King on CNN. The Britain’s Got Talent judge and journalist starts his new as-yet-unnamed show in January and it will be broadcast in more than 200 countries. Morgan said it was a dream job to take over from King, who he thinks is the “greatest TV interviewer of them all”. The 45-year-old star said he was “very much looking forward to bringing my own style of interviewing to the world’s biggest, and best, TV news organisation”. There had been much speculation that Morgan was in the frame for the job - but only now has the US network confirmed the appointment. Larry King Live is one of America’s biggest talk shows and the world-famous host, 76, has presented it since 1985. Morgan said: “As a young journalist in Britain, I watched CNN’s astonishing live coverage of the 1991 Gulf War, and felt enthralled by the courage and brilliance of the journal-

ists involved in that coverage. “Years later, I watched Anderson Cooper’s visceral reports from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and felt equally enthralled by his passionate and relentless search for the truth. “Perhaps most pertinently, I have watched Larry King Live for much of the last 25 years, and dreamed of one day filling the legendary suspenders of the man I consider to be the greatest TV interviewer of them all. “To now have the chance to work with Larry and Anderson, and to try and continue the outstanding journalistic legacy created by them, and so many others at CNN, is both a great honour, and a great challenge.” The presenter of Piers Morgan’s Life Stories on ITV will be based in New York, Los Angeles and London, CNN said. His deal does not mean he will disappear from British screens. It is understood negotiations are at an advanced stage at ITV over his contract with the network for future programmes.

Planes in mid-air near-miss over City of London TWO PLANES narrowly avoided a mid-air collision over London, an air accident report has revealed. A business jet taking off from London City Airport had to take avoiding action to stop a potential crash with a Turkish Airlines’ Boeing 777 carrying 232 passengers. A report by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) said the crew of the Turkish plane ignored three on-board collisionavoidance warnings. The German-owned Citation 525 jet passed just over half a mile away and 100ft to 200ft below the Turkish plane, which was heading to Heathrow. The Citation, which had two crew and one passenger aboard, was cleared by the control tower at London City

Airport to climb to 3,000ft. But the crew said it would be climbing to 4,000ft - a “readback” mistake not noticed by the London City tower controller - just as the Boeing 777 was cleared to descend to 4,000ft. The AAIB report described the July 27 event as a “serious incident”. It said the Boeing 777 had

not “followed the commands” from the on-board collisionavoidance warnings. It was a pilot sitting on the observer seat of the passenger plane who saw the business jet “pass west of them at an estimated 100ft to 200ft below”. The AAIB said that if the weather had been bad the Citation would not have been

able to see the Boeing and would not have been able to take avoiding action. The Citation jet did not have on-board collisionavoidance warnings, known as TCAS II. The AAIB recommended that the TCAS II equipment should be made mandatory for planes flying in the London area.

Cameron pays tribute to his ‘amazing Dad’

The Prime Minister has paid tribute to his father and said the family “will miss him terribly”. David Cameron flew to France on Wednesday morning after hearing his father, Ian Cameron, had suffered a stroke on holiday. He died shortly after the Prime Minister reached the hospital. In a statement, the family said: “Our dad was an amazing man - a real life enhancer. He never let the disability he was born with or the complications in later life get in the way of his incredible sense of fun and enjoyment.

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“He touched a lot of lives in lots of different ways and was a brilliant husband and father. “You could never be down for long when he was around. We will miss him terribly but have a bank of memories that can never be exhausted. “This was unexpected and sudden, but he was having a wonderful holiday and was with great friends. “Above all he was with mum, to whom he was devoted, and he was happy and the end came quickly. We will treasure all the joy he brought us.” Mr Cameron and his siblings, Alex and Clare, flew to France to be with their 78-year-old

father and mother, Mary. A helicopter laid on by French President Nicolas Sarkozy took the family from Nice to Toulon and the French authorities also laid on accommodation. The Prime Minister added: “I am extremely grateful to President Sarkozy who helped me get to the hospital while dad was still with us so I could say goodbye. “We would like to thank Nicolas and everyone at the hospital who worked so hard to look after dad.” Mr Cameron is expected to return to the UK later. He was scheduled to deliver a keynote speech on Friday but that has been postponed.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

World News

Prize Budgie is stamped on ‘by a rival breeder’

A TOP budgerigar breeder believes his champion bird was stamped to death in a sabotage attack by a rival. Andrew Pooley, 58, returned to his Cornwall home to find “Penmead Pride” had been killed and 21 others - worth £2,000 stolen. The breeder is convinced he was targeted by a rival and police are investigating. Penmead Pride’s crushed body was found in Mr Pooley’s aviary on August 20 the night before the Cornwall Budgerigar Show - where the

bird was crowned champion in 2009. Mr Pooley, of Delabole, had been due to take part in the 2010 event, but was forced to withdraw because of the loss of his prize birds. They had the gall to kill my pride and joy. This was a deliberate act of sabotage. He said: “I was devastated. I felt sick. It’s a feeling I can’t explain. “I have spent 40 years of my life breeding budgies and it’s just in the last five that I have started to do really well on the show circuit. “I spent most of my time with the birds. They were my life.” Mr Pooley said he had made

appeals in specialist budgerigar publications in the hope of catching those responsible and getting his birds back. He said: “They definitely knew what they were doing. I’m 100% certain whoever did this knew what they were doing as they picked the best birds - they targeted my show team.” The breeder told The Sun: “(They) had the gall to kill my pride and joy. This was a deliberate act of sabotage.” Devon and Cornwall Police said they were investigating the incident and appealed for anyone with information on the attack or the whereabouts of the birds to come forward.

Defence giant BAE will ‘Axe nearly 1,000 jobs’ DEFENCE giant BAE Systems is to axe more than 900 jobs, the Unite union said. The 946 jobs will go mainly in its military divisions Military Air Solutions and Insyte (Integrated System Technologies). Union officials are warning that the cuts could be the “tip of the iceberg” for the defence industry. They expect the forthcoming strategic defence and security review and the cuts being demanded by the Treasury to spell bad news for the sector. Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Union general secretary Hugh

Scullion said unions were shocked at the scale of the cuts. “Talks will begin locally in the first instance to attempt to mitigate the planned losses and if necessary national negotiations will follow,” he said. “The unions will oppose any compulsory redundancies. “With the forthcoming defence review these cuts

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may be the tip of the iceberg but knee-jerk reactions from employers could make things even worse. “Cuts are being demanded before the shape of the defence industry has been decided. “The defence industry will suffer more than necessary, if employers make poor judgment calls.”

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World News

Trinny and Susannah in career makeover TV STYLISTS Trinny and Susannah are back on television this month having given their careers a makeover after being axed by ITV for poor ratings. Trinny Woodall and Susannah Constantine have sent themselves up in a “mockumentary” made for the internet as a comeback to the bout of bad press they were experiencing. They told Sky News’ Eamonn Holmes they had been going nowhere and needed to do something different. “We gave our careers a makeover, things were pretty awful at that point,” said Susannah on Sunrise. “Basically, this friend of mine said, ‘You know what,

people are being so foul about you, why not celebrate what people criticise you for and turn it into comedy?’ “It was the same old, same old, pigeonholing us - posh birds, bossy, Nazis. We were called ‘the fashion Nazis’ for a while so we thought, ‘Let’s turn it around.’” The What Not to Wear presenters will return on Channel 4 with a TV version of the spoof web documentary, Trinny and Susannah: What They Did Next. The 16-part show was made for the net, but C4 bosses liked it so much they have turned it into a one-off comedy programme. Inspired by Larry David’s US sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm, it shows the pair being dumped by their agent, fluffing a lucrative advertisement campaign and poking fun at themselves as they try to revive their careers.

Cruise control helps ship to beat the gap A SKILLED ship's captain has managed to squeeze a new vessel through a narrow shipyard entrance. It's not an easy first day at work but the 'conveyance', as it's officially known, is a rite of passage for this ship. The Celebrity Eclipse sailed down the River Ems in Germany and in a nervewracking manoeuvre managed to squeeze through the shipyard entrance. She and her sister ships Celebrity Equinox and Celebrity Solstice are the

largest ever to sail down the German river. Next the ship will have to squeeze through canal boat locks and roads, railways and aqueducts as part of a 42km journey into the North Sea before heading to Southampton in April. The 42km journey along the River Ems from the inland Meryer Werft ship yard in Papenburg, Germany, to Emshaven in the Netherlands will take between 12 and 15 hours. Due to the shallow waters and tight turns, the ship's speed cannot exceed 4km per hour.

Movie star joins cancer victim’s message of love A VIDEO in which a cancer patient declares his love for his wife has become a surprise internet hit thanks in part to cameo appearances from a Hollywood star and a prime minister. In the past week it has been viewed three quarters of a million times - even though it was intended only to be seen by friends and family. Kristian Anderson, from Sydney, Australia, has cancer of the liver, and has been undergoing intensive chemotherapy, but his illness has had a devastating effect on his wife Rachel, and young sons Cody and Jakob. “I have a very short attention span, very low energy and I’m not always the most genial person to be around and so Rachel has to put up with that, and she’s still got to look after the boys and she’s working full time as well,” he says. The illness meant Rachel had to return to her work as a teacher earlier than planned, because Kristian is selfemployed. But he used his skills as a video editor to make a short movie for her birthday, to say thank you for supporting him.

country’s Prime Minister John Key wishing her a happy birthday. They are the only words spoken in the video, which is set to the song Marry Me, by Train. He showed it to Rachel when they were alone at home. “It was just lovely. It finished and I had tears streaming down my face. It was just so amazing,” she said. Because their parents live thousand of miles away, Kristian posted the video online so they could see it. But word spread. Kristian said: “It went from 45 friends and family to 700,000 in six days.” And he’s using the publicity to make people more aware of their health.

“I waited too long to go to the doctor. And if I had acted when I first thought something was wrong, I might have only had cancer of the bowel, and they could maybe have got in and cut it out easily. But I didn’t and it spread to the liver.” We don’t yet know if Kristian and Rachel’s love story will have a happy ending. Kristian said: “Any love story has a universal theme of loss or possibility of loss, and staying with the person that you found that’s right for you. I think that’s the reason people have responded so well to the video. It’s something that everyone is going to have to face sooner or later.”

Morrisons plan to open new convenience stores SUPERMARKET chain Morrisons is to open convenience stores and may sell groceries online, the chain has announced. Britain's fourth biggest grocer outlined the plans as it announced that 800,00 extra customers were shopping at the store every week. It posted half year pre-tax profits of £412m, down 8% on last year, but said the performance was solid. The chain pointed to the

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It was inspired by a scene from Love Actually, one of their favourite films, in which Keira Knightley is silently serenaded by an admirer holding up cards with messages. Kristian’s message included the lines “I need you like I need a cure for cancer” and “Without you, life just doesn’t work”. With help from a Sydney radio station, he contacted Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman and a few days later an email attachment was went by his assistant, featuring a short message in which Jackman says: “He loves you Rachel.” And because his wife is from New Zealand, he also secured a video message from the

fact sales were still growing up 0.9% on last year. The store said it would

begin to trial its first convenience stores in 2011. The move follows in the

footsteps of Tesco and Sainsbury which have a string of smaller stores across the UK. Asda meanwhile struck a deal in May to buy 193 mostly small shops from Netto UK. New chief executive Dalton Philips said: "Today we are outlining plans to build on our strengths and generate profitable growth. "I am determined to make Morrisons better than ever." Morrisons chairman Sir Ian Gibson said: "Our first half performance has been solid, in a tight market."

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

World News

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It’s a dog’s life ok, Captain Baker’s charity golf and they just lap day is bang on target already it up at Aktiontier AMARILLA Golf Club Captain Michael Baker knew he had a hard act to follow when he stepped into the shoes of Ian Pilling MBE earlier this year.

We know who scoffed all the cakes… but does this cute stray know?

THE dogs who reside at Aktiontier thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon tea party on Sunday at their Granadilla headquarters. They had great fun walking to the beach, followed by some agility exercises, then it was tea and cakes all round. Oh yes, their supporters, who were invited to the welcoming event, also had a good time. So much so that they actually ate all the cakes and drank all the tea! It was a “getting to know us” afternoon put on by the German-sponsored refuge at Accion Del Sol, and organiser Karen Clack was delighted with the response. “We really appreciate all the support we receive, so many thanks to all those who supported the event,” she said. Aktiontier’s next event is their new doggie “Fitness Club” in conjunction with keep-fit expert Danni Byrne, starting at 6.30pm on Thursday (16th Sept) at the Arona Grand Hotel, in Los Cristianos. This will be great fun for you and your dog, because it is a gentle and enjoyable way to exercise and have fun.

Please call Karen on 687 905 511 or Danni Byrne on 619 008 035 for moreinformation. Another doggie date for your diary is Aktiontier’s Canarian “Oktoberfest”, which takes place on 17th October at their Granadilla base. This promises to be a real family affair with a puppet show, horse rides, buggy rides, an agility class for the dogs plus entertainment, a barbecue, German beer and much more fun with a difference. There was more uplifting news this week at the refuge when no fewer than 11 dogs were rehomed - seven in Germany and four here on the Island. “It’s a brilliant feeling and finding new homes for these discarded animals makes our job worthwhile,” said Karen. But it’s not all sweetness and light at Accion Del Sol because, on a much sadder note, Aktionier accepted no fewer than 15 dogs at the refuge on Monday from Protection Civil, included a poor little puppy which was badly injured. Karen, who is also chief fundraisier for Aktiontier, added: “Most of the dogs who get brought in have mainly been starved, or full of fleas, etc, but this was just a blatant act of cruelty.”

This little mite was taken to the Aktiontier dog sanctuary after being treated abysmally, then dumped

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Ian dedicated his term in office to raising funds for Tenerife breast-cancer care charity AMATE, with the help of his wife, Kim, and persuasive club member Pam Cowan, who somehow found prizes galore for all his charity events. In all, his fund swelled to a magnificent 8,300 euros throughout the year, which all went to his nominated charity. New Captain Baker, so impressed with his efforts, decided he would also raise funds for AMATE, and his big “test” comes next Saturday (18th Sept) with the annual John Lowe Charity Classic at Amarilla Golf Course. Last year, Ian raised more than 5,000 euros alone from the event, then named the Legends of Darts Classic and featuring world champions

Amarilla Golf Club ladies and their guests gather for last year’s presentation of an 8,300-euro cheque to breast-cancer care charity AMATE

Lowe and Eric Bristow, and Michael is determined to match that figure. Already, every slot is taken for the big event, which stars Lowe, Bristow and another former world champ, Ian Anderson, and starts at 9am. As usual, the stableford team competition has a shotgun start, followed by a barbecue and the prize presentation. The latter is always a fun affair and tickets for nonplayers, just ten euros, are still available from David Hill (922 737 288). Remember, it’s all for a worthy cause, and there’s a chance to meet the darts superstars as well.

Wild Geese golfers fly high for charity THE Wild Geese bar stage their fourth annual charity Golf Competition at the local Golf del Sur course on Friday, 24th September. All proceeds will be donated to the Orobal Children’s Charity, which has received 20.000 euros through the Irish bar’s previous events. Thanks to the efforts of the Wild Geese organisers and other fund-raisers, this local charity, which provides physiotherapy, speech therapy, etc, for disabled children, has been able to purchase new premises. The event has always been a

fun day out on the golf course, with a buffet (at 7pm) in the bar, and good craic afterwards Details - Individual Stapleford Ladies and Gents: categories 0-10, 11-20 Max handicaps: Ladies 28, Gents 20 Sponsor hole or green: 50E. The total cost to competitors, which includes green fee, competition fee, buggy, prizes, charity donation and buffet, is 60 euros. If you are interested in taking part, please contact Stefan McNeill at the Wild Geese on 922 727 003.

Live Arico Update Second shop on the verge Our second shop is just about ready to open its doors. Situated in San Eugenio, we hope to target the tourist market and will be selling books, beach items and other holiday essentials. We need racking and shelving however, so please call Debbie on the number below if you can help. We also need volunteers to work in both the new shop and our shop in Silencio. If you can spare a few hours a week, are reliable, trustworthy and love dogs, then, again, please call Debbie. Thank you. Tired of boot sales? Sell your unwanted items in a more tranquil environment at the Terrace Bar, Amarilla Golf, from 1pm to 3.30pm on Sundays. The next one will be on 26th September. At just five euros per table and proceeds going directly to Live Arico, we are expecting these afternoons to be a huge success. Call Ruth on 636 306 397 to reserve your table. Upcoming events On Wednesday (22nd Sept), we have a fund-raiser at the Ocean View Bar, Hotel Comodoro, Los Cristianos. Tickets are just six euros and

include live entertainment, plus a delicious pie-and-pea supper. Call Suzy on 629 388 102 to get your tickets, or pop into the bar. The following Sunday (26th), we will be holding a benefit at La Guagua, Fañabe Beach Front. Details to be confirmed next week. A week later, on Sunday, 2nd October, we are staging a dog show. The venue and details will be confirmed asap, but put it in your diaries for now. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, neutered, vaccinated and wormed. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have sold 509 square metres of land up to now, making a total of 2,545 euros, which is a magnificent achievement. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly even where we are now renting, so are you prepared to buy a square metre of land for Live Arico?

At just five euros, you will receive a certificate from Live Arico for now, and your name, address and number of square metres purchased will be on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Live Arico Flight Line Anyone booking flights to and from the UK with the Live Arico Flight Line will get them at competitive prices, and will also help our dogs. Call now on 922 794 918 and please quote Live Arico Flightline. Live Arico Shop news (in association with Tenerife Nursing and Care) As you probably know by now, the shop is now on the frontline of Coral Mar, at ground level, next door to the Coral Bar. This makes life far easier for everyone: cars unloading can park right outside, and our elderly and disabled customers no longer have to negotiate the stairs. We now have a fantastic range of hand-made cards for all occasions. They are decorated beautifully and cost from two euros. We are also grateful for items of furniture as we are working in conjunction with Fish for Furniture, at Los

Abrigos, and Idea, in Adeje. Call Rick to arrange pick-ups. Any donations of cat and dog food at the shop are most welcome. Through popular demand, the shop is now open at the following times: Mon-Fri: 104pm. Sat: 10-2. Sunday: Closed. The shop will also be open when there’s an event on in Coral Mar Square, Live Arico hot lines For any questions about the shop, the dogs or Live Arico, or if you would like to make a donation and need somebody to pick it up, call Debbie on the number below. Important telephone numbers Eugenio: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc.) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Rick: 639 207 064 (shop donations and collections) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 You can also read about us at or

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


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10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Television Guide

New series: Merlin Saturday 11 September, 7:25pm - 8:10pm, BBC1 The Tears of Uther Pendragon: A year after her disappearance, Morgana returns to Camelot, where a delighted Uther immediately announces a banquet in her honour. However, when evil magic begins to take hold of the king’s mind, Merlin suspects the lady is hiding a sinister secret, only for the wizard’s search for the truth to leave him at the mercy of the scorpion-like enchanted serkets. Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath star.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010








Television Guide


Peggy Mitchell: Queen of the Vic, 8:40pm - 9:00pm, BBC1 Documentary celebrating the best moments and most eventful storylines involving the EastEnders landlady and matriarch of the Mitchell family, from her first appearance to her dramatic exit. Highlights include her troubled romantic life, her health scares and the trials and tribulations of running the Queen Vic pub.

Strictly Come Dancing 6:25pm - 7:25pm, BBC1 New series. Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly host a launch show following this year’s 14 celebrities as they meet their dance partners for the first time. A series of performances from the professionals gives viewers the chance to see the studio set, the dance styles on offer, and three new male dancers. The celebrities will also take to the floor to perform a group number, watched by the ever-critical judges Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli, Craig Revel Horwood and Alesha Dixon.

Four Weddings and a Funeral 10:15pm - 12:25am, Channel 4 The tale of a foppish bachelor, his eccentric friends and their romantic escapades is extremely funny, charming, poignant and never anything less than hugely enjoyable. Simon Callow and the Bafta-winning Kristin Scott Thomas are outstanding alongside star Hugh Grant, who became an overnight sensation as the tousled serial ditherer haplessly pursuing his star-crossed passion for enigmatic American Andie MacDowell.

Jamie’s American Food Revolution, 10:00pm 11:00pm, Channel 4 The chef heads to Huntington, West Virginia, dubbed “America’s unhealthiest city”, to attempt to inspire some culinary change in a place where Government guidelines allow pizza to be served at schools for breakfast and count fries as vegetables. He creates a healthy new menu at Central City Elementary School, but the new food choices don’t go down very well.

Ramsay’s Best Restaurant 9:00pm - 10:00pm, Channel 4 Gordon Ramsay embarks on a quest to find the best restaurant in Britain from over 12,000 nominations. First up, his two finest Italians. Mennula, a traditional Sicilian in London, was opened less than a year ago by head chef Santino, while at Casamia in Bristol brothers Jon and Peter Ray are the youngest chefs in the country to have a Michelin star.

Michael Jackson and Bubbles: The Untold Story, 10:00pm 11:05pm, Channel 4 Documentary examining the complex relationship between Michael Jackson and his pet chimp, with contributions from Michael’s sister La Toya, biographer J Randy Taraborrelli, writer Rick Sky, ape expert Patti Ragan, and various animal behaviour and psychology experts. The programme also visits the animal at a retirement home for former showbiz chimps, and considers how it has adjusted to life without its owner.

Mock the Week 10:00pm - 10:30pm, BBC2 Dara O Briain hosts the topical comedy quiz, as guests Stewart Francis and Ed Byrne join regular panellists Hugh Dennis, Russell Howard and Andy Parsons to offer opinions on the past week’s world events.

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Television Guide

Friday 10 September 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Helicopter Heroes 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am To Buy or Not to Buy 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Cash in the Attic 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Diagnosis Murder 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Junior MasterChef 3:35pm Bernard 3:35pm Wingin’ It 4:00pm Fee Fi Fo Yum 4:30pm Leon 4:30pm Horrible Histories 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:40pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:05pm 11:15pm 11:15pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News: Regional News Animal 24:7 EastEnders Peggy Mitchell: Queen of the Vic New Tricks BBC News Regional News and Weather Would I Lie to You? The National Lottery Draws Weatherview Brooklyn Rules

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Cricket 10:00am Live International One-Day Cricket 6:30pm Premier League Preview 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Sky Sports News Live Super League Take It Like a Fan Premier League Preview Football League Weekend

6:00am Children’s TV 7:30am Barney’s Barrier Reef 8:00am School of Silence 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Jollywobbles 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am Garth and Bev 9:35am Ethelbert the Tiger 9:45am Pingu 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Living Dangerously 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Animal Park 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm Escape to the Country 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:50pm

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

6:00am The Real A&E 6:30am The Real A&E 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Bondi Vet 9:30am Bondi Vet 10:00am Bones 11:00am Wedding SOS 11:30am New Parent Nightmares 12:00pm The Real A&E 12:30pm The Real A&E 1:00pm Project Runway 2:00pm Bones 3:00pm Stargate SG-1 5:00pm WWE Superstars



Oops TV The Simpsons The Middle Must Be the Music An Idiot Abroad - The Preview Show Must Be the Music Meet the SemiFinalists Lie to Me

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Cheetah Kingdom Coronation Street Paul O’Grady Live

6:20am The Hoobs 6:45am Big Brother’s Little Brother 7:10am Ultimate Big Brother 8:05am Frasier 8:35am Hollyoaks Music Show 9:05am Friends 9:35am Friends 10:05am The Good Wife 11:05am Desperate Housewives 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Wife Swap USA 1:00pm Jamie at Home 1:25pm Channel 4 Racing 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:25pm 7:30pm 9:30pm


10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

6:00pm 6:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:45pm

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Eggheads Climbing Great Buildings Who Do You Think You Are? Mastermind Gardeners’ World Digging for Britain Roger & Val Have Just Got In Newsnight The Review Show The History Boys

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Michael Ball Show 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Inspector Morse 5:00pm Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm Weather

ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Two Weeks Notice

7:00am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 7:30am Cooking in the Danger Zone 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Top Gear 11:00am The Gadget Show 11:30am Speed 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Dragons’ Den 3:00pm The Gadget Show 3:30pm Speed 4:00pm The Best of Top Gear 5:00pm The Best of Top Gear 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:20pm

Dragons’ Den The Gadget Show Speed Three Men in More Than One Boat QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Argumental

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ultimate Big Brother: The Final Big Brother: Dermot’s Last Supper Davina’s Big Send Off

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:20am Peppa Pig 8:25am Thomas & Friends 8:40am The WotWots 8:50am Big School 9:00am Pocoyo 9:10am Milkshake! Show Songs 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am CSI: NY 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Chinese Food in Minutes 1:15pm The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 3:00pm Jack 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:15pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:55pm

10:30pm 11:35pm

Ultimate Big Brother: The Final Hour 8 Out of 10 Cats: Big Brother Special

6:00am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Shortland Street 10:30am Shortland Street 11:00am Four Weddings 12:00pm Bulging Brides 12:30pm Bulging Brides 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Shortland Street 4:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

America’s Next Top Model Celebrity Four Weddings Airways Medium CSI: Miami Criminal Minds

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Cricket on Five Police Interceptors The Mentalist Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSI: NY Cops in Crisis

12:15am SuperCasino 4:05am Motorsport Mundial 4:30am The Boss Is Coming to Dinner

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:30am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Heir Hunters 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm My Family 4:00pm Animal Park: Wild in Africa 4:30pm Animal Park: Wild in Africa 5:00pm Seaside Rescue 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:20pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Medical Emergency Total Wipeout USA The Catherine Tate Show The Catherine Tate Show Firewall

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Television Guide

Saturday 11 September 6:00am Breakfast 10:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30am Football Focus 12:00pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 12:10pm Formula 1: The Italian Grand Prix - Qualifying 2:20pm Canoeing 3:20pm Triathlon 4:30pm Final Score 5:10pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:25pm The Best of Tonight’s the Night 6:25pm 7:25pm 8:10pm 8:20pm 9:10pm 10:40pm 10:40pm 11:00pm

Strictly Come Dancing Merlin The National Lottery: Saturday Draws Casualty BBC Proms 2010 National Lottery Update BBC News; Weather Match of the Day

12:20am Weatherview 12:20am The Football League Show 1:45am Meet the Author with Nick Higham 2:00am BBC News 2:30am HARDtalk 3:00am BBC News 3:30am Our World 4:00am BBC News 4:30am Click 5:00am BBC News 5:30am Meet the Author with Nick Higham

6:00am Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto! 6:00am The Pingu Show 6:15am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 6:25am Penelope 6:30am Guess with Jess 6:40am Postman Pat 7:00am Arthur 7:15am League of Super Evil 7:25am OOglies 7:40am What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am Escape from Scorpion Island 9:00am Live ‘n’ Deadly 10:00am The Owl 10:00am Animals at Work 10:30am Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 11:00am Horrible Histories 11:30am Evacuation to the Manor House 12:00pm Degrassi: The Next Generation 12:25pm No Hats, No Trainers 12:50pm Shelfstackers 1:15pm The 5:19 Show 1:30pm Single, Together, Whatever 2:00pm The Sky at Night 2:25pm Duel in the Sun 4:30pm Dad’s Army 5:00pm Match of the Day Live 7:20pm 7:30pm 9:10pm 9:55pm 10:25pm


Coast BBC Proms 2010 Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week Later with Jools Holland’s Golden Moments Grandma’s House

6:00am The Fluffy Club 7:25am Toonattik 9:25am Emu 9:40am Emu 9:55am Monk 10:00am The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:00am Children’s Hospital 11:30am This Morning: Saturday 12:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 1:00pm News and Weather 1:04pm London Weather 1:05pm For Your Eyes Only 3:30pm Midsomer Murders 5:30pm Weather 5:30pm London Tonight 5:45pm ITV News and Weather 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:45pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:15pm 11:29pm 11:30pm

Animals Do the Funniest Things All Star Family Fortunes The X Factor 71 Degrees North The Bucket List ITV News and Weather London Weather The Bucket List

12:10am Dating the Enemy 12:40am ITV News Headlines 12:40am The Zone 2:40am Raines 3:30am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

8:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

Live Big Fight Special Wild Spirits World Sport

12:00am Champions League Weekly 12:30am ATP Tour Uncovered 1:00am Live US Open Tennis 3:00am Super League 4:30am Champions League Weekly 5:00am Take It Like a Fan 5:30am World Sport

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 7:00am Crash Test Dummies 8:00am Malcolm in the Middle 8:30am Malcolm in the Middle 9:00am Football’s Next Star 10:00am Soccer AM 12:00pm Fat Families 1:00pm Pineapple Dance Studios 2:00pm Project Runway 3:00pm Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 4:00pm Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 5:00pm Vet Adventures 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 11:55pm

The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Glenn Martin, DDS Oops TV An Idiot Abroad - The Preview Show Batman Classic Albums

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

6:15pm 6:45pm 7:10pm 7:15pm 9:00pm 10:30pm

Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Flight 93 9/11: State of Emergency Witness

6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:35am Rupert Bear 6:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:00am Mio Mao 7:05am Pocoyo 7:15am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:25am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:40am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:15am Little Princess 8:30am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:45am Igam Ogam 9:00am Olivia 9:15am The Mr Men Show 9:30am Gerald McBoing Boing 10:00am Great Yorkshire Run 11:00am The Gadget Show Shorts 11:05am How Do They Do It? 11:35am The Gadget Show 12:35pm My Stepmother Is an Alien 2:40pm Gremlins 2: the New Batch 4:40pm El Dorado 7:15pm 7:20pm 8:15pm 9:10pm 10:10pm 11:10pm

12:40am Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na 3:20am What About Brian 4:05am The End of the Line 5:35am Countdown

12:25am Bigga than Ben: a Guide to Ripping Off London 1:45am It’s Alive 3:15am Close

6:00am Super League 7:30am Live ITM Cup Rugby Union 10:30am Live Tri-Nations International Rugby Union 1:00pm Live Premiership Rugby Union 3:30pm Live Super League 5:30pm Live Super League

6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am World Sport 7:00am The Grid 7:25am British GT Championship 7:55am The Morning Line 8:55am Ultimate Big Brother: The Final 10:55am Big Brother: Dermot’s Last Supper 11:25am Davina’s Big Send Off 11:55am Ultimate Big Brother: The Final Hour 1:00pm The Hollyoaks Music Show Playlist 1:30pm That Paralympic Show 2:00pm Channel 4 Racing 4:10pm Come Dine with Me 4:40pm Come Dine with Me 5:10pm Come Dine with Me 5:45pm Come Dine with Me

7:00am Cooking in the Danger Zone 7:35am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8:00am The Best of Top Gear 9:00am World Rally 10:00am The Best of Top Gear 11:00am Trawlermen 11:30am Trawlermen 12:00pm Trawlermen 12:30pm Fifth Gear 1:00pm The Best of Top Gear 2:00pm World Rally 3:00pm The Best of Top Gear 4:00pm The Best of Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:20pm 9:00pm 10:20pm

Three Men in More Than One Boat James May’s Big Ideas Have I Got News for You Never Mind the Buzzcocks Never Mind the Buzzcocks

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Celebrity Four Weddings 10:00am Australia’s Next Top Model 11:00am Britain’s Next Top Model 12:00pm Ghost Whisperer 1:00pm Ghost Whisperer 2:00pm Ghost Whisperer 3:00pm Hook 5:50pm Celebs 24/7 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

16 and Pregnant Nothing to Declare Nothing to Declare Nothing to Declare Nothing to Declare Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

Five News NCIS NCIS CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Miami

12:05am SuperCasino 4:05am European Seniors Tour 4:55am The Family Recipe

6:00am MasterChef Australia 7:30am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Robin Hood 9:00am Total Wipeout USA 10:00am A Life of Grime 10:30am A Life of Grime 11:00am Heir Hunters 12:00pm Seaside Rescue 12:40pm Medical Emergency 1:10pm Medical Emergency 1:40pm Medical Emergency 2:10pm Medical Emergency 2:40pm Medical Emergency 3:10pm Medical Emergency 3:40pm Medical Emergency 4:10pm Ballet Shoes 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Total Wipeout USA Total Wipeout USA Doctor Who Traffic Cops Firewall

12:10am Rail Cops

Page 25

Television Guide

Sunday 12 September 6:00am Breakfast 7:40am Match of the Day 9:00am The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am Sunday Morning Live 11:00am Weather for the Week Ahead 11:00am The Politics Show 12:10pm Formula 1: The Italian Grand Prix Live 3:15pm EastEnders 5:20pm Songs of Praise 5:55pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 6:15pm

Antiques Roadshow

6:00am The Pingu Show 6:15am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 6:25am Penelope 6:30am Guess with Jess 6:40am Postman Pat 7:00am Arthur 7:15am League of Super Evil 7:25am Sportsround 7:40am Bear Behaving Badly 8:00am Escape from Scorpion Island 9:00am Deadly 60 9:30am Gastronuts 10:00am Something for the Weekend 11:30am The First of the Few 1:25pm Tara Road 3:00pm Canoeing 4:00pm Triathlon 5:00pm Super League 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 11:10pm 11:10pm

6:00am The Fluffy Club 7:25am Toonattik 9:25am Coronation Street 12:45pm News and Weather 12:49pm London Weather 12:50pm This Morning: Sunday 1:50pm Dinner Date 2:50pm The X Factor 4:05pm Octopussy 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm

Wonders of the Solar System Dragons’ Den The Vera Lynn Story Notes on a Scandal Match of the Day 2

Countryfile A Concert for Heroes BBC News; Regional News and Weather Live at the Apollo Weatherview Broken Flowers

8:00pm 9:00pm 10:30pm 10:44pm 10:45pm 11:45pm

12:55am Victorian Pharmacy 1:55am Holby City 2:55am The Private Life of Cows 3:55am Reporters 4:00am BBC News 4:30am HARDtalk 5:00am The World Today 5:30am World Business Report

6:00am Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am Football First 8:00am Football First 9:30am The Sunday Supplement 11:00am Goals on Sunday 1:00pm Big Fight Special 3:30pm Live Super Sunday 6:30pm 9:00pm

Live Super League Live US Open Tennis


12:30am ITV News Headlines 12:30am The Zone 2:30am Motorsport UK 3:25am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

6:00am Hour of Power 7:00am Crash Test Dummies 8:00am Malcolm in the Middle 9:00am Futurama 9:30am Futurama 10:00am WWE Superstars 12:00pm Futurama 12:30pm Futurama 1:00pm Must Be the Music 2:15pm Must Be the Music Meet the Semi-Finalists 3:00pm The Simpsons

7:00am The Best of Top Gear 8:00am World Rally 9:00am Fifth Gear 9:40am James May’s Big Ideas 11:00am The Best of Top Gear 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Trawlermen 1:30pm Seaside Rescue 2:00pm Dragons’ Den 2:30pm Dragons’ Den 3:30pm Fifth Gear 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear


Page 26

Mad Men

Heartbeat Albert’s Memorial ITV News and Weather London Weather Bouquet of Barbed Wire Premiership Rugby Union

12:05am Mad Men 12:55am Mad Men 1:45am Reporters 2:00am BBC News 2:30am Dateline London 3:00am BBC News 3:30am Reporters 3:55am Close

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:15pm

12:00am Spanish Football 2:00am Football Special 3:30am International One-Day Cricket 5:00am IAAF Athletix Weekly 5:30am Wild Spirits

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather David Jason: The Battle of Britain

10:00pm 11:00pm

The Simpsons The Middle Must Be the Music Must Be the Music Meet the Finalists Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies Chris Ryan’s Strike Back Chris Ryan’s Strike Back

6:00pm 7:00pm 7:40pm 8:20pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:00pm 11:40pm

World Rally Fifth Gear Have I Got News for You I’m Alan Partridge Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf

6:20am The Hoobs 6:45am Basketball 7:40am Friends 8:10am Katy Perry: T4 Special 8:40am Friends 9:10am The Wanted: Video Exclusive 9:15am RockCorps Celebrity Challenge 9:25am Hollyoaks 11:55am RockCorps Celebrity Challenge 12:00pm The Album Chart Show 12:35pm Friends 1:05pm RockCorps Celebrity Challenge 1:10pm The Simpsons 1:40pm The Simpsons 2:10pm Ugly Betty 3:05pm Three in a Bed 3:35pm Three in a Bed 4:10pm Three in a Bed 4:40pm Deal or No Deal 5:25pm River Cottage 6:30pm 6:55pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 10:15pm

Channel 4 News The 9/11 Faker Fool’s Gold Four Weddings and a Funeral

12:25am RockCorps 2010: Snoop Dogg Special 12:55am American Football Live 4:45am Ironman Triathlon 5:10am Countdown 5:55am Sali Mali

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Four Weddings 9:30am Four Weddings 10:00am Four Weddings 10:30am Four Weddings 11:00am Four Weddings 11:30am Bulging Brides 12:00pm Hook 2:50pm Celebs 24/7 3:00pm Nothing to Declare 3:30pm Nothing to Declare 4:00pm Airways 4:30pm Airways 5:00pm Teen Mom 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Psychic Sally: On the Road Drop Dead Diva Ghost Whisperer Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Criminal Minds

6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:00am Mio Mao 7:05am Pocoyo 7:15am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:25am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:35am Noddy in Toyland 7:50am Hana’s Helpline 8:00am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:15am Little Princess 8:30am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:45am Igam Ogam 8:55am Castle Farm 9:00am Olivia 9:15am The Mr Men Show 9:35am Gerald McBoing Boing 10:00am iCarly 10:35am True Jackson, VP 11:10am Michaela’s Wild Challenge 11:40am Jack and the Beanstalk 3:25pm White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf 5:25pm Monster House 7:10pm 7:15pm 8:00pm 9:55pm

Five News Cricket on Five Men in Black Bad Boys

12:15am The Gadget Show 1:15am SuperCasino 4:05am Chinese Food in Minutes 4:30am House Doctor 4:55am The Family Recipe 5:00am Hana’s Helpline 5:10am The Milkshake! Show 5:35am Thomas & Friends

6:05am Funniest Pets and People 6:30am Heir Hunters 7:15am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Robin Hood 9:00am Total Wipeout USA 10:00am Cash in the Celebrity Attic 11:00am Seaside Rescue 11:40am Medical Emergency 12:10pm Medical Emergency 12:40pm Medical Emergency 1:10pm Medical Emergency 1:40pm Medical Emergency 2:10pm Outtake TV 3:10pm Ballet Shoes 5:00pm Doctor Who 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

Total Wipeout USA MasterChef Australia Outtake TV Who Do You Think You Are? Traffic Cops Car Wars Car Wars

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Television Guide

Monday 13 September 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Helicopter Heroes 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Cash in the Attic 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Diagnosis Murder 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Junior MasterChef 3:35pm Bernard 3:35pm Wingin’ It 4:00pm The Legend of Dick & Dom 4:30pm Blue Peter 4:55pm Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:35pm 11:35pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show Saints and Scroungers EastEnders Panorama Who Do You Think You Are? BBC News Regional News and Weather Traffic Cops Weatherview The Great Raid

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Football Special 10:30am Live County Championship Cricket 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

Champions League Weekly Netbusters Live Monday Night Football Netbusters SPL Round-Up Soccer AM: The Best Bits

12:30am Monday Night Football 2:30am Sports Unlimited 3:30am Watersports World 4:30am Max Power 5:30am FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00am Children’s TV 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Jollywobbles 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am Garth and Bev 9:35am Ethelbert the Tiger 9:45am Pingu 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Open Gardens 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Animal Park 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm Escape to the Country 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm

8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:20pm 11:50pm

Eggheads Climbing Great Buildings The Art of World War Two: A Culture Show Special University Challenge Antiques Master Dragons’ Den Grandma’s House Newsnight Roger & Val Have Just Got In Timothy Spall: Somewhere at Sea

6:00am The Real A&E 6:30am The Real A&E 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Bondi Vet 9:30am Bondi Vet 10:00am Bones 11:00am Wedding SOS 11:30am The Secret Guide to Women’s Health 12:00pm Body Language Secrets 1:00pm Project Runway 2:00pm Bones 3:00pm Stargate SG-1 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 8:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Biggest Loser US My Big Fat Cycle Challenge An Idiot Abroad - The Preview Show Law & Order Bones

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Michael Ball Show 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Inspector Morse 5:00pm Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm 11:35pm

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Countrywise Coronation Street Bouquet of Barbed Wire ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Surgery School Stephen Tompkinson’s African Balloon Adventure

6:00am The Treacle People 6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25am Frasier 8:55am Friends 9:25am Friends 10:00am The Good Wife 11:00am Desperate Housewives 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm In Your Dreams 12:20pm Singin’ in the Rain 2:20pm Lakes on a Plate 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Trouble with the Pope My Family’s Crazy Gap Year Jamie’s American Food Revolution This Is England ‘86

12:30am ITV News Headlines 12:30am The Zone 2:35am UEFA Champions League Weekly 3:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:55am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

12:00am Rita, Sue and Bob Too 1:45am Firaaq 3:35am Whirlpool 5:15am Hill Street Blues

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Fifth Gear 10:30am The Gadget Show 11:00am Dragons’ Den 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Dragons’ Den: Where Are They Now? 3:00pm Fifth Gear 3:30pm The Gadget Show 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Maury 10:55am Celebs 24/7 11:00am Four Weddings 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Shortland Street 3:30pm Shortland Street 4:00pm Charmed

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:50pm

Fifth Gear The Gadget Show World Rally Top Gear QI QI Al Murray: My Gaff, My Rules QI

6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

America’s Next Top Model Four Weddings US Dating in the Dark US Britain’s Next Top Model Celebrity Four Weddings Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 6:40am Funky Valley 6:45am Rupert Bear 6:55am Peppa Pig 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am The WotWots 8:55am Big School 9:00am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9:10am Castle Farm 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am CSI: Miami 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Chinese Food in Minutes 1:15pm House Doctor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm The Family Recipe 2:55pm Animal Rescue Squad 3:15pm First Shot: the President Is Down 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:05pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 How Do They Do It? The Gadget Show Swordfish RoboCop 2

1:15am SuperCasino 4:05am Chinese Food in Minutes 4:30am House Doctor 4:55am Rough Guide to Cities

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:35am Seaside Rescue 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Escape to the Country 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm My Family 4:00pm Escape to the Country 5:00pm Seaside Rescue 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Fantasy Homes by the Sea Traffic Cops Car Wars Car Wars Rail Cops Rail Cops

Page 27


Page 28

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Page 29

Television Guide

Tuesday 14 September 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Helicopter Heroes 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Cash in the Attic 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Diagnosis Murder 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Junior MasterChef 3:35pm Bernard 3:35pm Wingin’ It 4:00pm MI High 4:30pm Blue Peter 4:55pm Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:05pm 11:05pm

BBC News Weather BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City The Young Ones BBC News Regional News and Weather My Story Weatherview At First Sight

6:00am Children’s TV :00am Arthur 7:15am League of Super Evil 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Deadly 60 8:00am School of Silence 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Jollywobbles 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am Garth and Bev 9:35am Ethelbert the Tiger 9:45am Pingu 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Open Gardens 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Animal Park 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm Escape to the Country 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:20pm 10:30pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

1:15am See Hear 1:45am How to Beat Tough Times: Money Watch

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Netbusters 9:30am Soccer AM: The Best Bits 10:30am Live County Championship Cricket 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Revista De La Liga Sky Sports News at Seven Soccer Special Countdown to the 2010 Ryder Cup Revista De La Liga

12:00am A-League 12:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 1:30am Countdown to the 2010 Ryder Cup 2:00am Revista De La Liga 3:00am Football Asia 3:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 4:30am A-League 5:00am Revista De La Liga

Eggheads Climbing Great Buildings Coast The Great British Bake Off First Light Mull: Eagle Paradise Weather Newsnight The Art of World War Two: A Culture Show Special

6:00am The Real A&E 6:30am The Real A&E 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Bondi Vet 9:30am Bondi Vet 10:00am Bones 11:00am Wedding SOS 11:30am Brain Doctors 12:00pm Body Language Secrets 1:00pm Project Runway 2:00pm Bones 3:00pm Stargate SG-1 4:00pm Stargate SG-1 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:25pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Little Couple Batman Returns House

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Michael Ball Show 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Inspector Morse 5:00pm Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm 11:35pm

12:25am ITV News Headlines 12:25am The Zone 2:25am The Rockford Files 3:20am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:15am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Fifth Gear 10:30am The Gadget Show 11:00am Dragons’ Den 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Full Circle with Michael Palin 3:00pm Fifth Gear 3:30pm The Gadget Show 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm


Page 30

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Grimefighters New Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 71 Degrees North ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Swingtown Ladette to Lady

Fifth Gear The Gadget Show Full Circle with Michael Palin Top Gear Mock the Week Mock the Week Al Murray: A Glass of White Wine for the Lady Mock the Week

6:05am Sali Mali 6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25am Frasier 8:55am Friends 9:30am Lakes on a Plate 10:00am The Good Wife 11:00am Desperate Housewives 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Love Me or Leave Me 2:20pm Lakes on a Plate 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Celebrity Come Dine with Me Ramsay’s Best Restaurant This Is England ‘86 Alan Davies’ Teenage Revolution

12:10am Late Night Poker 1:10am FIVB Beach Volleyball 2:05am ITU Triathlon 2:55am KOTV Boxing Weekly 3:25am British GT Championship 3:50am The Grid 4:20am World Sport 4:45am Basketball

6:00am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Maury 10:55am Celebs 24/7 11:00am Four Weddings US 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Shortland Street 3:30pm Shortland Street 4:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

America’s Next Top Model Four Weddings US Britain’s Next Top Model Drop Dead Diva Teen Mom Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am The WotWots 8:55am Big School 9:00am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9:10am Castle Farm 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am CSI: Miami 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Chinese Food in Minutes 1:15pm House Doctor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm The Family Recipe 2:55pm Animal Rescue Squad 3:10pm Surrender Dorothy 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 How to Take Stunning Pictures Nature Shock: Deadly Rat Invasion CSI: Miami CSI: NY CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00am NCIS SuperCasino


6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:15am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Escape to the Country 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm My Family 4:00pm Escape to the Country 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:10pm 11:10pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Outtake TV Fantasy Homes by the Sea Jonathan Creek Who Do You Think You Are? Tourettes: I Swear I Can’t Help It

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Television Guide

Wednesday 15 September 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Helicopter Heroes 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Cash in the Attic 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Diagnosis Murder 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Junior MasterChef 3:35pm Bernard 3:35pm Wingin’ It 4:00pm Little Howard’s Big Question 4:30pm Leon 4:30pm Hounded 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:35pm 10:45pm 11:15pm


BBC News Weather BBC London News The One Show Bang Goes the Theory Waterloo Road The Young Ones BBC News The National Lottery Draws Reggie Perrin National Lottery Update and Weatherview The Best Man

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Countdown to the 2010 Ryder Cup 9:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 10:30am Live County Championship Cricket 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 11:30pm

Boots ‘n’ All Sky Sports News at Seven Soccer Special You’re on Sky Sports! FIFA Futbol Mundial

12:00am Total Rugby 12:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 1:30am Boots ‘n’ All 2:30am You’re on Sky Sports! 4:00am FIFA Futbol Mundial 4:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 5:30am Total Rugby

6:00am Children’s TV 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Deadly 60 8:00am School of Silence 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Jollywobbles 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am Garth and Bev 9:35am Ethelbert the Tiger 9:45am Pingu 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Daily Politics 1:00pm See Hear 1:30pm Animal Park 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm Escape to the Country 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

Eggheads Climbing Great Buildings Benedict: Trials of a Pope The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best The Big School Lottery Later 250 - with Jools Holland Weather Newsnight Bobby Moore: World Cup Hero

6:00am Body Language Secrets 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Lion Man 9:30am Lion Man 10:00am Bones 11:00am Wedding SOS 11:30am Babies at Risk 12:00pm First Love 1:00pm Project Runway 2:00pm Bones 3:00pm Stargate SG-1 4:00pm Stargate SG-1 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:15pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

Oops TV The Simpsons Vet Adventures Must Be the Music Must Be the Music Meet the Finalists An Idiot Abroad - The Preview Show Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Michael Ball Show 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Inspector Morse 5:00pm Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

London Tonight TV News and Weather Emmerdale Live UEFA Champions League ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather UEFA Champions League: Extra Time

12:25am ITV News Headlines 12:25am The Zone 2:30am Ready When You Are, Mr McGill 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:55am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 7:30am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Fifth Gear 10:30am The Gadget Show 11:00am Dragons’ Den 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Speeders 2:30pm Speeders 3:00pm Fifth Gear 3:30pm The Gadget Show 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm

Fifth Gear The Gadget Show Trawlermen Seaside Rescue Top Gear Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Al Murray: Live at the Palladium

6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Frasier 8:55am Friends 9:30am Lakes on a Plate 10:00am The Good Wife 11:00am Desperate Housewives 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm In Your Dreams 12:15pm The Band Wagon 2:20pm Lakes on a Plate 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm


The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Food Grand Designs Michael Jackson and Bubbles: The Untold Story Alien

1:20am The Album Chart Show Spotlight 1:35am Beyond JFK: the Question of Conspiracy 3:10am Laid Off 3:20am The Fairy Jobmother 4:15am Night Walking 4:20am The Men 5:45am Countdown

7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Maury 10:55am Celebs 24/7 11:00am Four Weddings 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Shortland Street 3:30pm Shortland Street 4:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

America’s Next Top Model Four Weddings US Psychic Sally: On the Road Ghost Whisperer CSI: Miami Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am The WotWots 8:55am Big School 9:00am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9:10am Castle Farm 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am CSI: Miami 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Chinese Food in Minutes 1:15pm House Doctor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm The Family Recipe 2:55pm Animal Rescue Squad 3:10pm Love’s Long Journey 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:55pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Michaela’s Zoo Babies Emergency Bikers NCIS Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order Poker

12:55am SuperCasino 4:05am Chinese Food in Minutes

6:15am MasterChef Australia 6:50am Seaside Rescue 7:10am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Escape to the Country 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 1:30pm Outtake TV 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm My Family 4:00pm Escape to the Country 5:00pm Seaside Rescue 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:55pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Britain’s Youngest Grannies World’s Strictest Parents USA Medical Emergency Waking the Dead

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Television Guide

Thursday 16 September 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Helicopter Heroes 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:05am The Pope’s Visit 2010: Edinburgh - The Queen Welcomes the Pope 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Diagnosis Murder 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Junior MasterChef 3:35pm Diddy Dick & Dom 3:35pm OOglies 3:55pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Animals at Work 4:30pm Leon 4:30pm Deadly 60 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:35pm 11:35pm

BBC News Weather BBC London News The One Show BBC News; Regional News EastEnders Watchdog The Young Ones BBC News Regional News and Weather Question Time Holiday Weatherview K2

1:25am Panorama Countryfile

7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Ringside Special Sky Sports News at Seven Premier League World The Rugby Club Ringside Special Time of Our Lives The Rugby Club

12:00am Ringside Special 1:00am Time of Our Lives 2:00am Premier League World 2:30am Premier League Snooker

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7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 10:30pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

Coast James Wong and the Malaysian Garden Gareth Malone’s Extraordinary School for Boys Mock the Week Weather Newsnight Ride of My Life: The Story of the Bicycle

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Michael Ball Show 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Inspector Morse 5:00pm Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Keeping the Faith?: Tonight Emmerdale Coronation Street Law & Order: UK ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather On Deadly Ground

12:30am ITV News Headlines 12:30am The Zone 2:30am The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:25am Keeping the Faith?: Tonight 3:50am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

6:30am Sali Mali 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25am Frasier 8:55am Friends 9:30am Lakes on a Plate 10:00am The Good Wife 11:00am Desperate Housewives 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm In Your Dreams 12:15pm Brigadoon 2:20pm Lakes on a Plate 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:20pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location Alan Davies’ Teenage Revolution True Blood Aliens

2:10am The Fairy Jobmother 3:05am This Is Me 3:10am The Trouble with the Pope 4:05am Cameron’s Black Tory 5:00am Countdown 5:45am Yo Gabba Gabba

6:00am Thomas & Friends 6:10am Roary the Racing Car 6:20am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 6:35am Milkshake! Music Box 6:40am Funky Valley 6:45am Rupert Bear 6:55am Peppa Pig 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am The WotWots 8:55am Big School 9:00am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9:10am Castle Farm 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am CSI: Miami 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Chinese Food in Minutes 1:15pm House Doctor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm The Family Recipe 2:55pm Animal Rescue Squad 3:10pm The Tenth Circle 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:10pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Live UEFA Europa League Football Outlaw


6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am FIFA Futbol Mundial 9:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 10:30am Live County Championship Cricket 6:00pm 7:00pm

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am Arthur 7:15am League of Super Evil 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Deadly 60 8:00am School of Silence 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Jollywobbles 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am Garth and Bev 9:35am Ethelbert the Tiger 9:45am Pingu 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Open Gardens 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Animal Park 1:30pm Four Minutes 3:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Escape to the Country 5:00pm The Pope’s Visit 2010

12:20am Glastonbury 2010

6:00am Body Language Secrets 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Lion Man 9:30am Lion Man 10:00am Bones 11:00am Wedding SOS 11:30am Medical Emergency 12:00pm Body Language Secrets 1:00pm Project Runway 2:00pm Bones 3:00pm Stargate SG-1 4:00pm Stargate SG-1 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Real A&E Real Filth Fighters Lie to Me Batman Returns

12:10am SuperCasino

7:00am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 7:30am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Fifth Gear 10:30am The Gadget Show 11:00am Dragons’ Den 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Speeders 2:30pm Fifth Gear 3:00pm Fifth Gear 3:30pm The Gadget Show 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm

Fifth Gear The Gadget Show Dragons’ Den: Where Are They Now? Top Gear Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Al Murray: Beautiful British Tour Live at the O2

6:00am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Maury 10:55am Celebs 24/7 11:00am Four Weddings US 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Shortland Street 3:30pm Shortland Street 4:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

America’s Next Top Model Four Weddings US Private Practice My Fake Baby Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:20am MasterChef Australia 7:30am Medical Emergency 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Escape to the Country 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm My Family 4:00pm Escape to the Country 5:00pm Seaside Rescue 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

9:30pm 10:00pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Outtake TV World’s Strictest Parents USA Motorway Cops: A Traffic Cops Special Fatal Consequences Traffic Cops Waking the Dead

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Television Guide

Friday 17 September 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Helicopter Heroes 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Filthy Rotten Scoundrels 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Cash in the Attic 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Diagnosis Murder 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Junior MasterChef 3:35pm MySay 3:35pm OOglies 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Fee Fi Fo Yum 4:30pm Leon 4:30pm Horrible Histories 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:05pm 11:15pm 11:15pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show Animal 24:7 EastEnders QI New Tricks BBC News Regional News and Weather Would I Lie to You? The National Lottery Draws Weatherview The Dark

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Ringside Special 10:00am The Rugby Club 11:00am Premier League World 11:30am Ringside Special 12:30pm Live International One-Day Cricket 9:00pm 9:30pm

10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Ringside Special Countdown to the Ryder Cup

Take It Like a Fan Premier League Preview Football League Weekend

6:00am Children’s TV Deadly 60 8:00am School of Silence 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Jollywobbles 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am Garth and Bev 9:35am Ethelbert the Tiger 9:45am Pingu 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Open Gardens 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Animal Park 1:30pm Darby O’Gill and the Little People 3:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm Escape to the Country 6:00pm

7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:50pm

The Pope’s Visit 2010: Evening Prayer from Westminster Abbey Churches: How to Read Them Mastermind Gardeners’ World Dragons’ Den: What Happened Next? The Rob Brydon Show Newsnight The Review Show Later with Jools Holland

6:00am Body Language Secrets 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Lion Man 9:30am Lion Man 10:00am Bones 11:00am Wedding SOS 11:30am New Parent Nightmares 12:00pm Body Language Secrets 1:00pm Project Runway 2:00pm Bones 3:00pm Stargate SG-1 4:00pm Stargate SG-1 5:00pm WWE Superstars 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:45pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Middle Must Be the Music Must Be the Music Meet the Finalists Lie to Me Football’s Greatest

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm The Michael Ball Show 3:59pm London

Weather 4:00pm Inspector Morse 5:00pm Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Cheetah Kingdom Coronation Street Paul O’Grady Live ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Along Came Polly

7:00am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 7:30am Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Fifth Gear 10:30am The Gadget Show 11:00am Dragons’ Den 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Speeders 2:30pm Fifth Gear 3:00pm Fifth Gear 3:30pm The Gadget Show 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:20pm 11:50pm

Fifth Gear The Gadget Show Dragons’ Den Top Gear Have I Got News for You Al Murray: Giving It Both Barrels Have I Got News for You

6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25am Frasier 8:55am Friends 9:30am Lakes on a Plate 10:00am The Good Wife 11:00am Desperate Housewives 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Guide to Taking a Photo 12:10pm Gigi 2:20pm Lakes on a Plate 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:25pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 10:55pm 11:25pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Yorkshire Clamper Come Dine with Me Embarrassing Bodies: Back to the Clinic 8 Out of 10 Cats The Inbetweeners Alien3

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Maury 10:55am Celebs 24/7 11:00am Four Weddings US 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Shortland Street 3:30pm Shortland Street 4:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

America’s Next Top Model Four Weddings US Airways Medium CSI: Miami Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:45am The WotWots 9:00am Big School 9:05am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am CSI: Miami 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Chinese Food in Minutes 1:15pm House Doctor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm The Family Recipe 3:00pm Animal Rescue Squad 3:15pm Be My Baby 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:55pm 11:50pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Escape from Colditz Police Interceptors The Mentalist Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSI: NY Cricket on Five

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:25am MasterChef Australia 6:50am Seaside Rescue 7:15am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Escape to the Country 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 1:30pm Outtake TV 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm My Family 4:00pm Escape to the Country 5:00pm Seaside Rescue 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Outtake TV Total Wipeout USA The Catherine Tate Show The Seven Stupidest Things to Escape From

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10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


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These are a few of my favourite things I LOVE toilet roll! I mean really, really love the roll of the toilet. Nothing better than knowing sooner than later that you will be treating yourself to that soft silky finish for which you have paid a few extra cents. We can all remember the type of roll we were subjected to at school. It was like tracing paper and rice paper all in one. I have never understood the fact that when only a few years out of nappies, and all that cream looking after the backside, we had to go through torture at four years old when caught short. Even now, as you trail through the shops, you can see this horrible roll on the shelves in various supermarkets. I shudder at the sight of it. So, with confidence, I can walk over to the posh toilet roll. Driving home with a smile on my face, ready to lock the door, sit down and use the silky smooth texture for which I have paid an extra 50 cents. I am loving the Tenerife Comedy Club every month. If you have not been yet, you are missing out. Details of the October session are at the back of this very newspaper. The bar has certainly been raised after last week’s gig. Jo and Micky were brilliant. But the top of the bill, Alex Boardman, was just a superstar. I am a fan of the heckler, but only when it’s done correctly. It’s fine to have a few drinks and have a laugh with the comedian on stage. But there is always one drunken idiot who decides the comedy is not for him. I think it’s an insecurity thing. The idiot in the audience is used to being the centre of attention around his

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friends. So when he’s out with them and another person gets the laughs, he gets jealous and feels it’s only right to make his insecurities known. That’s the heckler summed up. But there is another kind of audience member that I cannot fully understand. They are always female and all they do is talk to their friends around the table. Why pay money to go out and watch someone on a stage when they take no interest at all? If they want to talk, stay at home and call their friends on the phone. When asked to shut up, these people look at you as if they have done no wrong!

By the way, if that was you talking the whole way through last Sunday, it was me who asked you to zip it! I love The Hotel Inspector. Just a few weeks ago there was nothing on the TV. So when zooming through the channels, I came across this show on Channel Five. Lady by the name of Alex Polizzi, who is quite posh and very well off. She has been brought up in the family’s hotel business, and the show involves her helping others who are not doing well with their hotels. I am a fan of Gordon Ramsey and his helping out on Kitchen Nightmares. But it has always

been a vehicle for Gordon himself. The Hotel Inspector seems genuine in passing over her experience. Just last weekend, Five had a whole weekend devoted to the programme. From noon to midnight, I sat there entranced at what I can only explain as quality television. You must catch this if you can. I promise you will not be disappointed. I love the football stories. This week, it has been alleged that Wayne Rooney was sleeping with a prostitute while his wife Coleen was pregnant! Is it just me or has the crown of being a WAG tumbled into the ground and

crashed big time? Not that it was the greatest career choice in the world, but come on. We have had Cole, Crouch, John Terry and now, allegedly, Rooney has been at it. We see and hear the stories time after time of the footballers who seem happy with their family life, but they are getting caught left right and centre. After all this, if one of them is playing around, you would think he’d throw away his secret mobile phone and keep his trousers on. But no, expect a few more to be shamed in the next few weeks. It’s not as if these players are blind, either. You can see the little WAG wannabees from a mile off. They dress and look exactly the same. One thing I have to laugh at though. The majority of players have it dangling on a stick for them, free at every chance. Poor Rooney reportedly had to pay for it! What does that say? I love the app for my iPhone called RoomEscape. With normal games, you get a set of rules and hints and tips on what to do to enjoy the gameplay. Not with this. My God, it’s driving me insane. It seems simple enough. You are in a room and you have to get out. During the last two weeks I have been playing, I have found a letter and a key. There are a number of items to help you escape the room, but until now I am having no luck at all. Editor Ruth, from Canarian Weekly fame, took great pleasure this week by shouting that she had finished the whole thing. I am not too happy about this. I know she is intelligent, but I have been playing games for years and I don’t like being beaten. If you have the iPhone, this is a must. It’s a free download direct to your mobile. But be warned, you will have sleepless nights. I love the cooling off. Over the last few weeks, the heat

in Tenerife has been unbearable. I know we live on a holiday island and expect a burst of very hot weather over the summer period. But dear Lord, I thought at one point I was going to melt. Many who have been here for years found it extremely difficult to do any day-to-day routines. So, thankfully, I was not the only one who found it tough. But now we have the usual summer weather back and it’s lovely. That little cooling breeze you feel at night is back. And for the first time in ages, I am sleeping with a sheet over me. Sheer bliss. I love the fact that we will no longer have to face the sight of Piers Morgan on our TV screen any more. Well, when I say that, I mean on ITV. No more Britain’s Got Talent, or that rubbish chat show he does with his friends as guests. CNN has confirmed that Piers Morgan will take over Larry King’s prime-time slot next year. “I have watched Larry King Live for much of the last 25 years, and dreamed of one day filling the legendary suspenders of the man I consider to be the greatest TV interviewer of them all,” said Morgan. What kind of dream is that? To take over a show that nobody has watched in years? CNN have always made out that Larry King is a God. All you need to do is watch for 30 seconds to see that this couldn’t be further from the truth. He is one of these celebs who became famous at an older age. Too old to enjoy the trappings that come along with it. Piers Morgan is exactly the same. So I am extremely happy that he will soon be tucked away in a slot in America that nobody cares about. Even if he does get better viewing figures than Larry, nobody will know about it. That’s because nobody cares! Joe

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Nationwide is no longer fee-free from November THE Nationwide will drop its free cash withdrawals from November, which means many of our Swallows here in Tenerife will pay the price most. But Nationwide says it will still be one of the best deals in town, because to take out 100 euros will cost just 2% (two euros) and a £1 withdrawal fee. As a sweetener, the company is offering free multi-trip travel insurance up to £80 a year if customers use its FlexAccount as their main current account for everyday banking. It also means that if spending £1,000 over here, Nationwide customers will be charged at least £15 less than those using a card from seven other provider. The company has also reviewed a number of other charges to give customers

more control and make them easier to understand. Chris Rhodes, executive director of marketing at Nationwide, said: “Our new package of benefits offers greater value to more of our current account customers than before.” But Martin Lewis, creator, sees it differently. He says: “This is a guillotine through the neck of Nationwide’’ reputation as a cheap account for overseas spending. “Credit-card loading is a nasty, hidden fee Nationwide has bitched about other banks levying, yet from November, it’s also doing it.” He adds: “It’s not an error by Nationwide - the building society is actually trying to kick nearly a million customers out of the door. “That’s because out of its three million-plus accountholders, 1.4 million use the debit card overseas, and 900,000 of those use the account ONLY for that and

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

nothing else -and that costs. “So Nationwide wants them gone to ensure it’s focusing on people using their account ‘properly’, as it sees it.” Jenny Keefe, who contributes to the MSE website, is also scathing about Nationwide, saying: “These changes end the fee-free overseas spending perk the building society has bragged about for years. “In fact, a whole raft of credit cards will become sub-

stantially cheaper than Nationwide, provided they’re repaid in full each month. “Foreign currency loading, typically charged at 3% of the transaction, is a hidden fee Nationwide has generally avoided. However, later this year, it has decided to add a stealth charge, albeit at a lower rate than rival account providers. “It will introduce a new 2% load for European currency and it will double its load for worldwide currency from 1%

to 2% (the 1% charge came into force last year). This means £100 of foreign spending actually costs you £102. “Currently, using ATMs in Europe costs nothing. From November, it will cost £1 per cash withdrawal (plus the loading fee). “The charges are part of a general revamp which will see current-account customers who pay in at least £750 a month given annual European

travel insurance.” She adds: “The solution is simple for Flexaccount customers. Those people who have its debit card purely for taking on holiday need to ditch and switch. “They should then sign up for one of the specialist, cheap, foreign-spending credit cards which, bizarrely, will still include Nationwide. “The best is the Halifax Clarity card, which is load-free worldwide, has no ATM fees and charges a low 1%-ish interest per month. Get one only for use abroad, then set up a direct debit to repay in full at the end of the month to minimise interest. “Nationwide’s specialist travel credit cards are not changing. They will still be load-free for European travel, with a 1% load for worldwide currency. “On top of this, you’ll be charged around 2% per month interest on cash withdrawals, even if you repay the card in full, and a 2.5% fee each time you use an ATM.”

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78% of women When is a sale not a sale? ‘handy at DIY’ When you’re just buying

furniture, insists Which?

MEN MAY need to start taking DIY advice from their female partners after a new study revealed 78 per cent of women are happy to do home improvement tasks. Research by Bosch Power Tools showed 72 per cent of people in Britain believe women are good at DIY because they are more patient than their opposite sex. Chris Tidy, home improvement expert with the organisation, said the survey shows

the gender gap in DIY is beginning to shorten. “Men are traditionally driven by a desire to fix things to display their authority,” he explained. “It’s interesting to see that women are using DIY instead as a way to express creativity.” According to the statistics, more than two-thirds of women cited financial reasons as their primary motive for picking up the power tools. This is despite Halifax Home Insurance claiming last month that around 50 per cent of under-35s are unable to do basic DIY tasks such as wiring a plug.

SAVVY SHOPPERS love a bargain, but they should view ‘discounts’ and ‘sales’ with a healthy dose of cynicism when they’re buying furniture, warns Which? The consumer champion tracked 12,793 online prices for sofas and beds from eight major retailers over seven months, and found some items were constantly ‘on sale’.

Both Bensons for Beds and Sleepmasters had products ‘on sale’ throughout the entire 32 week period – prices fluctuated, but the beds in question were never available at the higher advertised price. Dreams, Furniture Village and Harveys all had beds or sofas ‘on sale’ for far longer than they were at their nonsale prices. Another tactic was to throw in what appear to be nonexistent ‘extra discounts’ – Bensons for Beds offered an Ashleigh divan on sale at £399 (‘after-sale’ price £799). After Christmas, it offered an ‘extra discount’, when shoppers could buy the divan for

£399. 11 weeks later the divan reverted to a ‘sale’ price – of £399. The only store to buck the trend was The Bed Shed, which offered sale prices on items for four weeks at a time out of the 32 weeks Which? was tracking products. Peter Vicary-Smith, Chief Executive, Which?, says: “Our rigorous research shows that shoppers should view discounts and sales on furniture with a healthy dose of cynicism. Until or unless the government tightens up the guidelines on sales promotions, we’ll continue to run the risk of shoppers being led up the garden

path by what Which? believes to be misleading ‘sales’ and ‘discounts’. “If you’re in the market for a bed or a sofa, never pay the full price without checking if a ‘sale’ might be coming up – the chances are you won’t have to wait more than a few weeks to benefit from a hefty price cut.” Which? is passing its findings to the Office of Fair Trading to further investigate never-ending sales and ensure that companies are transparent about prices; and to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to highlight the need to close existing loopholes in the guidelines

Homebase sales drop but buoyed by plants HOMEBASE total sales were 1.1 per cent down in the 13 weeks to 28 August, with sales of £396m. First half sales were £855m, down 0.8 per cent. Like-for-like sales were flat after two stores in the 345centre group shut. Seasonal categories saw growth led by

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plants and outdoor furniture. But parent company Home Retail Group said in its trading statement that pre-tax profits for the full year were likely to be between £250m and £275m - the bottom end of market forecasts. Argos’ like-for-like sales - in stores open at least a year -

fell five per cent in the 13 weeks to August 28. Good sales growth in computers, white goods - such as fridges, dishwashers and washing machines - toys and small ticket homewares were not enough to stop total sales declining by 2.8 per cent to £924m.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

It makes a difference The public have been welcomed into the Prince of Wales’s garden by a host of celebrities supporting an ambitious initiative to encourage sustainable living. Charles has gathered charities, famous faces, gardeners and high street businesses together for an “eco-festival” to challenge and encourage people to make small changes to their lives to combat climate change. The gardens at Clarence House, the Prince’s London home, along with those of neighbouring Marlborough and Lancaster Houses, are staging the event which saw the first crowds arrive on Wednesday morning. The 12-day Garden Party To Make A Difference is a mix of exhibitions, interactive displays, activities and

live performances from comedians, musicians and speakers. The public also have the chance to get a close view of Charles’s small vegetable patch, with its neat rows of lettuces, runner beans, leeks and carrots, and a formal garden of roses and lavender plants he created

six years ago in memory of his grandmother, the Queen Mother. Amongst those who attended the opening were celebrities involved with the event - Alan Titchmarsh, Jools Holland, Brian Blessed, Sinitta and Dame Vivienne Westwood. Titchmarsh, a gardener

and broadcaster, who has curated the horticultural section of the attraction, said: “I’m here to encourage people to grow things, to grow more sustainably reconnect them with the soil and the countryside. “With regards to climate change the most important thing is to show people constructive ways in which they feel they can make a difference - simple things like turning the tap off when cleaning your teeth. “This year I haven’t flown. It’s very easy to say I’m not going to fly but I’m going to France next week, to Cannes, by train and I’m going to make it an adventure. I also use a water butt to collect rain water.” But the gardener admitted there were areas he could improve: “I should put more jumpers on than turning the heating up, but I have a wife who feels the cold so I don’t want to start living in an ice cave.”

Seeds of growth SEED COMPANIES will grow more by taking business from their rivals rather than seeing the grow you own market expand, according to Suttons Seeds marketing manager Tom Sharples. He said vegetable seed sales had increased by 40 per cent, 35 per cent and 30 per cent in the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 but risen by a “disappointing” five per cent in 2010. Future growth will be from competitors and will be “single figure” in 2011, he suggested. Suttons flower seed sales were up six per cent. Sharples added that organic range sales had “gone flat” because of the recession. The new For Your Space range for retail and mail order was designed the smallest plots, ranging from window box, window sill and patio varieties. Sharples said: “Whatever

space you have there’s a plant you can grow.” The range includes microgreens, dwarf peppers and compact tomatoes and leaf salads. Much of Suttons new compact plant breeding is from Vegetalis, with more from Germany and Holland as well as Tomato ‘Red Robin’ from Japan. The Square Metre Gardening range is aimed at raised bed gardeners with information on how many plants can fit in the space. Sharples said: “It makes life easier for the retailer because they can point new people coming into veg gardening straight to the stand.” He hopes the range will also fit into a hot spot near garden centre cafes. Last year’s launch Speedy Veg is now officially Suttons most successful sub-range ever introduced, he added. Source Horticultural Weekly

Digging up the unexpected GROWING your own fruit and vegetables in an allotment is a trend popular among city dwellers keen for a slice of the Good Life. But finding a free allotment can be difficult so librarian Joanne Radley, 39, was delighted when one grower said she could share his patch. The only condition he attached was that she did not dig too deep because his dead pet dog was buried there. But rather than digging up potatoes and carrots, Mrs Radley found an altogether less wholesome crop buried in the soil. As they cleared the weeds and turned over the earth ready for planting, she and her daughter unearthed a gun. They promptly took down to their local police station and officers came down to the allotment and discovered parts of three other guns. Mrs Radley continued to

clear the land but with each new spadeful of soil, it seemed she discovered a new deadly weapon to add to the growing horde. In total over a four week period a handgun, parts of guns, a stockpile of bullets and ammunition magazines, a large flare gun, a silencer for a shotgun, unidentified powders and chemicals were all found on the small allotment in Garston, Liverpool. She said: ‘I wanted to get an allotment and stopped him and asked about it. He took my name and number and called me and said I could

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

share his. He told me never to dig deep up there because that’s where his dog was buried.’

She started to clear the land with her 20-year-old daughter, Fawn Jones, a university student, and they began digging up the weapons. ‘I started to clear it with my daughter for the first time and she discovered a gun,’ she said. ‘We phoned the police and they came down. There were parts of three guns which they took away. They searched the top of the ground and strimmed back the grass.’ But four days later she was forced to call in the police again. ‘We were digging again and we found two tin boxes,’ she said. ‘We found chemical jars in there, there were two jars. Then lots of bullets - all different sizes. ‘They rang me the next day to say it’s safe to go back on the allotment. They said ‘We’ve done a top search and nothing else is there.’ “But I said to them: ‘It’s not on the surface. It’s in the ground’. They said, ‘If you find anything else, give us a call.’’

Three weeks later she had to call the police in again after she found another haul of weapons and ammunition. She said: ‘I found two boxes, three magazines, a part of a gun and also like a flare gun it looked like a big flare gun.’ Mrs Radley was angry at the apparent disinterest of police officers, she eventually dumped a bag of weapons on the station front desk and left it on the counter. ‘There were more bullets and I put it in a bag and took it to the police station because I was really annoyed at that point. ‘They weren’t doing anything about it. I rang the bell and left it on the counter and said: ‘You can have this’. ‘I said I’m really upset about this. They arranged for the allotment to be searched and they found more guns, more bullets and a silencer for a shotgun and this powder and they didn’t know what it was.’ Eventually police called in bomb squad specialists who sealed off the area and evac-

uated a nearby block of 15 flats. They carried out a search of a flat and discovered three 500ml bottles containing an unknown liquid which they are presently testing/ A 60-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of possession of firearms and is being questioned by detectives over the finds. Detective Superintendent Richie Davies said: ‘Merseyside Police and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service have been working together, in consultation with other experts, to properly identify chemicals found at this property to ensure that residents can return to their homes as soon as possible. Asking residents to stay elsewhere was purely a precautionary measure while this process was undertaken and I am pleased to able to tell them this morning that we expect to soon be able to lift the safety cordon and allow them back in.’ Source Daily Mail

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DEAR CHRISTINE Your resident Agony Aunt Email:


Some cutting remarks… US mere mortals don’t have a chance if celebs have anything to go by. Look and learn from their mistakes, and see if you can take advice from their hair horrors.

dragged back away from this face shape (round) only exaggerates her plump cheek area. The colour is too dull for her it matches her freckles. Come on Lily, a bit more effort please. I wouldn’t send you to the beach with this hair.

the make-up, but she ain’t doing the hair (maybe they were closed). If you’re going to do hair accessories, remember that you’re enhancing your style. But if you haven’t got style, then leave them out. There’s a difference between carefree and couldn’t care less!

Try to see for yourself why their look isn’t working, and what their hair does or doesn’t do for their face shape, skin tone, eye colour, etc.

Hayley Williams: What can I say? Too red! It makes her face “disappear” and you see only “red hair”. She needs to tone it down - and if she wants to show some bold colour, she should add some dark contrast to tone it down. It’s not Halloween yet!

Lily Cole: Oh dear, I can’t help but pick on her. The hair,

Kelly Osborne: For such a young girl, she really knows how to pile on the years - too white, too short, looks like she’s got off a motorbike. Don’t these people like hairdressers? She looks better dark, because it flatters her skin more and her eyes. The shape of her face (square) needs a longer fringe and length at the back to off-balance her large jaw area. She could do with checking out mum’s hair as Sharon always looks fab.

Diane Kruger: She’s obviously at an awards’ ceremony so she’s got the dress, she’s got

Gwen Stefani: Obviously went in for a “who looks like Bet Lynch” competition”. It’s too bouffant, too yellow and, on her more mature skin, she needs to calm it down a little. She should take a tip from Madonna and go for more of a honey colour. There’s nothing worse than the bleach look on the over-40s as it is so ageing, especially on longer hair. Okay, so I’m a little harsh. But come on ladies, these celebs have nothing else to do but look good. It’s their job to look A1 perfect. No, I’m not saying that we should strive for perfection, but it doesn’t take much effort to get it right. Taking time to look at your image, and what’s right and wrong about it, isn’t rocket science. Ask your stylist for his/her advice, because an honest opinion is worth more in the long run than, “Oh yes, you look fabulous” when it’s far from the truth.

Dear Christine, My boyfriend has two children of his own with his ex, but I also want children one day with him. How can I ask if he would have more kids without scaring him off? We are still in a fairly new relationship, so I don’t want to get more involved, then have my heart broken. He is 36 and I am 25. Please help! Simone

Dear Simone, You just need to ask! After all, you’re half of the relationship and, therefore, just as important as he is. Don’t beat around the bush, and do give him some indication of when you’d like to start a family with him - in a couple of years, say. When you’re both feeling relaxed and happy, you might say something like: “Would you like more children some day?” If he says he would, you can talk about your feelings for him and add: “I’m looking forward to having a family, and I’d love it to be with you. How do you feel about it?” Perhaps he’ll be well on board with this and looking forward to it in a similar time-scale. But if he’s put off, try to see this as useful information on which to base some important decisions. After all, it’s better to find out now than to spend years hoping and ending up very disappointed. Splitting up with someone who doesn’t want what you want will free you up to

find the man you do really want. Good luck, Christine Dear Christine I’m a 24-year old male who 10 months ago had brain surgery to remove a benign tumour. I’m back at work after making a good recovery, but I still tire easily and get the occasional headache. Since the operation, I have stopped going to bars and clubs (too loud), I haven’t drunk alcohol (can’t handle the hangover) and, basically, keep telling my mates I’m not up to going out. I’ve become quite paranoid, too, always worrying what people are thinking of me. Please help because I don’t want to be a recluse any more! I liked my life as it was, and I want it to be like that again. Adam

Dear Adam, The limitations imposed by your recovery have clearly dominated your life in the last 10 months. Now, though, you’re getting ready to incorporate other people into your life, which is a major step forward. You know you’re likable because you’ve had friends, and you know your friends like you because they’ve done their best to stay in touch, despite your limitations. Keep these facts in mind! Don’t talk non-stop about your health, but be honest if it affects what you can and can’t do. Next time they suggest a

night out at a bar or club, either accept or say you’d love to come but sadly, right now, you can’t because the noise can still give you a headache. Suggest a smaller gathering, perhaps a boys’ night in watching the telly or a DVD, with curries or pizzas. You could also look out for bars that don’t do karaoke or play loud music - there are plenty around. A good confidence-building website is Remember, most people are as preoccupied with themselves as you are with yourself. When we’re scared of other people’s judgment, we’re usually projecting our own fears on to them. If, for example, you’ve been thinking, “They’ll think I’m odd”, it’s usually because you’ve secretly been fearing that about yourself! How about thinking instead, “I’m a nice guy. X, Y and Z like me, and A, B and C love me! Therefore, I’m likable and loveable”. With this in mind, greet people cheerfully, ask how they’re doing and concentrate on putting them at their ease. You’ve been spending a lot of time on your own and reacting to your dreads, which is understandable. But it’s time now to forgive your selfdoubts and move on. This is your one and only life, so make sure you invite pleasant things into it only, starting with thinking good thoughts about yourself. Good luck, and have fun! Christine

Christine Craggs-Hinton is the author of 17 self-help books, including ‘Living with Fibromyalgia’, ‘How to Lower your Blood Presssure, ‘Coping with Varicose Veins’ and ‘Eating Disorders and Body Image’. Her books are available from all good UK bookshops as well as ‘The Paper Shop’, Apolo Centre and ‘Bookswop’, Edificio Cristianos 1, both of which are in Los Cristianos.

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10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Hale and hearty, and it’s all down to coffee breaks A COUPLE of coffees each day is good for the heart, especially for older people with high blood pressure. A study of elderly people aged 65-100 found those who drank moderate amounts of coffee had more “elastic” blood vessels around the heart. Opinion had been divided over whether coffee was good or bad for the heart, until a recent study by the University of Athens. Researchers checked almost 700 elderly residents of a small island called Ikaria, in Aegean Sea, where more than one-third of people live to the age of 90 or more. They focused on 485 residents who had high blood pressure, and tested their blood vessels using a heart scan. Rigid and tough blood

vessels are linked to heart disease and are taken as a warning sign of future heart problems. It was found that the patients who drank one to two cups per day of coffee had greater elasticity in their major blood vessels than those who drank more, or none at all. Most drank traditionally-strong Greek coffee in small cups. Dr Christina Chrysohoou, presented the findings at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Stockholm. She said: “The study revealed that moderate coffee was associated with higher values of aortic distensibility (elasticity) when compared with others taking less coffee. “There was no evidence, however, that increasing coffee consumption to three to five cups per day

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

would lead to further improvements in aortic distensibility.” Higher levels of coffee intake did not improve blood-vessel health any further, probably because the extra caffeine, which can restrict blood vessels, cancelled out the beneficial effects, she said. The study took into account other factors that would influence blood-vessel health including age, gender, physical activity, body weight and diabetes. The subjects drank their coffee in cafes with friends in a relaxed atmosphere at the beginning and end of the working day, so the psychological benefits of this may also have played a part, said the doctor. She said their findings also suggested that there might be a link between moderate coffee consumption and lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and poor kidney function. It is thought that the chemicals in coffee improve heart health by preventing damage caused by oxygen molecules and blocking harmful nitric oxide. Other nutrients including flavonoids, magnesium, potassium, niacin and vitamin E all combat the harmful effect of oxygen on cells. Greek coffee is traditionally boiled and not filtered, and so is higher in these compounds, explained Dr Chrysohoou. But Dr Jeremy Pearson, deputy medical director of the British Heart Foundation, was sceptical that the benefit was from coffee. “Living the Greek lifestyle and eating the Greek diet is

certainly good for you, as long as you don’t smoke the Greek cigarettes.” he said. “However, suggesting that your average, flustered executive in a British office should drink strong coffee to reduce their blood pressure is nonsense.” Dr Euan Paul, Executive Director of the British

Coffee Association, said: “These new study findings from the University of Athens highlight the benefits of a moderate coffee consumption. “This is important because it indicates that coffee consumption may reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and future cardiovascular

events by improving aortic distensibility. “Coffee is one of the most heavily-researched products in the world, and this study adds to the weight of scientific evidence, which shows that moderate coffee consumption of around 4-5 cups per day is safe - and may even confer some health benefits.”

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Food News

Food prices growing at fastest rate for a year third cheaper than its peak in 2008, while oil prices are virtually half of what they were back then. “In response, retailers are offering more deals. Milk and bread are particularly competitive battlegrounds. “A third of groceries are now on promotion and customers are shopping around.” Overall shop price inflation grew more modestly in

THE PRICE of groceries such as bread and cereal is rising at its fastest rate for a year as the cost of wheat rockets. Figures from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and Nielsen revealed food price inflation rose to 3.8% last month, the highest level since July 2009. The increase followed a 60% rise in the price of wheat prompted by the continuing export of the grain from Russia. There are concerns that the wheat ban will also impact on the cost of meat at a 20-year high already due to the cost of animal feed. A third of groceries are now on promotion and customers are shopping around. Lower meat stocks in major producing countries like Argentina, Australia and the US, would also add to price

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August to 1.7% from 1.5%. The report said shop price inflation should remain low in the coming months, as retailers continue to discount prices amid a weak consumer spending environment. The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee will weigh up the twin threats of high inflation and weak growth, at a two-day policy meeting.

Raymond Blanc is cream of the crop

pressures, a BRC report said. But the consortium’s director general Stephen Robertson said current food

inflation levels should not be exaggerated. He said: “We’re nowhere near the return of the dou-

ble-digit food inflation of two years ago. “Despite its recent increase, wheat is over a

RAYMOND BLANC has been awarded a special Lifetime Achievement Award by The Good Food Guide 2011. This is a one-off award, given this year to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the UK’s best-selling restaurant guide. Raymond Blanc has been a stalwart of The Good Food Guide since his first listing in the 1978 edition for Les Quat’Saisons. When Les Quat’Saisons moved from Oxford to Great Milton, Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons was given a provisional entry in the 1984 edition of The Good Food Guide, even before it opened. This unusual entry was included due to the ‘enormous enthusiasm… for Mr Blanc’s cooking’, and included a glowing tribute from novelist Ian McEwan. Raymond Blanc has featured in 32 editions of the guide and this Lifetime Achievement Award recognises his unerring commitment to consistency, quality and seasonal produce and reflects the impact he has had on the UK dining scene. Elizabeth Carter, consultant editor of The Good Food Guide, says: ‘In its 60 year history, The

Good Food Guide has borne witness to and in part brought about a changing approach to dining out in the UK. ‘Few chefs have had more of a hand in shaping modern British dining than Raymond Blanc, a true culinary giant who has impressed diners and inspired fellow chefs since 1978.’ Raymond Blanc says: ‘The Good Food Guide is one of the most valuable restaurant guides in the UK, and one that I am proud to be associated with. ‘It is a personal honour for me to see so many chefs who have trained here at Le Manoir go on and be acknowledged in their own right in this respected Guide.’

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid. Use logic alone to deduce where each of these numbers must be placed in every cell of a puzzle. Don’t worry! We´ve kept in two original sudokus for you on the right.



4 3













2 5





2 Puzzle Rating: Moderate




3 9
















3 8

4 6












Puzzle Rating: Very hard

Puzzle Rating: Quite hard

Horoscopes of the week Virgo Aug-24-Sept-23 The week is all about you, Virgo, and you’ll receive plenty of praise and attention, plus the love and affection you deserve. You are full of life and seem to be reaching out to people you love. You may connect with someone special, or receive positive news from others, including friends, family and business associates. Tuesday’s a wonderful day to exercise and focus on your health. Libra You will spend the next week evaluating what you want and need in your life. It could be that you need to discard people to get rid of negative energy. You’ve really got to move on to your future. You’ll spend the weekend discussing these issues with others. It could be a therapist, friend or lover. It’s time to release the negative energy and focus on building positive energy. By Wednesday, the clouds will have parted and you’ll be filled with happiness. Your boss may even hint at a rise for all your hard work. It’s a great time to enjoy a moment with family and friends. Scorpio A friend may reveal a great source of information that will be well appreciated by you. You are open to judgment and willing to give your time to friends and family. You may connect with them through a social network, email, text or phone calls. Nowadays, a phone call to a friend is foreign, but do not eliminate the benefit of connecting with a friend or family member via text. Your health will also be highlighted as you will eat healthy and take care of your body by exercising and cutting back on fatty foods. Sagittarius Career opportunities and ventures are what’s on your mind in the week ahead. You may receive a job opportunity or promotion. Communication, contracts and negotiations seem to be highlighted on Monday, but proceed with caution. You may be more open to connecting with people on the internet than on the phone. Siblings and neighbours enjoy connecting with you. By Wednesday, you are social and may meet friends at a bar. Keep it light because the drink or food may not agree with you. Capricorn It’s time to look at your future and see what needs to change in your life. You may

explore new opportunities - it could be to explore a new place or a new career path. Planning your future can really allow you to plan your life goals and succeed. You may travel or make plans for a trip. Communication looks positive with foreigners, friends, relatives and employers. But be careful not to splurge on an expensive item that you may later regret. Aquarius Finances relating to taxes, credit and loans will be standing out this week. As you begin the week you will take more concerns about our financial future. It could be time to save, budget or invest more into a retirement fund. You may also receive the approval of a loan or other financial gains and benefits, especially on Monday or Tuesday. You may get a bonus or commission. Little gains are there for you but not so much with money earned. It seems to come through smaller perks and opportunities. Pisces You’ll start the week focusing on your collaboration with others. Working with others can give you greater results and consistency. A text to a partner brings great results n Sunday. You are social and willing to compromise. You can really feel a greater connection with someone by opening up and sharing your experiences with one another. It’s also the opportunity to open the door and allow yourself to release the negative energy from your life, including people and places. Aries Your priority will be on associating and connecting with friends and groups. You will be social and outgoing. You will have many priorities to take care of this weekend, friends, old and new, are in

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Sudoku X: 2




















































































Quiz: 1. Hawaii 5-0 2. Illinois 3. John Part 4. Operation 5. The assassination of JFK 6. Oliver! 7. Newfoundland 8. David Hasselhoff 9. Burrito 10. They are the faces on Mount Rushmore

Brain Training: Beginer: 68 Intermediate: 196 Advanced: 398









Last Week’s Answers:





4 9




the picture on Sunday. As the week progresses, you will be connecting well with the people around you. And come Thursday you will be ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Taurus You are one of the hardest-working signs out there and this coming week is no exception. You will focus on love, children and a creative project, which means you will keep yourself busy at work. But a partner or children may also take plenty of your time. You may also be open to joining a sport or hobby, or enjoying one or the other with friends and family. Gemini The home will take the primary focus for you this week. You will begin to take care of obligations there. You may even be considering a move, or just some changes around the home. The weekend may be taken up dealing with documents, contracts or negotiations relating to the home. As the week goes on, however, you will focus more on friends and enjoy time with them. Cancer Short trips and communication start the week for you, and work looms large, with the people around you. Computers, mobiles and vehicles may go a bit haywire, so be prepared for repairs on the way. Communication runs high at the weekend and every connection you make can reveal a huge amount of information. You never know what knowledge you may walk away with just by connecting and networking with others. Also, it’s a good time to pay off the bills, or even receive the approval of a loan or credit. Leo Your mind is going to be on finances, how to make money and how to increase your financial security. Savings and budgets will be highlighted for you. You do well at saving and setting a budget. You may be working on financial agreements or discussing long-term financial goals with others. On the other hand, love may be in the air, and as the week progresses, fun and excitement will fill your hours.

Very Easy



































































































































































Quite Easy

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training FAMOUS “JOHN”S 1. Who did former Prime Minister John Major have an affair with?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

2. Who composed the theme music for the movie Jaws?

33 4

3. What group sang the hit single Jilted John?

4. Who stared in the film True Grit?

5. What does the F stand for in John F. Kennedy’s name?

6. Which famous artist was married to Maria Bicknell?

7. Which group had hit singles in the 1980s called Shattered Dreams and Turn Back The Clock?

-35 8






2/3 of this









42 4

+92 8






2/3 of this












8. Which famous TV cook had her husband Johnnie by her side?

9. What was the name of the character played by Bruce Willis in the Die Hard movies?


66 4

-56 8

10. Who sang the 1960s hit Johnny Reggae?





5/6 +205 3/13 of this of this 5

x4 9






+51 Page 43

Travel BRITISH travellers will now have to pay a fee to enter the United States without a visa. And it must be paid by credit card! The new ruling, which came into effect on Wednesday (8th Sept), was introduced by the US Department of Homeland Security. Applications for an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) to enter the US under the Visa Waiver Programme (VWP) will cost 14 dollars. The VWP enables people from 36 countries, including the UK, to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without first obtaining a visa. However, they are required to obtain an ESTA prior to travelling by air or sea to the US. Once approved, it lasts for two years. Visitors should register through the ESTA website at and are advised to do so at least 72 hours prior to travel. If you do not have an ESTA, you will be refused travel to the US. Anyone planning on, or even considering, going to the US in the next two years should apply for the permit as soon as possible. It lasts

Page 44

US trip will cost extra 14 dollars

24 months, or when your passport expires - whichever it sooner. If you are rejected, you still face a four-dollar fee.

The US government’s official site to apply for a compulsory travel permit was struggling badly in the final few hours before the

14-dollar charge was introduced. Many users complained that the ESTA site either crashed or was incredibly

slow loading when they attempted to log on to it. The delays followed numerous reminders of the impending charge on and from the site’s founder, Martin Lewis, on ITV1’s new Daybreak show (formerly GMTV) on Wednesday. It meant that many people were sent to the US government’s site. Although all UK citizens must complete an ESTA before attempting to travel to the US, it still does not guarantee entry. Ensure you use the official US government ESTA site only because other copycat firms, which often look official, impose a charge to pass on your application to the US authorities. If you already have an ESTA, check its expiry date. The system started on 1st August 2008, on a voluntary basis, until it became mandatory five months later. So, if you were one of the first to get authorisation, the maximum two-year limit may be up.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

AT LEAST 1,200 Ferarri 458 Italias have been recalled by the manufacturers for checks because at least five have burst into flames. And in the past three months alone, six of the £170,000 supercar models have been involved in accidents: three have caught fire, and one was wrecked in a warehouse blaze. When the 200mph car was launched in the spring, Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson called it “one of the all-time greats”. Ferrari were at first adamant that there was no inherent problem, a spokesman saying: “We are still investigating the fires but they are not related. The crashes had nothing to do with the car, but how people drive.” But the Italian car-makers have since been investigating at least five “thermal incidents” around the world,

Flaming heck! Ferarris have a red-hot problem including in England, California, Paris, Switzerland and China. Ferrari say they have discovered that a glue used in the production of the 458 Italia model was prone to melting, and have issued a recall of 1,240 cars. The company spokesman admitted the problem was related to an adhesive used in the wheel-arch assemblies. In certain circumstances, through overheating, he added, the glue could melt

and eventually ignite. Louis Saha, the Everton footballer, rock star Eric Clapton and broadcaster Chris Evans are among the car’s

owners. Those who bought the supercar before July have been asked to bring their vehicles in to be corrected. And owners whose cars were

damaged after they caught alight will receive a new model. Roger Stansfield, associate editor of What Car? magazine, said the fault was unlikely to hurt the company in the long-term. “I’m sure they would prefer it hadn’t happened, but Ferrari have been racing in Formula One since Formula One began, and they’ve had all sorts of scandals and Machiavelli deals,” he added. “I think they’ve got a broad enough back to deal with the problem, and they have at least handled it the right way.” The fire incidents, along with a series of accidents involving the 458 Italia, sparked initial fears that the cars were jinxed.

The first crash occurred last May in Poland, and in July a 458, complete with £65,000 Dolce and Gabbana interior, was wrecked in a warehouse blaze at Heathrow Airport. Another four have crashed in the past three weeks, including the first British collision, when a 458 smashed its bumper after hitting a barrier on a wet road in Marlow, Buckinghamshire. To add to the embarrassment of the company known by their prancing horse, photos of the burning Ferraris have surfaced on the wreckedexotics website, which has also catalogued the various accidents involving the Italia 458. In the past 100 days, the website reports, there have been nine wrecks.

Glass-roofed Megane is a polished offering COUPE-CABRIOLETS were an instant sales success when they were launched in 2000, a perfect compromise for the soft-top lover living in a wet climate. Renault’s latest CC model, on sale this month, completes the new Megane line-up, and it comes with the added bonus of a full-length glass roof. It shares a similar sculptured front end to the hatchback but gets a chiselled profile and new rear that manages to avoid the usual lumpy design needed to store a roof in the boot. Although it’s all about posing, Renault show their practical side by moving the windscreen forward a fraction to make it easier to get into the CC.

They’ve also fitted special seals to stop water dripping on to the seats when you open the door on rainy days. It’s a small but elegant detail, as is the wind deflector between the back seats to stop buffeting with the roof down. The interior is smart and well laid-out, with TomTom sat-nav as standard. The only problem is that it’s finished in a cheap plastic and sticks out like a sore thumb on the dash. On the plus side, there’s more legroom front and back and boot space has also been expanded. There’s a big choice of engines, but the refined 1.4litre turbo petrol will probably suit most tastes. That may

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

seem small for a car with a heavy, glass electric roof, but it does the job and fuel economy is a reasonable 38mpg, although drive it hard and you are down to around 30mpg. The CC, priced from £21,595 (26,225 euros), has all the attributes needed to appeal to plenty of customers - especially over here, and even in the UK, good weather or not.

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ROSCOE Sport Talk Email:

CD Tenerife 1 Salamanca 2 FOOTBALL is my religion. A day never passes without it being in my thoughts, conversation or planning. Life seems to revolve around it at times. It can make you happy, sad, annoyed, calm. It bonds and divides. It can become allencompassing. It gives you a sense of belonging, while still making you feel so lonely. If all that seems alien, then you are one of those people who doesn’t “get” football. Or you’re a woman! That said, why would you be reading this if you were not a member of the footballing cult? Anyway … I mention this because last Sunday’s match has been in my thoughts for around two weeks now. First, there was the build-up to the opening home match of a campaign. Then the feeling of excitement that Tenerife could get themselves going after a poor start. The match itself and, for the past few days, the questions, answers and head-scratching. Tenerife’s defeat at home against a decent Salamanca side is no disaster in itself. Grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory is nothing new. Neither is playing most of the match without passion, only for the lads to turn it on in the final ten minutes. No, what sticks in the craw is the blatant fact that we should not be in this position. Tenerife should not have lost to Girona, and they should not have lost to Salamanca. They should not have played so badly - again - and they should not resemble a bunch of strangers. The side who played last Sunday were unrecognisable from the outfit we have enjoyed over the last three years. It’s almost as though the soul of the side left when Jose Luis Oltra was fired as manager in the summer. This mob are cut from a different cloth under the direction of Arconada. If I seem angry, then I am. Sorry, but Tenerife have a team who should be beating Girona and Salamanca. Last

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Another Kike in the teeth! Oscar Cano

weekend, there was no camaraderie, no flair - and no leadership. That fault lies with the coach. The change to 4-4-2 is not working. Coach’s fault. The changes in the second half cost us the match. You see where I am going with this. In contrast, Salamanca looked like a team. They set up to first frustrate and then dominate. Sure, Tenerife bossed the first half and deserved the half-time lead given to them by Natalio’s 32nd-minute tap-in after some good work from Nino. But, as I said when commentating on the match for Oasis Fm, it was only a matter of time before they switched. Even up in the press benches you could see that Salamanca coach Oscar Cano was delighted. It was obvious what they were going to do with their formation. Sure enough, Cano pushed Sarimiento forward to join Marquez and Juanjo to create a 4-3-3, which saw Ricardo and Hidalgo drop deep for Tenerife to protect the back line. This gave Salamanca bags of possession and pressure. It took just ten minutes to work as they forced a free-

kick on the edge of the box. Tenerife stepped up for offside but left David Prieto, who seconds earlier thought he was going to be substituted, in no-man’s-land as he marked Goikoetxea. Moraton was unmarked and he planted a header past Aragoneses. Harry Redknapp’s wife could have scored it. Again, Arconada was to blame. Rule No1 of management is never make a change when you are defending a corner or a free-kick. No, this Muppet thought it was the perfect time to bring off Juanlu and bring on

Alvarez. The goal gave Salamanca heart and Cano then rolled another double six. Garcia had done the biz in central midfield, but the former Las Palmas player would be sacrificed for the more creative Yuste. It worked a treat as Tenerife stayed on the back foot. In fact, it was Yuste’s through-ball that saw David Prieto’s high challenge on Juanjo which led to his red card. With ten minutes to go, there was only one winner, but Tenerife to their credit did give it a go. Hidalgo, Alvarez and Nino, from a

wonder save, were all denied by an inspired Ribas in the away goal. But Salamanca were still a threat themselves. And seconds after Aragoneses denied Kike when the attacker was through on goal, the substitute got the winner. It was another counterattack, which saw the visitors break down the left. Quique Martin’s intelligent dummy played in Perico, whose shot hit the post and allowed Kike to tap in the scraps. Game, set and match to Oscar Cano. Another defeat, another flat display and more problems at the back. Nino seems to have lost his form (maybe the transfer speculation HAS affected him) and the team look a long way from gelling. There were rumours in the press box afterwards of a massive dressing-room bustup before and after the match. Has Arconada lost the squad already? This week he got the dreaded vote of confidence, and many will seem that strange after just three matches. But this is such an important season for Tenerife, and change happens fast in Spain.

Another heavy defeat on Saturday would probably do for Arconada, and it’s no easy match. Tenerife visit Rayo Vallecano, who are a great old side. They have been excellent at home over the last few seasons, and they have started with two straight wins in the league. Last weekend they won 3-2 at Cordoba after being 2-0 down early on. Their danger man is Borja Garcia, who was once labelled a wonderkid by the Spanish media. The match kicks off at 5pm our time and it could be another roller-coaster weekend for Tenerife fans. What price Oltra is in charge for the match with Celta Vigo in a week’s time? Canarian Weekly ratings: Tenerife: Aragoneses 7, Bertrán 6, Melli 6, Prieto 7, Beranger 7, Ricardo 5 (Mikel Alonso 65min 6), Antonio Hidalgo 6, Juanlu 6 (Julio Álvarez 56min7), Natalio 7 (Pablo Sicilia 72min 5), Omar 6, Nino 6. Salamanca: Ribas 7, Arbilla 7, Goikoetxea 7, Moratón 8, Zamora 6, Perico 6, Miguel García 7 (Héctor Yuste 65min 7), Endika 6, Sarmiento 7 (Quique Martín 86min), Juanjo 7, Marcos Márquez 7 (Kike López 68min 7).

Cappello to quit in two years FABIO CAPELLO, who managed England’s World Cup flops, but refused to resign, now says he will not continue in the job beyond the 2012 European Championship finals. England have responded to the World Cup shambles by

winning their opening two Euro qualifiers, against Bulgaria and Switzerland. But Capello has no desire to stay on beyond 2012. The 64year-old Italian adds: “Absolutely yes, I will leave. I will be too old and I want to enjoy my life as a pensioner.” It shouldn’t be too difficult for him, given that Capello will have earned another £12 million in wages from the Football Association by then.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


Target B’s silver lining Division 1 Exiles P-P Tenerife Sons Heroes Sports Bar 1-7 Target Bar A Our Place Flukers 1-7 Toscales Allsorts Phoenix Bar P-P Bar 180 A Sundowners 1-7 Bar Nauta A Target Bar B 5-3 Silver Surfers Toscales Ensecan P-P X-Men Woody´s A 2-6 Rood A

Division 1 Atlantis Sharks 6 - 4 8 Ball Massive Bar 180 A 6 - 4 Hoops Bar Bar La Cana 2 - 8 Trap Door Nauta A 5 - 5 Phoenix Knights Palms Bar A 8 - 2 Summerlands Allstars Rat Pack 5 - 5 Men Of Atlantis Summerlands Superstars 6 - 4 Target Bar Tenerife Hammers A 5 - 5 Bar 180 B Toscales Old Boys 9 - 1 Legends A Division One POS 1 Palms Bar A 2 Summerlands Superstars 3 Tenerife Hammers A 4 Bar 180 B 5 Rat Pack 6 Atlantis Sharks 7 Nauta A 8 Bar 180 A 9 Trap Door 10 Target Bar 11 Phoenix Knights 12 Terrace Bar A 13 Hoops Bar 14 8 Ball Massive 15 Men Of Atlantis 16 Summerlands Allstars 17 Dreamers Bar 18 Toscales Old Boys 19 Bar La Cana 20 Legends A

P 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6

W 6 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0

D 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0

L 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 6

F 45 44 41 38 34 31 30 27 30 26 26 25 30 27 26 24 17 23 20 16

A 15 16 19 22 26 29 30 33 30 34 24 25 30 33 34 36 33 27 40 44

+- PTS 30 18 28 18 22 16 16 13 8 11 2 10 0 10 -6 10 0 9 -8 9 2 8 0 7 0 6 -6 6 -8 4 -12 4 -16 4 -4 3 -20 1 -28 0

Division 2 Bar Tasca 8 - 2 Bar 180 C Barracuda Hunters 6 - 4 Terrace Bar B Connors 5 - 5 Toscales Tangos Gaffers 6 - 4 Tenerife Hammers B Inn The Pink 4 - 6 Tenerife Hammers C Legends B 6 - 4 Nauta B Lupain 6 - 4 Palms Bar B Phoenix Potters 8 - 2 Barracuda Bandits Target Rangers 6 - 4 Summerland Elite Division Two POS 1 Legends B 2 Target Rangers 3 Gaffers 4 Lupain 5 Phoenix Potters 6 Bar Tasca 7 Tenerife Hammers B 8 Inn The Pink 9 Nauta B 10 Bar 180 C 11 Barracuda Bandits 12 Summerland Elite 13 Tenerife Hammers C 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Toscales Tangos 16 Terrace Bar B 17 Connors 18 Woodys 19 Palms Bar B

TENERIFE Hammers A were given an almighty scare by Bar 180 B in Division One of the Oasis Fm Pool League this week. The champions, yet to find their form so far, were nearly made to pay by Bar 180 B, who have started in style. The visitors raced into a 3-1 lead, which quickly became

P 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 4 4

W 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 0

D 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 5 4 4

F 43 39 36 34 34 38 29 29 28 23 29 28 29 28 26 21 17 15 4

A 17 21 24 26 26 22 21 31 32 27 31 22 31 32 34 29 43 25 36

Division 2

Division 1

+- PTS 26 18 18 16 12 13 8 13 8 12 16 11 8 9 -2 9 -4 9 -4 9 -2 8 6 6 -2 6 -4 6 -8 4 -8 3 -26 1 -10 0 -32 0

5-2 with just three singles to play. But the Hammers dug deep, and Jambo sunk the last black to give them a point which could be so valuable come May. Palms Bar A are back on top after a comfortable 8-2 win over Summerland Allstars, only a couple of jawed blacks preventing a whitewash. The Superstars were given a real test by Target Bar before they snuck a 6-4 win.

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

POS Pld 1 Bar Nauta A 104 2 Exiles Bar 96 3 Tenerife Sons 104 4 Bar 180 96 5 Target Bar A 104 6 Phoenix Bar 96 7 Toscales Allsorts 104 8 Rood A 104 9 Woody´s A 104 10 Silver Surfers 104 11 X-Men 96 12 Toscales Ensecan 104 13 Heroes Sports Bar 112 14 Sundowners 104 15 Target Bar B 104 16 Strikers Bar 104 17 Ourplace Flukers 104

Division 2 Amigos Bad Girls 1-7 The Tavern Bar 180 B 2-6 Phoenix Flames Barracuda Hunters 6-2 Our Place Playgirls Naughty Nautas B 4-4 Yelas Bar Nautas Nutters C 4-4 Gaffers Our Place Naturals 2-6 Barracudarts Boys Rood B 7-1 Woodys B Tenerife Sun P-P Marilyns The Knights B 5-3 La Caña Lancers

Sing 51 47 44 43 41 40 38 27 32 27 30 23 22 23 20 24 13

TARGET B, the Division 1 strugglers, claimed their first win of the season night when they struck gold at home against the difficult-to-beat Silver Surfers. After being 3-2 down in the singles, the Target crew donned their best bling and put on a glittering performance to take the next three legs for a sparkling 5-3 victory. New league leaders Nauta A were in diamond form during a comfortable match at Sundowners. Indeed, they lost only their second trebles leg of the season to come away with a shiny 7-1 success. Captain Mike Telf said: “I wish we could play the Phoenix

Dbles 16 18 19 19 17 17 14 15 10 15 10 12 10 9 9 4 4

Treb 11 10 10 9 9 9 5 7 6 5 4 6 5 4 3 3 3

180’s PTS 2 78 5 75 5 73 3 71 0 67 5 66 1 57 5 49 1 48 2 47 1 44 0 41 0 37 0 36 3 32 0 31 0 20

every week!” No comment from me! Moving up into fifth spot, Target A had a pearler of a night at Heroes sports bar. With Grant in unstoppable form (138 check out) and Steve hitting a D15-D6-D4 finish to beat Harry, they hallmarked an excellent 7-1 triumph. Rood A made it three wins on the trot during an away trip to Woodys A. The home side put up a good fight, though, and had Nick hitting a 180. But the visitors then won both doubles and the trebles to ring a 6-2 win and move up three places to eighth. Elsewhere, Ourplace Flukers battled gallantly but were unable to stop Toscales Allsorts registering a 7-1 scoreline. It’s as you were in the upper

POS Pld 1 Barracudarts Boys 112 2 Nautas Nutters C 112 3 Gaffers 112 4 Yelas Bar 112 5 Bar 180 B 112 6 The Tavern 112 7 Ourplace Naturals 112 8 Tenerife Sun 104 9 Rood B 112 10 Naughty Nautas B 112 11 The Knights B 112 12 Barracuda Hunters 104 13 Phoenix Flames 112 14 La Caña Lancers 104 15 Ourplace Playgirls 112 16 Woody´s B 112 17 Amigos Bad Girls 112 18 Marilyns 104

Sing 55 53 46 40 42 36 39 37 32 39 32 32 27 27 21 20 22 21

regions of Division 2, after Nautas Nutters and Gaffers battled to finish allsquare, and the Barracudartsboys thumped the Naturals to stay at the top. Promotion-chasing Bar 180B were on the end of a giantkilling act by the Phoenix Flames. It was a case of girls on top right from the start as the Flames raced into a 4-0 lead. Captain Crazy Carole took all three of her games as the Los Abrigos beauties came home with a shock 6-2 victory. That result allowed Yelas Bar back into fourth place

Dbles 25 20 23 16 15 20 18 17 15 12 12 11 4 7 9 7 7 11

Treb 10 10 7 11 8 9 3 5 9 4 7 8 7 3 6 9 5 1

180’s PTS 0 90 2 83 1 76 1 67 2 65 0 65 0 60 1 59 0 56 1 55 1 51 0 51 0 38 0 37 0 36 0 36 0 34 0 33

after their 4-4 draw with Nauta B, skipper Julie checking out on 91 for the Guaza team. The Tavern moved up to sixth with a 7-1 humping of Amigos Bad Girls and Rood B recorded the same result over Woodys B. Barracuda Hunters enjoyed a routine 6-2 victory over bottom side Ourplace Playgirls. A local derby on the Golf del Sur had Knights B taking on La Caña Lancers. Although the Lancers won three of the singles, Rachael steeled her team to take the spoils 5-3. By Geoff Huxtable

Champions suffer early scare Rat Pack stay fifth, despite being held to a draw by Men of Atlantis, Nauta A and Phoenix Knights also drew. Toscales Old Boys put nine past bottom-of-the-table Legends A, Trap Door did Bar La Cana 8-2 and Atlantis Sharks edged out 8 Ball Massive 6-4. Legends B made it six wins from six games in Division Two, but they were made to work for it by Nauta B. Bossman Graham needed to win the last frame with Ian to secure maximum points.

There was a remarkable match in Las Americas as Gaffers nearly threw away three points at home to Tenerife Hammers B. They were 5-0 up and dreaming of a whitewash until the Hammers fought back. Harry, Sean and Jim all won to have the Gaffers’ bums twitching, but Neil held his nerve to beat Liam and sneak a 6-4er. It was an evening of close matches with the exception of Bar Tasca and Phoenix, who 8-2ed Bar 180 C and Barracuda Bandits.

Target Rangers, Lupain, Barracuda Hunters and

Tenerife Hammers C all won by the smallest margin.

Page 47



Tenerife’s taste of the sacred game David Penny takes a look at “futbol” and its early days in the Canary Islands CD TENERIFE, based in Santa Cruz, represent the Island in the Spanish League Second Division, having spent a year in La Liga. And although they have strong support from the expat British community, it is not widely known that CDT were originally formed from the English Football Club. CD (Club Deportivo) Tenerife were founded in 1922. But ten years prior to this, on 21st November 1912, came the inauguration of their forerunner, the Tenerife Sporting Club. That was the actual name in Spanish, and in itself was the result of a merger between Nirvana, Añaza and the English Club. The Spanish League was formed in 1928 but, because of transport difficulties, the Canary Island clubs played mainly among themselves, with mainland teams visiting for exhibition matches in the closed season. Teams such as Athletic Club Bilbao, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid were among the big names who played regularly in the islands, creating tremendous excitement and drawing huge crowds. Eventually, in 1953, Tenerife found themselves promoted to the Segunda (Second) Division and by 1961 they had reached the premier division for the first time. Three of these early exhibition matches, fondly remembered for many years, occurred in May 1934. On that occasion it was not a team from the Spanish league who created the stir but none other than English FA Cup winners and League champions Everton. At the time, Everton boasted seven international players in their ranks, among them

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the famous England centreforward Dixie Dean. They were also the only team who had beaten Arsenal at home that year. Tenerife and Liverpool had strong connections because of shared maritime trade and,

through the efforts of the English colony on the islands, moves were made to make the arrangements necessary for such a series on games. In those days, there were established links between the British colony and Canarian

society, and football seemed an ideal way to cement these ties. Football Club Barcelona, scheduled to visit that year, cancelled their fixtures and postponed their visit. The necessary approval was granted by world governing body FIFA, and the Mersey men set off from Lime Street Station to London, from where they took the “boattrain” to Southampton. They boarded the Dunbar Castle and set sail for Las Palmas. Six days later, on 15th May, they docked in Puerto de la Luz and were greeted by representatives from the football clubs of Grand Canaria, local dignitaries and the British Consulate. The next day they sailed for Santa Cruz, where a large reception was held in their honour. The Dunbar Castle was shadowed by a Trans Mediterranean Shipping Co. steamer, which had been chartered by the Football

Association of Grand Canaria to transport the fans between the islands. A package was available whereby a return steamer ticket, a match entrance ticket and a bed for the night was available for four shillings (20p). The first of three matches was played on 18th May, and bars and cafés were mobbed from early in the morning. Everton’s line-up included BD Williams (right-back) a champion boxer and the Welsh international captain of 1933, Edward Sagar (goalkeeper), 1933/4 Champion of England, Warneford Cresswell (defender) and also a great golfer, racing driver and distance runner. Also in the team was William Ralph (Dixie) Dean, who was considered unique in football history as winner of over 20 English titles and record top scorer of 1928/29 with 60 goals. He was renowned as the most popular player in the

world. Tenerife players included Ruperto, Cubas, Pineapple, Week, Quique, Rangel, Morera and Matroyo. In front of a packed stadium and, despite playing on a dirt pitch, (for which they had to have special boots made), the first game resulted in a 2-1 win for Everton. The second game was staged on the 22nd, a working day, so shops and offices closed early to allow staff to attend. This game was played in the presence of General Salcedo, Captain General of the Canaries, and ended in a 1-1 draw. For the next couple of days, the Everton team played the tourist with a trip to Mount Teide and visits to various hotels in Puerto de la Cruz. They were suitably rested and refreshed for their final encounter with Tenerife, which took place on the 25th, again a weekend fixture and again, El Cuidad de Malaga was chartered for the 400-plus fans who came over from Grand Canaria. This showdown was again a close-run thing, the visitors enjoying their second victory with a 3-2 scoreline. The visitors were hailed with a longstanding ovation and, in turn, praised their Island opponents highly. This was not the only time a British side had played in the islands because, 11 years earlier, Scotland’s Raith Rovers had visited Las Palmas and played against island teams. In recent years as well, the Football League’s Barnsley FC played in the new Playa de Las Americas stadium in 2001. But it is those Everton matches of 1934 that are best-remembered, and which form a part of the islands’ soccer history. Next week David Penny continues his saga of the Canaries in bygone days

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

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page 51



page 51

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10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

page 50

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Red clowns musical cot mobile, suitable for girls and boys, 10 euros. Blue playmat, 7 euros. Winnie the Pooh, music box for cot, 15 euros. Pink pop up tent, 10 euros. Blue and white igloo tent, 5 euros. Winnie the pooh, musical ride on, can be changed to a rocker, 20 euros. Brand new mens Adidas winter jacket, XL, 20 euros. Childrens swim jacket, 11-18kgs, 5 euros. Babyliss short hair dryer/straightner, only used a few times, 15 euros. Tel: 637 206 026 Cream Lime Wash TV cabinet, 90x45x70 slide out shelf over double door cupboard. Good condition, 40 euros ono. Quality TV cabinet in oak 95x50x75 centre cupboard, distressed glass door, 6 drawers, swivel top, excellent condition, nearly new 140 euros ono. Tel 639 425 001 or 922 737 029. Sony Playstation 2 console and 5 games (Looney Tunes, Buzz, The Incredibles, Call of Duty 2, True Crime New York City), 50 euros ono. Tel 606 800 150. Wooden baby chair 8-36mths safe and stable, 15 euros. Tel 687 963 121 Satellite Dish wall mounting bracket, for small to medium size dish, 5 euros. Tel: 600 700 521. Silver commercial citrus press 120 euros. Nintendo game cube, with all accessories & many games, 100 euros. Exercise bike 50 euros, almost 2000 DVD films 1 euro each. Philips hand –light, 30 euros. Tel 686 336 904 Ikea Lycksele double futon, sleeps/sits 2 people, condition as new, 100 euros. Two single airbed/mattresses with pump 20 euros ono. Workmate bench 10 euros. Sun brolly, 6 foot diameter with heavy base, perfect condition, 50 euros ono. Tel. 922 164 360. Links of London..3 silver charms, sausage dog, cowboy boot & tranquillity symbol. 10 euros each or 3 for 25 euros. Tel 646 488 109 Car battery, 45 euros. Tel 619 546 173 PS2 plus 20 games including Need 4 Speed Carbon Collectors Edition plus many more, 2 controllers, Memory Card 8 mb, Eyetoy plus eyetoy chat, 17 PS2 demo disks, 75 euros. Tel 922 739 205 or 628 666 329 Curtains long length wide 5 euros. Sofa bed, 2 video recorders, headboards, buggy, playstation 3 games, 10 euros each. Microwave stainless steel, 40 euros. Microwave white 25 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge 50 euros, Fridge freezer 180 euros. AMP and speakers /29 TV silver with remote 80 euros, DVD player + remote 25 euros. 14”TV with remote 20 euros. Baby pushchair, 6 euros. PC monitor & table, 10 euros each. Fan, bag, blender, sun beds, ceiling lights, phone, patio chair & table, table, lamps, wireless keyboard & mouse, child’s wooden bed & mattress, from 5 to 30 euros each. Tel 679 088 846 or 922 795 592. 49cc mini moto dirt bike, great fun, good condition 100 euros. Multi gym 80 euros. Fishing rod 3.5m long incl reel/line 15 euros. Tel 634 314 350 Bathroom mirror with double light and glass shelf fitting. Golf del Sur area, 15 euros. Tel 922 738 859 or 609 476 551 Amp and speakers, Carlsboro grx7 amp, 600 watt plus 2 Jamo power 500 speakers, 250 euros. Oven 120 euros, excellent condition. 5 roller blinds all 2.85m long, 2@1.9 wide with clear panel, 1@1.4 wide with clear panel, 2@.8 wide, 400 euros. Oil filled radiator 20 euros. Freestanding stainless sink with drainer 25 euros. Tel 660 493 507

English keyboard/mouse, kettle / parasol / patio chairs table / many different AC adaptor D, C 12 v/18/9 many more from 2 to 15 euros each. Playstation 2, 40 euros. 14” computer monitor, 20 euros. Black & Decker charges 6 euros. Mountain bike, 40 euros. Video recorders, 10 euros. Hammer drill 20 euros. Fax telephone machine, 20 euros. Table fan 15 euros, round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. Electric hand mixer 15 euros. Tel 679 788 586 3 domestic silver gas bottle, 35 euros each. Steam iron, 4 euros. 14” TV, Microwave, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 15 euros each. 29” TV, silver 60 euros. 21” TV, 20 euros. Sandwich toaster, 5 euros. Built in oven, 25 euros. Sony 3 disc changer tuner band/tape A/B with 2 speakers & remote control, 70 euros. CD stereo radio cassette recorder, 15 euros. Fridge freezer 120 euros, fridge 40 euros. Electric kettles/citrus juicer, 5 euros each. Bird-cage, 10 euros. 4 domestic silver gas bottle 34 euros each. Mini gas bottle 20 euros. Tumble dryer 80 euros. Washing machine excellent condition top door 70 euros. Washing machine front door 120 euros. Dishwasher 80 euros. Tel 686 336 904 Air conditioning unit for general interior and exterior with remocontroller, use, 5300 frigories done with maintenance service and working perfectly, 250 euros. Guitar case with academy, 100 euros. Blind for balcony or garden in blue by 2.5 meters 4 metres, 195 euros. Pizza oven pizzas which fits 4, 225 euros. Sofa bed (not the wooden ones ) 130 euros. Goodmans karaoke machine with approximately 100cds to sing along to, 40 euros. Tel 600 761 011 or 662 954 400.

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Brevi playpen, immaculate condition, includes musical toys, 35 euros. Tel 659 756 793

Russian Samovar (electric tea urn) black enamel with gold and floral design 60 euros ono. Cast iron wine rack holds 24 bottles 25 euros ono. Japanese style jacket plum colour size 14 to 16 fully lined in silk 20 euros. Tel 653 489 828 Bicycle carrier, for 4X4 - fits over spare wheel in minutes, also converts to carry bales of hay or luggage rack, 45 euros. Tel 922 794 495 Pair of Technics 1210 MK 2 turntables, 450 euros. Ecler smac pro20 mixer 80 euros. Pioneer A-209r amplifier with remote, 80 euros. King size headboard beige floral fabric with cane trim and matching bedside tables with glass top, 0 euros. White Ikea computer desk with keyboard shelf attachment size 72 x 90 x 60 cm, 15 euros. Ikea Lesvik cot with mattress, side can be removed, Lollipop Lane Treacle and Bubble Cot Bumper, Vtech Mami Pata 4 in 1 mobile, projector, panel lamp light and music for cot, voice sensor that is activated when baby cries, 115 euros. Tel 608 223 156 Next duffle coat beige 3-6 months, 10 euros. Pablosky navy leather shoes size 22, 15 euros. Girl’s suede/faux fir reversible dusky pink gillet age 8 yrs 10 euros. Redherring maternity dress size12, 10 euros. H&M Mama maternity dress size M, 8 euros. Redherring maternity skirt size 12, 8 euros. H&M 2 Mama maternity tops size M 5 euros (one brown and one pink). Mamalicious maternity top size M, 5 euros all excellent condition. Tel 922 765 564. Single combi child’s bed, 2 mattress, 90 euros. Small TV/DVD combi, 40 euros. Small TV/video combi 30 euros. Bedroom dressing table, wicker draws 50 euros. 2 navy leather settees, 300 euros. Table and 4 chairs, light wood, 40 euros. King side bed, mattress, 250 euros. 2 bedside cabinets, 20 euros each. Tumble drier 40 euros . Portable air conditioning unit, needs gassing , 80 euros. Canon printer, 20 euros. Tool chest with various tools, not complete, 150 euros. Tel after 6 pm 660 959 795 Large box of assorted Lego, 20 euros. Tel 627 181167 Colegio Costa Adeje tracksuit uniform - 2 pairs shorts, one tracksuit bottoms and 2 tracksuit jackets. Suit age 10/12.

15 euros for all. Tel 627 181167 15” computer monitor, 20 euros. Computer keyboard, 5 euros. Glass display cabinet, 100 euros. Set of golf clubs with all accessories, 100 euros. Tel 679 705 533. Digital safe, wider for laptop (20cmx43cmx35cm), 40 euros. Portable air conditioner with remote-control, 120 euros. Computer with CD Rom drive, DVD writer, webcam, headphones, keyboard , mouse, LCD monitor, desk and chair, 1gb ram, 80gb hd windows xp professional, 225 euros. Large fire extinguisher, 20 euros. Shop pricing gun, 20 euros. Electric jigsaw 380 watts, 15 euros. Detail sander with 10 sanding sheets, 15 euros. Tel 634 058 694 14” TV, wall unit (105x35x40cm), PC monitor, sun bed, sub-woofer, video player, water cooler, large parasol, mini oven, DVD player, microwave,10 euros each. Ironing board, patio table & chairs, sandwich toaster, toaster, stool, bed side table, lamps, iron, hair dryer, speakers, kettle, single mattresses, airer, headboards, from 3 to 5 euros each. 4 rings electric hob, Nokia mobile phone (camera, bluetooth, radio etc), 20 euros each. JVC Camcorder (boxed), washing machine, 50 euros each. Heavy duty Citrus Press, 21” TV, silver, 30 euros each. Tel 646 615 794 (Friday to Monday). Lexmark printer scanner fax 15 euros. Tel 647 057 723 3 & 2 seater sofas brown with beige cushions (leather and material), 350 euros. Tel 618 100 464 Real leather suitcase, 15 euros. PVE designer suitcase, 30 euros ono. 15 Marstons pedigree, England cricket sponsors etched pint glass, 2 euros each. Detailed print of Culzean castle (Ayrshire Scotland No 438 of 50 by Lorna Baker 35 euros ono. Selection of Watches mens, ladies and child, just need batteries 10 for 12 euros. 2 domestic silver gas bottles, 33 euros each. Various bedside table top lights , 3 euros. Tel 922 170 201 or 679 884 888 Gents mountain bike, 18 speed, very good clean condition, 100 euros. Wall mounting bracket for small to medium satellite dish, 5 euros. Set of 4 guide books, Lyles antiques and their values, 6 euros. Times gone by – a photographic record of Great Britain 1856 – 1956 from the archives of the Huston picture company, 5 euros. Collins oil workshop, a practical course in oil painting to develop skills and confidence by Richard Pikesley, 10 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Large double pine headboard, 20 euros. Set of 6 mirrors each 18” x 24” 30 euros. Seat repair manual (Haynes) for Ibiza and Cordoba models 1993 to 1999 petrol and diesel, 10 euros. Tel 600 700 521 2 single beds - Sealy Posturepedic Valentino mattresses, metal frames, 130 euros the pair. TV stand, 2 glass shelves below, 15 euros. Tulip picture, 7 euros. Set of 3 flower pictures, 5 euros. Los Cristianos. Tel: 922 794 409. Large blue 3 and 2 seater sofas, beech coffee table, beech bookcase, ceramic world globe with semi precious stones, 300 euros. Tel 675 345 032 Ice stakes, several sizes, from 29 euros. Home cinema receiver system, 5 speakers, 1 Subwoover, USB recording, 300 Watt, 79 euros. Tel 651 033 932. Daewoo 28in TV Silver + Decoder, 60 euros. Thomson 28in TV Silver, 40 euros. Bathroom wall Mirror with lights as new white 35 euros. Ladies motorcycle helmet as new Maroon size small 20 euros. Tel 922 748 346 or 610 352 448 Wool, 100 gram balls 1.50 and 1.95, lots of pastal colours, aran wool, 7 colours to choose from 200 and 400 gram balls 4 euros and 8 euros a ball, novelty buttons ideal for childrens cardigans etc, ducks, teddies, owls, butterflies etc 20 cents each, ribbon ideal for baby clothes 5 metres for 1 euro, lots of colours. Tel 628 430 800 or 922 729 456

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

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10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Classified CARS/BIKES (CONT.)


JOBS (CONT.) bonuses. Experience preferred but not essential. This is a fully legal position with a contract. For an interview call Helen on 922 737 092 or 606 583 178



Robot Hair Salon require a stylist required for full or part time work. An existing client base would be an advantage. Also opportunity for Nail Technician. For more information

Luxury long let properties available. 2-3-4 bedroom properties, furnished and un-furnished, in Roque del Conde and Villas del Duque. No finder fees competitive prices.

please call 922 789 058 Enthusiastic and self-motivated Excursion Advisors are needed to work in the South of the island. Training given with a basic plus good commissions offered. Call Laura on 922 727 184 between 9.30 and 5.30pm Monday to Friday

Call Mary on 630 994 991

Bar staff are required to work in a bar close to Playa Paraiso to work 35 hours per week of which include 4 evenings finishing at 1am. Applicants must be reliable, trustworthy and able to speak Spanish. Previous work references are essential. Contracts will be given. Call Dave on 638 579 544.

Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long Term Rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271


Selection of 1 & 2 bedroom apartments to let, Los Cristianos. Short or long term rentals welcome. Animals ok. Tel 619 369 430


San Isidro brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, fully equipped, furnished, 550 euros, 1 month deposit. Tel 627 289 083 or 922 39 36 85 2 bed apt for long term rent. Excellent condition. Private roof garden with views to La Gomera. Large swimming pool and underground parking on quiet residential complex in Callao Salvaje. 450 euros per month plus electric & water.

CARS WANTED CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

WANTED Large double/triple garage wanted for rent in the Las Americas/San Eugenio area on a monthly basis. Tel Mark 659 202 826

Tel 696 547 341



Yamaha R1 2003, 30,000kms, Fantastic condition, loads of extras, very fast bike. 3,995 euros. Tel 610 285 953.

4 years old, Diesel, metallic light blue, tow bar, 4 door, 93,000km. 18,600 euros.

Fiat Punto 1.2 16V Automatic 2002, 5 door hatch, recent cam belt, current ITV,

2,750 euros.

Tel: 690 169 650

Tel 922 737 361 or 671 192 130


MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.


Mid range mobility scooter with 4 wheels. Cal Suzanne on 680 831 497 Adults Mountain bike in good condition. Call 600 700 521



VW Tourareg R5 TDI 2.5



Tel 669 626 840

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Marble Floor Polishing Machine & Marble Repair Kit, would suit someone starting new business. Lots of extras. 850 euros. Tel 699 913 442

JOBS Enthusiastic self motivated telesales operators are required for an established company in central Las Americas. An exciting new marketing venture, good working environment with potential weekly earnings of 500 euros per week. Full contract given after trial period. Call Paula on 606 246 854 Telesales staff are required for an exciting new office on the Golf del Sur. Be part of a small friendly team with top rates paid every week plus a weekly bonus. Only experienced people need apply. Call Lynn for an interview on 627 130 768 between 1pm to 8pm An established family run business require Telemarketers for their busy Golf del Sur office. Excellent opportunity to earn full time wages for part time hours. Basic wage paid weekly plus fantastic

Page 51






Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email:

7 SEATER VAN FOR RENT Phone Tony on 664 002 406 Email:

HAIRDRESSING JENNI ex CUTTING ROOM, Paloma Beach is nowoffering GENTLEMEN'S HAIRDRESSING from new premises in same area, for a personal appointment please phone: 666742066. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE


CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


SAFECLEAN For all professional cleaning of carpets & upholstery

Tel: 609 066 973

COMPUTERS Home & Office PC Services. New, used, re-installations, internet connections, virus removal, computer lessons. Call Paul 678 525 900



Page 52

HOME HELP Do you need assistance with any kind of work:- garden, housekeeping, painting, renovation, building, removals etc. A.S.O. We help or do the job on our own. Reliable staff. Tel 693 974 049


10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

Service Point




VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048 Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!


PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579


the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

677 806 800





9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall?


Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841





MASSAGE Japanese Professional full body massage for deep relax. Home/Hotel visit. Ana 677 115 021 Americas.


10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

EVERYTHING NEEDED TO START, ADD, FRESHEN OR JUST REPLACE ANYTHING IN YOUR HOME! July/Aug – Watch out for our GOING, GOING, GONE! items on the TOP OF THE RAMP. BAR:- Tables, chairs & industrial items also in stock.

Open Mon-Fri 10-30-17.30 Los Cristianos, Edf.Rosy, Calle Valle Mendez, opp Police Station near Pet Shop Tel: 618 381 488

Page 53

Service Point


SOFA SALE - FROM 35€ SECONDHAND CENTRE Vina del Mar Hotel Playa de las Américas

OPEN 9am - 7pm Mon - Fri, Sat 10 am - 5pm Other times by arrangement

Ring Ray on: 922 790 822 or 675 569 804

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 657 302 428. International Psychic Tarot Card Reader. Confidential, reliable, caring readings in the privacy of your own home/hotel. Tel : Anna 678 236 803


The Travel Shop



Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157.



Colin Peel Tiling Specialist


For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 ALADDINS CAVE 922 720 493


SECURITY TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

WATER TREATMENT TRANSLATION SEWING SEW & SEW’S - For Clothing Alteration’s. Also stocking good quality used baby/children’s clothes, maternity wear, nursery items, toys, books, curtains etc. I also buy the above. Tel 671 784 608. Email:

Page 54

TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010


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Page 56

10 September 2010 - 16 September 2010

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