Canarian Weekly Issue 678

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 678



12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


Canaries all set to strike again! THE CANARIAN branch of the Union - CCOO have announced public sector strikes to take place in the Canaries on Wednesday 15th December according to Spanish press. However the CCOO website states that the CCOO and UGT have called for National strikes on both the 15th and 18th December, the latter date being a mass change over day for those visiting the island for the whole festive period. The action is to demand that the government change its economic and social policy, change in depth the labour reform, remove the freezing of pensions for 2011, abandon the claim to increase the retirement age to 67 years and ensure benefits for those people who are unable to find work. The CCOO union announced the strike action in the Canarian public sector, this will include education – schools and colleges, health – hospitals and general administration for the 15th of December. One major issue over which the action is being taken in the Canaries is that of budget cuts and within the Autonomous Community reduced spending on the administrative and human resource management. The secretary general of the Federation of Teaching CCOO, José Ramón Barroso said at a news conference that the spending reduction agreement was published in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands on the 2nd November “without consulting the trade unions and breaking the collective bar-

gaining, something that is used both by the Government of Spain and the Canary Islands.“ “The order spending cuts in administrative activity is a direct assault on essential public services such as education, health and general administration,” said Barroso. Also, he added, “It is a direct assault on the unions, because it leaves us no voice and no participation by Canarian public sector workers.” For Barroso, the resolution published in the BOC is rather the Canarian Government’s

intention, “because it is not standard until it is regulated by decrees or laws,” he said. The union leader said that due to deteriorating working conditions and cutting the budgets of the autonomous region, “It takes us back to 20 years ago, so that is the rationale for their union, together with the UGT, calling on workers of the public sector of the Canary Islands to strike on the 15th December. “This way of attacking the trade unions, and the contro-

versy created, should be treated by the Government of the Canary Islands with more caution, because speaking out against unions is going against the Constitution, “said Barroso. Asserting that the CCOO “will defend tooth and nail” the rule of law, and that “we

will not let you pull the ground what has been achieved with so many sacrifices.” For his part, Secretary General of Citizen Services, Pedro Moreno, predicted that “these Canarian budgets will explode socially.” “We do not deserve these

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budgets and worse, we have failed to resolve the crisis,” he said. For his part, Manuel Almeida, chief executive of a regional newspaper, told press that the Canaries Government are “not aware” of the manifestations of the trade union or the strike call, so that “now there is no answer” . The last strike was on Wednesday (29th Sept) a oneday General Strike by Spanish unions which paralysed the capital Santa Cruz, but had minimal effect here in the south. The story on the mainland though was very different. Then it was Spain’s first strike for eight years. The two main trade unions, CCOO and UGT had threatened wholesale disruption to all forms of travel, especially at airports, with the Government fighting them all the way. But the deadlock was finally broken when Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s Socialist Party climbed down. After all-night negotiations, José Blanco the Minister for Public Works, and union secretaries Antonio del Campo and José Javier Cubillo, reached a “global” agreement concerning minimum transport services during the strike. Transport Secretary Jose Luis Cachfeiro said the deal was put in place “to guarantee calm during the day of the strike”. At this stage it is unclear as to which services will be affected other than education, health and public service workers.


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12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


Tenerife is number 1

CANARIES overtake Costa Del Sol as Tenerife knocks Malaga from top spot. Flights comparison site has looked at the flight trends for October 2010 – which saw big changes this month. For the first time ever since Skyscanner’s Travel Trends began, Malaga has been knocked off its number one position. It was a close call, but the immensely popular Spanish city has been replaced by rival destination Tenerife. In an unprecedented surge, Thailand took the biggest

gains within the Top Ten, with searches for flights to Bangkok moving up a massive six places to number four. This is the highest ever position for the Thai capital and a record position for any long haul destination. It seems that the civil unrest earlier this year has done little to impact Thailand’s popularity with British travellers, and the destination has particular appeal with another cold UK winter looming Dublin and Paris also gained positions; the Irish capital moved up four places, and the French capital rose five. Top 10 Most Popular Cities

1. Tenerife [+1] 2. Malaga [-1] 3. Alicante [0] 4. Bangkok [+6] 5. London [0] 6. New York [-2] 7. Amsterdam [+1] 8. Dublin [+4] 9. Paris [+5] 10. Faro [-1] Flights to Australia continue their rise in popularity, with both Sydney and Melbourne rising five places each. However, it was Riga (+17), Oslo (+13), Bucharest (+15) and Kuala Lumpur (+13) that saw the biggest increase in interest during October. It seems the party is now over in Ibiza, with searches to

the Balearic island dropping 33 places in the popularity charts. Other summer spots also felt the chill of the off season with Crete in Greece falling 30 places, Valencia 19 and Naples 16. Greece and Spain saw the only drop outs this month, with Menorca, Reus, Corfu and Rhodes, all disappearing from the 100 most popular destinations. The Far East saw a significant increase in interest with Manila in the Philippines straight in at number 80, Tokyo in at number 89 and Beijing in a 92. Colombo in Sri Lanka also entered the Top 100 at number 94.

Why oil’s so important THE MINISTER of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar, highlighted this week in Congress the important work of MARM to promote Spanish olive oil, a landmark production of special socioeconomic relevance represents approximately 50% of the production in the EU and 40% of the world, with a value of 2,500 million euros and able to generate 46 million days per year. In this sense, Rosa Aguilar has reviewed some of the promotional campaigns pro-

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

moted by granting the MARM Award “Best Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil “, the signing of several cooperation agreements with various entities, such as the Foundation for the Development of Mediterranean Diet and the Paradores of Spain, and the Plan of Promotion of Food Products in China and India. The Minister also stressed the “European Programme on Olive Oil”, worth 16.5 million euros, overseas promotion campaigns developed with the support of ICEX and

the Autonomous Communities, and the actions carried out as in national and international, as Madrid Fusion, Expoliva, International Congress on Food, Millesime, Food Hall and support for the Regulatory Boards of Appellations of Origin. The minister also highlighted the export volume reached during the 20092010 campaign, which amounted to 800,000 tons, indicating that this has helped to consolidate international markets.

Zapatero’s vision of a Spanish nation so Green and pleasant

SPANISH Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero is pinning his hopes on a “green economy” to create employment and give the country a huge lift. He believes Spain’s renewable energy sector, transport, sustainable building and eco-industry have the potential to create a million jobs over the next decade. Zapatero presented the figure on Wednesday when chairing a round-table forum on the theme of “Green Growth”. It was part of the business summit held in Seoul before the main G-20 summit. The presidents of Repsol, Iberdrola and Acciona, who were invited along, heard Zapatero underline the importance of the dialogue, sparked by his Government, with companies to reach an agreement on energy policy for next decade. This, he said, would create a sustainable model “with the minimum cost to consumers”. Zapatero’s message at the summit was loud and clear: “Green economy represents a huge future potential for generating employment, making technological advances and increasing competitiveness.” Spain’s objective is to ensure that by 2020, at least 20% of energy comes

from renewable sources. He also wants to reduce energy intensity by 20% and lower CO2 emissions by 10% from current levels. Nearly one-third of Spain’s electricity now comes from clean sources, and Zapatero proudly announced that, thanks to Monday’s weather conditions, the country broke a record, with almost 70% of energy production coming from clean sources, and the rest from wind power. The “green” industry, he said, was a “solid” sector, currently generating 200,000 jobs and focusing on technological development, and thus underlining the importance of reducing emissions through energy efficiency. The fight against climate change, added Zapatero, required “determination, perseverance, awareness and resources”. The Prime Minister, who is aware that only a major technological leap in the energy sector will make it possible to reduce emissions, stressed the potential of the leading “green” companies He also said there were “great business opportunities” out there for investment capitalists. But Zapatero knows of the importance of increasing public awareness and, at the same time, taking legislative action on a nationwide basis and promoting private initiatives.

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Cruise-tastic TENERIFE port facility has recorded so far this year the arrival of 406,057 cruise passengers, 76,644 more than Gran Canaria (329 413), according to statistics provided by Puertos del Estado. By the end of the year over half a million cruise visitors will have visited the island. The commercial director of the Port Authority of Santa Cruz, Alberto Galván, confirmed that this data is motivated primarily by the tourist attractions. “Places like the Teide, Puerto de la Cruz or Anaga are a delight for passengers,” said Galvan. The port of Gran Canaria has seen a reduction in the number of visitors - 8.94% over the previous year. However, the port of Santa Cruz has increased by 35.68%. In this sense, the commercial director of Santa Cruz said that the infrastructure is the most visited of the Canary Islands, while Lanzarote is becoming quite strong. Galvan said

AT CERTAIN times throughout your life you per chance to meet an individual who makes a lasting impression, and that is exactly what happened to me this week when I was invited to meet Marlene Tseng Yu. I met the Taiwanese artist as she prepared to set up her art exhibition - Forces of nature - at the Magma Arte y Congresos in Costa Adeje. All I can say is this diminutive character is awe inspiring and that she looks half of her 73 years! The passion and vitality that she exudes in relation to her art form is amazing. Her specialty is in oversized works and her latest solo collection can be seen here in the south of Tenerife from

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the 18.11.2010 - 10.12.2010, entitled “Forces of Nature green movement in art” ‘Even after thirty years of work on the Abstraction in Nature Series, my art continues to focus on the beauty of nature, calling for appreciation and awareness of what needs to be done to preserve our environment. I hope my efforts in the Environmental Green Movement in art prove to be substantial and that my art is both timely and timeless…’ Interestingly Marlene held an exhibition in the north of the island during August and was then invited to exhibit some 23 canvases in Magma; one of her works by coincidence is actually called Molten Lava which she painted in 2003. If you’ve never been to a gallery or seen a great painting hanging in a gallery then go, you don’t know what you’re missing.

that “many of those who choose the province usually opt to stay in the port of Lanzarote.” 30% of Tenerife visitors often do one of the 18 tours that are offered throughout the island “Mount Teide or go to Loro Parque,” said Galvan. The commercial director stressed that “we are more than satisfied, as the market has not only continued but has grown in these times,

which is quite an achievement.” According to the Port Authority spokesman, forecasts by the end of the year are “more than positive.” The port of Santa Cruz will receive about 80,000 more tourists than last year, 24 more cruise ships than in 2009. The port of Santa Cruz has been spared the economic crisis thanks in part to the

influx of these floating masses. Companies such as Ibero cruceros and Pullmantur have been operating in the area permanently throughout the summer. In addition, the Canary Islands benefit from the association of the Atlantic Island Cruises, which is also includes Madeira, and performs important work for the promotion of both islands as a stopover in the Atlantic. Another reason that this type of tourism has gained much momentum in Tenerife is due to the fact that capital is the home port for the entire winter season of the Aidablu boats, of German origin, which call every Saturday and the Thomson Destiny, a British ship that will arrive this Friday and will continue weekly. Some 17,000 American tourists have come to the capital en route to the Caribbean so far this year. The cruise market is booming. This market in Spain has grown enormously in recent years. Also it has been announced that Disney will unveil a new ship, the Disney Dream, with its maiden voyage on 24th December.

Tourism minister beats drum for Tenerife at London show THE World Travel Market, the largest and most complete exhibition of its kind, again attracted widespread global interest to this year’s event, at London’s ExCel centre. It ran from Monday until yesterday (Thursday), and Tenerife representatives from the Government’s tourism industry were there in force on their own stand, pressing home the advantages of holidaying on the Island at any time of the year. The best possible news of all, from Tenerife’s point of view, came with Tuesday’s announcement by Tourism Minister José Manuel Bermúdez, of an agreement between leading tour operator Thomas Cook and the Island’s hoteliers, who have recently not seen eye to eye.. Bermudez, who rejoiced at the “good news”, was delighted that Thomas Cook

has agreed to grant 5% compensation to those hotels which suffered losses during the Icelandic volcanic ash debacle earlier this year. The company has also agreed to an increase in customers next year by pledging extra air spaces in the Canaries, and Bermudez stressed: “The hotel employers must now be vigilant and monitor compliance with these agreements.” He added: “This is good news and this time, the understanding between the two parties has prevented the conflict being settled in the courts. Also, hotels have demonstrated during this conflict that they can defend when they detect that their sector may be harmed.” Bermudez said: “Thomas Cook will remain a close ally of Tenerife, and already transports half-a-million British tourists to the Canary Islands each year.” The Canarian delegation, unmatched at the World Travel Market, had the busiest schedule of meetings with tour operators and

airlines such as Aer Lingus, Easy Jet, Ryanair and Jet2 Holidays Prestige, among others, the main objective being to consolidate the recovery of the UK market. During these meetings, Tenerife Tourism perceived an “optimistic mood” and noted that the major tour operators were forecasting an increase to the Island in the number of tourists, both for the winter season and for next summer. A graphic image of the campaign “Say No To Winter Blues” will also be utilised as a way of selling the Canaries to the UK tourist industry. The WTM in London is one of the most important fairs in the world, next to the ITB in Berlin and the International Tourism Fair of Madrid. Last year, during its four-day occupancy, it closed business deals worth £1,139 million. The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ricardo Fernandez de la Puente, said the reserves of the UK market for the Canary Islands increased 7%, while the rest of Spain and the Balearic

experienced declines of 1% and 9% respectively. Another Canarian bonus came when Monarch announced increases from 264,00 to 344,000 passengers between the UK and Tenerife in the winter season. And tour operator TUI Thomson said it also expects an increase of 24% over the same period. A buoyant Bermudez added: “We have ensured that we are in line with the objective to which we came to this fair, which was to consolidate the recovery we are already registering in the UK market in recent months.” Overall, for the summer months, the outlook is also positive between tour operators and airlines contacted. According to data provided, increases in airline seats from the UK will range between 5-8%. Social media is one of the travel industry’s biggest opportunities over the next five years, yet only a third of UK holidaymakers used it to research holidays this year, according to a WTM poll.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


WHAT’S ON Millions of Spanish

hit by polluted air! Chicago, the musical Auditorio de Tenerife (Santa Cruz) Prices: 30, 40 and 50 euros From 26/12/2010 to 2/1/2011 One of the most spectacular and successful shows visits Tenerife at the end of the year. Tickets for the nine performances at Auditorio are now on sale. The cast is headed by Carlos Lozano, Marta Ribera and María Blanco, and this great dance company will arrive here after a successful run, winning some Tony awards and a Grammy prize. Murders, fraud, avarice, adultery and betrayal are all portrayed as the rhythm of jazz is pounded out. More information: 29th November 2010 San Andrés, Icod During the day Icod wineries are open for the tasting of the new season´s wine. Keeping the tradition of San Andres, the young people from the town slide down at high speeds the steep streets on boards greased with tar. There are many visitors and locals who enjoy seeing this unique experience.

Until 14TH November 2010 Cheese - La Orotava Cheese tasting, lectures and conferences by experts, exhibitions of photographs related to cheese and a fair will be just some of the delicious activities scheduled for this Culinary show. Visitors will be able to see and sample some of the best cheese in the world.

Until December 31st Sala Juan Cas y Fundación Cristino de Vera (La Laguna) The magic of Miró - Drawings and engravings Two different places in La Laguna are hosting Joan Miró’s exhibition. Sala Juan Cas is hosting a compilation of engravings from different creative ages. This technique was very important for the artist. Drawings made with wax colors and crayons in several stands from the last five years of the life of the artist will be exhibited at Fundación Cristino de Vera. Prices: CajaCanarias’s clients: free. Not clients: 2 euros Non residents: 5 eruos Retired and students: free More information

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

ACCORDING to Spanish news source – typically Spanish, they say that a proportion of the population are breathing air which is below the standards recommended by the World Health Organisation WHO. 79% of the Spanish population, that’s some 36.9 million people are breathing polluted

air, according to the annual report on air standards produced by Ecologistas en Acción. The ecologist group calculates that 16,000 people died in Spain each year from related causes, and lament the fact that despite the seriousness of the situation, public administration is not taking

the necessary measures to solve the problem. The report was compiled using the data supplied by the regional administrations across the country. The main cause of the pollution in cities comes from the traffic with the ecologists noting that a slight improvement on this year’s figures

compared to last year is probably down to lower traffic levels, noting a 5.1% fall in petrol consumption in 2009. They say part of the answer would be greater use of public transport, preferably electric, and a more general take up in Spain of new technologies for the reduction of pollution.

Now, touch of class meets a touch of ink JUST a couple of weeks ago, PINKIES announced the arrival of Rich Laban, international tattoo artist, and the queues have already begun to form. Rich is a very modest young man as he believes his work speaks for itself - and boy oh boy, does it! This month, he has also had some of his designs published in Bazar which is one of the highest accolades a tattoo artist can have. We have caught up with some of his clients to get an idea of the standard of his work, and we can say it’s truly awesome. We spoke with Alan, from the Java Bar in Los Cristianos, who is a real connoisseur of tattoos. He has had a portrait of one of his recently-departed dogs done on his thigh and says Rich is one of the best tattoo artists he has found. He also told us that it was so refreshing to have such great air-conditioned surroundings in which to have the work done. Just pop in to Java, because we’re sure Alan will be happy to show off his lifelike tattoo. Beware the cocktails, by the way. Wonderfully lethal! Ryan, from Southcoast Autos, has had the most amazing design on his leg, with the theme Life is a Gamble. It is just a work of art, so much so that he has returned to Pinkies and Rich has done some funky tattoos on his toes. Well done Ryan. You’ve probably started a new craze! There is no gamble when you go to Southcoast

Autos, by the way - just a fast, friendly and honest service. Gone are the days when tattoos and tattoo parlours were dark and seedy and full of hairy bikers. PINKIES is opening up new ground and giving tattoos an elegant and comfortable platform. One of PINKIES’ lady clients, Yvonne, has just had her first tattoo, and let’s just

say she’s over 50! She marvelled at the fact that it was painless and said Rich has helped fulfil her lifelong ambition to have a tattoo. But she had always been put off by the image conjured up by tattoo shops until now. Not any more, though. Yvonne has already booked in for another. We had heard that they were addictive, Yvonne!

At PINKIES, Amy and Rich talk about Body Art. As many of you will know, Amy is a real tattoo/Body Art fan, and Rich has already done some wonderful work for her. He is now after persuading Amy’s Mum to have another tattoo, so watch this space! One thing you can be sure of is that you’ll leave PINKIES with some truly awesome Body Art From the tiniest to the largest piece of work imaginable, Rich is the man. Call in for a free, no-obligation consultation with him. He also does painless tattoos to encourage first-timers or nervous clients. PINKIES is covered by the Spanish Diploma covering all aspects of tattoos and body-piercing, and all prospective clients for tattoos or body-piercing should ensure, for their own protection, that their selected establishment holds this diploma. To book an appointment with Rich, call 922 750 546, or pop into PINKIES.

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Be Spot-on for Get into that real Spirit of Pudsey and all of cruising with Thomson! the needy kids! THE name suggests otherwise, but Tenerife Flights also specialise in Thomson cruises and they are offering fabulous trips aboard the Thomson Spirit.

AN official Children in Need fund-raiser is taking place next Friday (19th November) at the Blue Terrace Sports Bar, at El Mirador, Los Cristianos. The event runs from 47pm, so come along and show your spots (Pudsey Bear is the official mascot). Enjoy

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Oasis Fm Dj Liam O’Reilly with some of the Island’s best entertainers live on stage. There will be the usual happenings - raffle, tombola and face-painting - plus a Family Fortunes quiz with prizes. It’s then live on TV from 7pm for seven hours continuously. Your support for Children in Need can help change the lives of disadvantaged kids in the UK, and to donate prizes or get involved at the Blue Terrace, call 646 381 328.

The ship offers great food, top entertainment and a new destination every day. And now, as well as the 24-hour buffet, guests will have a waiter-service option included in the price of the holiday. The Compass Rose Restaurant is open at every meal time and has an opendining policy, which means you can choose your own meal times. The onboard dress code is casual for the buffet in the Lido Restaurant, but male guests will need long trousers and an open-necked shirt or polo shirt for dinner in the Compass Rose Restaurant. There is also one formal night on each seven-night cruise, usually the Captain’s Cocktail Party. Guests who want to go along to that will need just a shirt and tie (and trousers, of course!), and the

ladies usually glam up, too. The Lido Restaurant will be open as normal on formal nights for those who prefer to stay casual. Thomson Spirit is your home away from home. Every little detail, from the sumptuous cuisine to the sizzling entertainment, has been tailormade with you in mind. Spacious, stylish and sociable, the ship is your gateway to a dazzling world of choice. Standard cabin or designer suite? Foot-tapping razz-ma-

tazz or classical recital? The Captain’s Cocktail Party or a Cosmopolitan or two in the cocktail bar? Whatever you decide, it’s all there waiting for you. For further information, please contact Vicky and Lianne, our Thomson Cruise specialists, on 922 761 202, or visit them at their office in Central Commercial, El Duque, Fanabe. The following features can be found aboard the Thomson Spirit, which has 627 cabins and can cater for

1,354 passengers, with 520 crew and staff: · 3 restaurants · 5 bars · 2 lounges · Nightclub · Casino · Whirlpools · 2 swimming pools There are also professionally-produced West End-style shows and top comedy from UK guest acts. And the cinema has daily feature presentations of recently-released films.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


Training Plan THE PRESIDENT of the Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, and Arona Mayor Jose Alberto Gonzalez Reveron, have signed a collaboration agreement. The President of the Tenerife Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, and the mayor of Arona, Jose Alberto Gonzalez, last week signed a cooperation agreement to carry out a training plan in order to increase job promo-

tion, this, through the territorial Ministry for the South, focusing on the employability of the unemployed in the region. This training program will be directed preferentially to long-term unemployed over 25 years and those of low education. It has a shared funding between government, corresponding to the Corporation the amount of 22,000 euros and 2,000 euros to the municipality. Through the territorial Ministry for the South of the

Flu vaccine is available Some 110,000 over 65 years have already been vaccinated against influenza in the Canary Islands. The Ministry of Health of the Canary Islands has reported that in the first weeks of the 2010-2011 campaign 110,000 persons over 65 years have been vaccinated, which accounts for 40 percent of that segment of the population in the Islands. Remember that vaccination is the best prevention tool to prevent the spread of influenza and the serious effects that can occur in people included in the risk groups. For the 2010-2011 season 295,000 doses of influenza vaccine were purchased, with the goal of immunizing people 65 and older, chronically ill, pregnant women, people with morbid obesity, health workers and other professionals essential to the

community such as police and firefighters. On October 4th, they began to administer the vaccine in health centers in the Canary Islands. The campaign of 20102011 influenza vaccination is officially concluded in late December, although it is possible for anyone who wants it and is part of the groups indicated, to receive the vaccine until late March. Citizens who wish to receive the vaccine be included in any of the risk groups can call the city information 012 and request an appointment for flu vaccine.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

island led by Félix Sierra, there will be four training activities to develop: restaurant services, industrial refrigeration, Solar Thermal Systems and management and organization of storage and safe handling and driving forklifts. It is these four areas that have more options for placing the job market for long-term unemployed. It also includes the agreement that the ultimate goal of it is the insertion into the working world of long-term unemployed through job

placement with the hotel and tourism sector in the region to facilitate their assignment. “The implementation of this project will allow possible integration of the students complete work in booming sectors such as hotels, golf, or new technologies.” “We tried and, he adds, working with the current economic crisis and the consequent rise in unemployment in the south region and always adjusting to our limited budgetary possibilities.”

The earth moved

LAST WEDNESDAY evening the Canary Islands recorded an earthquake of 3.1 magnitude. The National Geographic Institute reported that an earthquake north of the Canary Islands of 3.1magnitude on the Richter scale, was confirmed by the Director of the Spanish Seismic Network,

AMIGOLF, a group of golfers comprising Tenerife residents, enjoyed their seventh tournament at the Amarilla course on Saturday, with a youngster taking the top honours. The name of the game was medal play (stroke play) with a shotgun start, which meant they all teed off at 8.30am from different holes. The event attracted 30 players, competing in Categories 1 and 2, and there were special prizes for Nearest the Pin (Tee 5), Longest Drive (Tee 6) and Precision Shooting (Tee 1). The players enjoyed some magnificent, non-windy conditions, which set them up nicely for an excellent day’s golf. Various companies sponsored the event, including: Imegal SL, Centro Massage Oasis del Tantra, Clinica Dental Romero, Taller de Mecánica del Automovil Antonio Alvarez, Touristic Tour Los Cristianos-Las Américas, Goweb Tegnología Empresarialk plus Ingesa Integral de Gestión y Anaga Contratas SL. Following the tournament, the players enjoyed lunch at

the Club, followed by the awards ceremony. Juan Antonio Galindo Gonzalez won Category 1 with 73 shots, followed by Rodrigo Hernandez Diaz (74) and Agustin Alexander Aldana Martin, also with 74. Winner of Category 2 was Domingo González Carvajal, with a 73 shots, Fernando Bonilla Cabrera was second (74) and Salvador Moreno Ferrer came third after shooting a 77. But the winner overall was 17-year-old Eugenio Vonk Martin, from Golf Costa Adeje, competing in Category 1. He recorded a 72 to capture the scratch prize, and he also took the Longest Drive honours. Fernando Garcia Dominguez picked up a double award as well by winning Nearest the Pin and Precision Shooting. Those unable to get among the prizes were offered a consolation in the form of a raffle, offering free green fees at Amarilla and golf equipment from the rest of sponsors, including golf bags, gloves, towels, etc.

Emilio Carreño. This earthquake was recorded at 23.52 pm and was centered at sea about 59 kilometers deep, between Gran Canaria and the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. The earthquake was not felt above ground, so, there were no emergency calls.

Forest fire success A total of 18 near misses and three forest fires that affected a total area of nine hectares, have occurred so far in 2010 in Tenerife, never has the figure been so low since 2003. The results are thought to

Teenager Eugenio puts on a big show

be as a result of the campaign to prevent and extinguish forest fires this year, showing an overall positive result for both the number of fires and near misses and the affected areas have declined over the last decade.

Motorway lights THE TF 1 is going to have lighting on the stretch Tabaiba-Arafo. The Santa Cruz-Tabaiba section will in turn be

switched on during the coming days, once the installation company finalise some technical details that are still unfinished.

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The cruise of your dreams awaits you THAT cruise you’ve always longed for may not appear to be the wonderful dream at sea - if you listen to all the doubters. They will tell you in no uncertain terms that you’ll be staring at the sea all day, bored out of your brains, or you’re too old or too young, or you can’t afford it, etc. Your so-called great pals will go on about it so much that, eventually, you’ll have a change of heart and drop the idea, literally missing the boat. But staff at Tenerife Sunshine, have heard all the anti-stories, and they can assure you that none of them is true. Cruises are amazing fun, no matter what your age or personal circumstances. At least, they are when you book them with Tenerife Sunshine! All it takes is a little time to match your needs and wishes to the cruise that suits you. For example, some liners encourage you to bring your toddlers by offering such services as a toy-swap library, parent-and-child exercise classes and a crèche facility to enable you and your partner to enjoy a romantic dinner, knowing your child is safe and sound. Teenagers are also catered for exceptionally well, with their own sports clubs, videogames lounges and discos to keep them amused and occupied. And customers watching their wallets will discover a selection of extremely-affordable cruises. Liners offer such a fabulous range of facilities and on-board entertainment these days that you might even forget to get off and look around the destinations you’re visiting. Cruises really do cater for everyone. Everything you can think of - and others you’d never believe - can be found on board, depending on which ship you go for: from casinos and nightclubs to shops and spas, hairdressers to cinemas and rock-climbing walls and, believe it or not, even surf simulators. Following the overwhelming success of Tenerife Sunshine’s Cruise Open Day last year, which saw them inundated with hundreds of eager customers, this year they have set aside a special period from now until the end of November. This time will be dedicated to offering their clients personal consultations with the company’s cruise specialists. All you have to do is phone 922 751 867 or email info@tenerifesun-

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“We met Saloni at Tenerife Sunshine last year. Her advice was spot-on, and she found exactly what we were after. The best bit was that we could board in Tenerife; it made life so much easier!” Margaret and John, Adeje. Sailed on Thomson in 2009 and book an appointment, then pop in for a relaxed chat and a cuppa and tell the staff exactly what type of cruise you are after. From the information you give them, and from just from spending some quality time getting to know you, they will put together your dream cruise: the length you want, visiting the destinations you’d like to see, and all for a price you can afford. Everyone attending will be entered into a grand draw,

with some amazing offers, including a free Royal Caribbean cruise worldwide for 2 people, plus many more unbelievable prizes. A free goody bag will also be given to take away with cruise magazines, DVD’s and promotional cruise material from several companies. Tenerife Sunshine’s consultants have all sampled cruises themselves, so they have invaluable, first-hand knowledge to pass on regarding the wide varieties available. Most importantly, they listen to you and your needs as they are very much aware that the cruise is for you and not for them - and because they genuinely care about you, the customers. That is why, thousands of satisfied customers later, Tenerife Sunshine have become synonymous with fantastic cruise experiences. They will guide you through the whole process, from the initial consultation until it’s time to set sail. All you have to do is decide what to pack, then take off and enjoy yourself. So that’s not such a big deal, is it? Why settle for a nice cruise when you could have a memorable one?

Find your ideal cruise: Choose the option the most suits you for each question and bring this form along to your personal consultation to help Tenerife Sunshine find the perfect cruise for you. 1. When it comes to the price: A) I have a budget and want to stick to it B) I’m willing to stretch myself if necessary C) I’ll pay what I have to for the right package 2. When it comes to the cruise liner: A) I prefer a small, intimate environment B) The bigger the better C) It doesn’t bother me either way 3. When it comes to the destinations: A) I’d like to wake up in a new port almost every day B) It’s the ship life that attracts me, and the destinations are an added plus C) I’d like a happy medium between the two 4. As for ship formalities: A) I love any excuse to dress up, and I like the structure of set dining times

B) I want to be able to eat when I like, wearing what I like C) I like to dress smartly, but I appreciate some flexibility regarding meal times 5. Child-friendly facilities are: A) Essential B) Irrelevant C) Not desirable 6. The destinations that most appeal to me are: A) Northern Europe B) The Mediterranean C) America D) The Caribbean E) North Africa F) South America G) Australia & New Zealand H) Middle East 7. Finally, order the following in importance (1 being the most important) A) Cost B) Starting port C) Cruise liner D) Destinations visited

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


Prince Harry pays his final tribute to a pal as he opens new Field of Remembrance PRINCE HARRY has opened the first Remembrance Field dedicated to men and women in the Armed Forces killed during the conflict in Afghanistan. Up to 35,000 crosses will be planted within the grounds of Lydiard Park, near Wootton Bassett in Wiltshire, each with a dedicated message to commemorate the 342 men and women killed in Afghanistan since the conflict began in 2001. The Prince planted his own Remembrance Cross for a fallen Household Cavalry comrade, Lance Corporal of Horse Jonathan Woodgate, in the Royal British Legion Wootton Bassett Field of Remembrance. The two men served together in the Blues and Royals and

knew each other well, although they were in Afghanistan at different times. Earlier, Prince Harry met service personnel taking part in the 1,000-mile March for Honour to London, commemorating servicemen and women who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan. The marchers form part of teams from the Army, RAF, Royal Navy and Royal Marines who started from four separate locations across the UK. Their target is to raise £1m for The Royal British Legion the charity behind Poppy Day which looks after the welfare, interests and memories of serving and ex-serving forces, and their families. Each team, wearing military uniform, have been carrying 40lbs of equipment and averaging around 30 miles a day over a 250-mile route. After meeting up in Wootton Bassett yesterday (Thursday),

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

the teams continued marching into London for Armistice Day. They will deliver the Book of Remembrance to The Royal Albert Hall for The Royal British Legion’s National Festival of

Remembrance. As well as the Wootton Bassett Field of Remembrance, which commemorates those killed in action in current conflict, two other Fields of Remembrance,

in Cardiff Castle and London’s Westminster Abbey, will commemorate all those killed in active service since 1914. Meanwhile, preparations for this Sunday’s services of Remembrance are being made across the South of the Island. The Royal British Legion’s own 10.30am service, at Westhaven Bay, Costa del Silencio, will almost certainly attract the largest gathering, and worshippers are advised to bring a sunhat and a bottle of water. Other services include: Anglican Chaplaincy of South Tenerife (with Eucharist) 10.15am: San Eugenio, Pueblo Canario, Las Americas 6pm: Espiritu Santo, Los Gigantes 6pm: San Blas, Golf del Sur. South Tenerife Christian Fellowship 10.15am: Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos 11am: Coral Mar Square,

Costa del Silencio Last year, the British Legion raised 8,272.62 euros in the South through collecting boxes and trays of poppies, and organisers are hoping to better that total this time. The Armistice Day event, better known the world over as Poppy Day, took place yesterday (Thursday) (11th Nov) to commemorate the end of World War I. The treaty, at Compiègne, France, in 1918, signified the end of hostilities on the Western Front. It took effect at the 11th hour (11am) of the 11th day of the 11th month (11th Nov), and the annual worldwide parades are always held on the second Sunday of that month. Remembrance Sunday is a special time, regarded generally as the most emotional day of the year, when a twominute silence is held.

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Gloom again for housing industry THE sale of housing in Spain fell in September an eightmonth run of increases, raising fresh doubts about the recovery of the estate-agent sector. The National Statistics Institute’s figures revealed a 4.1% drop, in annual terms,

with 36,046 homes sold throughout the month. Of these, 50.4% were new properties and the rest resales. In fact, resales were up by 1.9% in September compared with last year, but new sales were down by 9.4%. More than 60% of the sales covered just four regions: Andalucía, Madrid, Cataluña and Valencia. But Cantabria and Murcia were the most active areas per capita.

Clash of the Titans 2 Javier Bardem and James Franco are being lined up for starring roles in Warner Bros' Clash of the Titans follow-up. The fantasy sequel will be titled Wrath of the Titans and Bardem and Franco have already been offered roles in the blockbuster, reports Production Weekly. Gran Canarian born Bardem is wanted for the part of god

of war Ares, who was played by British actor Tamer Hassan in this year's Clash. Franco is the top choice to play Agenor, the King of Tyre. In Greek mythology his daughter Europa is kidnapped by Zeus and the pair eventually marry. Sam Worthington and Gemma Arterton will both reprise their roles for the sequel. Jonathan Liebesman (Battle: Los Angeles) will direct Wrath of the Titans next year for a 2012 release.

Watch the bird The XVII Tenerife Competition is organised by the Association of Teide Canaricultores Finch in collaboration with the Cabildo of Tenerife and the City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister for Sport, Damaso Arteaga, the mayor of Santa Cruz de

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Tenerife, Miguel Zerolo, and the president of the Association of Teide Canaricultores Finch, Nicolás Sosa. The exhibition will be open to the public in the Multipurpose Room, entrance is free. On Saturday November 13th it will remain open continuously from 10.00 until 20.00 hours, while Sunday will be open from 10.00 until 18.00. The event includes many exotic birds including parakeets and parrots.

K9 calendar launch is such a big hit with the dog refuge supporters SUNDAY’S launch of the K9 2011 Calendar was a rip-roaring success at O’Jangles Bar, on the El Mirador strip in Los Cristianos. It was great to see so many supporters arriving with their former K9 dogs, who all looked so well, in particular Elvin, the April ‘doggy DJ’. Stallholders began setting up at 3.30pm as Will Appleby greeted the early arrivals with his mellow, saxophone sounds. Stalls selling jewellery, exquisite flower arrangements, K9 merchandise, and a ‘treasure map’ and books, were soon encouraging supporters to part with their cash willingly. The Tombola, and the Raffle especially, proved very popular, with visitors hoping to win one or more of the many brilliant prizes up for grabs. Effervescent compere Maggie Lennard kept the whole entertainment side of the event together and provided her usual sterling performance. Dominic James, singing Buble to Broadway, demonstrated just why he is the lead for the popular excursion Showtime - The Sound Of Musicals, his varied selection of memorable songs proving extremely popular. Phil Gibson and Suzy Q are no strangers to the charity fund-raising circuit, especially when it concerns abandoned and neglected animals. Both artists gave 100% and their

keenness to participate was very much appreciated by the K9 fraternity. Avril Taylor, as Cher, is so under-rated and deserves to be up there with the best of them on the Island. She has become one of the stalwarts, and a firm favourite, of recent K9 charity gigs. And what can you say about Cy Benson that has not been said before? This man is simply brilliant, and though not as light on his feet since his recent operation, his voice and sense of humour have not been affected in any way. He fully deserves the recognition that has been afforded him at the Tenerife Entertainment Awards year on year. His duet with Maggie was very enjoyable and well received by an appreciative audience. Meanwhile, on the terrace, K9 calendars and cards were selling well, while the tombola sold out, and the persistent Kelly sold more raffle tickets than anyone could have imagined! Only nine of the raffle prizes went unclaimed, and these are available for collection behind the bar at O’Jangles, any day from 10am until late. The unclaimed prizes at the time of writing were as follows: · Two- hour horse-riding session or two one-hour sessions (Orange ticket No100). · Meal for two at Sinatra’s Lounge Bar, Torviscas (Green 42). · Two-course Sunday lunch for two at La Finquita Hotel

(Green 171). · Meal for two at Roys, San Eugenio (Orange 186). · Breakfast for two at the English Tea Rooms LC (Green 14). · Meal for two at K9 Xmas Dinner on 10th Dec at PC (Green 197). · Choice of manicure or pedicure at Ripples LC (Orange 190). · Meal for two at O’Jangles (Orange 179). · Bottle of wine (Green 239). The Treasure Map winning square was, appropriately, K9, and Tomas was pleased with his prize of a bottle of gin. The final gesture of the event was for K9 President Mrs E Clinton-Leslie, to thank everyone who had contributed to such a resoundingly successful day. She made particular reference to the high quality of the calendar, and multi-talented photographer Nikki Attree, who compiled it using puppies from K9 in all sorts of wonderful poses. Thanks were also expressed to Doreen, Tom and the bar staff at O’Jangles, to Maggie and the artistes, the calendar sponsors, to K9’s Neal for suggesting the calendar idea, and to Mikey for seeing it through to a more-than-satisfactory conclusion. Also, thanks to the puppies who took part in the photo shoot with a reminder that three of them still remain at the kennels and would like nothing more than a loving, forever home. The total funds raised on

the day amounted to an excellent 1209.19 euros, so a grateful thanks from all the four-legged occupants at the kennels. Future K9 fund-raising events include a Gala Charity at Flicks Bar, Amarilla Bay, on Wednesday, 24th November. The entertainment line-up comprises Johnny O’Connor (as Sinatra), Adam Saint (Rod Stewart), Phil Gibson (Drifters), Jan Munro and Colin Stevens, and the show will be compered by Christine Kay A five-euro entrance fee includes a buffet, and there will be a raffle, tombola, video/book stall, and the sale of calendars and cards. It all happens from 8pm at the Costa del Silencio bar, and you are advised to get there early to ensure a seat. You must also retain your entry ticket for the end-of-evening draw. Then, the following Monday (29th Nov), there is a Sponsored Walk from Alcala to Playa San Juan and back. It starts at 10am, and if you would like to sponsor Mikey from K9 and Trixie (on the calendar cover), please contact the kennels (667 638 468) or Mikey (679 712 476). All proceeds go to K9 and Friends of the Animals. Stage hypnotist Rick Andrews is the star attraction at K9’s Christmas Dinner and Fund-raiser on Friday, 10th December. Tickets, at 15 euros each, are on sale now from Mikey or at the kennels. More info later.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


The Live Arico Update Friends of Live Arico Members Club (in association with DKV and Tenerife Insurance Services) We are proud to announce a membership scheme which will reap huge benefits for all concerned. For starters, in association with Tenerife Insurance Services and DKV, we can offer a discount of approximately 30 euros a month, compared with the standard DKV rates, on each Health Policy taken out. The annual payment to Live Arico is only 25 euros, so an instant saving is made. We are planning to involve other local businesses in the coming weeks, so watch this space. We need 20 people to join to get the ball rolling, so please call Sue or Debbie on the numbers below to organise your membership card. If you have an existing health care policy which needs two months cancellation notice, TIS can advise you on this. Refuge opening hours We are open Tuesday to Sunday, from 2-5pm. Outside of these times, you must make an appointment with

Eugenio to facilitate smooth running of the refuge. We are situated in Atogo, directly up from the airport, next door to the Ostrich Farm. It’s official - we are a chain! All three shops are now open for business, so come and bag a bargain from all the second-hand books, toys, clothes and bric-a-brac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week. Opening hours Coral Mar, Silencio (in association with Tenerife Nursing and Care) - Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Saturday, 11am2pm. San Eugenio (opposite La Niña Hotel, near Amandas Bar) - same hours. Los Cristianos (Churchills Square, near the play park and Chicagos Bar) - hours to be confirmed next week. Upcoming events Next Sunday (21st Nov), we will be launching our 2011

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

calendars at Amandas Bar, right near our new shop (which will be open), from 25pm. More details to follow next week, but pencil it in. You can be one of the first to own a fantastic calendar, featuring some of Tenerife’s most gorgeous kids with the refuge’s doggies. From cute pups to huge bull mastiffs, great danes and rottweilers, we’ve got them all! Wednesday, 1st December, sees us at the Albatross Bar, Costa del Silencio, for a Christmas Fun Day, complete

with Santa! Starting from 3pm, we have Paul Lee, Keith Lucas, Jo Harriet, Phil Gibson and Suzy Q singing, a bouncy castle for the kids, and a real Xmas tree. Proceeds will be split between ourselves and Cancer Research, and other charities are invited to have a stall or table if they wish. Lastly, we have our Christmas Gala Night on Saturday, 18th December, at the VIVO club in Playa de Las Americas. Tickets are 25 euros each for a threecourse meal and a half-bot-

tle of wine. On stage, we will have Mark, from the Wild Boyz, joined by guest artists, and a disco from midnight. We invite companies and businesses who have not yet organised their Christmas Party to come and celebrate it with us. Tickets are limited, so call Suzy Q to reserve yours as soon as possible. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, neutered, vaccinated and wormed. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have now sold 513sqm of land up to now, making a total of 2,565 euros. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly even where we are now renting, so are you prepared to buy a square metre of land for Live Arico? At just five euros, you will receive a certificate from Live Arico for now, and your name, address and number of square metres purchased

will be on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Live Arico Flight Line Anyone booking flights to and from the UK with the Live Arico Flight Line will get them at competitive prices, and will also help our dogs. Call now on 922 794 918 and please quote Live Arico Flightline. Dog-grooming Claire is now offering 10% of her fee to Live Arico. She has 18 years of experience, so call her on 660 862 910 for an appointment, and quote Live Arico so we can receive our donation. Important telephone numbers Eugenio: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc.) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Rick: 639 207 064 (shop donations and collections) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 You can also read about us at or

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World News

Rule-breakers to face job benefits being cut CONTROVERSIAL welfare reforms that could lead to some claimants losing their benefit entitlement for up to three years have been unveiled. The Welfare Reform White Paper will see all state benefits replaced by a single Universal Credit and a “three strikes rule” implemented. There will be three key offences: refusing a job, failing to apply for a position when told to do so by a job seeker advisor or failing to turn up for a placement interview. If claimants break one of these rules once their benefit will be stopped for three months. If they do it again the punishment is doubled to six months. If an offence is committed three times then benefits will be cut for three years. It means job seekers would be forced to join month-long community placement programmes of 30 hours per week. Work schemes would include collecting litter, gardening or renovating vandalised build-

ings. The reforms were crafted by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith. “Your contract is: if you’re unemployed, work with us, do what you have to do to look for work, apply for work, and take work “If you do not, there will be a series of different sanctions that say, look, you’re not helping, you are not working with us. “The taxpayer has a right, out of fairness, that if they are spending that money they get something back. “Something back is that you take work when work is available.” Mr Duncan Smith said the changes would simplify the benefits system and make work more appealing. “We will introduce a universal credit which will make sure that work always pays. “We will create a work programme around you and if you have been out of work for a long time we will help you with your problems to get you work ready and into work.” Our reforms will effectively remove the artificial disincentives created by existing rules about the numbers of

hours people have to work. It must always be worth working, even for a few hours a week Michael Stringer, a 50-yearold marketing manager from the Midlands, has been receiving Income Support, Invalidity Benefit and Disability Living Allowance since suffering a stroke in 2006. He walks with the aid of crutches and suffers from a heart defect and memory loss. He is worried that if his

medical assessment deems him fit to join a work placement scheme and he is physically unable to carry out the work then he could lose his benefits. “On the day of my medical test or assessment I could be having a good day,” he said. “That means I would be deemed fit for work and would risk losing my benefit if I couldn’t. I don’t think the Government has thought this through at all.” Lone parent Heather

Howarth is a graduate who did voluntary work at The Big Issue magazine, teaching IT and English. She is looking for a permanent job where she lives in Liverpool. The mother-of-two thinks forcing job seekers into demeaning work is counter productive. “I’ve done my voluntary work. I’m putting work into finding work,” she said. “I can understand why they think some people might benefit from these work schemes. But there are hundreds of reasons why people are unemployed. “Making someone pick up litter from the streets isn’t going to be build up their self-confidence.” Charities also expressed concern about the new scheme. Oxfam’s director of UK Poverty, Kate Wareing, said: “Changes to the benefits system proposed today will expose people to the risk of destitution. “Removing benefits and leaving people with no income will result in extreme hardship for them and their families.

“This sanction, and the proposals to force people to do unpaid work are based on stigma. “Most people receiving benefits do want to work, and punishing them as if they are criminals repaying a debt to society is not a fair way to treat someone entitled to support.” Dr Adam Marshall, director of policy at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), welcomed the changes but said red tape could hamper efforts to create the new jobs required. “Ministers need to remember that welfare reform cannot be delivered in isolation from other policy changes. If we are to make 2011 a year for growth, concerted action is also needed to strip away regulation, fix the planning system, and ensure businesses have access to the finance needed to underpin growth.” Turning Point’s chief executive Lord Victor Adebowale said: “The new system needs to be simple to use, but sophisticated in its understanding of individuals’ needs and motivations.

Protest thugs must be punished THE PRIME Minister says he wants “the full force of the law” used against those who assaulted police or damaged property during student protests at the Conservative Party HQ. A peaceful march turned ugly when the building in Westminster was stormed by hardcore protesters and vandalised. Windows in the reception were smashed and a fire extinguisher was hurled from the roof, narrowly missing police officers below. Fourteen people were injured in the clashes, including seven police officers. Damage caused to the Millbank offices of the Tory party will cost tens of thou-

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sands of pounds to put right. At least 51 people were arrested for offences including criminal damage and aggravated trespass. Many more were photographed and identified as police prepared to collect evidence of crimes. David Cameron said: “People who assault police officers or who smash windows or who break property are breaking the law and yes, those people I hope... will be prosecuted. They should be. “People long in our history have gone to marches and held banners and made protests and made speeches and that’s part of our democracy. That is right. “What is not part of our democracy is that sort of violence and lawbreaking. It’s not right. It’s not acceptable and I hope that the full force of the law will be used.” The Metropolitan Police

has launched an urgent investigation into how officers were caught out when the protest against plans to increase student tuition fees turned violent. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson said the clashes were an “embarrassment to London and to us”. Sir Paul added: “I think we’ve also got to ask ourselves some questions. This level of violence was largely unexpected and what lessons can we learn for the future. “We are already doing that and asking those questions. “Certainly, I am determined to have a thorough investigation into this matter.” London mayor Boris Johnson said he was appalled that a small minority “shamefully abused” their right to protest. He said: “The Metropolitan Police Commissioner has assured me there will be a

vigorous post-incident investigation. “He will also be reviewing police planning and response.” National Union of Students (NUS) president Aaron Porter said the protest had been hijacked by troublemakers and said the violence was “despicable”. The police inquiry is likely to focus on the force’s preparation for the march, including the decision to categorise it as low-risk and to draft in only around 225 officers to marshal more than 50,000 people. Officers were ordered not to intervene as protesters attacked the Millbank building. Sir Paul apologised to workers who were left barricaded in the office block. Students and staff were protesting against government plans to charge students up to £9,000 per year from 2012 - triple the current £3,290 fees.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

World News

PM: ‘The global The Apolo Centre recovery being held back by cash hoarders’ Car park NOW OPEN

THE GLOBAL recovery is being held back by countries such as China which are hoarding money behind their borders, David Cameron has warned. The Prime Minister was speaking as world leaders tried to find common ground on how to maintain the economic growth at the G20 summit in Seoul, South Korea. Mr Cameron said that “walls” of money in the east and of debt in the west helped trigger the financial crisis in 2008. And he warned that the problem was getting worse. “This imbalance of money, this massive surplus of cash seeking out places to invest, led to all the problems of new bonds and financial instruments being created and the asset bubbles in the west that, when they burst, caused

so much damage.” He went on: “The issue that the leaders have to get to grips with is this: according to the IMF, those imbalances are currently getting worse, not better, so we must not fail to address this issue in the discussions that we have in the next two days. “And it is not just about the imbalances; it is also about ensuring that the global growth we achieve in the coming years is as high as it could possibly be. “While we have these big imbalances we are undercooking the growth in the world economy.” Mr Cameron said the leaders must show they had learned the lessons of the 1930s depression and would fight to keep trade open. Discussions in the run-up to the summit have been dominated by anxieties over protectionism and “currency wars”.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


US President Barack Obama has indicated concern that Beijing is keeping its yuan currency artificially low in order to boost its exports. But America has sparked anger from G20 states, including China and Germany, for its $600bn round of quantitative easing, which some see as a bid to drive down the value of the US currency for the same reason. However, Mr Obama made clear he was not ready to follow countries like the UK in stopping the fiscal stimulus policies adopted during the recession to jump-start stalled economies. “The single most important thing we can do to tackle our debt and deficits is to grow,” said the US President. But Mr Cameron argued that the best contribution that deficit countries - like the UK or US - could make to global economic stability was bringing down their debt.

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The Mongolian BBQ ONCE the opening furore of a new restaurant dies down that’s the time when I like to visit. The Mongolian BBQ in El Mirador, Los Cristianos opened a couple of weeks ago after 11 months of hard work, in comparison a short time period to the 4 years that it had been an idea for its proprietors who have researched the dynamic concept worldwide to get it to its present day format. The Mongolian BBQ appears statuesque in its prime corner positioning; as soon as you walk into the expansive terrace you become aware of the calibre of this new venue. The dining space is outside, beautifully decorated and heated so as to create a great ambience. More importantly great attention has been paid to the spacing of the solid wooden tables, so that your conversation, elbows and backs of chairs do not interfere with other diners - which is an absolute delight. Personally the name Mongolian BBQ conjures up for me thoughts of strange meat cooked outside on a traditional BBQ – how wrong could I be! You have to understand that Mongolia is a land locked country in East and Central Asia; directly surrounded by Russia and China, this has a great influence on its cuisine. It’s a fusion of the cuisine from surrounding countries – an eclectic mix of flavours. Mongolian barbecue is thought to have first appeared in Taiwan in the middle to late 20th Century, the stir frying of meat on large open surfaces is meant to evoke Mongolian traditions. The tradition being that it’s said that the Mongolian barbecue dates back to the Mongol Empire when soldiers of the Mongol Empire would gather their meat, prepare it with their swords and cook on overturned shields over a large fire. Fast forward to the present day in Tenerife. A large array of fresh fish, meat and vegetables are cooked on a large round plancha with temperatures of up to 600 degrees. Firstly, you have a choice of soups to start with bread accompaniments, then armed with your bowl you intrepidly walk to the buffet – there is such a vast array, what do you choose? Typically diners choose between various raw meats, fish and vegetables up to 15 different varieties

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and cut in different ways; once assembled with noodles or rice accompaniment you pass your bowl to one of the three chefs who will add your choice of sauce, (all of which are homemade, no processed foods are entertained here) Your own meal creation is then cooked in front of you – yes you will have to wait a few minutes for it to be cooked, but it’s like watching real art. In addition to the Mongolian BBQ buffet there is a sushi bar, reminiscent of those in grand London department stores; sushi is made freshly in front of your eyes, so it’s great if you’ve never tried it before. Here there is an area of seating ideal for a pre-dinner aperitif. The Mongolian Barbecue is

continually developing through listening to its customers; ‘we want to continually improve ourselves, satisfying our customers more and more’ they told Canarian Weekly. And, they will shortly be opening a temperature controlled bodega. If wine is not your thing don’t worry there is a well stocked bar with quirky additions of Chinese and Japanese beer! The Mongolian BBQ is open every day from 5pm until 1am (last food order) this in itself is unique as it is difficult to find somewhere to eat after 10pm. From talking to the proprietors of the Mongolian BBQ it becomes clear how much thought has been put into

this new way of dining. It brings ‘the revival of the kitchen’ back to dining. If you’re looking for healthy options or vegetarian then again Mongolian BBQ is an ideal solution. When being shown around new businesses I tend to go ‘off piste’ as it were to the

areas that are out of bounds, on this occasion I was warmly invited to see the large storage areas, where there is even a water filter system that filters all the water used, even the water for the dishwasher! ‘In essence the Mongolian BBQ has something for every palette and is defi-

nitely worth a visit providing great value for money as it is eat as much as you like and included in the price is a glass of wine or small beer.’ Mongolian BBQ, El Mirador, Los Cristianos. Tel: 922 750 036. Opening hours: 5pm until 1am (last food order) Disabled access/toilet - yes.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


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World News

US mother Egypt so happy to who tried see the return of to sell baby King Tut artefacts

A WOMAN in Florida has been charged with trying to sell her eight-week-old baby son to pay for a new car. Stephanie Bigbee Fleming used her mother Patty to broker the deal and initially demanded $75,000 (£38,319) for the infant. The 22-year-old later agreed to reduce the price to $30,000 (£18,551) when the prospective buyer said they could not get a bank loan. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) said Fleming was to receive $9,000 (£5,565) from the sale, with her mother taking the rest. "Fleming planned to purchase a new vehicle from the money received," an FDLE

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spokeswoman said. She also needed money to pay court costs for an unrelated probation violation, the arrest documents also revealed. Fleming was arrested on Tuesday. Her mother, Patty Bigbee was arrested last week with her boyfriend Lawrence Works. All three have been charged with the illegal sale of a child, and Bigbee was also charged with communications fraud. Officers said Patty Bigbee had offered to sell the baby to a female relative in October, explaining she had been caring for her grandchild but "was not mother material". The relative alerted police and worked with them during the negotiations. The baby remains in state custody.

Nineteen artefacts taken from the tomb of King Tutankhamun will be returned to Egypt by New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. The items, which include a small figurine, a sphinxshaped bracelet and a necklace, were sent to America in 1948 when the Museum closed its expedition house in Egypt. “Thanks to the generosity and ethical behaviour of the Met, these 19 objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun can now be reunited with the other treasures of the boy king,” said Egyptian antiquities chief Zahi Hawass.

The pieces will become part of the permanent King Tutankhamun collection at the new Grand Egyptian Museum, which is under construction near the Giza pyramids and scheduled to open in 2012. The decision to repatriate the objects comes after an extensive examination of the validity of their origin. In a statement on the

Metropolitan Museum website, director Thomas Campbell said all of the items were from the Tutankhamun tomb and Egypt’s claim on the antiquities was justified. “Because of precise legislation relating to that excavation, these objects were never meant to have left Egypt, and therefore should rightfully belong to the government of Egypt,” he said.

British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, when it was common practice for archaeologists to keep some, or all, of their own findings. Some of the pieces in this collection were handed down through a niece of Carter and his estate in Luxor, which he left entirely to the Metropolitan Museum. King Tut is one of history’s most famous pharaohs because archaeologists found his tomb full of glittering wealth. This year, DNA tests and CT scans on Tut’s 3,300-yearold mummy confirmed that the pharaoh died of a broken leg complicated by malaria at the age of 19.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

World News

Old soldiers to fight X Factor for festive No1 AN UNLIKELY contender for the coveted Christmas number one slot is emerging a seven-strong group of Chelsea Pensioners. Men In Scarlet are hoping to keep the eventual winner of The X Factor off the top spot with a single from their new album. But bookmakers William Hill are not so confident, offering odds of just 50/1 for the single and 20/1 for the album, compared to 5/2 for the talent show winner. Nonetheless Michael Allen, a member of what is probably the world’s oldest boy band, is keeping the faith. “We are Christmas number one. Simon Cowell eat your heart out,” he said. Fighting talk, considering X Factor winners have claimed the festive top spot for four out of the last five years. It’s not for us. We want to have the Royal Hospital brought up to the standard

for the young generation of soldiers. But the group think their songs will strike a sentimental chord with a nation at war, ever more mindful of the sacrifice paid by our soldiers. Chelsea Pensioner Malcolm Smart MBE said: “People see television footage of soldiers on the front line all the time and see what they do. “War has been brought into families’ houses and I think there is a love affair between the public and the military at the moment. “On top of that there are some great songs on it, too. Songs that were sung in the trenches in the First World War and songs that are still enjoyed today.” The profits will not be gilding record company coffers either. Many of the 300 veterans live in rooms at the Royal Chelsea Hospital that were originally designed by Christopher Wren. They are only 9ft square with communal bathrooms,

so a Christmas number one would help raise funds which could be used to modernise accommodation. Michael said: “It‘s not for us. We are not whingeing. We want to have the Royal Hospital brought up to the standard for the young generation of soldiers now who are away fighting so that they have a home fit to come into.” Although a sprightly looking bunch, Men In Scarlet lack the obvious sex appeal required by today’s image-conscious pop industry, so they have enlisted the help of Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins. She is a big supporter of the armed forces and frequently gives free concerts for them at home and abroad. She said: “They’re the best boy band in the world aren’t they?” Also featured on the album are Dame Vera Lynn, David Poultney and The Soldiers. Songs include Danny Boy, Jerusalem and If You Were The Only Girl in the World.

Fancy a Scotch in China?

A DEAL has been agreed to ensure only Scottish-made whisky can be sold as Scotch in China, government chiefs have revealed. The agreement will allow the whisky industry north of the border to tap into a rapidly expanding market in the Far Eastern country, with sales expected to double over the next few years. Exports of the spirit to China have already increased from one million in 2001 to 80 million last year.

Business Secretary Vince Cable will sign the deal with Chinese officials during a visit to the country, as part of a political and trade delegation headed by Prime Minister David Cameron. Drinks company Diageo is hoping to secure approval for the takeover of a major Chinese spirits firm, sources say. The registration of “Scotch whisky” as a geographical indication means the sale of the drink in China will take place according to UK rules, giving consumers greater certainty of the product’s

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

authenticity. Mr Cable said: “Scotch whisky is a brand recognised worldwide so it is important all consumers should have confidence that the product they are buying is genuine.” It comes as a report reveals high street chemist chain Alliance Boots is setting its sights on China’s burgeoning medicines market. The firm is looking to secure takeovers of wholesale drugs companies and is also considering buying a number of Chinese retail chains to kick-start its growth plans in the region.

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MARIANO E ZUNINO SIRI Understanding the Law Email:

European Union: The immigrants ALTHOUGH Spain had been an emigrant country for a long time, it became an immigration country in the early Seventies. The regulation for immigration has been treated by the Organic Law of 1985 and its By-Law of 1986 (later modified), especially after the entrance of Spain in the European Union (formerly EEC). Since then, there have been two types of immigrants in Spain: those coming from EU and those from third countries (outside EU). Today, I am going to focus on foreign European citizens (EU members) as this newspaper is orientated towards English readers. It is commonly considered that the unity of EU means that European citizenship also affects Spanish citizenship and, in many cases, the difference between both legislations still exists. There are some terms to be taken into account. In fact, there are many, but the most important ones are the following (you may have dozens of websites explaining every document and every institu-

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tion). Trying to just clarify a bit those terms we have: NIE (Foreign Identity Number or “Número de Identificación de Extranjero”) This document is simply for identification purposes and can in no way be considered proof of residence; nor even be used as a presumption of

residence. It is the first requirement for any public act. Nowadays, without an NIE number means it would be almost impossible to grant any Notary Public Deed. Fortunately, the authority that grants it takes only few days to sort this out. It can be applied for at the Police

Station (Policía Nacional). Although the NIE is a number for identification that normally matches the Resident Card number, the NIE is not a residence legal document. EMPADRONAMIENTO (Town Hall registration) Registration of Foreigners

with the local municipality. It is not proof of residence in Spain. But it is a requirement to apply for “residencia” (legal residence). After six months of “residencia”, the European driving licence can be exchanged for a Spanish driving licence. A similar situation is required to register a foreign vehicle used by someone resident in Spain (to exchange the plate). On the other hand, non-residence proof will be required to keep the foreign plate. TAX RESIDENCE It is considered that a person is a tax resident when he spends more than 183 days within a year with Spain as the main residence for family and business issues, personal activities, etc). The wife/husband will be also considered as resident (if not separated) as well as the children living with him/her. This means that a Spanish tax resident must pay taxes in Spain (for all his assets all around the world, irrespective of Double Taxation Treaties with other countries). The immediate effects of not being a tax resident, when selling a property, is the duty of the buyer to retain and deposit 5% of the selling

price to the Spanish state. LEGAL RESIDENCE It is the Administrative permit, but is also the duty of those EU citizens who have been in Spain for more than six months to adopt legal residency. This residencia sets them apart from Spaniards, especially referring to political rights (voting), although EU members can vote in the municipal elections, previously registered (empadronamiento). Summarising, for those EU members who stay in Spain for more than six months, it is recommended that they complete all the paperwork and register in all the government bodies (Ayuntamiento, Oficina de Extranjeros, Jefatura de Tráfico, etc). Although the lack of registration would not affect an EU citizen that much, this is not the case for non-EU members, who come into Spain and stay for more than 3-6 months. The consequences for those people are really hard, like being deported, or banned from entering Spain and Schengen territory (almost all EU countries) for up to 10 years. This issue could be treated in future editions.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

World News

Film-maker for the Harry Potter series gets London studios Film giant Warner Brothers has given the UK film industry a massive boost by buying Leavesden Studios - the home of Harry Potter. The US firm will be the only film studio to have a permanent base in the UK or Europe. It is a timely announcement given that the UK Film Council is to be scrapped. All of the Harry Potter films have been shot at Leavesden - its base for the last 10 years. Inception, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the Dark Knight have also used the facility which is currently being taken over by the latest Sherlock Holmes movie. Warner Brothers plans to invest £100m to redevelop the whole site by 2012. Filming of the final Harry Potter finished last summer and sets have already been

taken down. However, bulldozers have started work in north London to build a full working studio along with visitor attraction The Harry Potter Experience. Original sets from the franchise will be rebuilt and visitors will also be able to admire costumes and props from their favourite characters. The expansion should cre-

ate around 1,500 jobs at the studio as well as a further 300 for building and specialist contractors. As more international films are made there, extra jobs will also become available, from camera operatives to caterers. Barry Meyer the chairman and chief executive of the studio said: “For 86 years, Warner Bros has been intrin-

sically involved in film production in the UK. “Our purchase of Leavesden, and our multimillion pound investment in creating a state-of-theart, permanent UK film production base further demonstrates our long-term commitment to, and confidence in, the skills and creativity of the UK film industry.”

Masked man who wangled flight is is caught by staff A YOUNG Asian male has been arrested after he donned a strange mask of an elderly white man and boarded a flight from Hong Kong to Canada. At some point during the journey he went to the toilet and emerged without the elaborate disguise and looking like a fresh-faced twentysomething. But authorities in Vancouver were tipped off by flight staff who had earlier noticed his unusually young looking hands and he was arrested when the plane landed. In what officials described as an “unbelievable case of concealment”, they later found a bag containing a fullhead mask of a white man.

The disguise kit also included a brown leather cap, glasses and a thin brown cardigan. The man, who has now claimed refugee status in Canada, eventually admitted he had boarded the flight with the mask on and removed it several hours later. A statement from the Canada Border Services Agency said the man swapped boarding passes with a US citizen before getting on the plane. The mask draws parallels with the latex ones used by characters in the Mission Impossible films to conceal their identities. At the start of Mission: Impossible II, an imposter even uses a mask to pose as Tom Cruise’s character Ethan Hunt on a flight.

Unholy conversion sees Out of this world: A church turn into Tesco paper plane in space Dozy fugitive caught TESCO is hoping to rake in some extra pennies from heaven - after opening its latest branch in an old church. Biblical characters depicted in ornate stained glass windows now look down on shoppers browsing the aisles in the historic building near Bournemouth. But the conversion of the former Westbourne Methodist Church has divided opinion. Christians opposing the scheme have highlighted a passage in the Bible detailing Jesus’ efforts to rid the Temple of Herod, saying ‘Get these out of here! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise’. Sandra Jones, manager of nearby Help The Aged charity store A Tesco spokesman would not reveal whether the firm planned to target the increasing numbers of derelict churches across the UK for new branches. But he did say the

Westbourne store was “proving to be extremely popular with our customers”. Permission for the shop was granted only after Bournemouth Council agreed to a ‘change of use’ application to allow a retail operation in the building. Sandra Jones, manager of the nearby Help The Aged charity store, told Sky News: “If the church could have been used for something else I would have been delighted but who else has the money to bring it up to scratch? “The building looks beautiful now and they’ve really cleaned it up, but it’s just a shame it’s Tesco.” The Rev Dr Bob McKinley, ex-minister at the church, which had lain empty for three years, was also sad about the unusual conversion. He said: “You could say it is not appropriate to have a Tesco Express in a church but once it is sold it is no longer under our control.” Other small business owners in the area have supported the new store, saying it will attract more shoppers.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

A GROUP of British space buffs is celebrating the successful launch of a paper plane into space. Amateur space enthusiasts Steve Daniels, John Oates and Lester Haines made the plane out of paper straws covered with paper. They attached the aircraft which has a 3ft wingspan - and a camera to a helium balloon and released it into the air on October 28. It soared an astonishing 23 miles above the ground, taking dozens of photographs, before gliding back to earth. The men came up with the idea a year ago. After months of planning, they put operation Paris Paper Aircraft Released Into

Space - into action, travelling to Spain to send the plane on its journey. The balloon climbed to 90,000 ft where the helium expanded to a point that caused the balloon to burst and the plane was released, gliding down to earth 100 miles from where it set off. There was no point to the exercise, IT expert Steve Davies said, “We did it because we wanted to see if we could and we could! “We expected a few niggles and thought that the plane would come back to earth in bits but it was all in one piece. “It’s a world first, I believe. I understand the Australians are going to challenge us and we look forward to that. But we did it first!”

by Facebook posting A MOANING fugitive, who spent 12 years on the run, has been arrested after posting his location on Facebook. Robert Lewis Crose had been working in remote Montana and used his Facebook page to complain about the cold weather. The 47-year-old wrote that temperatures had plunged close to freezing and that his “water line froze even with heat tape and wrap”. When someone asked where he was, he responded with a post that he was in “Cut Bank” - a small town in the aptly-named Glacier County near the Canadian border. Police distributed photographs of the fugitive in the area and were tipped off that Crose was at a local casino. Glacier County sheriff Sgt Tom Siefert told reporters: “I talked to him, he said he’d

worked cutting up here, harvesting, for the last 10 years.” Crose had been convicted of making a terrorist threat and of using a sawn-off shotgun to fend off an intruder at his shop in California in 1996. He served less than a year in prison before being paroled but was then returned to prison for a violation and paroled again in 1998. He absconded from that parole. Crose is now being held in Glacier County jail as officials in California begin the process of extraditing him from Montana. In other recent Facebook posts from Montana, Crose wrote about recent meals of cheese garlic bread and shrimp scampi and complained of getting fat. He also boasted about winning £400 on a local lottery. He also posted news that it had snowed in the northern state - his weather postings were to cost him dear.

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Hat-trick treat for the Ladies on Ascot Night AN Ascot Race Night on Golf del Sur is the latest treat to be served up by popular charity Helping Hands in Tenerife. The event takes place tomorrow (Saturday) at The Palms, racing starts at 7pm, with the final race being staged at 10.30pm. Ladies are invited to wear their Ascot Hats, and there is

a prize for the best one. As usual, there is an excellent meal for punters, with a main-course choice of Beef Bourguignon, Chicken Curry & Rice, or Fish Bake & Salad Entertainment will be provided by Jamie Rourke & Nik Paige and tickets, available from Dot (664 374 626) or Liz (661 274 281) are just 12 euros each. All proceeds this time will go to the Children’s Centre in Granadilla.

A call to arms for the Help for Heroes fund A FUND-RAISING Fun Day in aid of Help for Heroes will be held at the Bar La Cana, in Los Abrigos Harbour, on Sunday, 28th November. The entertainment will be provided by compere Barry, and the following artistes have promised to make guest appearances during the event: Colin Stevens, Jan Monroe, Kenny G and Ian Anderson, plus more yet to

be confirmed. There will also be a barbecue, grand raffle/auction, pool & darts competitions and, later in the evening, Karaoke Last year, thanks to the generosity of residents and tourists alike, the bar raised in excess of 2,000 euros for this wonderful cause. This was mainly thanks to the fabulous donations of items for the auction and raffle from businesses and private individuals. This year staff are hoping to beat that total, so anyone

who can offer anything that would be suitable, should deliver it to the Bar La Cana during opening hours, or call Eric on 611 607 507 to arrange collection. The Help for Heroes charity was founded by Bryn and Emma Parry in October 2007 to help the wounded Servicemen and women returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. It provides direct, practical support to those injured in the current conflicts. The charity has struck a

chord with the British public and attracted some highprofile backing from members of the Royal Family, such as HRH Prince of Wales, HRH Princes William and Harry. It has also touched the hearts of various big names in the pop industry, including James Blunt, Simon Cowell and last year’s X Factor finalists, who recorded and released a chart-topping hit, Hero, to raise funds. It became the fastest-selling charity single of the decade.

Lions roll out the barrel for proud Norman MBE A real treat for art lovers

VIENNESE artist Greta Nebel, who lives in Tenerife, is staging an exhibition at the Los Cristianos Cultural Centre next month. The dedicated painter, who works in oil, acrylics and mixed media, is one of three award winners of the 2010 Arona contest.

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This will be an excellent opportunity for art lovers to see through the eyes of this ambitious, versatile artist. Her landscapes, beaches, Canarian Lava fields and other contemporary aspects of life are real eye-openers. The exhibition will be run from 3-21st December, Monday to Friday, from 10am to 10pm, and on Saturdays, from 10am to 1pm.

A SURPRISE charity barbecue and cabaret evening was held by Tenerife Sur Lions at Westhaven Bay, in Costa del Silencio, on Saturday in honour of their President, Norman Goodall.

people and carers from the UK. Then, in July, a 30-strong group from Tenerife will enjoy a week’s trip to Pontin’s Pakefield Lowestoft Holiday Camp. Tenerife Sur Lions Apolo Centre shop hours have now been extended, and it is now open from Monday to Saturday (11am-3pm), giving you more chances to snap up

a bargain. The Lions are looking for helpers to work in their shop at Costa del Silencio, opposite Coral Mar. If you can offer a few hours per week, pop into the shop for more details - your help will be much appreciated. Have you ever considered becoming a Lion? You will help the local community and make an impact on other peo-

ple’s lives, plus you will know that what you do is worthwhile and appreciated. Membership is by invitation only, so look for a club near you and make contact, expressing your interest. Ask if you can attend a meeting to learn more about the club and its projects and then, at the meeting, inquire about becoming a member.

The event, organised by DeZe Party Planners, was a congratulations party for Norman, who earlier in the week had been presented with his MBE by Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. More than 80 guests were attracted to the party, which raised a total of 500 euros, split equally between Tenerife Sur Lions and Logia Tenerife No 117. Plans are now underway for the 2011 Tenerife Sur Lions children’s holidays. In May, the club are bringing over a group of 34 young

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


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12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Television Guide

Take That: Look Back, Don’t Stare Saturday 13 November, 9:30pm - 11:00pm, ITV1 A close-up look at the making of the band’s latest album Progress, providing an insight into the feelings of Gary Barlow, Robbie Williams, Howard Donald, Jason Orange and Mark Owen on working as a five-piece again for the first time since their 1995 number one album Nobody Else. With cameras allowed into the recording studio, the five members talk about how they view Take That’s initial success in the 1990s and the personal issues they had to confront in reuniting.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010








Television Guide


EastEnders 8:00pm - 8:30pm, BBC1 In Walford you can’t get hitched without there being a hitch. Over the years Albert Square has seen countless weddings where there’s been a punch-up or a right old ding-dong at the very least - and we’re not referring to pealing church bells here. So it is with trepidation this week that we’ve been anticipating the wedding of Jack and Ronnie as well as the vow renewal of Kat and Alfie. In Ronnie’s case there’ve been a couple of items missing from the preparations: the money to pay for the ceremony and the groom. Bit tricky that. And if, as they say, the course of true love never did run smooth, Kat and Alfie’s progress to wedded bliss has been the most pot-holed, rocky route imaginable.

The X Factor 8:00pm - 9:30pm, ITV1 The live studio rounds continue as the remaining acts hope to deliver a knockout performance and win viewers’ votes. At this point last year, the elimination of Lucie Jones, previously a favourite, proved that nobody was safe as Jedward survived another week in the competition. Now, the contestants will be upping their game in the hope of avoiding a similar shock result and getting closer to that lucrative recording contract. Dermot O’Leary is on hand to deal with the war of words as Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole, Dannii Minogue and Louis Walsh voice their opinions. The results can be seen tomorrow at 7.45pm.

I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! 9:00pm - 10:30pm, ITV1 NEW SERIES. The star-studded survival challenge gets under way as this year’s contestants begin their ordeal in the Australian jungle. After leaving behind their loved ones and home comforts on the other side of the world for up to three weeks, the famous faces start out on their journey to camp, knowing that they face a set of daunting challenges. Ant and Dec present.

Miranda 8:30pm - 9:00pm, BBC2 NEW SERIES. The joke-shop owner lacks motivation following Gary’s departure for Hong Kong, but eventually decides to move on and sets about getting fit and losing weight. However, first she has to negotiate lunch with the girls, and a sushi restaurant spells trouble. Comedy, starring Miranda Hart.

CSI: Miami 9:00pm - 10:00pm, Channel 5 The unit investigates three separate murders during the spring break - a man who fell from a balcony and was impaled on a statue, a woman found dead in an industrial-size washing machine, and a victim discovered buried alive in the sand. Crime drama, starring David Caruso and Emily Procter.

The Apprentice 9:00pm - 10:00pm, BBC1 The remaining candidates head to Pinewood film studios in Buckinghamshire, where they are challenged to create personal movie experiences that give consumers a chance to star in their own feature films. Both teams stretch their creative muscles and put together car races, rollercoaster rides and encounters with sharks, before visiting Westfield shopping centre in London to promote their creations to the public.

Coronation Street 8:00pm - 8:30pm, ITV1 Tyrone makes a heartfelt and emotional speech at Jack’s funeral as the Weatherfield residents gather to say a tearful farewell. Peter is shocked by what he finds when Carla invites him to her flat for a talk, Charlotte steps up her campaign of terror, and a shaken Anna and Eddie struggle to cope on a visit to the military hospital.

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Television Guide

Friday 12 November 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Remembrance Week 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Moving On 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Trapped Ever After 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Fee Fi Fo Yum 4:30pm The Owl 4:30pm Horrible Histories 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:20pm 11:35pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News: Regional News Helicopter Heroes EastEnders QI New Tricks BBC News Regional News and Weather The Graham Norton Show The National Lottery: 10 UK Millionaires Weatherview

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Ringside Special 10:00am The Rugby Club 11:00am Premier League World 11:30am FIFA Futbol Mundial 12:00pm Ringside Special 1:00pm Premier League Review 2:00pm Premier League World 2:30pm The Rugby Club 3:30pm Ringside Special 4:30pm Premier League Review 5:30pm Football League Weekend 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

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Ringside Special Sky Sports News at Seven Live Football League Ringside Special Take It Like a Fan Premier League Preview Football League Weekend

6:00am Children’s TV 7:40am Diddy Dick & Dom 7:40am Eliot Kid 8:00am The Slammer 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Due South 1:45pm Ready Steady Cook 2:15pm Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 3:00pm Murder, She Wrote 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Edwardian Farm Mastermind Gardeners’ World David Attenborough’s First Life The Stephen K Amos Show Newsnight The Review Show

6:00am The Biggest Loser US 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 10:00am Cold Case 11:00am Kim’s Rude Awakening 11:30am New Parent Nightmares 12:00pm The Biggest Loser US 1:00pm Dog Squad 1:30pm Dog Squad 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Cold Case 5:00pm WWE Superstars 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Oops TV House Thorne: Scaredy Cat Stargate Universe

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Cheetah Kingdom Coronation Street Paul O’Grady Live ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Mercury Rising

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Fifth Gear 8:30am The Gadget Show 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Cooking in the Danger Zone 10:30am Cooking in the Danger Zone 11:00am Airport 11:30am The Gadget Show 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Have I Got News for You 2:40pm QI 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:00pm

Bang Goes the Theory Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI

6:15am Planet Cook 6:35am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:25am Frasier 8:55am According to Jim 9:25am Cook Yourself Thin 10:00am Wife Swap USA 11:00am Supernanny USA 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm Channel 4 Racing 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Celebrity Coach Trip 6:00pm

The Simpsons

6:30pm 7:00pm 7:25pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Come Dine with Me The Event The Million Pound Drop Live Rhod Gilbert and the Award-Winning Mince Pie


6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Four Weddings CSI: Miami Nikita Medium CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Criminal Minds

6:00am Thomas & Friends 6:10am Roary the Racing Car 6:20am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 6:35am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Castle Farm 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Mio Mao 8:35am Thomas & Friends 8:50am Hana’s Helpline 9:00am Pocoyo 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am CSI: NY 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Combat Chefs 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Rough Guide to Islands 3:05pm Ice Dreams 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:55pm 11:55pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Fifth Gear White Van Man The Mentalist Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSI: Miami Cops in Crisis

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:25am MasterChef Australia 6:50am The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook 7:15am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 1:30pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Trawlermen 4:00pm Trawlermen 4:40pm Primeval 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 11:35pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Traffic Cops Dancing with the Stars The Catherine Tate Show

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Television Guide

Saturday 13 November 6:00am Breakfast 10:00am Rachel Allen: Bake! 10:25am Rachel Allen: Bake! 10:50am The Lord Mayor’s Show 12:10pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 12:15pm Formula 1: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Qualifying 2:15pm Live International Rugby Union 4:30pm Final Score 5:10pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:30pm Walk on the Wild Side 6:00pm 7:20pm 8:05pm

8:20pm 9:10pm 10:45pm 10:45pm 11:05pm

Strictly Come Dancing Merlin The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws Casualty Festival of Remembrance 2010 National Lottery Update BBC News; Weather Match of the Day

12:25am Weatherview 12:25am The Football League Show 1:50am Who Do You Think You Are? 2:35am Coast 3:35am Britain’s Youngest Boarders 4:35am Click 5:00am BBC News 5:30am The Record Europe

6:00am Live European Tour Golf 8:00am Ringside Special 8:30am Live International Rugby League 11:30am Ringside Special 12:00pm Take It Like a Fan 12:30pm Time of Our Lives 1:30pm Ringside Special 2:00pm Live International Rugby Union 5:00pm International Rugby League 7:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm

Live Spanish Football Live Spanish Football NFL: Total Access

12:00am Pacquiao v Margarito: 24/7 2:00am Live Big Time Boxing 5:00am Champions League Weekly 5:30am World Sport

6:00am Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto! 6:00am The Pingu Show 6:15am Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 6:25am Penelope 6:30am Guess with Jess 6:40am Postman Pat 7:00am Arthur 7:15am League of Super Evil 7:25am OOglies 7:40am What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am MI High 8:30am Mission: 2110 9:00am Live ‘n’ Deadly 10:00am Little Howard’s Big Question 10:20am Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 10:50am Dennis and Gnasher 11:00am Roy 11:30am The Big Performance 12:00pm Big Babies 12:15pm Football Focus 1:00pm The Cut 1:25pm Teensville: Bat School for the Blind 1:50pm Popatron 2:20pm The 5:19 Show 2:35pm The Season 3:05pm Revealed Extra: Civilian to Soldier 3:25pm The Sky at Night 3:45pm Flog It! 4:00pm The Great British Bake Off 5:00pm Live International Rugby Union 7:15pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:30pm 10:15pm

Coast Dad’s Army Return of the Goodies Have I Got a Bit More News for You Neil Diamond: Solitary Man

6:00am Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 7:00am The Zoo UK 7:30am The Zoo UK 8:00am Malcolm in the Middle 8:30am Malcolm in the Middle 9:00am Oops TV 10:00am Soccer AM 12:00pm Best of Oops TV 1:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 1:30pm Malcolm in the Middle 2:00pm Oops TV 3:00pm Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 4:00pm The Real A&E 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:25pm

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

The Middle The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Searching for My Son The Legend of Bagger Vance Fringe

6:00am The Fluffy Club 7:25am Toonattik 9:25am The Cool Stuff Collective 9:50am Planet Sketch 10:00am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:25am The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25am This Morning: Saturday 12:20pm News and Weather 12:24pm London Weather 12:25pm Dennis Strikes Again 1:50pm Free Willy 3: the Rescue 3:30pm Diamonds Are Forever 5:50pm Weather 5:50pm London Tonight 6:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:30pm 11:00pm 11:45pm 11:59pm

ITV News and Weather All Star Family Fortunes All New You’ve Been Framed! Harry Hill’s TV Burp The X Factor Take That: Look Back, Don’t Stare Must Love Dogs ITV News and Weather London Weather

6:35am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:00am World Sport 7:25am Britain’s Favourite Yacht Race 7:55am The Morning Line 8:50am One Tree Hill 9:45am Ugly Betty 10:40am Koko Pop 11:15am The Inbetweeners: Revealed! 11:45am Friends 12:10pm Friends 12:45pm Freeze Festival 2010 1:15pm The Album Chart Show 1:45pm Channel 4 Racing 3:55pm Come Dine with Me 4:25pm Come Dine with Me 4:55pm Come Dine with Me 5:25pm Come Dine with Me 5:55pm Come Dine with Me 6:25pm 6:30pm 6:55pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:20pm

The Political Slot Channel 4 News Grand Designs Apocalypse: The Second World War The Pillars of the Earth The Million Pound Drop Live Sharon Osbourne: A Comedy Roast

6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:00am Mio Mao 7:05am The WotWots 7:20am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:30am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 7:55am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:05am Little Princess 8:25am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:55am Olivia 9:10am The Mr Men Show 9:30am George Shrinks 10:00am Your Sport 10:15am Fifth Gear 10:45am The Gadget Show 11:50am Operation Daybreak 2:05pm Jason and the Argonauts 5:40pm Five News 5:45pm The Dirty Dozen 8:35pm 9:30pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

12:00am Must Love Dogs 1:10am ITV News Headlines 1:10am The Zone 3:10am Surface 3:55am Sons and Daughters 4:20am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

12:25am Water Lilies 1:50am You, the Living 3:25am 3 Minute Wonder: Over Exposed 3:30am 3 Minute Wonder: Over Exposed 3:35am 3 Minute Wonder: Over Exposed 3:40am Afterworld 4:05am The OC 4:45am The OC

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Top Gear 9:00am World Rally 10:00am Dragons’ Den: On Tour 11:00am Crash 11:30am The Gadget Show 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm World Rally 2:00pm Bang Goes the Theory 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Four Weddings 10:00am Four Weddings 11:00am Four Weddings 12:00pm Nothing to Declare 12:30pm Westlife Live at the O2 3:00pm Sleepless in Seattle 5:10pm Celebs 24/7 5:30pm Passport Patrol

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:40pm 8:20pm 9:00pm


Traffic Cops Traffic Cops Seaside Rescue Have I Got News for You QI Al Murray: The Pub Landlord - Live at the Palladium Al Murray: The Pub Landlord - My Gaff, My Rules

6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

NCIS CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Miami

12:25am SuperCasino 4:05am European Seniors Tour Golf 4:55am The Family Recipe 5:00am Hana’s Helpline 5:10am The Milkshake! Show 5:35am Thomas & Friends

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:40am Outtake TV 8:20am Robin Hood 9:20am Dancing with the Stars 11:00am Dancing with the Stars 12:00pm Total Wipeout USA 1:00pm Doctor Who 2:00pm Doctor Who 3:00pm Doctor Who 4:00pm Funniest Pets and People 4:30pm Outtake TV 5:00pm Total Wipeout USA 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Primeval Sanctuary Doctor Who Jonathan Creek Troy

1:00am Spooks 2:05am Movie Connections 2:35am James May’s 20th Century 3:00am Close

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Television Guide

Sunday 14 November 6:00am Breakfast 7:35am Match of the Day 9:00am The Andrew Marr Show 10:25am Remembrance Sunday: The Cenotaph 12:10pm Formula 1: The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Live 3:30pm Weather for the Week Ahead 3:30pm The Politics Show 4:35pm Points of View 4:50pm Songs of Praise 5:30pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm

10:55pm 11:55pm 11:55pm

Jimmy’s Food Factory Countryfile Strictly Come Dancing Antiques Roadshow Garrow’s Law BBC News; Regional News and Weather The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson The Apprentice Weatherview Spooks

1:00am Remembrance Week 1:45am Holby City 2:45am Eyewitness 3:45am Restoration Roadshow 4:15am BBC News 4:30am HARDtalk 5:00am The World Today 5:30am World Business Report

6:00am Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am Football First 8:00am Football First 9:30am The Sunday Supplement 11:00am Goals on Sunday 1:00pm Champions League Weekly 1:30pm Live Super Sunday 4:00pm Live Super Sunday 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 10:00pm 11:30pm

Super Sunday: The Last Word Live Spanish Football Live Spanish Football Football Special Super Sunday: The Last Word

12:00am Spanish Football 2:00am Football Special 3:30am Super Sunday: The Last Word 4:00am Spanish Football

Page 26

6:00am Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto! 6:00am The Pingu Show 6:15am Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 6:25am Penelope 6:30am Guess with Jess 6:40am Postman Pat 7:00am Arthur 7:15am League of Super Evil 7:25am Sportsround 7:40am Bear Behaving Badly 8:00am Scoop 8:25am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:25am Hotel Trubble 9:00am Deadly 60 9:30am Horrible Histories 10:00am Something for the Weekend 11:30am Nigella Kitchen 12:00pm Escape to the Country 12:30pm EastEnders 2:30pm Boxing 4:10pm International Rugby Union 5:00pm Four Nations Rugby League 6:00pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

Remembrance Sunday: The Cenotaph The Great British Bake Off Making Scotland’s Landscape James May’s Man Lab The Trip Match of the Day 2 Never Mind the Buzzcocks

12:00am The Odd Angry Shot 1:30am Reporters

6:00am Hour of Power 7:00am The Zoo UK 7:30am The Zoo UK 8:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 9:00am Customs 9:30am Customs 10:00am WWE Superstars 11:00am WWE: Experience 12:00pm The Real A&E 1:00pm The Real A&E 1:30pm Super Nurses 2:00pm Real Filth Fighters 2:30pm Medical Emergency 3:00pm Fat Families 4:00pm The Real A&E 5:00pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

The Simpsons The Middle Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker The Simpsons Modern Family Thorne: Scaredy Cat House An Idiot Abroad

6:00am The Fluffy Club 7:25am Toonattik 9:25am Monk 9:30am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:00am The X Factor 11:30am This Morning: Sunday 12:25pm News and Weather 12:29pm London Weather 12:30pm Coronation Street 2:45pm Midsomer Murders 4:20pm Downton Abbey 5:50pm Weather 5:50pm London Tonight 6:00pm 6:15pm 6:45pm 7:45pm

ITV News and Weather Harry Hill’s TV Burp The Cube The X Factor

6:15am Planet Cook 6:35am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:00am Formula Ford Festival 7:25am Great East Swim 8:20am World B-Boy Series 8:50am Friends 9:25am Hollyoaks 11:55am Live and Lost 12:00pm Ugly Betty 1:00pm Channel 4 Racing 3:30pm Friends 4:00pm The Simpsons 4:30pm The Simpsons 5:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:45pm The Spiderwick Chronicles 7:30pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

9:00pm 10:30pm 10:44pm 10:45pm

I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! ITV News and Weather London Weather Take That: Look Back, Don’t Stare 11:00pm

12:15am Anglo-Welsh Cup Rugby Union 1:00am ITV News Headlines 1:00am The Zone 2:30am Motorsport UK 3:20am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am World Rally 9:00am High Altitude 9:30am Everest ER 10:00am Top Gear 11:00am Top Gear 12:00pm Traffic Cops 12:30pm Traffic Cops 1:00pm Seaside Rescue 1:40pm Have I Got News for You 2:20pm QI 3:00pm Top Gear 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:20pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:20pm

Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA The Secret Millionaire Desperate Housewives

World Rally Stephen Fry in America I’m Alan Partridge Jack Dee Live at the Apollo Lee Mack Live Mock the Week

12:00am Jack Dee Live at the Apollo 1:00am Lee Mack Live

Seven Days

6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:00am Mio Mao 7:05am The WotWots 7:20am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:25am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 7:50am Castle Farm 7:55am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:05am Little Princess 8:25am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:55am Olivia 9:10am The Mr Men Show 9:30am George Shrinks 10:00am iCarly 10:35am True Jackson, VP 11:10am Street Market Chefs 11:40am Andre Rieu at the Albert Hall 12:40pm Your Sport 12:45pm How Do They Do It? 1:15pm Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 2:20pm Battle of the Brave 4:55pm Open Season 6:35pm 6:40pm 9:00pm 11:05pm

Five News Planet of the Apes 10,000 BC Anaconda

12:00am The Real Housewives of New Jersey 1:00am American Football Live 4:45am Formula Ford Festival 5:10am Grudge Match 5:25am Countdown

12:45am SuperCasino 4:05am Fifth Gear 4:30am Street Market Chefs 4:55am The Family Recipe 5:00am Hana’s Helpline 5:10am The Milkshake! Show

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Four Weddings 10:00am Four Weddings 11:00am Four Weddings 12:00pm Ghost Whisperer 1:00pm Sleepless in Seattle 3:10pm Celebs 24/7 3:30pm Passport Patrol 4:00pm Nothing to Declare UK 4:30pm Nothing to Declare UK 5:00pm RSPCA Animal Rescue 5:30pm RSPCA Animal Rescue

6:10am James May’s 20th Century 6:40am Weakest Link 8:00am Robin Hood 9:00am Total Wipeout USA 10:00am Outtake TV 10:30am Funniest Pets and People 11:00am Doctor Who 12:00pm Doctor Who 1:00pm Doctor Who 2:00pm Hope and Glory 4:05pm Sanctuary 5:00pm Primeval

6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Fat and Proud Four Weddings Nikita Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Criminal Minds

6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

Total Wipeout USA MasterChef Australia Who Do You Think You Are? Troy

12:10am Spooks 1:10am Sky Cops 2:10am Trawlermen 3:00am Close

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Television Guide

Monday 15 November 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rewind the 60s 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm The Indian Doctor 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Trapped Ever After 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Hotel Trubble 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bite Size 4:30pm Blue Peter 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:15pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News; Regional News Inside Out EastEnders Tax the Fat: Panorama Accused BBC News Regional News and Weather Ask Rhod Gilbert The Graham Norton Show

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Football Special 10:30am Super Sunday: The Last Word 11:00am Spanish Football 12:00pm Football Special 1:30pm Super Sunday: The Last Word 2:00pm Spanish Football 3:00pm Spanish Football 5:00pm Super Sunday: The Last Word 5:30pm Soccer AM: The Best Bits 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

Netbusters Sky Sports News at Seven Live Football League Netbusters SPL Round-Up A League of Their Own Premier League Review

6:00am Children´s TV 7:40am Eliot Kid 7:55am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:00am The Slammer 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Due South 1:45pm Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman 2:15pm Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 3:00pm Murder, She Wrote 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Michael Wood’s Story of England University Challenge Miranda Giles and Sue Live The Good Life The Trip Newsnight The Secret Life of the National Grid

6:00am The Biggest Loser US 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 10:00am Cold Case 11:00am Super Nurses 11:30am The Real A&E 12:00pm The Biggest Loser US 1:00pm UK Border Force 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Cold Case 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Fat Families Inside Britain’s Fattest Man NCIS: Los Angeles Bones

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Dinner Date 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Wild Britain with Ray Mears Coronation Street I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather When Playboys Ruled the World

6:10am Sali Mali 6:15am The Treacle People 6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Cook Yourself Thin 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Supernanny USA 12:55pm The Comancheros 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Celebrity Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:55pm

12:00am Monte Carlo or Bust 12:50am ITV News Headlines 12:50am The Zone 2:50am UEFA Champions League Weekly 3:20am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:10am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Fifth Gear 8:30am The Gadget Show 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Dragons’ Den 11:00am Airport 11:30am The Gadget Show 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Have I Got News for You 2:40pm QI 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Have I Got News for You 5:40pm QI 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:00pm 11:40pm

QI World Rally Top Gear QI Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI Mock the Week

12:20am Have I Got News for You

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches: Riding Europe’s Gravy Train Coppers Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night Ramsay’s Best Restaurant: The Finals

1:00am Freeze Festival 2010 1:30am Premier League Poker 2:25am Under the Bombs 4:05am Brothers & Sisters 4:50am ER

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Four Weddings CSI: Miami Dating in the Dark US America’s Next Top Model Party Wars Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 6:35am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Castle Farm 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Mio Mao 8:35am Thomas & Friends 8:50am Hana’s Helpline 9:00am Pocoyo 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Emergency Bikers 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Rough Guide to Adventures 3:05pm Lost Holiday: the Jim and Suzanne Shemwell Story 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update How Do They Do It? Five News at 9 The Gadget Show Extreme Fishing with Robson Green Black Hawk Down

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:15am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Outtake TV 4:00pm Seaside Rescue 4:40pm Who Do You Think You Are? 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am Spooks

My Family MasterChef Australia Primeval Traffic Cops Emergency Bikers Traffic Cops Sanctuary


Page 27


Page 28

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


Page 29

Television Guide

Tuesday 16 November 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rewind the 60s 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm The Indian Doctor 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Trapped Ever After 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm My Genius Idea 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bite Size 4:30pm Blue Peter 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:30pm 11:30pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News; Regional News EastEnders Holby City Turn Back Time The High Street BBC News Regional News and Weather Imagine Weatherview The Mission

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Netbusters 9:30am Football League 11:00am SPL Round-Up 11:30am Soccer AM: The Best Bits 12:30pm Premier League Review 1:30pm Football League 3:00pm SPL Round-Up 3:30pm Netbusters 4:00pm Soccer AM: The Best Bits 5:00pm Premier League Review 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:15pm 10:45pm 11:00pm

Revista De La Liga Sky Sports News at Seven Live International Football Qatar 2022 Sky Sports Classics Live International Cricket

11:00pm Live International Cricket

Page 30

6:00am Children’s TV 7:40am Eliot Kid 7:55am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:00am The Slammer 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Due South 1:45pm Car Booty 2:15pm Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 3:00pm Murder, She Wrote 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Dinner Date 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm

6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Coast Alan Titchmarsh’s Garden Secrets Horizon Later Live - with Jools Holland Weather Newsnight The Secret Life of the National Grid

6:00am The Biggest Loser US 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 10:00am Cold Case 11:00am Kim’s Rude Awakening 11:30am The Real A&E 12:00pm The Biggest Loser US 1:00pm UK Border Force 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Cold Case 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons UK Border Force Stargate Universe Fringe A League of Their Own

10:35pm 11:20pm

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale River Monsters The Zoo I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Celebrity Juice: McFly Special Swingtown

12:15am ITV News Headlines 12:15am The Zone 2:15am The Rockford Files 3:10am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:05am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Fifth Gear 8:30am The Gadget Show 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Dragons’ Den 11:00am Airport 11:30am The Gadget Show 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Have I Got News for You 2:40pm QI 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:20pm

Have I Got News for You QI QI Top Gear QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI XL

6:25am Sali Mali 6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Cook Yourself Thin 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Supernanny USA 12:50pm The Last Command 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Celebrity Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm 11:35pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Kirstie’s Homemade Home The Family Jimmy Carr Telling Jokes The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory

12:05am Bull Run 12:40am Freeze Festival 2010 1:30am World B-Boy Series 1:55am Beach Volleyball 2:50am KOTV Boxing Weekly 3:15am World Sport 3:40am Great East Swim

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Four Weddings CSI: Miami America’s Next Top Model Four Weddings I Hate Mum Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Mio Mao 8:35am Thomas & Friends 8:50am Hana’s Helpline 9:00am Pocoyo 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Emergency Bikers 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Rough Guide to Activity Holidays 3:05pm Food for Feudin’ 3:10pm Dawn Anna 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Street Market Chefs Five News at 9 Sea Patrol UK CSI: Miami Five News Update CSI: NY CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00am NCIS SuperCasino


6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:20am MasterChef Australia 7:10am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Seaside Rescue 4:00pm Seaside Rescue 4:40pm Primeval 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

My Family MasterChef Australia The Hairy Bikers Ride Again Primeval Sanctuary Torchwood World’s Strictest Parents USA

12:20am Have I Got News for You

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Television Guide

Wednesday 17 November 6:00am Children’s TV 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm The Indian Doctor 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Trapped Ever After 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Deadly 60 Bite Size 4:00pm Little Howard’s Big Question 4:30pm Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 4:30pm The Sarah Jane Adventures 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 10:45pm 10:45pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention Jimmy’s Food Factory Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers The Apprentice BBC News Regional News The National Lottery Draws National Lottery Update Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman

7:30am Football Asia 8:00am International Football 9:00am Revista De La Liga 10:00am International Cricket 12:00pm Revista De La Liga 1:00pm International Football 2:00pm International Cricket 4:00pm International Football 5:00pm Revista De La Liga 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Total Rugby FIFA Futbol Mundial Sky Sports News at Seven Live International Football You’re on Sky Sports! Live International Cricket

6:00am Children’s TV 6:40am Postman Pat 6:55am Pingu 7:00am Arthur 7:15am League of Super Evil 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Eliot Kid 7:55am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:00am The Slammer 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Daily Politics 1:00pm See Hear 1:30pm Car Booty 2:15pm Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 3:00pm Murder, She Wrote 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Dinner Date 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:10pm 10:40pm 10:45pm

6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Escape to the Country Edwardian Farm Ancient Worlds The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight The Secret Life of the National Grid

6:00am The Biggest Loser US 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Cold Case 11:00am Kim’s Rude Awakening 11:30am Medical Emergency 12:00pm The Biggest Loser US 1:00pm UK Border Force 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Cold Case 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 11:25pm

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Little Couple Emergency Animal Rescue The Legend of Bagger Vance UK Border Force


Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Live International Football ITV News and Weather London News and Weather International Football Highlights Cops with Cameras

12:40am ITV News Headlines 12:40am The Zone 2:45am Out for Justice 4:15am The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:10am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Fifth Gear 8:30am The Gadget Show 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Fifth Gear 10:40am Trawlermen 11:20am Seaside Rescue 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Have I Got News for You 2:40pm QI 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:00pm 11:40pm

Have I Got News for You QI QI Top Gear QI Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI Mock the Week

6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Cook Yourself Thin 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm River Cottage Bites 12:15pm Jamie at Home 12:50pm Eye of the Needle 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Celebrity Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Animal Madhouse Grand Designs Rude Tube: Viral Ads The Event

6:00am Children’s TV 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Castle Farm 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Mio Mao 8:35am Thomas & Friends 8:50am Hana’s Helpline 9:00am Pocoyo 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Emergency Bikers 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Rough Guide to Short Breaks 3:05pm Cries in the Dark 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Highland Emergency Five News at 9 Emergency Bikers NCIS Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order Poker

12:05am On Track 12:20am The Album Chart Show Introduces Mike Posner 12:40am 4Play: Frankie and the Heartstrings 12:55am The Album Chart Show Spotlight 1:05am Lemon Tree 2:55am Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip 3:35am A Letter to Three Wives 5:20am Ma Bar

12:55am SuperCasino

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed

6:20am MasterChef Australia 6:45am The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 7:10am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 1:30pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Seaside Rescue 4:00pm Seaside Rescue 4:20pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook 4:40pm Primeval 5:40pm My Family

6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Four Weddings CSI: Miami Four Weddings Ghost Whisperer Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

1:00am America’s Next Top Model

11:00pm 11:55pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

MasterChef Australia Primeval Don’t Tell the Bride World’s Strictest Parents USA Jess: Britain’s Youngest Sleepwalker

Page 31

Television Guide

Thursday 18 November 6:00am Children’s TV 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm The Indian Doctor 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Trapped Ever After 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Deadly 60 4:30pm Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 4:30pm The Sarah Jane Adventures 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:35pm 11:35pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News; Regional News EastEnders Watchdog Have I Got News for You Reggie Perrin BBC News Regional News and Weather Question Time Holiday Weatherview This Week

12:30am Tax the Fat: Panorama 1:00am Remembrance Week

7:30am Total Rugby 8:00am WWE: Experience 9:00am FIFA Futbol Mundial 9:30am Total Rugby 10:00am International Cricket 12:00pm International Football 1:00pm International Football 2:00pm International Cricket 4:00pm International Football 5:00pm FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:30pm European Tour Golf 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm

Sky Sports News at Seven Premier League World The Rugby Club Ringside Live International Cricket

6:00am Children’s TV 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Eliot Kid 7:55am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:00am The Slammer 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Due South 1:45pm Car Booty 2:15pm Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 3:00pm Murder, She Wrote 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

6:00am The Biggest Loser US 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Cold Case 11:00am Kim’s Rude Awakening 11:30am Medical Emergency 12:00pm The Biggest Loser US 1:00pm UK Border Force 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Cold Case 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Page 32

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two The Culture Show Nigella Kitchen Autumnwatch 2010 Autumnwatch Unsprung Never Mind the Buzzcocks Newsnight The Culture Show

Oops TV The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons An Idiot Abroad Raising Hope A League of Their Own Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Dinner Date 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm 11:35pm

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Olly Murs Revealed The Late Debate

12:05am Grimefighters 12:30am ITV News Headlines 12:30am The Zone 2:30am Surface 3:15am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:10am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Fifth Gear 8:30am The Gadget Show 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Dragons’ Den 11:00am Airport 11:30am The Gadget Show 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm James May: My Sisters’ Top Toys 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:50pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:00pm 11:40pm

Seaside Rescue James May: My Sisters’ Top Toys QI Carpool QI QI Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI

6:15am Sali Mali 6:20am The Treacle People 6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Cook Yourself Thin 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm Geronimo 2:55pm Wogan’s Perfect Recall 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Celebrity Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm 11:50pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Beeny’s Restoration Nightmare The Secret Millionaire True Blood 8 Out of 10 Cats Reaper

6:00am Children’s TV 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Castle Farm 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Mio Mao 8:35am Thomas & Friends 8:50am Hana’s Helpline 9:00am Pocoyo 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Emergency Bikers 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Rough Guide to Journeys 3:05pm Mickey and the Seal 3:10pm Jane Doe: Vanishing Act 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

12:45am King of the Hill 1:10am King of the Hill 1:35am Coppers 2:30am A Dirty Shame 4:05am Unreported World 4:30am Dispatches: Riding Europe’s Gravy Train 5:25am Countdown

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Four Weddings Private Practice Drop Dead Diva Nikita Chuck Criminal Minds

12:00am Criminal Minds

9:00pm 11:35pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Jaguar Adventure with Nigel Marven The Virgin Queen’s Fatal Affair: Revealed In the Line of Fire The World of Stupid Criminals

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:20am MasterChef Australia 7:10am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Seaside Rescue 4:00pm Seaside Rescue 4:40pm Primeval 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:15pm


My Family MasterChef Australia The Hairy Bikers Ride Again Don’t Tell the Bride Jonathan Creek Jess: Britain’s Youngest Sleepwalker Traffic Cops

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Television Guide

Friday 19 November 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rewind the 60s 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm The Indian Doctor 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Trapped Ever After 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Fee Fi Fo Yum 4:30pm The Owl 4:30pm Horrible Histories 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 10:35pm

Weather BBC News Weather BBC London News Children in Need 2010 BBC News Regional News and Weather Weatherview Children in Need 2010

6:00am Children’s TV 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Eliot Kid 7:55am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:00am The Slammer 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Due South 1:45pm Car Booty 2:15pm Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 3:00pm Murder, She Wrote 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:35pm 11:05pm 11:05pm 11:50pm

7:30am Premier League World 8:00am The Rugby Club 9:00am Time of Our Lives 10:00am International Cricket 12:00pm Ringside 2:00pm International Cricket 4:00pm The Rugby Club 5:00pm Premier League World 5:30pm Football League Weekend 6:30pm Premier League Preview 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Sky Sports News at Seven Live Premiership Rugby Union Take It Like a Fan Premier League Preview Live International Cricket

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Live International Rugby Union Harry & Paul Mastermind Children in Need Special Newsnight Weather The Review Show The National Lottery Draws

6:00am The Biggest Loser US 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 7:55am Bite Size Brainiac 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Cold Case 11:00am Kim’s Rude Awakening 11:30am New Parent Nightmares 12:00pm The Biggest Loser US 1:00pm UK Border Force 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Bones 5:00pm WWE Superstars 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Oops TV House Thorne: Scaredy Cat Stargate Universe

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Dinner Date 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm

9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Tango & Cash

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Fifth Gear 8:30am The Gadget Show 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Cooking in the Danger Zone 10:30am Dragons’ Den 11:00am Airport 11:30am The Gadget Show 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Have I Got News for You 2:40pm QI 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:00pm

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Cheetah Kingdom Coronation Street

Bang Goes the Theory Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI

6:10am Sali Mali 6:15am The Treacle People 6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Cook Yourself Thin 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Atlantic 12:10pm River Cottage Bites 12:20pm The Bridge on the River Kwai 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Celebrity Coach Trip 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 7:25pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks

Channel 4 News Unreported World Come Dine with Me The Event Good Luck Chuck

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Four Weddings CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Medium CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Castle Farm 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Mio Mao 8:35am Thomas & Friends 8:50am Hana’s Helpline 9:00am Pocoyo 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Emergency Bikers 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Rough Guide to Bang for Your Buck 3:05pm Donald Duck - Winter Storage 3:10pm Taking a Chance on Love 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:55pm 11:50pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Fifth Gear Five News at 9 White Van Man The Mentalist Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSI: Miami Cops in Crisis

6:00am Funniest Pets and People 6:20am MasterChef Australia 6:45am The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 7:10am Animal Park: Wild in Africa 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 1:30pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Seaside Rescue 4:00pm Seaside Rescue 4:40pm Doctor Who 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:20pm 11:15pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Traffic Cops Dancing with the Stars Dancing with the Stars Alexander

Page 33


Page 34

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Music Matters


Music Matters


Take That take back Robbie to complete their Progress report TAKE THAT, back to a five-piece after 15 years, are gearing up to release their sixth studio album, Progress. They burst on to the scene in 1992 with Take That and Party. It was the only TT album not to make No1, being checked at No2 in the September by Kylie Minogue. The release of third album Nobody Else came in 1995, marking the departure of Robbie Williams, and the ultimate demise of the band. Never Forget was the final single from the album, and is still considered their swansong. A greatest-hits collection the following year featured an unremarkable version of the Bee Gees’ How Deep is Your Love, before the boys went their separate ways.

A decade later, Take That reformed to produce one of the biggest comebacks of all time, although still without Robbie. Then, in July this year, the news broke that Robbie would rejoin the band, completing the original line-up. Work on Progress began in September with all the guys contributing songs for the recordings. A slight direction change was hinted at by Gary Barlow, moving away from the ballads we have come to recognise as a Take That trait, and including more technology into the sound. The Flood is the new album’s lead single, which is locked in a chart battle for the No1 spot in the UK. The planned appearance on this Sunday’s X Factor is one of the more anticipated performances of the series so far, with The Flood featuring prominently.

It’s Rihanna, for crying out Loud! At the age of just 22, Barbados-born Rihanna is up to her fifth album, entitled Loud, which makes it almost one a year for her. Remarkably, she has released and performed on 27 singles, and still has two more releases pending before Christmas. She is currently topping the download chart with lead single Only Girl (In the World) a week before the album is available, and she is fighting off Take That and McFly in the UK combined singles chart. Rihanna will certainly upset the applecart if she remains at the top this Sunday, taking the wind out of the sails of Take That,

whose competition was seen only as McFly this week. McFly were holding their own in the race, via a collaboration with Taio Cruz on Shine a Light. But Rihanna and Take That’s The Flood are set to sell over 100,000 copies each by this Sunday, with only 1,000 units separating them in the race to the top.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Susan has an Xmas pot-boiler already! WITH only weeks to go until the Festive Season, the annual rush for a piece of the Christmas cake is well and truly on in the music industry. It seems to start earlier every year (that’s what my Gran used to say), with this week’s album top 10 seeing seven new entries. It happens only at this time of year, when artists rush to get an album out before the big day. Any album will do it seems: greatest hits, novelty-comedy albums from Radio and TV presenters like Harry Hill and Chris Moyles and, of course, the infamous NOW series. There are, however, some quality exceptions. Susan Boyle releases her second album this week. The Gift will be the follow-up to her 2009 initial offering, I Dreamed A Dream , which became the fastest-selling debut in the UK of all time. Nine million copies were sold worldwide, with three million flying off the shelves in the US alone. Her followup consists mainly of Christmas offerings. Traditional fireside favourites such as The First Noel, O Holy Night, Away in a Manger, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, O Come All Ye Faithful and Auld Lang Syne will bring the spirit to the dining rooms of thousands of UK homes this Christmas. In addition, Hallelujah, Perfect Day (her new single) and Do you Hear What I Hear will be play-listed on radio stations worldwide. We should not be too surprised that the 49-year-old church warden opted to release an album of Christian songs and Christmas carols and hymns, because that’s where her heart lies. When we first met the Scottish spinster on last year’s Britain’s Got Talent, we learned that she still lived in the family home in Blackburn, West Lothian, was unmarried and had been a full-time carer to her 91year-old mother until her

death in 2007. Susan still does her church rounds in her small village, visiting the elderly and performing her

church duties. Rock Star she isn’t, but global brand-name she is. And if there is a void in the

market this Christmas for traditional seasonal songs, Susan Boyle is undoubtedly the best person the fill it.

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So much for going home! IT’S that time of year again when most, if not all, of us living here in Tenerife are thinking about plans for Christmas. I’m not talking about when to get the turkey, should I put the tree and decorations up now or getting friends to post over the festive edition of the TV guide? I wish it were that easy. I’m talking about flying home to see family. This year for me is going to be a huge pain. I am going to be the most honest I have ever been in this column in just a moment. My son, Taylor, will be five months old when we decide to board a flight this year. This will be the first time in my life that I will be in charge of a child during a flight - and I’m panicking already. I have been on many flights when there is a screaming baby a couple of feet away from me, and I have always hated it. I have never been able to understand why the parents never shut the kid up.

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I was returning from Florida a few years ago and, on a night flight for nine hours, it was a misery as a kid cried for what seemed like the duration of the trip. The parents were well out of it and didn’t seem to care that the rest of the passengers could not get one bit of sleep. As we landed, they were the only two who seemed refreshed. The only good thing I know to come out of flying with a kid is you are first on! As I have always hated waiting at the boarding gate, and no matter what letter of the alphabet you have on your boarding card, everyone huddles at the entrance. Those who are called to board have to squeeze past those morons, who seem to think the flight will take off without them! So, as I’m sitting in my seat with my child on my knee, I will be looking at the sheer panic of those who have no other option than to sit near us. It will be an

experience, I know, but now for the honesty. I have no idea where to go! As my family are in Belfast and Mrs Ferguson’s live in Swindon, it’s going to be a rough journey. Not only that but I have close friends in Liverpool, and the planning is turning into a nightmare. With exception of Kate’s grandparents, everyone in her family has seen our son. Her brother was over visiting when she went into labour. Her Mum flew over that week as a surprise, and she has since been over again for a week. Then the rest of her family came over just a few weeks ago. They are a close-loving family, so Christmas in Swindon is on the cards. As for my side of the family (if you include texts, phone calls and visits), the total contact is zero! When my son was born, my Dad was the first person I called. For 30 minutes, all I got was the recorded message that he was on another call.

I tried over and over but could not get through. I then called my brother, gave him the news and asked him to give Dad the good news and to call me when he had a minute. Up until this very minute, nearly four months later, I have not had that call. It upsets me to see this because, as with all his grandchildren, he is very proud and loving towards them. I have not had one text from other family members congratulating us on the news. As we looked into the flights to Belfast, I called my Dad and, surprise, surprise, it was the busy message. I tried one final time and it was actually answered. My Dad is now 80 years old, and I do not wish that to be an excuse. But the conversation went like this: “Hi Dad, hope everything is well with you.” My heart sank when I got the usual, “Who’s this”? He has only two sons and my brother lives around the corner from him, so he has no need to telephone him.

“It’s Joe,” I said. “I thought you were in Tenerife,” was the reply. He is of the generation for whom telephones do not exist outside of the area he exists in. He added: “I thought you had forgotten about me as I have not heard from you,” which is the usual line I get from my Dad. There is no point telling him that every time I called, the line was constantly engaged. So I gave him the sentence that any parent who has not seen his son in a year should be happy to hear. “What are your plans for Christmas, as I am flying over to see the family and am trying to fit everyone in to see Taylor?” At this point anyone, regardless of age - and I know his health is OK at the minute would be delighted to hear all about their new grandchild. The only response I got was: “Liverpool are not doing well this season, are they? Man U are going to stuff everyone.” My stomach just went into

knots. I gave him the cue to get out of not calling me by asking one simple question, about the health of my son. I left it at that and decided not to make an issue of it. But it hurts me to the core that the man I will always look up to and worship does not seem to care. So now, with this on my mind, I have to plan our son’s first trip on a plane - taking a pram, waiting on our luggage, carrying him around and watching people sweat as they have to sit beside a baby maybe screaming in their ears. Also, to fit it all in, I would have to make four flights, At this point, I’m thinking of scrubbing the Belfast leg. I have been home every year since I arrived in Tenerife, and the last family member to visit me came over in 2006. Why should I bother? At this point, I have no idea how to answer that question! Joe

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


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SUE MCDONALD Common Sense Furnishings Email:

THIS week, we have completed a show flat at the Sur y Sol complex in Los Cristianos. The apartments have two bedrooms, but are compact, so it is important to make the most of the available space. They still have the original furniture, and the walls were painted yellow. As you can see from the first photo, the property was looking a bit dated, and the furnishings did not help to sell what is actually a lovely place. Sometimes, buyers can find it difficult to visualise what it is possible to do to improve its appearance, often at relatively low cost, and a show-flat is one tool we can use to demonstrate this. The show flat is a showcase for the complex, and for our furniture and services. In general, show flats should be kitted out in quite bold colours to achieve that elusive WOW! factor. Buyers may choose to tone the colours down for their own properties, although many do go ahead with similar schemes once they have been able to see with confidence how it works. But decoration is not just about colours and pieces of furniture. It is about creating a pleasing visual, and supplying comfortable room settings as well. The makeover cost less than 3,000 euros for this two-bedroom property, yet gives it a completely different perspective, as you can see from the second photo. The first step was a coat of white paint, as darker colours draw in the walls and

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Show off your best features! make rooms appear smaller. We also used mirrors in strategic places to amplify the light, and provide depth. In the lounge, we used a picture in warm autumnal tones, which draws the eye in, again providing depth and that important splash of colour against the white walls. With the changes made to the original furnishings and colour scheme, each apartment is much more attractive as a potential purchase. Situated near the Sunday market, and on level ground, this complex has a fabulous location for all age groups, being near the beach and shops, but also quiet and secure. With a price of 105,000 euros for a one-bed property, and 110,000 euros for the two-beds, we are sure they will sell quickly, and I hope our show-flat will contribute to their success. At Deco Nuevo, we offer a free interior design service when you are buying your furniture, and delivery and fitting is also free. Estimates are also given without obligation, so why not come in to the shop in Los Cristianos, next to Ofipapel, to see what we can suggest for your property or complex.

IN these days of austerity, more and more householders are turning to DIY to keep the cost of repairs to a minimum. And with the Internet as a superb guide, it seems as though no job is too large for our capable hands. Virtually every kind of repair or renovation is explained in full online,

Don’t get a soaking with DIY plumbing many times with a step-by-step video to go along with it. There are many home repairs and renovation jobs someone with modest experience could have a go at, so how do you know which jobs to tackle, and which to call in a tradesman? Ask any DIY enthusiast about the fun of a self-styled home renovation, and you’ll probably be peppered with horror stories of cracked walls and wobbling floorboards. But walls that aren’t plumb, and floors that aren’t level, are far easier to take care of than, say, leaking ceilings or sparks flying from electrical sockets. Attempting certain repairs can be dangerous to your house and harmful to yourself. So with certain jobs, despite looking so easy

to carry out online, you’d be best off leaving them to the professionals. Take, for example, a plumbing repair. One thing can be said about water and that’s if there’s a way out, it will find it. The smallest leak can lead to extensive damage if it’s not caught in time. If you’re capable at DIY and there’s existing plumbing in place, you can probably manage some minor repairs, like changing a shower head or fixing a tap washer. Even installing a new toilet is within the realms of possibility, but just make sure you have a tight seal. Where you can get into trouble is if you try to modify your plumbing system, like extending hot water pipes. Working with hot water means

copper pipes, and that requires a blow torch. So, unless you really do know what you are doing, it’s best to leave the torch jobs to the professionals. While this isn’t as dangerous as electrical work, plumbing problems can get out of hand fast and lead to an expensive and wet future. As for the electrics, wires can be incredibly dangerous if you are completely in the dark, and any projects involving electricity should be approached with extreme caution. Like plumbing, you may be able to pull off minor repairs, such as replacing a light switch for a more modern version, or installing a ceiling fan. But always make sure the power is turned off at the mains before you start.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Worming your Missing link found way to a super in rare daisy chain compost heap A RARE FOSSIL of a complete flower belonging to the family Asteraceae has been found, proving for the first time that daisies existed 47.5 million years ago during the Middle Eocene era, when modern mammals and birds first emerged.

I WROTE last week about sheets of newspaper, and how they brilliant they were for smothering and killing garden weeds. What I forgot to say was how shredded newspaper also helps create compost from household waste, and it’s such a simple method. In Tenerife and other warm countries, this process can be undertaken outside in the garden. It can also be made in buckets or small containers (up to five-gallons, say) and left to rot inside in garages or outhouses during cold winters in the UK. So, start with shredded paper as a base (to absorb any slurry) and tip kitchen waste on top, then repeat the procedure over and over until the bucket is full. It soon begins to generate its own heat, which speeds up the breaking-down process. You can then add the result to your compost heap outside, and start all over again,

The discovery by an amateur fossil hunter in Argentina, reported in the journal Science, is unusual in showing a plant with large flower heads several centimetres across, leaf-like structures and slender stems - see image above.

or tip it straight on to your garden. It’s a great idea for organic gardeners, over here or in the UK, and can be employed all year round. Incidentally, it’s also a great way of producing red worms for freshwater anglers, especially if you percolate

Most plant fossils are of pollen grains, which fossilise more easily. Researchers identified it as a member of Asteraceae based on the grouping of the flowers and the overlapping arrangement of leaf-like structures at the base of the flower clusters. Spiny pollen grains typical of the family were also found nearby. The ancient daisy

would have lived in a tropical climate, possibly pollinated by hummingbirds, and its closest living relatives include the ornamental daisy Gerbera. Scientists had previously speculated that the daisy family dated back about 50 million years based on genetic comparisons of living plants, but this is the first evidence to support that thesis.

your coffee and toss the dregs into the compost on dry newspaper. It appears to be an added gourmet treat for them because it attracts so many, and it doesn’t take too long before you have your own worm “farm”.

Chancellor and Titchmarsh in a charity book THE CHANCELLOR George Osbourne and Alan Titchmarsh are among the contributors to a new charity joke book in aid of the British armed forces. The Laughing Soldier: The British Armed Forces Jokebook will be published by military history publisher

Casemate on 18th November in paperback priced £6.99. Proceeds will go to Project 65, the veterans charity. The jokebook was compiled by Project 65 asking the public to submit jokes through a dedicated website. The book features forewords from the comedian Al Murray and former Royal Marine Mark Ormrod, author of Man Down (Bantam).

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Mark Wray, Casemate m.d., said: “We have had incredible support from both the book trade and the national press already for The Laughing Soldier, despite the deal only being struck a week ago and hope for yet more assistance from both the major chains and the independents over the next two weeks in helping us raise as much money as possible for Project 65.”

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Health & Beauty


CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

Keeping you fit Email:


Rock your party Get

trim for Xmas: Part 1

WITH the party season almost upon us, now is the time to be thinking about what you’re to going to wear - not only on your body but on your head, too.

All outfits are finished off with what’s happening with your hair, so you can’t expect to look “wow” without doing something with your crowning glory. If your parties are set for the first few weeks of December, then now is the time to contact your salon to reserve your appointment. Whether it’s just to have your cut done, or your colour, don’t be disappointed to find out that the date you want is already booked, so call them now! No one wants to be rushed or squeezed in at the last moment. Letting your stylist know you are coming gives him/her notice to book out sufficient time for you. There’s nothing worse than getting a call from some hysterical client who has forgotten to reserve an appointment and the salons are booked up. So you’ve booked your appointment for your cut and/or colour, so what about your special party date? With so many options, where do you start? Well, first of all decide on what you are wearing because you have to tie in the outfit with your hair. For example, if you’re wearing a long, flowing dress you don’t

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START getting your fitness and body shape ready for Christmas. Give yourself a goal, maybe to lose a few pounds, or fit into a particular outfit. . want a funky up-do, etc. Normally, I’d say that if you have a special night out or a party, you don’t want to appear with your hair as you would, say, if you were going for a drink with the girls. A little more effort should be put in, and, if you’ve spent money on a decent outfit, your hair should also look just as good. If your hair is ear-length or below, you could go for an up-do, and even if you haven’t enough hair, clip-in hair can be used to give you any length you want for the night. Don’t be afraid to ask your stylist for something a little more daring this party season. I’ve been rattling on enough this year about “glamour” being the key word, so I hope it has sunk in by now. When styling party hair, I always ask about the outfit as it’s so important that everything ties in together. Make sure you take along a photo of yourself in the outfit (your

phone camera will suffice) because it helps so much when we are deciding what to do. My last word on this is also the same word from a few months ago: “accessorise”. Your hair isn’t finished without some sort of hair ornament this party season. And be it a simple headband, feathers or diamonds, anything goes. But just remember one thing: forget the saying “less is more” because it’s time you stood out from the crowd this year!

Also, set yourself mini goals. F - for example:, Wweek one, you will start a circuit of brisk walking for 20 minutes every day, or start take up a dance class twice a week.: Wweek two, to cut out bread or alcohol. W, week three, to add an extra training session. Make your goals manageable, and set up systems so that you cannot wiggle out of them. For example, arrange to train with a friend, set aside time to walk at the weekend with your family, or hire bikes and cycle around town. Be realistic when you devise your fitness plan. There’‘s no point saying you’‘ll go swimming three times a week if your nearest pool is a 45minute drive away. C chances are, you’‘ll never get there! Think about those activities that which don’‘t require much planning or organisation, and will easily fit easily into your lifestyle. You’‘ll be far more likely to succeed if you add activity to your lifestyle with the minimum of

fuss. If you haven’‘t time to slip in an hour’s aerobic class, you’‘ll still see great benefits if you simply divide the total amount of time you would normally spend exercising into smaller chunks of 10 ten minutes. Fitness experts recommend we aim for five, 30-minute sessions of exercise each week, but there’‘s no reason why you can’t do 15 10minute sessions instead. And as well as helping to boost your energy levels throughout the day, exercising in this way also has the advantage of taking your attention away from food, so you’‘ll be less likely to nibble. Try some of these 10-minute workouts: • Stepping: - step up and

down on the bottom step of your stairs at home to burn fat and target the muscles in your bottom and thighs. • Skipping: A- it’s a great workout for your heart and lungs, and the act of jumping also strengthens bones, which can help to prevent osteoporosis. • Walking: I- it might sound like an easy workout, but just three, ten10-minute brisk walks each day amounts to a whopping 54,750 extra calories burned in a year. That’‘s enough to help you lose more than 1st one stone of pure body fat in a year! • Running: I- if you want to up the calorie-burning stakes, pull on your trainers and run on the spot, or go for a quick spin around the block. • Bouncing: -I invest in a rebounder (mini trampoline), listen to your favourite, highenergy music and bounce away the fat. Don’‘t worry about days when you really can’‘t fit in any exercise. Just make sure you take every opportunity during the day to build in as much activity as possible. This means walking fast every time you go anywhere, taking stairs two at a time, and walking to the shop rather than driving. and taking items upstairs rather than using the lift. Next time, we look at ways to shape up your diet to help lose a few pounds before the festive season.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Hope for non-smoking victims of lung cancer LUNG cancer in people who have never smoked may well be a different disease from that in smokers, which could result in alternative treatments for them. Scientists compared the genetic characteristics of lung cancer tumours in 30 people who had never smoked with tumours in 53 smokers or former smokers. Those who had never smoked had growths with twice as many DNA abnormalities as people who were current or former smokers. Kelsie Thu, from the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver, who conducted

a survey, said: “This suggests there might be something different going on with tumours in ‘neversmokers’.” “If we find out lung cancer in these people is a different, and we can identify what those differences are, maybe we can design specific therapies to target the genetic alterations and improve the prognosis.” The study was presented at Monday’s annual conference of the American Association of Cancer Research, in Philadelphia. Lung cancer is the leading cause of annual cancer deaths in the US and the UK for men and woman. This year alone, it will kill up to 40,000 people in Britain and an estimated 157,000

Americans. But it’s not just smokers who get the disease. Incredibly, lung cancer is the seventh-leading cause of cancer deaths among people who have never smoked, Dana Reeve, wife of the late actor Christopher Reeve, died in 2006 at age 44 from lung cancer, and she had never smoked. Compared with former and current smokers having lung cancer, those who have never even had a puff tend to be diagnosed with the disease at a younger age. They are also more likely to be women and are more likely to have adenocarcinomas, the most common type of cancer. All of the lung-cancer patients in the study had adenocarcinoma.

Dr. David Carbone, a professor of medicine and cancer biology at Vanderbilt University, said the new study supports the idea that the cancer in nonsmokers is definitely different. He said the challenge was not only to devise new treatments but also to identify the victims soon enough to help them. Dr Carbone, also a member of the Lung Cancer Foundation of America’s scientific advisory board, added: “Non-smokers tend to take longer to be diagnosed with lung cancer because few suspect they have it. We often see ‘never-smokers’ with advanced, incurable disease.”

Men who just don’t come up to scratch! MEN should overcome their shyness when seeking health advice, because medical conditions including lice and herpes do not simply disappear by themselves.

embarrassed to speak to their pharmacist, even if they feared they had a sexuallytransmitted infection such as genital warts or herpes. They’d hope the condition would simply disappear.

And one-in-10 men had unprotected sex because he was too embarrassed to buy condoms. Pharmacist Shilpa Ghoil said: “The high-street pharmacy can be a humiliation hotspot for people con-

fronting their embarrassing health issues.” But she suggested that people who found it too intimidating to seek direct advice could discuss their issues with a pharmacist by telephone or online.

Snoring your way out of romance

SLEEPING apart, rather than together, may be the key to recapturing the romance in your life and securing those sweet dreams. A partner’s snoring, muttering and other annoying habits is the quickest way to kill each other’s love, says the Bedtime Etiquette study. Of the 4,000 British couples who took part in a One Poll survey, 75% said their sleep was disturbed by snoring. Other annoying nocturnal habits included muttering, mumbling, moaning and tossing and turning. The stealing of bedcovers was a problem for 58% of couples, while one in three complained about his/her partner talking out aloud

while asleep. “Snoring is the fastest way to kill the romance and passion in a relationship, says relationship expert Donna Dawson. “Not only is the suffering partner deprived of proper sleep, but the ensuing tiredness and resentment affects the sex drive - and even the basic ability to communicate and show affection.” A lack of shut-eye does not just throw a damp towel on intimate relationships. It can also leave people short-tempered with friends and colleagues, and lead to poor concentration at work. One solution is for couples to sleep apart, because, adds Ms Dawson: “A good night’s sleep not only revives the body, but also rekindles the romance by making it feel as though you are dating again.”

Half the population would rather suffer in silence than seek advice for embarrassing ailments, ranging from thrush to suspect rashes. A survey of 5,000 adults by online pharmacy Masters Direct found that men were particularly reluctant to ask for advice, even if they were “dying” of man-flu, or limping around in pain. Around 22% of adult men said they would ignore symptoms of lice, rather than admit to a pharmacist that they had the problem. A further 18% were too

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

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Food News

Mamma Mia! Is Fabba! COMPETITION is a fine thing in the business world. It’s what keeps people on their toes, protects against complacency and drives standards upwards. This is certainly what is happening in Las Americas at the moment. We have some genuine grade A eateries, and Americas Plaza, in central Las Americas, is really buzzing with some of the finest. Last weekend, I paid my first dining visit to Mamma Mia! which is in between Oriental Garden and La Martina. I have been here before, but only to the outside bar it shares with La Martina. It is one of those bars you must visit at the start of the evening, or at the end of a lazy afternoon. Be it a fine wine, a tasty cocktail or a single malt, this is the place to start. On this occasion, a couple of cocktails were called for. As regular readers will know, I’m a margarita man, and while I enjoyed this, my companion had the classic sea breeze. Both were excellent, with the sea breeze having that nice grapefruit kick. Service and comfort should be top of everyone’s list when judging a restaurant and, as befits a restaurant in the “Gastronomic Route” family, Mamma Mia! ticks all those boxes. The staff could not be better-informed or more welcoming, and they were a credit to the owners. The menu is broad, with over 120 different dishes and 40 starter options, but it’s not a distraction. Traditional favourites such as mussels, squid and prawns can be enjoyed, along with Italian specials like focaccia, soup and a wide salad range. We went for the carpaccio and special focaccia, washed down with a young Ribera del Duero. Wine can be a tribal choice. Normally, we order what we know without experimenting to suit the dish. I cannot urge you enough to ask for

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the waiter’s advice, and a good one will ask you a few taste questions before a recommendation. The suggestion of the Ribera was spot-on, and perfect for the meaty, main course to follow. The starters were superb. The carpaccio was veal with a light yet flavoursome mustard sauce with pickled mushrooms. Some carpaccio can be a bit sticky and cold, but ours was correct. The sauce was a pleasant surprise and made the dish one I would recommend. The focaccia was excellent. It came with a fresh tomato

and melted goat-cheese topping. with oregano, drizzled olive oil and parma ham. The tangy cheese, with the hint of oregano, really hit the spot. For our main course, we took the recommended fillet steak foie gras and special raviolino. The fillet was a good size and not overbearing, and the foie gras sauce was amazing. Dark in colour, rich and so tasty. As was the raviolino. It’s a dish that is hard to get wrong, yet so many places do. Either it’s undercooked and hard, or overcooked and soggy. But this was perfect. It was full of meat, and the sauce was rich without being a “five-bite” filler. The sauce had a little curry hint to it, and was a first for me. Raviolino with a light curry flavoured sauce? It shouldn’t work, yet it was so right. To finish, we had the classic apple pie and struggled

to finish the huge profiteroles with thick sauce and cream. Mamma Mia! is a restaurant you don’t just feel the need to return to. It’s stronger than that. I’m looking forward to exploring this menu because the party on the table next to ours were raving about the fish and pizzas they were enjoying. Another table was enjoying a gorgeous risotto, and you cannot visit an Italian without trying their mussels. Also, it amazes me how competitive the prices are. I have been to plenty of restaurants in less luxurious areas, with much smaller overheads, yet have paid considerably more. Mamma Mia! is easy on the eye, has an attention to detail and friendly to the wallet. Tenerife is blessed with some great Italian restaurants, but based on our visit, Mamma Mia! may just be the pick of the bunch.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid. Use logic alone to deduce where each of these numbers must be placed in every cell of a puzzle. Don’t worry! We´ve kept in two original sudokus for you on the right.






1 1





8 8


9 5










2 8











9 4

2 1





9 5


8 1 5


7 7



4 7


Puzzle Rating: Difficult





Puzzle Rating: Quite Easy

Horoscopes of the week Scorpio

to distract you. Gambles in love are worth taking this weekend.

(October 24th-November 22nd) Your ruling planet, Mars, brings out your argumentative side. Just make sure you are not pushing a certain close one too far or you could put up barriers, which will prove near impossible to knock down. Foreign contacts in business can help you save face, time and money. The New Moon will be affecting you in a positive way.

CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) The new moon this weekend promises there is a feeling of excitement in the air, which you should not miss. Many people under your sign will be changing the arrangements you have made to follow your instincts, or a chance of romance. Check your calendar because you may have forgotten an important birthday.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23rd-Dec 21st) The more you try to push things, the more slapdash you will appear to others. Quiet times with a loved one forecast for this time should confirm you made the right choice in matters of the heart. Midweek phone calls and texts reveal who started recent gossip and trouble. You can turn a setback into an asset. CAPRICORN (Dec 22nd-Jan 20th) Please don’t burn yourself out with such petty issues, especially when your love life is waiting on the sidelines with so many appealing offers! Money doesn’t seem to be coming in as fluidly as you would like, but this can actually be a good thing as events in the coming week soon prove. And casual invites have serious undertones. AQUARIUS (Jan 21stFeb 19th) Life is a stage for you at present and you are the lead performer. You have a boundless amount of energy, and feel the need to get involved with everything going on around you. However, be careful in your words, because those around you will not take kindly to criticism right now. Your finances could well be flexible. PISCES (Feb 20thMarch 20th) You don’t seem to be fully aware of the effect your flirting is

having on a loved one. Think about it. How would you feel if the roles were reversed? Try putting some of this excess energy to work on the person who really matters to you instead? You can use this weekend’s new moon to your advantage ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) With a rather difficult aspect between the planets pushing you in several directions, both mentally and physically, it is clear that you are drained. Keep an eye out for an attractive face that can be found in the company of friends. This could just be the beginning of a beautiful new chapter for you. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) Old flames think they can re-enter your life just as quickly as they departed. You have moved on, though, and should be enjoying yourself too much to even acknowledge them. Your mental state at present is way above par because you know what you want and where you are going. But there’s someone who cannot get you off his/her mind. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) You need to apply your knowledge and capabilities in areas you are familiar with. You may not be as decisive as others, but you are clearminded and reasonable. You are serious about your work lately, and will lose your temper easily if anyone dares try

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Please be careful what you say about your personal life to new friends and faces. The stars are making you far more candid than usual, and you may end up saying things that you will later regret. Remember that your words will not be forgotten, especially by the older generation. You are facing an eventful week. VIRGO (August 24thSept 23rd) Finances should be more liquid than usual, and you may be tempted to splash out to impress the new faces coming into your life, or just to blow off some steam. Watch out for someone trying to dirty your reputation with gossip about your personal life. The new moon this week can help those family issues. LIBRA (Sept 24thOct 23rd) As Venus slowly but surely prepares to turn direct, you start to feel more positive about situations, which this time last week, you were ready, willing and able to give up on. You may think that you had reached a dead end in a romantic situation, but how wrong you were. Your true friends and allies will shortly be revealed, and there could be a rise in the offing.





















































































Intermediate: 100 Advanced: 140 Sudoku X:

Puzzle Rating: Easy


Last Week’s Answers: Quiz: 1. Margaret Thatcher 2. Walk on the moon 3. 1928 4. California 5. November 6. Dominican Republic 7. 30th November 8. Scorpio 9. York Brain Training: 10. 1605 Beginer: 30









6 2

1 4















7 1



Quite Hard



































































































































































Very Hard

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training Pink 1. Roger Moore`s scenes in which Blake Edwards film were filmed during a break from shooting Octopussy?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

2. In what year did Pinky and Perky first appear on television?

50 4

3. Who released her debut album `Can`t Take Me Home` in 2000?

-13 8

4. Who or what was `The Pink Panther` in the 1964 film of the same name?



÷2 5





3/4 of this









5. Which band released the album `Dark Side of the Moon`?

6. What was the registration plate on Lady Penelope`s pink car in `Thunderbirds`?

7. How may balls are used in a game of Snooker (incl. the cue ball) ?


23 4

+59 8
















2/3 of this


8. Which French painter`s work included `The Pink Nude`?

9. Who narrates the initial lines in the Pink Floyd song `Keep Talking`?

10. Gala, Jonagold and Pink Lady are varieties of which fruit?


70 4

Square root 8





2/5 +188 ÷6 of this 5

+99 9


3/5 of this



-34 Page 43


London’s Games already a huge hit with the Brits NEW research from Thomas Cook, official provider of short breaks to the London 2012 Games, has revealed that one in four Britons already want to attend one or more live Olympic events. As the only place on the High Street to guarantee UK residents a place at the London Games and Paralympic Games, Thomas Cook conducted the research to gain an insight into consumers’ hopes for the big event. And even with almost two years to go, enthusiasm is high with the under-25s (38%) and those living in the South East (43%), London (35%) and East of England (35%) most likely to attend. However, the Welsh (10%) are more reluctant to commit at this stage. The competitors Brits are

Page 44

most looking forward to seeing? Cyclist Chris Hoy (32%) and swimming sensation Rebecca Adlington (31%) are top of the wish list, with Tom Daley (25%), Victoria Pendleton (24%) and Jessica Ennis (23%) hot on their heels. Unsurprisingly, poster-girls Jessica and Victoria both score more highly with men, who, with 27% of the votes each, leapfrog diver Daley

into the bronze position. Although the majority of Brits are happy to let former British Olympian greats hang up their running shoes, the athlete most Brits would like to see come out of retirement to compete in London 2012 is rower Sir Steve Redgrave (9%), followed by Daley Thompson (8%) and Dame Kelly Holmes (8%). When it comes to sporting

rivalry, the US (35%) tops Germany (10%) as the team Brits would most like to beaten, with more than onethird saying they’d prefer our London 2012 hopefuls to beat the Americans more than any other sporting nation. It follows, then, that our sporting loyalty is alive and kicking with almost twothirds of Brits (63%) pledging

their support for homegrown athletes. And the Great British public are quietly confident of our athletes’ chances, with a quarter believing London 2012 hopefuls offer the best chance of bringing sporting glory to Britain, compared with other national sports such as football or cricket. Stephen Vaughan,

Managing Director of Thomas Cook, London 2012 Partnership, said: “It’s encouraging to see that with just under two years to go, so many of the British public are already behind the London Games. “We may not be able to promise Team GB will top the US in the medals table, but we promise to help make London 2012 accessible to everyone by providing packages to suit all budgets.” Thomas Cook’s London 2012 short breaks will go on sale next Spring, and will include accommodation and tickets to a full range of events, from the Opening Ceremony and 100m final to regional football heats, sailing and synchronised swimming. To take your place at the world’s greatest sporting event with Thomas Cook, register your interest at or visit your local Thomas Cook or Going Places store.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

Morgan so reliant on their new 3-wheeler! IT’S a far cry from Del Boy’s three-wheeler Reliant Regal Supervan, but Morgan are convinced their new tricycle will be just as popular, if not more so! The Super Sports will be manufactured in the style of those distinctive cars, first introduced by company founder HFS Morgan in the Twenties and Thirties. Astonishingly, the Morgan racer held as many as 37 speed records before the war, and one was even clocked round Surrey’s famed Brooklands race track at 116mph! This new, 500-kilo Morgan, which goes on sale next year, will be powered by a 1.8-litre Harley-Davidson 45-degree V-twin motorcycle engine, coupled to a Mazda fivespeed transmission driving the rear wheel via a specially fabricated rear end. There are no prices yet,

but Morgan is striving to deliver the first Super Sports at about £30,000. This marvellous machine is derived from the design of the Seattle-made Liberty Ace itself a Harley V-twin-powered retro car in the style of original Morgan trikes. Morgan have bought the rights to the Ace, and their engineers have redesigned and re-engineered it considerably to create the Super Sports. The Great Malvern-based company is promising authentic Thirties, threewheeled thrills, but with “get-in-and-drive simplicity and reliability”. It will be homologated (approved by the authorities) under the motorcycletype approval regulations, which negates the need for complicated crash structures and airbags. Nevertheless, it will have twin roll-over hoops to protect occupants. With the tuned Harley engine delivering about

anism. The Super Sports will come with aero screens, but no other weather protection, although Morgan are planning a wide range of accessories for the car, including weatherproof clothing and specially-made luggage. By and large, though, it looks just like those early Morgans - and is all the better for it! The combination of a modern, compact, fuel-efficient engine with decent power levels, combined with a lightweight car, should make for thrilling yet economical driving. Morgan are to be applauded for sticking with this simple approach to motoring, which flies in the face of modern car design, where everything is bulkier and busier. It will be a great fun symbol for those drivers with that kind of cash to splash about, and they will surely get value for money as they bomb up and down motorways, turning heads every which way.

100bhp at the rear wheel, the top speed will be a stunning 115mph, producing 060mph in 4.5sec. Its coachwork will be made from super-formed aluminium, while the minimalist interior features leather seats and side-panels, with a black, anodised dashboard, complete with aircraft-style toggle switches, and a starter button styled on an aircraft bomb-release mech-

Sinclair C5 given a new lease of life THE Sinclair C5 is making a sensational comeback, 25 years after production ended amid appalling sales, much mockery and claims that it was dangerous. Sir Clive Sinclair, who invented the original model long before his knighthood, has unveiled the X-1 - a twowheel electric bicycle which

adheres to the same principles as the C5. It uses a small electric motor to assist the pedals. Production of the C5 ended within a year in 1985 after catastrophic sales. But now, Sir Clive believes that eco-conscious UK buyers are ready for another electric vehicle. It will go on sale in July 2011 at a cost of £595, which is cheap in comparison with the £395 price tag in

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

1985. It has a rechargeable, lithium, polymer battery pack, and an extra pack will cost £50. The quaint vehicle has been

redesigned to be more comfortable over long distances than a traditional bike, thanks to a reclining nylon seat and an acrylic bubble

roof. And it should cost just a penny per mile to run. Its suede handlebars are adjustable, and the carbonfibre and steel construction

makes it a lightweight 30kg. It has brake discs all round for quick stopping, though its maximum speed has yet to be revealed.

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See page 9 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Sport Talk Email:

A nasty Nastic nightmare CD Tenerife 0 Nastic 2 EVERY season has a watershed moment. It can be argued that Tenerife have already had a few this season, but last Sunday’s embarrassing home defeat by Nastic was the real line in the sand. This was comfortably the worst display from a Tenerife side in years. The sense of despair and frustration was shared by every one of the 16,463 souls, who had turned up expecting their team to perform for them. The attendance was com-

fortably the highest in the Spanish second division last weekend, and every spectator deserved better. They were certainly entitled to better from Miguel Conception, Santiago Llorente, Juan Carlos Mandia, Marc Betran and Ricardo. Conception is turning into a headless chicken. The club president has the ultimate say on all decisions, so he has to take a large slice of the blame. Sure, he helped get us promoted, and he took on the job only because no one else wanted it. And, yes, he has done a good job in reducing the debt. But his crazy decision not to retain manager Jose Luis Oltra looks the worst decision of the Millenium. His faith in Llorente has backfired spectacularly.

Nino misses rare chance

Llorente should be thanked for his work at the club during his three spells, but the director of football has had a shocking year and there is a real feeling he is now out of touch. He confirmed this week that he will leave at the end of the season, but that means he still has transfer control in January. The latest manager’s honeymoon period is over. His crazy substitutions on Sunday cost Tenerife dearly. They were bossing the match and had Nastic on the back foot. But Mandia replaced Josmar and Alvarez and four minutes later Tenerife were behind. They had no cutting edge and the players acted like strangers. It was very poor coaching. Captain Marc Betran is also in the cross-hairs. He is the best defender in the league, yet he has played like a man after a move. He is the least vocal captain I have ever seen. Why was he not geeing up the troops when Tenerife were behind? He is anonymous on the pitch when the going gets tough.

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And then there is Ricardo. The unheralded star of the promotion season is unrecognisable from the player of even a year ago. Has his evil twin escaped from the attic and chained him to the water tank? The local lad sums up all that is wrong with this team. His work-rate is poor, he cannot trap a bag of sand and his confidence is shot. He needs taking out of the firing line, but the squad is so thin that there are no real alternatives. Tenerife did okay in the first half and, but for some decent saves from Ruben, would have led at the break. At the time, Mandia’s changes looked strange. I remember during commentary calling them brave. But Tenerife were doing fine until then, despite playing with ten men. I’m not counting Ricardo because he was there in body but little else. Four minutes later, Nastic stole a corner. Alex Cruz, who is being tracked by Everton, swung in a regulation nearpost corner. There were three Tenerife players guarding the post but they all managed to

miss their header. It seemed to happen in slow-motion. The ball floated in, three white shirts missed the ball and Eloy poked it past Garcia. Eloy must have thought it was Christmas. It was shocking defending, but the setback should not have led to the absolute surrender which followed. With the exception of Juanlu’s late effort, saved magnificently by Ruben, and a Prieto head which was inches over the bar, Tenerife produced nothing. And, of most concern, they never even looked as though they were trying. Late on, the dangerous Moran completed the scoring with a goal he thoroughly deserved. Tenerife were such a disgrace that large sections of the ground actually applauded the Nastic goal as they scrambled for the exits. Canarian Weekly ratings Tenerife: Luis García 5, Mark Bertrán 5, Ezequiel Luna 6, David Prieto 6, Bellvís 5, Ricardo 3, Mikel Alonso 7, Kome 6 (Iriome 68min6), Josmar Zambrano 6 (Natalio

52min 5), Álvarez 6 (Juanlu 52min 6), Nino 6. Nàstic: Rubén 7, Campos 7, Mairata 7, Medina 7, Mingo 6, Seoane 7, Miki 8, Morán 8, Gerardo 7 (Rodri 84min), Alex Cruz 7 (Juan 68min 6), Eloy 6 (Powel 56min 6). Every match is now a big game, but the fixture Gods have not been kind. Tomorrow (Saturday), Tenerife face a Huesca side who are also around the drop zone. But they have done well over the last few weeks. They lost 2-0 at Cordoba last week, but that was their first defeat in five. Previously, they had beaten third-place Barcelona B and Xerez, both away from home. They also drew with Cartagena and Numancia while keeping clean sheets. This is only their third-ever season at this level, and they are a dangerous side to face right now. They are a counter attacking team and cherryripe for the way Tenerife play. Defeat is not an option for Tenerife, and they should be able to welcome back Pablo Sicilia after injury. He will probably start on the bench.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Sport Division 1 Heroes Sports Bar 5-3 Our Place Flukers Phoenix Bar 5-3 Exiles Strikers Bar 2-6 Target Bar B Sundowners P-P Woody´s A Target Bar A 4-4 Bar 180 A Tenerife Sons 7-1 Silver Surfers Toscales Ensecan 3-5 Toscales Allsorts X-Men 4-4 Rood A

Division 1 8 Ball Massive 7 - 3 Men Of Atlantis Atlantis Sharks 3 - 7 Palms Bar A Bar 180 B 6 - 4 Dreamers Bar Nauta A 4 - 6 Rat Pack Phoenix Knights 5 - 5 Trap Door Summerlands Superstars 9 - 1 Terrace Bar A Target Bar 7 - 3 Summerlands Allstars Tenerife Hammers A 9 - 1 Bar 180 A Toscales Old Boys 6 - 4 Bar La Cana Division One

POS 1 Summerlands Superstars 2 Palms Bar A 3 Tenerife Hammers A 4 Bar 180 B 5 Rat Pack 6 Phoenix Knights 7 Target Bar 8 Trap Door 9 Hoops Bar 10 Bar 180 A 11 Atlantis Sharks 12 Nauta A 13 Terrace Bar A 14 Dreamers Bar 15 Summerlands Allstars 16 8 Ball Massive 17 Men Of Atlantis 18 Toscales Old Boys 19 Legends A 20 Bar La Cana

P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 14 14 15 15 15 15 14 15

W 14 14 11 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 1

D 1 1 2 4 3 6 4 5 3 3 4 3 4 2 2 1 5 3 1 1

L F A +- PTS 0 116 34 82 43 0 106 44 62 43 2 97 53 44 35 3 84 66 18 28 4 85 65 20 27 2 84 66 18 27 4 76 74 2 25 4 80 70 10 23 5 74 66 8 21 6 65 85 -20 21 6 71 79 -8 19 7 67 83 -16 18 6 63 77 -14 16 8 61 79 -18 14 9 65 85 -20 14 10 63 87 -24 13 8 70 80 -10 11 10 63 87 -24 9 12 44 96 -52 4 13 46 104-58 4

Division 2 Bar 180 C 5 - 5 Toscales Tangos Bar Tasca 6 - 4 Legends B Barracuda Hunters 1 - 9 Target Rangers Gaffers 6 - 4 Phoenix Potters Lupain 6 - 4 Inn The Pink Woodys 2 - 8 Tenerife Hammers C

Division Two

POS 1 Legends B 2 Gaffers 3 Bar 180 C 4 Bar Tasca 5 Lupain 6 Target Rangers 7 Tenerife Hammers C 8 Nauta B 9 Phoenix Potters 10 Tenerife Hammers B 11 Barracuda Bandits 12 Inn The Pink 13 Summerland Elite 14 Toscales Tangos 15 Barracuda Hunters 16 Woodys 17 Connors 18 Terrace Bar B 19 Palms Bar B

THE last unbeaten record in Division Two of the Oasis Fm Pool League has gone after a fine match in Torviscas. Legends B have led the way from the very first frame of the season, and they were two-up early doors at Bar Tasca.

P 14 14 14 14 14 13 15 13 13 12 13 14 13 15 14 13 14 13 11

W 11 10 9 8 7 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 1

D 2 2 2 4 5 1 2 2 1 2 4 2 7 5 3 2 3 2 1

L F 1 90 2 82 3 77 2 89 2 77 4 76 6 85 4 67 5 75 4 63 4 68 7 66 3 69 8 65 9 55 9 51 10 47 10 47 9 31

A 50 58 63 51 63 54 65 63 55 57 62 74 61 85 85 79 93 83 79

Division 2

Division 1

+- PTS 40 35 24 32 14 29 38 28 14 26 22 25 20 23 4 23 20 22 6 20 6 19 -8 17 8 16 -20 11 -30 9 -28 8 -46 6 -36 5 -48 4

But the hosts roared back and took the spoils in the ninth frame when captain Heineken beat fellow skipper Graham. The 6-4 result sees Tasca in fourth place, with Legends just three points clear at the top. But next Tuesday, they face second-place Gaffers, who made it six wins on the trot with victory over

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

POS Pld 1 Bar Nauta A 152 2 Bar 180 152 3 Phoenix Bar 160 4 Exiles Bar 144 5 Tenerife Sons 160 6 Toscales Allsorts 160 7 Target Bar A 152 8 Rood A 160 9 Silver Surfers 160 10 Woody´s A 152 11 X-Men 144 12 Target Bar B 160 13 Sundowners 152 14 Toscales Ensecan 160 15 Heroes Sports Bar 160 16 Strikers Bar 152 17 Ourplace Flukers 152

Division 2 Amigos Bad Girls 1-7 Tenerife Sun Bar 180 B 2-6 The Knights B Barracudarts Boys 7-1 La Caña Lancers Naughty Nautas B 6-2 Barracuda Hunters Our Place Naturals 4-4 Marilyns Our Place Playgirls 1-7 Gaffers Rood B 3-5 Nautas Nutters C The Tavern 3-5 Yelas Bar Woodys B P-P Phoenix Flames

Sing 78 70 70 66 65 66 55 44 41 42 43 34 34 29 31 29 27

Dbles 27 32 29 27 24 22 24 25 24 14 13 14 13 14 13 6 8

Treb 16 15 15 15 13 8 13 11 10 8 4 6 6 9 7 5 4

180’s PTS 7 121 9 117 10 114 6 108 7 102 3 96 0 92 8 80 2 75 2 64 2 60 4 54 0 53 1 52 3 51 0 40 0 39

POS 1 Barracudarts Boys 2 Nautas Nutters C 3 Gaffers 4 The Tavern 5 Yelas Bar 6 Bar 180 B 7 Tenerife Sun 8 Rood B 9 Ourplace Naturals 10 Naughty Nautas B 11 The Knights B 12 La Caña Lancers 13 Woody´s B 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Marilyns 16 Ourplace Playgirls 17 Phoenix Flames 18 Amigos Bad Girls

Pld 168 168 168 168 168 168 160 160 168 168 168 168 160 160 160 168 160 168

Sing 89 80 69 56 58 62 57 52 53 57 52 44 38 40 30 31 37 29

Dbles 36 34 35 30 23 22 25 19 23 18 18 17 14 14 16 11 5 12

Treb 15 15 13 14 17 10 10 13 6 6 11 5 12 8 5 8 7 8

180’s 1 5 2 0 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

PTS 140 129 117 100 98 94 92 84 82 81 81 66 64 62 51 50 49 49

A sparkling night for Phoenix BONFIRE NIGHT celebrations were mirrored in Los Abrigos last Friday as the Phoenix Bar implemented their own gunpowder plot on former champions Exiles. The Costa del Silencio outfit, holding the only unbeaten Division 1 record, were eager to keep that run going. However, with Bubbles setting off his bangers via a couple of 180s against Del Boy, ably assisted by Steve Jones and Paul (Prince) Mason, the home side shot into a 3-0 lead. Exiles then struck back to make it 3-4 going into the trebles,

but Steve (sub) lit up the night with the winning double. Target A had an enjoyable night as they faced up to titlechasing Bar 180. They lit the blue touchpaper and went into a 2-0 lead, with Tricky hitting a stunning 150 - the highest checkout so far. Bar 180’s Gary replied with a rocket 131 finish, and a 180 of his own to leave things all square at 4-4. Tenerife Sons’ Tam had a maximum during his side’s torching of the Silver Surfers, and Rood A player Steve matched that as they drew with X-Men. Ourplace Flukers were on fire when they went 2-0 up at Heroes Sports Bar, but they were finally dampened 5-3. The Toscales derby smouldered its way to a 5-3 win for

the Allsorts over Ensecan, while Strikers could not hold a Roman candle to Target B as they lost 6-2. In Division 2, La Cana Lancers had their fingers burnt at Barracudarts Boys, going down 7-1, although a cracking night (ably assisted by one Gordon Ramsey!) was had by all. Dale, lighting up the sky with his fourth 180 of the season, led his team to a 5-3 win at Rood B, and Knights B’s Martin did the same during a comfortable local derby vic-

tory at Bar 180 B. Gaffers put the Ourplace Playgirls back in the tinderbox with ease, 7-1 being the final result, and Tenerife Sun left the Amigos Bad Girls in ashes by recording the same score. Nauta B’s Andy stoked things up with a 143 finish during a 62 success over Barracuda Hunters, while the Tavern got slightly singed by Yelas Bar, who took the spoils 5-3. Finally, Ourplace Naturals and Marilyns went up in smoke as they battled out a 4-4 draw. By Geoff Huxtable

Terrific Tasca tame Legends Phoenix Potters 6-4. It should be quite a match. There is a real log-jam just behind, and the promotion race is really heating up. Bar 180 C lost a little ground as they were held by Toscales Tangos, while Lupain are also in the mix. A brilliant break clearance from Marcus in the first frame set them up for a tight win over Inn The Pink. Target Rangers smashed Barracuda Hunters 9-1, and don’t rule out Hammers C. Tony’s bubble blowers beat Woodys 8-2, despite Bobby Baker losing both his singles rubbers.

The top five all won in Division One, with Summerlands Superstars and Palms A both staying unbeaten. Superstars swatted aside Terrace A 9-1, while Palms had too much bite for the Atlantis Sharks, winning 7-3. Hammers A beat Bar 180 A 9-1 despite Captain Barry doing a Captain Pugwash impression, and Bar 180 B snuck past Dreamers 6-4. Rat Pack’s great season continued at cup-holders Nauta A, and 8 Ball Massive returned to winning ways. Their 7-3 success over Men Of Atlantis was their first in six matches.

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Closure of Yeoward School recalls Banana Brothers era WITH the recent northern merger of Trinity School and the International British Yeoward School, forming The British School of Tenerife, we witness the end of an era. Since Yeoward School first opened its doors in 1968, it has honoured the name of a family linked intrinsically with the Island’s progress since the end of the 19th century. Brothers Richard Joseph and Luis Herbert formed the company Yeoward Brothers, (for whom the school was named) at 24 James Street, Liverpool, on 1st January 1894. Their business experience was primarily in shipping, but they also had experience in fresh fruit and vegetable distribution. The following year Richard visited Las Palmas and Tenerife and realised the great untapped potential in those islands. At the time there was only one company, Elder Dempster & Co Ltd, engaged in exporting bananas from the Canaries to England. Meanwhile, in England, Luis had opened a second office situated in London’s Haymarket, from where he made arrangements with other companies already involved in the Canarian trade, and established agencies in the islands’ main ports. Their first agents in Tenerife were Hijos de Juan Yanes, who covered the ports of Puerto de la Cruz and Santa Cruz, and the English house of Miller & Company, in Las Palmas. Initially, the brothers carried their fruit on steamships from the Elder Dempster Line, who were also a Liverpool firm. In 1900, Richard decided to base himself permanently in Tenerife, and that year, the brothers acquired their first ship. This was the 1885-built Avocet, purchased from The Cork Steamship Corporation Ltd.

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The following year, a second ship was bought, the 1888built Ardeola. Unfortunately, she was sunk in the River Mersey in a collision with the Herschel two years later. Then, in 1903, they acquired the 1890-built Avertoro (Bittern), and in 1904 the Ardeola II was constructed. In the same year, the smaller Alca was added to the fleet for inter-island service. The Yeowards were, by 1910, firmly established as main players in the Canary shipping trade. And as well as over 2,000 tons of British manufactured goods, they also bought tourists by the ship-load to the islands, and exported thousands of consignments of bananas and other island produce. They prided themselves on the high standard of accommodation and service offered on their “Banana Boat Cruises”. Further vessels were required, so between 1911 and 1915, the Andorinha (Swallow), the Aguila (Eagle) and the Alondra (Lark) were obtained to augment the company’s carrying capacity. With the outbreak of World War 1 in 1914, the Admiralty ordered all British merchant

ships to give the Canaries a wide birth, for fear of enemy submarine activity in the area. This dealt a devastating blow to the islands’ economy, both touristic and agricultural. In February 1916, British Consul John E Croker wrote to the Foreign Office, pleading that the boycott of the islands’ ports be lifted. This request was passed on to the Lords of The Admiralty but, despite there being no evidence of any subterfuge or abnormal risk, they refused to lift the embargo. In July, further representation to the consul was made by the major British concerns of the day: The British West Africa Bank, The Tenerife Coaling Co, Hamilton & Co, Elder Dempster Lines, Cory Bros, Fyffe’s and Yeoward Bros, but to no avail. Thus, a decision was made to ride it out and absorb the corresponding losses. In 1915, the Avetoro was listed as missing in St George’s Channel, (between Ireland and England) presumably through enemy action. Then Alondro (previously owned by Rio Tinto Zinc) was shipwrecked in 1916. To add to their woes, the Avocet went down in the

Atlantic, in April 1917 following a German submarine attack, the Avertoro II was torpedoed in the English Channel, while the Alca was sold to Spain that same year. So, despite staying clear of the Canary Islands, the flotilla did not escape unscathed. Following the war, though, island trade was resumed. Within one month of the armistice being signed, the Andorinha was back in port and became the first foreign ship to visit Puerto de la Cruz in over four years. In 1920, the name was changed and the Yeoward Line was created. In 1922, the Alondra II was built and bought into service, as was the Avocet II, in 1923, and the

Alca II was added in 1927. In 1911, the first stone had been laid of the new port facility for Puerto del la Cruz. The War had interrupted the works, and in 1922, Richard’s lawyers requested permission for a steam-crane to be installed on the quay-side. Up to this point, all loading and unloading had been carried out by barge with ships anchored offshore, and permission was duly granted. It was the last chance for the port to retain any chance of competing with Santa Cruz as, by now, a main road had been constructed linking the two ports. Fruit was, however, still loaded on to the company’s smaller vessels at the port of Garachico.

The new quay (El Penitente) was finally opened in August 1929, but by this time all trade, bar the loading of bananas, had moved to Santa Cruz, where the company’s commerce continued for the next decade. The Andorinha was sold off to The Pacific Steam Navigation Co in 1930, and eight years later, the Alondra II was bought by Chilean State Railways. The outbreak of World War II war in 1939 saw further disruptions to trade as the company’s vessels were involved in priority work. Again, the fleet suffered at the hands of the Kriegsmarine, and in 1941 the Avocet was sunk by a German submarine off the Azores, with the loss of 123 lives. And the Aguila II was torpedoed by U 201 in the Irish Sea with the loss of 156 souls, including 22 Wrens en-route to Gibraltar, having volunteered for encryption work. Poignantly, the RNLI built a “Liverpool-class” lifeboat, christened the Aguila Wren in 1951 in honour of this tragic contingent of the Women’s Royal Naval Service. Worse was yet to come: in 1943, the Ardeola III was captured by the Vichy French and handed over to the Italian Navy. She was subsequently attacked and sunk by the British Royal Navy. In 1945, following the cessation of war, the company again resumed its normal activities but never fully recovered from the losses inflicted. And with the sinking of the Alca II in 1955, the company lost its last vessel. It continued for a further ten years, shipping with the Spanish-owned Aznar Line. But, by the mid-Sixties, the brothers had all but wound up the company’s shipping activities. Yeoward Shipping Ltd continues to trade as freight-forwarders to this day from their Liverpool base, but the family name will always be associated with the early development of foreign trade and tourism on the islands.

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

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Pine baby changing unit with swivel top, shelves and 2 wicker baskets, excellent condition, 45 euros. Tel 659 756 793 Sunrise Fender Stratocaster guitar complete with medium-sized amp, all leads and plugs, good condition, 125 euros. Tel 671 843 449. White Nintendo DS Lite with white leather case, 5 games, all in good condition and R4 card with 100 games installed, 100 euros. Tel 648 027 589 Regal Golf Clubs bag & trolley. 1-3-5 Woods, 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Irons, Sand Iron, Pitcher, Putter. Very good condition. Tel 618 625 704, 100 euros. Silencio Black and decker drill 20 euros. 70 books 20 euros. 4 sun lounger cushions, washable covers 6 euros each or 4 for 20 euros. Beige curtains 234w x 244 drop 10 euros. Apple green curtains 244 drop 8 euros. Garden timer new with 15 metres hose and 20 drip systems 10 euros. Strong shopping trolley 10 euros. Tile cutter 10 euros. 8 bags of grout all colours 5 euros. 23 boarder tiles 5 euros. Tel 922 724 268 Silvertone electric guitar/amplifier/carry case and stand, 125 euros ono. Accoustic guitar/carry case, 20 euros. Funai dual speed VHS video player/rec, 20 euros. Tel 922 736 386 Polti vaporella forever 950 steam generator iron, 150 euros. Tel 695 808 394 Laptop, Acer Travelmate 7320, 17” Screen, 1.86 ghz Intel Processor, 3gb Ram, 80gb Hdd, Windows Vista 32bit (English), Crystal Eye Web Cam, 5 in 1 Card Reader DVD/RW, 4 x usb’s, Travel Case, Acer Europe warranty, 300 euros. Tel 664 261 836 or 922 785 659 2 matching single headboards, white, excellent condition, 35 euros. Can deliver. Tel 922 797 888 3 pine and etch glass interior doors or would also be suitable for wardrobe doors etc. 198cm X 76cm X 3½cm, 20 euros or all 3 for 50 euros. Tel 634 310 135 Complete PC system, tower, monitor, wireless keyboard, speakers, Pentium 4, 2.4ghz, 200 gigs hard drive space. 1 full gig ram memory, lots of software installed, 155 euros. Tel 922 731 383 R4 DSi Games Chip (4GB) INC,20 GAMES (of your choice) for Nintendo DS/DSi /DSiXL 35 euros. Tel 695 808 394 VOCCI DIVX/DVD player, still in box, 40 euros. Golf Del Sur. Tel 922 738 071 Samsung 28 inch TV as new 100 euros. Fan, Rowenta, black free standing height adjustable 20 euros. Goodmans combi TV/video English TV 65 euros. Sky plus remote never used 15 euros. Sky plus box, plus new working card, new remote 150 euros. Tel 662 451 620 White two panel wood door 73cm x 203cm. Very good condition. Costa Del Silencio are, 15 euros. Tel 618 625 704 Formula one wall art in black, huge 1 meter Lewis Hamilton 49 euros. McClaren F1 car black wall art also 1 meter 49 euros. White F1 FIA car graphic 10 euros. Lots of black car sponsors stickers to clear at 7 euros each. Huge spiderman 1meter wall sticker 49 euros. Large Pulp Fiction vinyl wall art 49 euros. Tel 673 283 903 Gents cream linen suit from Next, size 34 trousers, 40 euros or ono. 6ft slim line pre lit Christmas tree, 30 euros. Chocolate and lime green cat carrier. 10 euros. Double automatic pet feeder with timer. suitable for kitten or puppy whilst training. 10 euros. Chocolate brown fleece line pet bed. 5 euros. Tel 676 795 194 Sea land electric water pump booster unit, Jexi 80m 8hp motor, automatic self priming with pressure switch and gauge, 100 euros. Espa Prisma 25 water pump, 1.5kw, centrifugal surface horizontal, 100 euros ono. Tel 686 699 462

Mobility scooter, Days Medical Strider MN 4, red, 4 wheels, Lightweight, Lift off seat and easily lifts into small car boot or dismantles. No tools needed detachable battery unit, new batteries, 10 mile range, 4 mph for pavement use, automatic brakes, comfortable seat with armrests and seatbelt suitable for persons up to 20 stone, with front basket, automatic charger and user Manual. Good condition, 500 euros. Tel 603 733 241 Upright freezer 130 euros. Large chest freezer 120 euros. Playstation 3 games ,10 euros each. Microwave white 25 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Fridge freezer 150 euros. 29 TV silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. 14” TV with remote 20 euros. PC monitor & table 10 euros each. Commercial heavy duty citrus press 150 euros. Nintendo game cube, with all accessories & many games 100 euros. Exercise bike 50 euros. Almost 2000 DVD films 50 cents each. Tel 922 795 592 Fan, bag, blender, sun beds, ceiling lights, phone, patio chair & table, table, lamps, child’s wooden bed & mattress from 5 to 30 euros each. Baby’s boy & girl clothes 0-6 yrs bodies, pyjamas, suits, leggings, tights, skirts, 1 euro each. Bike 4-7 yrs 35 euros, Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros. Foot spa 15 euros. TV stand 25 euros. Dog carrier 15 euros. Portable radio cassette player 10 euros. Suit case 10 euros. Tel 679 088 846. Steam iron 15 euros. 14” TV, microwave, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 15 euros each. 29” TV silver 60 euros. 21” TV, 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 10 euros. euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. CD stereo radio cassette recorder 20 euros. Fridge freezer, 120 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Bird cage 10 euros. 2 domestic silver gas bottle 34 euros each. Tumble dryer 80 euros. Washing machine excellent condition top door 70 euros. Washing machine front loader 120 euros. Dishwasher 80 euros. Fridge freezer, excellent condition 100 euros. Fridge 45 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. 26 flat screen TV 130 euros. 42 flat screen TV 350 euros. Microwave 25 euros. Foot spa 15 euros. DVD player + remote 20 euros. Children’s car seat 0-18 kgs 20 euros. Tel 686 336 904

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Toys R Us, green, yellow/orange play house. 100 euros will deliver. Tel 620 342 501 Golf clubs, Eye-Line, putting aid alignment mirror, 25 euros. Callaway x18 pro series irons 3-pw stiff shafts 275 euros. Ping tour W Lob wedge 90 euros. Titleist 909D2 Driver 9.5 degree Aldila vs proto stiff shaft 180 euros. Ping Rapture V2 Driver 10.5 stiff ping shaft 180 euros. Sonartec SS01 3 wood 15 degree Aldila vs proto stiff shaft 75 euros. Sonartec NP99 3 wood 13 degree Aldila firm shaft 75 euros. RIFE Aruba anser style Putter, 100 euros. Tel 680 909 394 Hair saloon furniture, 2 hair washing units Orion with the attached chairs 450 euros each. Hairdressing chair Orion 190 euros. Modern office sofa in black, 249 euros, Modern reception desk in black and white 450 euros. 2 tall glass cabinets with a deem grey flower pattern 200cm high 80cm wide and 40cm deep 150 euros each. Flat screen Sony LCD TV 26” 190 euros. Philips TV 21 inches in silver with the remote control 30 euros. Tel 617 733 999. IKEA single wardrobe in Abdul (beech) H235cms depth 50cms width 58cms 80 euros. Blue contemporary, three glass shades suspended light fitting. Lovely modern light. 15 euros. Silver Ikea CD rack,10 euros. IKEA high chair 5 euros. Stainless steel fish kettle for cooking salmon etc 18 euros. Commercial Robot Coupe suitable for restaurant etc. 255 euros. Wheel barrow 25 euros. Roll of cork unopened 10 euros. Large dining room table with glass top, wooden base (220cms long x 100 cms wide) with 8 black leather high back chairs, 350 euros. Metrzopolis small hard grey suitcase case, suitable for carrying on plane 15 euros and one grey Samsonite vanity case 20 euros ono. Tel Westinghouse Ceiling fan with light, good condition, 30 euros. Tel 600 700 521 32” Thompson TV flat screen silver can be seen working, 100 euros ono. Tel 638 672 633

Large aloe vera plants (approx 2 foot high) in pot 20 euros each. Double mattress good clean condition 20 euros. Double bed base 10 euros. Matching single pine headboards good quality 20 euros each or 30 euros for both. Double pine headboard good quality 30 euros. Windsurf board 50 euros. Weights bench 40 euros. Tel 618 610 321 Pair of Technics 1210 Mk 2 turntables excellent condition (hardly used) and includes Behringer 4 channel mixer, 400 euros. Ikea lesvik baby cot with mattress includes lollipop lane treacle and Bubble Cot Bumper and Vtech Mami Pata 4 in 1 mobile, projector, 100 euros ono. Next Duffle coat beige 3-6 months, 10 euros. Pablosky navy leather shoes size 22 never worn, 15 euros. Girls suede/faux fur reversible dusky pink gillet age 8yrs, 10 euros. Redherring maternity dress size12, H&M Mama maternity dress size M, Redherring maternity skirt size 12, H&M 2 Mama maternity tops size M (one brown and one pink), Mamalicious maternity top size M, all excellent condition for 20 euros. TEL 630 976 208 or 922 765 564. 3+2 seater brown leather sofas 4 months old 400 euros. Brown wood TV unit with shelf and cupboard for wall 150 euros. Cabin bed with drawers desk wardrobe + shelf for CD’s all underneath bed 3months old, 270 euros. Flat screen 32” TV, black 100 euros. Girls mountain bike age 11 plus 80 euros. Boys mountain bike age 12 plus 60 euros. Boys mountain bike age 7 years 80 euros. Pine cot with mattress, 40 euros. Tel 922 734 510 Tumble dryer, Indesit, 7kg, built in condenser, hardly used, 100 euros ono. Tel 678 999 782 Mountain bike Decathlon Rockrider, falcon twist grip hand gears, blue/white frame - 75 euros. Ladies mountain bike rockrider Shimano gears, front suspension, make excellent Christmas gift, 185 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Silencio Fender Telecaster Guitar, cherry red, with Seymour Duncan bridge pickup, beautiful condition 300 euros. 30 watt amplifier, Cry Baby wawa and Boss distortion pedals, and guitar stand 100 euros. Tel 671 220 705 Patio set table 150 x 90 with marble effect top, six high back chairs and 2 occasional tables, 80 euros. Electric hand mixer and kitchen scales 15 euros. Cool box and large cool bag 8 euros. Tel 695 884 067 Wooden baby chair 8-36mths safe and stable, 10 euros. Mickey Mouse theme changing table with adaptable bath with drainage plug and storage room 20 euros. New cold water steriliser 5 euros. 2 Mothercare bottles 5 euros. Baby’s boy and girl clothes 0-36 mths bodies, pyjamas, suits, T-shirts, shorts, leggings, tights, skirts and shoes, 1 euro each. Steam cooker 15 euros. Tel 687 963 121 Angelcare baby sound monitor 20 euros. Cream wood cot and dark wood trim with mattress, perfect condition 60 euros. Tel 609 307 071 Free bagged rubble to collect from Torviscas Alto. Call 662 600 800 Blue fabric 4 seater sofa 195 euros. Baby changer unit with bath, light blue wood 110 euros. High bar table & two stools with arms in teak 145 euros. Singer electric sewing machine 85 euros. Green metal patio lampost (3 lights) 145 euros. Small Ignis chest freezer 110 euros. Teka ceramic hob & oven 235 euros. 135cm black leather bed 295 euros. Large stone wishing well for garden 495 euros. Celestron Astro Master 90 with tripod, complete 195 euros. Tel 922 720 493. Fender 6 string acoustic guitar 130 euros. Guitar stand, 10 euros. Music Stand 10 euros. Mandolin 50 euros. Tel 690 964 116 Mattress double memory foam, 160 euros. Small fridge, 50 euros. Portable air con unit with remote few months old, 150 euros. Small Terrapin tank 45l with pump and under water rock, 40 euros. Large reptile tank with under floor heating and heat rock, 75 euros. Cross trainer, 85 euros. Running machine , 85 euros. 2 suede lazy chairs with foot stools, 80 euros. Computer desk 10 euros. 8 Ikea black bar stools, 20 euros. Tel 699 581 861 USA ping white leather golf bag, 50 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Silencio

14” TV, wall unit (105x35x40cm), PC monitor, video recorder, water cooler, large parasol, folding single bed, vacuum cleaner, high velocity fan, power steam iron, 15 euros each. Wall lamps, shopping trolley, Christmas tree and decorations, ironing board, patio table, sandwich toaster, toaster, stool, lamps, iron, speakers, kettle, airer, headboards, chairs, from 3 to 8 euros each. 4 rings electric hob, solid pine table, combined DVD/Video player, 20 euros each. Fridge (white), 40 euros. Cordless phone,10 euros. Tel: 646 615 794.

Little touch LeapPad, pink with 4 books and cartridges, VGC, 20 euros. Clowns musical cot mobile, red, suitable for girls and boys, 10 euros. Blue playmat, 7 euros. Blue and white igloo tent, 5 euros. Brand new mens Adidas winter jacket, XL, 20 euros. Childrens swim jacket, 11-18kgs, 5 euros. Babyliss short hair dryer/straightner, only used a few times, 15 euros. Tel: 637 206 026

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm 12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Page 49

Property/Classified HOW TO ADVERTISE:

1 Green Park - Golf Del Sur - Large Studio apartment €350 inc La Finca - Chayofa - Choice of 2 one bed apartments from €450 inc Biltmore - Las Chafiras - 3 Bed 2 bath top floor apartment with separate kitchen, overlooking the pools €550 pm With English TV Ocean Golf - Golf Del Sur - 1 bed 1 bath comfortably furnished apartment with lovely veiws €550 pm inc bills to €50 La Perla - Parque de la Reina - 3 Bed detatched house with seperate kitchen and utility room, downstairs toilet, all bed-


page 49

rooms have fitted wardrobes €750 pm La Perla - Parque de La Reina - 3 bed detatched Villa, all one level, lovely outside space, corner plot, unfurnished €800pm Palm Gardens - Golf del Sur - 2 bed 2 bath Penthouse apartment with double garage €825 pm Jardin San Miguel - Las Chafiras - 3/4 Bedroom family house on prominent corner plot with 3 seperate terraces and rear gate access, main terrace wraps around the house, seperate kitchen, double garage €850 plus bills


Castle Harbour. Los Cristianos. Nice 9th floor one bed duplex on this popular Aparthotel complex with 2 x bathrooms and Fab sea views. Full Kitchen with oven, hob & washing machine. Heated pool. 24 Hour reception. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Summerland. Los Cristianos. lovely Modern 3rd Floor apartment with Pool views on the convenient central complex close to Bus station. Full Kitchen inc washing Machine. Pool Bar. comm Pool. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chipeque. Los Cristianos. Choice of two one bed apartments,on this small friendly complex (opp Paradise Park hotel) Washing Machines, UK TV various views. One is 425 Euros pm and the other (fully modernised) is 500 Euros pm (inc all bills) Dinastia. Los Cristianos. Quality one bed apartment on this modern complex overlooking the Comm Pool. Full kitchen inc oven, hob and Washing machine. Lovely shower room. UK TV. 550 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chayofa Country Club. Chayofa. A rare 3 x bed one bath 1st Flor apartment on this prestigious complex a short distance from Los Cristianos. Pool Views. Pool Bar Lots of sports Facilities. Regular Bus Service just outside. Only 700 Euros pm (inc all bills) Cabo Blanco. Great 2 x bed modern apartment in Cabo Blanco. Parking Space, Lift. Close to bus route and shops. Only 450 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) San Miguel Village. Beautiful brand new fully furnished 3 x bed 2 x bath end town house. Garage, Comm Pool, Breathtaking Views. 750 Euros pm (plus bills)

PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop).





page 50



BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 3 Locals 400m² in the centre of Los Cristianos. Bank valuation 1510,000 euros pvp 695,000 euros. Tel 685 877 182 To Advertise here please call 902 232 101 or email us at


page 50


LINEAGE 0.50c per word FREE: 1 telephone number


Advertise your property or classified advert here. 20 euros per week (30 words maximum) CLASSIC BOX ADVERT

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 25 euros per week (30 words maximum)


Advertise your property or classified advert here. 35 euros per week (60 words maximum) N.B. There is a 50% Premium for a Property/Business for sale classified adverts. Discounts available for more than one edition.

GARAGE TO LET Eucalyptus Apts, Los Cristianos, car or Storage. Secure – Electric – 75€ pcm Also office 15m² with telephone point.

Tel: 922 790 112 or 680 963 783

HOLIDAY LET APARTMENTS Change over cleaning Call now to place your apartment on our website FREE! More than 300 visitors every month are searching for holiday lets in Tenerife or phone 922 731 383

Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271 One bedroom apartment, Los Cristianos, 375 euros monthly inclusive, British TV. Tel: 600 700 521

PROPERTY FOR SALE Plot of land El Madroñal, Fañabe with permission to build, 180,000 euros. Tel 685 877 182 Detached Villa, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, utility room, sea views, quiet residential complex, swimming pool. Divorce forces sale. Genuine bargain, 250,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900

PENTHOUSE, GOLF DEL SUR 3 bed, 3 bath, air con, Satellite TV, fabulous views, fully furnished. Private parking & Jacuzzi £177,000 sterling

Tel: 609 587 155 / 609 689 839 SERVICE POINT

page 51

Leaving the island!

LINEAGE - 35 euros for 4 weeks 1 MODULE BOX ADVERT

Advertise your service advert here. 80 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (20 euros per week) 2 MODULE BOX ADVERT

Advertise your service advert here. 100 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (25 euros per week)


CARS WANTED CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

CARS/BIKES Yamaha R1 2003, 30,000kms, Fantastic condition, loads of extras, very fast bike. 3,995 euros. Tel 610 285 953. Peugeot 206 5dr Diesel, 2005, white, 71,000kms, air con, airbags, VGC, 4,250 euros. Tel 628 299 491


*Service point adverts have to be in for a minimum of 4 weeks.

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.

Chrome bumper model, 1974 Roadster, soft top convertible, UK Reg, RHD, MOT, good body work and mechanically sound. Ideal for rally etc. 5000 euros ono.


Tel 669 626 840

Tel: 603 638 668

Please ask us for prices for larger size adverts and colour. All property, classfied and service point have to be paid for in cash at our offices in Las Chafiras.

Page 50


12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Classified CARS/BIKES (CONT.)



Full time qualified evening chef required for family run bar in Los Cristianos. Call 663 514 788 Telemarketers required for a successful office in Playa de Las Americas. Generous basic wage and high commissions paid weekly plus many incentives and bonuses are available. Huge earning potential available for the right candidates. For an immediate start, call Lee on 608 698 719 A professional, experienced, outgoing waiter is required for Sebastian's, a new stylish restaurant in Las Americas. Good presentation and spoken Spanish essential. Full contract provided. Call Raul on 617 606 625 Shenanigans in the Patch Las Americas are looking for a Manager or Manageress to run the bar. Experience is essential. Excellent working conditions, wages and a contract given. Either call 619 666 638 or pop into Shenanigans after 7pm and ask for Sue. Avon Cosmetics are looking for representatives in Tenerife. A fantastic opportunity to make great commissions. Applicants must be 18 or over and have an NIE number. Email A busy salon require a fully qualified hair stylist for an immediate start, either on an employed basis or to rent a chair. For further information call 922 737 569



AIR-CONDITIONING MISC Ciudadanos Europeos - European Citizens Group

Advice - Help - Social Activities SPECIAL MEETING 24th November with Age Concern Espa単a and DWP Pensions, Benefits and Healthcare Team. All meetings held 7.30pm last Wednesday in Month Sept - April (not Dec) Cultural Centre, Los Cristianos. Non- members welcome Email:

Telephone: 922 718 113 WANTED Large double/triple garage wanted for rent in the Las Americas/San Eugenio area on a monthly basis. Tel Mark 659 202 826


12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Page 51




Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790




For all professional cleaning of carpets & upholstery

Tel: 609 066 973

Do you not have time to clean your house or flat? If you don’t have the time or you just don’t want to.....delegate this job to us! We will do anything! Call 672 923 752





Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.



CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250€ per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: Page 52

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Service Point




PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579


the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle



K.A. Auto Mobile Service, Repair & Valeting. Automotive Technician and Honda Specialist. Your local British mechanic offering mobile breakdown & repair service. Telephone 922 770 887 or 659 993 023


9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall?

677 806 800

REMOVALS UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841





SUPER SALE, SUPER SALE NOW ON! Open Mon-Thurs. Los Cristianos, Edf.Rosy, Calle Valle Mendez, opp Police Station near Pet Shop

Tel: 618 381 488


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!


PERSONAL SERVICES Polish very beautiful blonde girl, slim Barbie body, blue eyes, all services, lesbian too. Private apartment, hotel visits, 24hrs, good English spoken. Tel: 672 845 107 The only professional Mistress in Tenerife! Young, busty, fit, extreme blondie shows you who is the Boss! All fetishes, rubber, boots, strapon, whips, electric, watersport, scat, poppers, Viagra! 662 476 036

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

OPEN 9am - 6pm Mon - Fri, Sat 10am - 5pm SECONDHAND CENTRE Vina del Mar Hotel Playa de las AmĂŠricas

Other times by arrangement

Ring Ray or Gary on: 922 790 822 or 675 569 804

Page 53



Colin Peel Tiling Specialist

TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493




The Travel Shop



SEWING SEW & SEW’S - For Clothing Alteration’s. Also stocking good quality used baby/children’s clothes, maternity wear, nursery items, toys, books, curtains etc. I also buy the above. Tel 671 784 608. Email:


SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270



Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 657 302 428. International Psychic Tarot Card Reader. Confidential, reliable, caring readings in the privacy of your own home/hotel. Tel : Anna 678 236 803

Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157.

Page 54

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits

Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00


Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and

terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind ESE 21 km/h . Friday Night Clear. Low: 18 °C . Wind NNE 14 km/h .

Saturday Clear. High: 24 °C . Wind ENE 18 km/h . Saturday Night Clear. Low: 17 °C . Wind North 10 km/h . Sunday Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind East 14 km/h . Sunday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 19 °C . Wind ENE 21 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 0.72 mm). Monday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind ENE 43 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 1.05 mm). Monday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 18 °C . Wind NE 32 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Tuesday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind ENE 36 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Tuesday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 18 °C . Wind NE 28 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Wednesday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind ENE 36 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Wednesday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 18 °C . Wind NE 28 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts).

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Distribution audited and certified by

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2010 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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12 November 2010 - 18 November 2010

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