Canarian Weekly Issue 680

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 681



03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Stormy weather ahead! The rain’s in Spain… and it’s also bound for Tenerife WHILE the UK and Spain are already experiencing desperate wintry conditions, Canarians are bracing themselves for heavy rain and even snowfalls on the high ground over the next few days. A heavy storm forecast for the South failed to materialise during daylight hours yesterday (Thursday), although Mount Teide and surrounding areas looked crystal clear from down below, in between the random spot of rain. But an Orange Alert, predicting high winds in Tenerife of up to 90km per hour, was issued by the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), which covers mainland Spain and the Canary Islands. And we could also experience storms and gales in the next few days. Santa Cruz expects sunshine today (Friday) and tomorrow, with heavy storms sweeping across the capital on Sunday as they did exactly a year ago, when torrential rain flooded the city and cars were swept away. Holiday-makers who have never experienced storms here before will almost certainly be shocked by the ferocity and intensity of the rain, with roads in the main towns being transformed into rivers almost in a flash! The last big storm that Tenerife suffered was ´Delta´ back in 2005. Hopefully on this occasion the wind will change direction and it will miss the Canaries, like it

“The State Meteor-ological Agency (AEMET) has ordered an orange-level alert in Tenerife by strong winds, with gusts up to 90 miles per hour throughout the day tomorrow, (Friday) mainly in the towns of La Orotava and Vilaflor. This Thursday there is a level signal yellow rain (15 liters per square meter) on the islands of La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera, Tenerife and Gran Canaria, where storms may occasionally be recorded.” did a while back when Madeira was hit by bad storms and flooding. Back in the north of Britain, they are already shivering, with heavy snowfalls in Scotland, Newcastle and North Yorkshire causing chaos, and temperatures dropping further and further (down to minus five degrees in some areas) as the cold

front moves through the country. It is the first widespread snowfall for 17 years in the UK, and Brits are gearing themselves up for a winter of misery on the roads. The AA had already attended more than 10,000 breakdowns nationwide in a 36hour period, with calls coming in at about 1,000 every hour

by yesterday afternoon. And here, an AEMET spokesperson says that Spain, especially, is about to see its first “cold snap” of the year, because of the icy conditions spreading from Britain, which will probably bring snow to northern parts of Spain, especially Cantabria. Apart from the Canaries at risk of heavy rain and snow, several Spanish provinces, including Aragón, Cantabria, Castilla-León, Cataluña, Navarra and the Basque Country are also on Orange

Alert. Snowfalls of up to 10cm are expected in Huesca, Burgos, León, Palencia and Lleida, while Zaragoza could see 4cm of snow. From the beginning of next week, unsettled weather will spread across the whole country “bringing snow and icy temperatures to all areas for a few days”, say the forecasters. A mass of polar air is said to have ravaged the Iberian peninsula yesterday, and in particular the north, where

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

snow is expected to fall in some areas as low as 500 metres, according to AEMET. But while temperatures will not rise much above 2C in Britain, the weather in Tenerife is still expected to average around 24C during the day, especially at sea level. So, for all the shivering going on in the UK and Spain, we may still get periods of warm sunshine - in between the storms. And you’ll still be able to wear shorts and Tshirts!


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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Road safety THE COUNCIL of Tenerife invests over 225,000 euros on the island’s road safety. The Council of Tenerife, via the Department for Roads, has drawn up and signed five projects aimed at improving pedestrian safety in different parts of the island. The overall budget for these works exceeds 225,000 euros (funded entirely by the Council of Tenerife). Projects include the improvement of the pedestrian crossing at La Candelaria’s University Hospital on the TF-192 (works commence this week), the pedestrian crossings on the TF-375 Arguayo crossing, the raised crosswalk in San Juan del Reparo in Garachico, at kilometre 5+700 on the TF-82, the pedestrian crossing on the San Antonio TF-324 crossing in La Orotava, and on the raised pedestrian crossing at kilometre 6+640 on the TF217 in Santa Úrsula. A total of 49,467.73 euros has been allocated for upgrading the pedestrian crossing at La Candelaria’s University Hospital, on the TF-192 (Santa Cruz). Works, which commence this week, consist of bringing the kerbside pavements around the hospital closer to the road, in order to increase the size of pedestrian waiting areas.

SPANISH Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has called a special meeting tomorrow (Saturday) with the heads of 30 leading companies.

Similarly, the Town Hall will carry out works including the laying of cables, construction of bases and manholes for the installation of traffic lights, and work will be carried out to upgrade the surrounding surface area and improve horizontal and vertical signage. The Town Hall will participate in this action by providing the traffic lights. The improvement of road safety at the pedestrian crossing on the Arguayo TF375 crossing, in the municipality of Santiago del Teide, will receive an investment of 23,899.06 euros. Planned works include a raised crosswalk as well as a zebra

crossing. A total of 21,094.39 euros has been allocated for the construction of the raised pedestrian crossing at kilometre 5+700 on the TF-82, in the township of San Juan del Reparo in Garachico. The funding will be used for the construction of a raised crosswalk and for the upgrading of kerbsides to make pedestrians more visible to approaching vehicles. The improvement of road safety at pedestrian crossings on the TF-324, at the San Antonio crossing in La Orotava, will cost a total of 24,528.47 euros. Two speed reduction measures will be used to enhance road safety,

consisting of a speed table and a speed bump. Kerbsides will also be upgraded to improve visibility at pedestrian waiting areas. Finally, but no less important, 106,759.58 euros has been allocated for works on drainage and a raised pedestrian crosswalk at kilometre 6+640 on road TF217 in Santa Ursula. The funds will be used to build drainage to remove the excess water that flows onto the road, principally, from adjacent streets. Furthermore, a speed table will be installed and kerbsides will be upgraded to improve visibility at pedestrian waiting areas.

International Centre for Heritage Conservation THE PRESIDENT of the Council of Tenerife draws attention to the importance of preserving Historical Heritage during the inauguration of Cicop Foundation. The President of the Council of Tenerife, Ricardo Melchior, drew attention to the importance of preserving the island’s historical heritage and the vital role this Foundation, run by the International Centre for Heritage Conservation, will play in this area. Melchior recently attended the Cicop Foundation’s inaugural ceremony, which was held in the Carlos V Palace in the Alhambra in Granada, accom-

Zapatero calls for summit meeting of the big-hitters

panied by the General Coordinator for Historical and Cultural Heritage, Cristóbal de la Rosa, and the Mayor of La Laguna, Fernando Clavijo. During his speech, Melchior drew attention to the fact that “the creation of the Foundation, with its headquarters in Casa de Los Capitanes in La Laguna, was made possible thanks to Miguel Angel FernándezMatrán, who, together with his dedicated team of people, launched this project, a project which has reached heights that have made us all proud. Cicop has been called

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

upon to play a leading role in the conservation of our cultural heritage and the Foundation represents a perfect tool to achieve this. The Foundation will provide us the means to carry out the essential task entrusted to Cicop, and we are all very pleased”. Under the aegis of the Ministry for Culture, Cicop carries out its activities across the entire country from its headquarters in Casa de los Capitanes in La Laguna. The principal purpose of the Cicop Foundation is to exercise influence and carry out activities in countries in which the

non-governmental association has already been working until now. It also hopes to increase its presence abroad through international delegations. The Cicop foundation is guided by the principles of protection, conservation, restoration, management, promotion and growth of movable, immovable and intangible cultural heritage. The Foundation’s activities include studies, research, exchange and training programs focused on promoting the methods, techniques, procedures, materials and protocols used in the restoration, rehabilitation, management and consolidation of cultural heritage. The Foundation is also responsible for making cultural heritage accessible to people.

They will convene at the Moncloa Palace, and his aim is to try to entice them to stimulate investment, create employment, and reactivate consumer spending. Some well-known exceptions will be absent, including Banesto, Bankinter and Banco Sabadell. But bankers BBVA, Santander and Banco Popular will be there, together with Caja Madrid and La Caixa. Also attending will be chiefs from Endesa, Iberdrola, Gamesa, Gas Natural-Unión Fenosa, Cepsa, while Repsol YPF,

from the energy industry, will also take part, in addition to Acciona, ACS, FCC, Ferrovial, SacyrVallehermoso and OHL from the building sector. Sol Meliá and Iberia will represent the tourist industry, while consumer spending will be discussed with El Corte Inglés, Mercadona, Ebro Foods and Inditex. Other businesses supporting the meeting are Anfac, Telefónica, Indra, Mondragón, Grifols, Mapfre and Telecinco. The Spanish Stock Market traded down for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, following the financial rescue of Ireland, as fears about problems spreading throughout the eurozone continue. But at midday, the fall was less than 0.5%, compared with the 3%-plus tumble the previous day.

Tenerife’s Wine Fiesta so grand! The Council of Tenerife’s Grand Wine Fiesta attracted 2000 people. The Council of Tenerife, via the Rural Tenerife Foundation, brought together 2,000 people last Friday [the 19th], in Calle de la Noria in Santa Cruz, for the Grand Wine Fiesta. This event, which celebrated its 5th edition and ran as planned, attracted people of all ages who took pleasure in discovering and sampling the aromas, textures and flavours of the island’s superb variety of wines. Tenerife’s Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing, José Joaquín Bethencourt, who was present at this annual event, now considered a traditional prelude to the San Andrés festivities, drew attention to the fact that the presence of wines from Tenerife’s five designation of origin areas contributed to the success of the event, which exceeded expectations. President of the Council of Tenerife, Ricardo Melchior, was also present at the event and visited marquees erected by the Regulatory Councils. He conversed with wine growers and farmers

and took an interest in the different varieties of wine on offer. Melchior was accompanied by the Senior Vice-President of the Council of Tenerife and Minister for Tourism, José Manuel Bermúdez, the Minister for Economy and Competitiveness, Carlos Alonso, the General Coordinator for Culture and Historical Heritage, Cristóbal de la Rosa, and Tenerife’s Director of Roads Ofelia Manjón, among other Council of Tenerife members. As was the case in previous editions of the Grand Wine Fiesta, a marquee was erected for each denomination of origin area: Abona, Ta c o r o n t e - A c e n t e j o , Ycoden-Daute-Isora, Valle de Güímar and Valle de La Orotava. There was also a marquee for historical, malvasia and sweet wines and another run by the House of Wine, where visitors were able to purchase wines from around the island.

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Blue Moon ‘BLUE MOON, you saw me standin’ alone Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own’ The words ‘blue moon’ have cropped up this week on numerous occasions including on television. It all started last weekend, avid sky watchers would have realised that 21st November (Sunday) was a full moon. The full moon in November is referred to as a Hunter’s Moon. It possessed an aurora around it and did so for a few days after. The glow is a lunar halo caused by the light refracting through ice crystals in cirrus clouds. The ice crystals have six sides and refract the light at a 22 degree angle, almost always producing a halo that is 22 degrees in diameter. Then the conversation went something like this, “Is it a blue moon?” “No, it’s not blue” “Do you know what a blue moon is” “No” So those like myself who had heard the term blue moon but were unclear as to its origin all will now become clear. A blue moon is the second full moon occurring within a calendar month. The last was seen on 31 December 2009. The phenomenon occurs once every three years on average. With the lunar cycle full moons occur approximately monthly, the days that are then left over so to speak accumulate and that’s why every few years you get an additional full moon. A “blue moon” is also used colloquially to mean “a rare event”, reflected in the phrase “once in a blue

moon”. That was how the term was used this week in the media. Modern interpretation of the term relates “blue moon” to absurdities and impossibilities. “Blue Moon” is a classic popular song. It was written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart in 1934, and has become a standard ballad made famous by a host of singers. The lyrics refer to an English idiomatic expression: “once in a blue moon” means very rarely. The song is relating a stroke of luck so unlikely that it must have taken place under a blue moon. The title relies on a play on words, since Blue is also the colour of melancholy, and indeed the narrator is sad and lonely until he (or she) finds love. Did you know? The full moon is given different names, depending on when it appears: January - Moon After Yule, Wolf Moon, or Old Moon February - Snow Moon or Hunger Moon March - Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Worm Moon or Lenten Moon April - Grass Moon, Frog Moon or Egg Moon May - Milk Moon or Planting Moon June - Rose Moon, Flower Moon, or Strawberry Moon July - Thunder Moon or Hay Moon August - Grain Moon or Green Corn Moon September - Fruit Moon or Harvest Moon October - Harvest Moon or Hunter’s Moon November - Hunter’s Moon, Frosty Moon, or Beaver Moon December - Moon Before Yule or Long Night Moon.

Artisan design THE COUNCIL of Tenerife and sectors involved in technological development promote innovation in artisan design. The Council of Tenerife, via the Department for Economic Development, Business and Employment and the island’s major technological development agents have signed a collaboration agreement to promote innovation in artisan design. This move was prompted by the Insular Plan for Crafts and its four strategic pillars, which

places importance on training, incorporating new generations into the industry, disseminating the island’s artisan culture, marketing artisan goods and preserving dying trades. The agreement was signed on (Monday the 22nd) by the president of the Council of Tenerife, Ricardo Melchior, and presidents and representatives from the University of La Laguna’s Business Foundation (FEULL), the Canary Islands Industrial Association (ASINCA), the Provincial Federation of Businesspeople for Metals and New Technologies of

Cabildo should walk our streets of shame

Dear Editor, Thank you for a very interesting and informative “readable” paper. As a visitor to Tenerife annually for 28 years I read with interest the comments of First Vice-President and Minister of Tourism of the Cabildo of Tenerife Jose Manuel Bermudez.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife (FEMETE), the Professional Association of Surveyors, Architects and Building Engineers of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Professional Association of Architects of the Canary Islands, (Office for Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hierro) and the Professional Association of Industrial Engineers of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The aim of this agreement is to encourage entities to launch different types of initiatives which lead to innovation in the design of artisan products from Tenerife. The agreement also hopes to see an extended use of artisan goods across many different fields. This cooperation is a result of the proposal put forward by the Council of Tenerife to examine in greater detail the knowledge and skills of Tenerife artisans, and to explore, especially, lesser known aspects in innovation and design. Thus, the agreement seeks to further examine innovation and design in handcrafted works by engaging experts who specialise in the development and promotion of reviving craftsmanship in Tenerife and by working together with artisans. This will lead to greater competitiveness as artisans

Whilst I agree with him that all businesses continue to make their best efforts to maintain their quality of service even though he acknowledged that profits are being squeezed. I feel that in his position he should also be tasking the local authorities to maintain their services particularly with regard to street cleanliness especially the excessive and increasing amounts of litter and dog defecation that I see on a daily basis in all the areas I walk around in Los Cristianos I would point out in defence of the street cleaners and gardeners that theirs is a very unenviable job given what they have to deal with and in the main I commend their efforts It is obvious that the vast majority of the dirty street problems can be avoided if people and dog owners did the decent thing and took their rubbish home with them or cleaned up after their dogs and disposed of this extremely dangerous waste in an appropriate way. Does everybody realise that dog excrement can cause blindness in children! Perhaps Senor Bermudez along with the local authority management should walk the streets to see the evidence, then join forces to campaign for all residents and visitors to “ make best efforts” to keep the streets clean and give the right impression to anyone who visits. Maybe a period of on the spot fines and zero tolerance (may also help with town hall funds) will jolt people into adopting the right attitude to the environment we live in. I hope in your capacity as a local “ voice of the people” you may be able to start getting the message across. Regards DK

TF-65 – Night works THE ISLAND Council, through the Department of Roads has begun road works to improve the road surface of TF-insular 65 between mile markers 3 and 8 in the municipality of San Miguel de Abona. This activity has a budget of EUR 742,776.32. The work to be performed

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are offered guidance in the area of design. It will also help in promoting the use of artisan products in the fields of activity in which signatory organisations are involved. In sum, the agreement seeks to recognise the importance of knowledge of craftsmanship in order to better adapt artisan products to today’s society and, fundamentally, to today’s economy. This agreement is a commitment by the signatory entities to channel cooperation and specialised technical assistance to those who work with artisans, and to take on the tasks of promoting and managing artisan activities and offer guidance, services and technological support. Similarly, the signatories pledge to share information on results and conclusions drawn from the different activities launched, as well as on the possibilities of using artisan products in their different fields of activity. Furthermore, the Council of Tenerife will assist Tenerife artisans in becoming involved in cooperation and innovation initiatives resulting from this agreement and will publish the outcomes of its activities. This Framework Agreement will be valid for two years.

(which has a lead time of 1.5 months), consists of a series of actions designed to correct the deficiencies and defects which are found in that stretch of road. Due to the intensity of road traffic, with the aim of creating the least possible interference to users, it has been agreed to work at night from 22, 00 to 06.00 hours the following day. Likewise, drivers are asked to take precautions to respect the signs and watch for possible deviations due to the works.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010



Tenerife Pearl - 14th anniversary Saturday 27th November 2010 To celebrate Tenerife Pearl’s 14th anniversary on Saturday 27th November 2010 they are offering a 50% discount. On this day only you can purchase all jewellery at half price! Bring your family, tell your friends and don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Chicago, the musical Auditorio de Tenerife (Santa Cruz) Prices: 30, 40 and 50 euros From 26/12/2010 to 2/1/2011 One of the most spectacular and successful shows visits Tenerife at the end of the year. Tickets for the nine performances at Auditorio are now on sale. The cast is headed by Carlos Lozano, Marta Ribera and María Blanco, and this great dance company will arrive here after a successful run, winning some Tony awards and a Grammy prize. Murders, fraud, avarice, adultery and betrayal are all portrayed as the rhythm of jazz is pounded out. More information: 29th November 2010 San Andrés, Icod During the day Icod wineries are open for the tasting of the new season´s wine. Keeping the tradition of San Andres, the young people from the town slide down at high speeds the steep streets on boards greased with tar. There are many visitors and locals who enjoy seeing this unique experience.

Until December 31st Sala Juan Cas y Fundación Cristino de Vera (La Laguna) The magic of Miró - Drawings and engravings Two different places in La Laguna are hosting Joan Miró’s exhibition. Sala Juan Cas is hosting a compilation of engravings from different creative ages. This technique was very important for the artist. Drawings made with wax colors and crayons in several stands from the last five years of the life of the artist will be exhibited at Fundación Cristino de Vera. Prices: CajaCanarias’s clients: free. Not clients: 2 euros Non residents: 5 eruos Retired and students: free More information

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Copper gang are rounded up by Spanish coppers MOUNTED police were among a 250-strong force who rounded up on one of Spain’s most active coppertheft rings on Tuesday. The huge operation netted 36 suspected gang members, and also more than 100 tonnes of copper during the

raid on “The Chicken Coop”, a squatter settlement on the outskirts of Madrid which is home to Italian migrants. Most of it came from water pipes and telephone lines and, incredibly, some was even stripped from high-speed rail lines. With prices hitting a record 8,966 dollars per tonne earlier this month because of strong demand from coun-

tries like China, thieves worldwide are reaping the benefits of an in-demand copper market. The price of the industrial metal, used in plumbing, heating, electrical and telecommunications wiring, has shot up by some 50% since June. It has also been boosted by the weak dollar, plus strikes Chile, which is a key producer.

Police Commander Javier Rogero said: “This area of Madrid served as the headquarters of one of the most active copper-theft groups operating across the country. “The theft of copper is taking place practically in all geographic areas but, thanks to operations like this one, we are slowly reducing the groups’ numbers.”

We don’t need bail-out, says Economy Minister ELENA SALGADO, the Government’s second vice-president and Economy Minister, has stressed that Spain will not follow in the EU bail-out footsteps of Ireland and Greece.

insisted that Spain would get itself out of recession, and she emphasised that the government had already man-

aged to reduce the deficit by 47% in one year. This, she added, demonstrated that the correct measures were

being introduced, which rendered the external pressure on Spain from other EU countries unnecessary.

Amid much speculation, she said in a radio interview on Wednesday that Spain could not be compared with the stricken Irish, and that the Bank of Spain had always maintained firm control of the financial system. She also underlined that the recession would have had far more devastating effects if the country had not joined the euro - and that the government had provided sufficient proof to have earned the confidence of the financial markets. Yet Spain’s risk premium, during a nervous time on the midweek international financial markets - which saw stocks and shares in Spanish companies plummet - has reached an all-time high, compared with that of a strong German economy. The Economy Minister

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Holiday-makers bound for Spain SPANISH tourism is on the up and up, with the sixth consecutive monthly improvement just posted by the Government. There was a 4.2% rise last month, compared with the same period last year, according to data released on Monday by the Ministry

of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. It means that nearly 47.2 million foreigners visited Spain during the first ten months of 2010, which was an overall 1.2% increase over last year’s figures.. And there was a noticeable increase in tourists from Scandinavia, Italy and the Netherlands last month.

Online shame for the fine-dodgers THE names of guilty drivers who avoid paying motoring fines in Spain are now posted on the internet by the country’s traffic authority DGT. The move came into effect yesterday (Thursday) and affects all those motorists unable to be located by the official body. Notification of fines until now has been placed in the Official Provincial Bulletin, but one in three is not paid. Now, however, it is assumed that these drivers do have internet access and are online.

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Ramón Ledesma, from the DGT, said the current system often resulted in guilty drivers being made aware of their fines only when their bank accounts are embargoed. Internet users will also be able to access a new “Buzón electrónico”, where they can see notifications of fines, and other items such as ITV reminders. Nowadays, 15% of all traffic fines are paid over the internet - a figure which could rise rapidly in the near future!

TUI UK annual convention... NEARLY 1,000 travel agents from TUI UK, one of the world’s leading tour operators, have been visiting the island during a four-day event so that they can learn first-hand about the main attractions on the island. The first vice-president and chief Cabildo Insular de Turismo, José Manuel Bermúdez, noted that “Tenerife is once again hosting a major event of this nature; it is a valuable promotional tool for the island as the UK is one of our major source markets.“ He added that “the participating travel agents will gain an authentic view which will in turn help them sell more and better target their customers.” Among the attendees were the CEO of TUI, Peter Long,

and the company’s management team. Tenerife Tourism Corporation has organized a full programme of activities to complement the working sessions of the convention. Thus, participants had the opportunity to visit the theme parks, with visits to Siam Park and Loro Parque, or hiking to whale watching, among other activities.

Tenerife has a significant presence during the convention, with information booths and presentations which explain the attractions of the destination. Along with Turismo de Tenerife, the event features the participation of the Canary Islands and Turespaña. The island received in 2009 a total of 1,430,000 British travellers, who occupied, 30.4

percent, the second of tourists who came to Tenerife last year, just behind the Spanish, with 1,450,000 visitors and 30.8 percent of the total. In the first nine months of 2010, 1,097,054 tourists from the United Kingdom have spent their holidays on the island, representing an increase of 3.14 percent over the same period last year.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Event venues TURISMO de Tenerife offers business people information on the island’s event venues. Turismo de Tenerife addresses 125 local businesspeople and managers of large companies to present the wide range of venues available on the island for all types of events. During the session, at which the Senior VicePresident of the Council of Tenerife and Minister for Tourism, José Manuel Bermúdez was in attendance, Turismo de Tenerife is to offer information on the support and guidance it offers businesspeople and industry professionals when they wish to launch a new product or service, organise a conference, convention, professional meeting or any other promotional event. In the past years Tenerife

has become a major destination for this type of tourism, both nationally and internationally. Five conference centres, some of the best infrastructure in Spain in terms of accommodation and services, has meant that an increasing number of companies and associations choose Tenerife as their venue for holding meetings. Last year, for example, over 800 conferences and con-

ventions were held in Tenerife, in which approximately 56,000 people participated. The arrival of these visitors meant returns of over 99,000 euros for the island. Director of Turismo de Tenerife’s Convention Bureau (TCB), Diego Fernández, will explain what factors need to be taken into account to successfully organise an event in

Tenerife, what infrastructure and venues are available on the island, logistics, as well as all the variables that come into play when holding a business promotional event. He will also talk on the possibilities this sector offers in business promotion, corporate image, customer acquisition and loyalty, etc. The meeting also serves to explore the potential of conference and incentive tourism in Tenerife, an area which goes beyond tourism and reaches a large number of companies. Large events not only require accommodation, but also restaurants, transport, translation and hostess services, stand mounting, graphic design and audiovisual services, excursions, alternative venues, which means business opportunities in many sectors.

Shakira’s tonic for schoolkids

A CHRISTMAS television advert, featuring Colombian pop star Shakira, has raised 500,000 euros for her charitable foundation.

Local youngster Deni Stewart from El Medano has been called up to represent the Canaries in the sub 12 girls football Spanish Championship taking place at the beginning of next month in Huelva. (Bottom row, second from left.)

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

The ad, for sparkling Spanish wine, was filmed on Saturday in Barcelona, and she insisted on being paid a donation, by Freixenet, to help build two schools, one in Haiti and the other in Colombia. Her Pies Descalzos foundation already manages six schools in Colombia. The 33-year-old Grammywinning singer said in Barcelona, where the advert

was shot: “Education is a birthright, and a quality education is the only tool a child has to turns dreams into reality. “Since I was a girl, I have been aware of the tough reality faced by many children.” Under the terms of the deal, film-makers Freixenet will also produce a video clip for Shakira’s song, Sale el Sol, as well as a documentary about her philanthropic work. The advert is for cava, to toast friends and family during year-end celebrations, and Freixenet has traditionally hired an international star to feature in its annual Christmas campaign.

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New capital bus-cab lane THE NEW bus-taxi lane will facilitate access to more than 20,000 commuters. After 30 months of work and an investment of over eight million euros, the taxibus lane at the entrance to Santa Cruz from the TF-5 is already a reality. This initiative, funded by the Government of the Canary Islands to the level of 75 percent and the island council to 25 percent, will allow more than 20,000 people to access the city more easily using buses, taxis, school buses or discretionary transport. Thanks to a more direct route, the new lane will include benefits such as saving time and reducing pollution as a result of this new form of access to the capital. The coordinator of the Cabildo Insular Mobility, Manuel Ortega, said that with this lane, Tenerife is “one of the main communication networks of the Canary Islands,” which will particularly benefit workers who use public transport.“

Tenerife honey is the bees knees

The Cabildo president, Ricardo Melchior, insisted that one of the main objectives of this work was to “reduce congestion” and provide a public transport service which is “more competitive”, which will result in his view, in an improvement of quality of life of citizens. The President of the Canary Islands, Paulino Rivero, described the improvement of accessibility as a “key element of society”, because people will suffer less discomfort due to a more fluid mobility at the time of access, each day to their jobs. He also stressed that a railbus taxi primarily means “less queues and less pollution.”

THE ISLAND’S Agriculture Minister, Jose Joaquin Bethencourt, congratulated the winners and highlighted the important work of beekeepers. The Cabildo de Tenerife presented last Wednesday 24th the best honeys of Tenerife, recently winning the Regional Competition XIV Honey House of 2010, which was developed in the frame-

THE MONTHLY pension payroll tax for Social Security exceeded Nov. 1 the 6,845 million euros (6,845,883), 5% more than the same month of 2009, according to statistics released today by the Ministry of Labour and Immigration.

work of the Honey Fair held last weekend in El Sauzal. The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, from the Cabildo de Tenerife, Jose Joaquin Bethencourt, said the contest aims to promote quality honey from Tenerife and the Canaries, as well as encouraging beekeepers to continue this important work. Honeys of this year were selected from a total of 90 samples of high quality. On the islands, Tenerife is the one that has submitted, 58 in total, followed by La Palma

(24), El Hierro (3) and La Gomera (3) and Gran Canaria (2). The prize for the best honey in Tenerife was awarded this year to the following people: José Antonio Alvarez and Juan Jose Dorta, with honey Guía de Isora, Cecil Ledesma, with a honey Tegueste; Carlos Ledesma, with a honey of The Laguna Dulce María Hernández, with a honey of Arona, Maria de los Angeles Estévez, with honey from La Victoria and Francisco Gonzalez, a honey of La Laguna.

Pension figures including the different types of pension (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood and relatives), stood at 784.64 euros per month, representing an annual increase of 3,4%. In October, the number of

contributory pension Social Security amounted to 8,724,822 pensions, representing a growth of 1.6%. More than half of the pensions are for retirement, 5,182,747, 2,298,632 are widows.

The average pension of the Social Security system reached this month, the amount of 890.85 euros per month, representing a 3.6% increase over the same month last year. As for the average pension system,

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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Cancer talk THE MUNICIPALITY of Arona has joined forces with the Canary Institute for Cancer Research. On Friday 26th November at 7pm in the Cultural Centre of Los Cristianos there will be a talk about cancer prevention chaired by Clara Maria Perez Perez, Social Services and the Department of Health. The talk aims to promote cancer prevention by conducting public awareness campaigns on the acquisition of healthy habits in relation to the disease. The talk will be led by the Chief of Oncology at the Hospital Universitario de La Candelaria, Javier Dorta, and Rafael Zárate, Researcher of the Canary Institute for

Cancer Research, a nonprofit institution that was created to provide scientific answers to Canary specific problems regarding the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

YESTERDAY there was lots of speculation as to the strength of the Spanish economy but, Spanish bank bosses ruled out any need for a European lifeline as the country tried to insulate itself from the Irish economic emergency, but stocks slipped further.

Blood Donation Campaign underway in Las Galletas The blood donor bus will be in Las Galletas, next to the Health Centre on Monday 29th November and Tuesday 30th November from 09:30 to 21:00 hours.

Lighting up La Camella THE NEW lighting in La Camella is now fully operational. The mayor and chief council electrician of the City of Arona, Jose Alberto Gonzalez Reveron and Ramon Garcia, respectively, last week visited the new street lighting in La Camella. This activity had a budget of around 200,000 euros, and has been put in place “responding to the demand of residents and businesses in the area.” Ramon Garcia said that “we have lit the area primarily for commercial reasons, as a benefit for companies, and the whole area becomes attractive with the new lighting.“

The mayor, José Alberto González, said that “the light not only increases the commercial potential of La Camella, but also provides greater security in the streets.” Reveron Gonzalez said, “This action, together with the upgrading of the crossing and the new civic center has allowed a significant change in the image of the area, and a better quality of life for residents.“ Finally, Gonzalez Reveron and Garcia announced that soon they will begin resurfacing work on the Orobal street, which will also enhance the image of the environment.

Iceberg off the Canarian coast ACCORDING to Eureka magazine a company called Dassault Systèmes has undertaken an in depth 3D modeling study of the feasibility of towing a large iceberg from Greenland to the Canary Islands to provide fresh water. Considering that icebergs are already towed for short distances to prevent them damaging Arctic oil platforms, the idea may not be as implausible as it must have seemed when Dr Georges Mougin and others first suggested it 40 years ago. So good and realistic are the 3D graphics that these have been used as a the basis of a full length documentary about the project made by

Spain insulates against Ireland

Jean-Michel Corillion, which is to be shown on mainstream German and French television and which was previewed at Dassault Système’s just held ‘European Customer Forum’. In order to be feasible, the study showed, the initial iceberg should be fairly large – the candidate iceberg chosen weighed 7 million tonnes, and stable in the water. It would need to be towed using a very large Tuna fishing net. Even allowing for storms, which were modelled in detail, it should complete the 3,500km voyage in 141 days, with more than 4 million tonnes of the ice still intact, for a total fuel consumption of about 4,000 tonnes.

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The health of the Spanish banking sector came under market scrutiny as the Irish crisis reawakened concerns about the Spanish propertydependent economy and financial sector. Any rescue of Spain’s economy would dwarf Ireland’s. Spain accounts for 12 percent of economic output among the 16 nations that use the euro currency, equal to twice that of Ireland, Portugal and Greece combined. In early afternoon trade, Spain’s main Ibex 35 index of key shares was down 1.05 percent at 9,640 points. Since the start of the week, the index has shed 6.1 percent of its value. The gap between safe-bet German 10-year bonds and comparable Spanish bonds eased slightly to 2.32 percentage points at the same time, after stretching to a record 2.51 percentage points at one point the day before. Spanish Banking Association president Miguel Martin, speaking to the press after a bankers’ meeting in Madrid, ruled out any chance of an Irish-style rescue for Spain. “Of course Spain will escape any rescue. We don’t even begin to think that Spain may need a rescue,” he said. Nevertheless Martin called on the Socialist government of Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to deepen reforms already undertaken. Spain, under pressure from the Greek crisis earlier this year, has cut spending, raised taxes, reformed labour laws and restructured the regional savings bank system. The economy suffers a 20percent unemployment rate, highest in the euro currency

zone, and a feeble recovery has stalled with zero growth in the third quarter. Replying to a question, Martin said any risk of a Spanish default would have to be based on a scenario of generalised panic. Ireland was a special case with problems that could be resolved, and it should not be used as an example for what may happen in other countries in the eurozone,

he said. “We expect it will be contained there, I do not believe that Spain is a good example for what will happen elsewhere. Europe has an extraordinary power and Ireland is relatively small.” The spokesman for Spanish banking chiefs said he would argue against any sovereign debt restructuring and he believed that the European authorities were capable of resolving the crisis.

European competition chief Joaquin Almunia said there were two key doubts about Spain, in an interview with private radio station Cadena Ser. “There is a doubt on one hand over whether Spain will able to apply what it has decided and this needs to be removed as soon as possible by saying that there is a determination to carry out every engagement,” he said. “And the second doubt is whether Spain has anything else on the table. I think that it is necessary to say that in addition to everything else, Spain has a growth strategy,” he added. “Spanish growth up until the crisis relied largely on a sector that will not recover to the same level, which is the property sector.” Economists warn that Spain’s high jobless rate and flat economic growth give little hope for a rebound in property prices. Source AFP

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News THE CITY Council presents its new website designed with a clear dedication to service and easy access to all citizens. President Ricardo Melchior said that the new web portal provides information of public interest and is marking yet another effort of the City Council to achieve connectivity with the rest of the world Cabildo de Tenerife starts today [Thursday 25] new website , designed, organized and designed to be useful to citizens with a clear vocation for public service and incorporating the services and the latest resources in this area. It is also designed so that the works council in a few months, is a true e-government. In this sense and provides forms in pdf for 186 administrative procedures. The presentation was made by the President of the Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, and the third vice-presidential adviser and Treasury, Victor Perez Borrego, who stressed the importance of this new

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site, whose main objective is to reach all the people of Tenerife and off the island in an easy and fast way. The president said that with the new website it achieves one of the objectives of the council, as is connectivity with the rest of the world and take an active part of the information society and new technologies. Ricardo Melchior appreciated the effort made in the design and development of this page was created with a “clear mission to serve the citizens.” For his part, Victor Perez, said the new is designed to provide information to citizens in a practical way and with the main objective that everyone can access it. The Island Councillor, said that it is also an important step in making the council one of the first governments of Spain to function fully as “e-government.” Victor Perez announced that the council’s intention is that next March of the 110,000 administrative procedures that are performed each year between citizens and City Council, about 80,000 may be made telem-

atically, which the Corporation will become “the authentic window 24 hours.“ Currently, the councillor said the city can fill in online up to 186 procedures, but not telematic procedures, which themselves will be starting next year.

The new website of the Cabildo de Tenerife is notable for the amount of official information of public interest marked by the rapid and secure access to it, through easy navigation and intuitive, powerful IT tools and content, which are supported

through social networks. The fundamental objective for which the council has worked to creating and designing this new website has been a page that is accessible to all citizens regardless of their level of training or familiarity with the Internet

and new technologies. No doubt this has been a priority in all aspects. For it has been drafted and understandable summary information in three languages. The design is modern, emphasizing the visual hierarchy, with lots of content.

Thomas Cook plans venture into Russia THOMAS COOK is venturing into foreign lands with a stake in one of Russia’s most renowned travel brands and an eye on the Far East. The British holiday firm has announced a deal to acquire 50.1% of Intourist, the agency once known in Britain for its notoriously regimented tours of Russia during the Cold War period. Russia’s tourist industry has been transformed since then. Intourist now caters for the growing Russian middle classes who are looking for beach and family package holidays, particu-

larly to the Mediterranean. The company expects the Russian travel market to experience double-digit growth in the coming years, owing to increasing wealth among the population, and it will pay £28.5m in shares and cash for the acquisition. Founded in 1929, Intourist was the monopoly provider of travel services in the region in the Soviet era and

was in state hands until the early 1990s. Many spy novels have been rumoured to be based on experiences of holidays to Russia during this time. Thomas Cook said it would also target China and Brazil as well with their emerging economies and growth of the package holiday concept. However, its chief executive Manny Fontenla-Novoa

expects these prospects to take even longer than the months taken to negotiate the Russian deal. He said: “We’ve been evaluating the Chinese market for a long time. “If you think Russia was slow, wait for China. Entry to China will be through an acquisition.” He added that the expansion to China was most likely to be in 2012, and that Brazil is expected after 2014. The Russian transaction is due to be completed by February 2011, with Thomas Cook having the option to buy the rest of the company over the next five years.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

World News

Major operation to test 2012 Olympics security SECURITY services are preparing to stage a major nationwide operation simulating a terrorist attack or emergency incident at the London 2012 Olympics. The exercise is part of a series of tests to evaluate Britain’s security preparations for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Speaking at a conference in central London, Security Minister Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones outlined the plan to “run exercises to test our procedures in a range of scenarios including counter terrorism”. She added: “The next six months will be crucial.” The first nationally co-ordinated simulated emergency will take place within the next year, with further similar exercises to follow. The operations mark a shift in Britain’s 2012 security

strategy, which will move from the planning to the operational phase within the coming months. While the plans evolve, the number one security priority

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remains the same - the threat of a terrorist attack. Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Chris Allison said unless “there was an outbreak of World peace

between now and the Games” the threat level will remain at ‘severe’. However he said security bosses had to plan for the possibility of that level being

raised to ‘critical’. Security chiefs were meeting at an annual conference at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in central London.

While all agreed they were happy with preparations for London 2012 so far, they acknowledged more has to be done to tackle cyber threats. Baroness Neville-Jones admitted cyber attacks were one of the most serious threats to the Games, saying: “We…need to do more on cyber.” However the concern was principally with regards ticketing fraud, rather than terrorism. There was also recognition of the current financial constraints, and the expense of securing an Olympic and Paralympic Games. The current budget stands at £600m, but this figure is under review, and the revised budget will be published in the next few weeks. Baroness Neville-Jones said that while she was “in no doubt that efficiency savings can and should be made, we will not countenance unacceptable levels of risk and this will be reflected in the funding”.

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World News

Snow joke - burglar scuppered by prints THE WINTER weather proved a bonus to police officers investigating a burglary on Tyneside - they just had to follow footsteps in the snow. Northumbria Police were called to a house in North Shields in the early hours of the morning by a man who had forgotten to lock up and heard someone moving around downstairs. The first officers on the scene were faced with a set

of footprints in the snow leading from the house through an open gate and over a fence. “The snowy conditions proved to be a real help,” said Inspector Geoff Cross of North Shields Neighbourhood Policing Team. A 26 year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of burglary, but the police are advising people to lock their doors at night. “Officers won’t always have the assistance of a winter’s snowy weather,” added Inspector Cross.

Royal Wedding - date and venue announced PRINCE WILLIAM and Kate Middleton have announced the date and venue for their wedding next year. They will be married on Friday, April 29, at Westminster Abbey. The date is the Feast of St Catherine. The Cabinet agreed that the day will be a public holiday. A senior royal aide said the couple chose the Abbey because of its royal history. Some heads of state will be attending but exactly who has not been decided. The ceremony is being described

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as a “semi-state” affair. William has still to decide who will be his best man, and the guest list has not been finalised. The royal family and the Middletons will pay for the wedding out of private money, said the aide. The couple have not decided yet whether to use carriages or cars. The weather will play a part in that decision. Sources say the couple are taking a firm role in organising the day and are described as being “on cloud nine”. The aide said Miss Middleton wants to keep her dress a secret from William.

Games still on in Scotland, despite strike by officials

ALL CLYDESDALE Bank Premier League matches will go ahead this weekend despite a strike by referees following the breakdown of peace talks. The Scottish Football Association (SFA) says it has reached agreement with “several European national associations” to provide officials for the six games. The Alba Cup final will also be covered but there are still doubts about 10 Scottish Football League matches. Clubs were being told by 3pm whether their games have been cancelled. The announcement comes after a number of associations - including Ireland, Wales, Norway and Sweden -

had rejected the SFA’s approaches. In a statement the governing body said: “(We) can confirm that agreement has been reached with several European National Associations to ensure matches in the Clydesale Bank Premier League and the Alba Cup final will be covered this weekend. “Negotiations are continuing with other national associations to help ensure that some, if not all, matches in the Scottish Football League go ahead as normal.” Category one referees in Scotland are withdrawing their labour despite an offer from the SFA to bring in a range of measures to improve their treatment on and off the pitch. Earlier the SFA said it had offered the officials

“unequivocal and tangible support”. “This included the promise of tougher and more immediate sanctions on players and club officials who abuse referees and match officials, and especially those who challenge their integrity and honesty. “These new guidelines also incorporated a ban on all club officials commenting on referees in the build-up to matches and in the immediate aftermath. “Regrettably, at midnight last night, the Scottish FA were informed... there would be no suspension of action while the Scottish FA implements the measures proposed.” As well as the league games and the Alba Challenge Cup final, there are three Scottish Cup fourth-round replays scheduled this weekend.

The premier and football leagues have both expressed their disappointment at the referees’ failure to reach an agreement. But the referees have found an ally in former Scotland and Rangers boss Alex McLeish, who says it is time to stop “slaughtering” them every week. McLeish, now the manager of Birmingham, said: “It is pretty sad that it has come to this. The Scottish refs deserve better, deserve better treatment. “People up in Scotland have got to get a grip of themselves and stop slaughtering them every week. “I know referees have been hammered since time began and it will continue until time ends. But we should know when to draw a line - and we’ve gone over that line.”

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

World News

Students set for more tuition-fee demonstrations STUDENTS based in London have said Wednesday’s tuition fee protests were “a tremendous success” and another day of action will be held on November 30th. It comes after the Met Police defended the tactics used to control yesterday’s demonstration in the capital. Officers “kettled” hundreds of people for more than six hours near the Houses of Parliament as tensions ran high. The use of kettling was widely criticised after around 5,000 people were penned in outside the Bank of England during the G20 protests last year. Student union leaders said the action was “absolutely outrageous” and called on police to change their tactics

for future protests. “From the perspective of the National Campaign Against Fees And Cuts, the demonstation was a tremendous success,” said the group’s Simon Hardy. “We saw tens of thousands of school, college and university students across the country walking out of lessons and taking part in polit-

ical action. “The actions of the Metropolitan Police I think were absolutely outrageous. “[Demonstrators were] intimidated by hundreds of riot police, when all they were doing was exercising their democratic right to protest. “We would urge them to change their tactics for fur-

ther demonstrations.” On Wednesday’s protesters had planned to march outside the Liberal Democrats’ Westminster HQ over their broken pledge to scrap tuition fees, but police kept them away. It came after the Millbank riot two weeks ago, when some activists attacked the complex of buildings housing the Tory party headquarters. Police, who were criticised for deploying too few officers then, put hundreds more on the streets of central London for Wednesday’s protests. The Met said it was necessary to control the crowd after some demonstrators became violent towards police and property in the administrative heart of the capital.

Banks to offer £1bn for ‘Big Society’ funds BRITAIN’S high street banks are set to stump up over £1bn for a new community bank scheme that will fund charity and social projects, Sky News has learned. Money stored in bank accounts that savers have forgotten about or lost track of will also go into the Tory scheme, called the ‘Big Society Bank’. Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, RBS and Santander UK are to put their hands in their pocket after negotiating an “unprecedented pact” with the Government. As well as improving their image, the banks’ participation may also buy them pledges from the Government. The crucial issue will be determining whether this is anything more than a glorified public relations project from the banks. In July, the Prime Minister

outlined plans for the Big Society Bank, in which he said the organisation could “generate hundreds of millions of pounds for charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups”. “Our target is to establish the Bank by April 2011,” the Government said then. The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) told its members that they should expect loans, not grants, and that they would need to apply for them via intermediaries. But it also warned that funding would not be available until the next financial year, which might not help organisations who are struggling in the wake of immediate public spending cuts.

German street view is fake, says Google A GOOGLE Street View photograph apparently showing a woman giving birth is not real, the internet giant has said. The image, which pictured two women apearing to deliver a baby by the side of a road, was edited to look like a Street View shot. The picture, taken in Berlin, included a well-placed ‘abandoned’ car parked precariously on the side of the street with its door ajar. A man was also pictured frantically waving his arms around while on the phone during what we are led to believe is a call for an ambulance. But a spokeswoman for Google said the picture was “fake” and “nothing like it appeared in Street View, someone just photo edited it”. On a tour last week of 20 cities in Germany, Google’s 9lensed camera cars captured

a number of weird and wonderful images, including a naked man in the boot of a car. The fake photo is just one of a number of pranks that have popped up since Google introduced its Street View technology in 2007. Numerous photographs featuring bizarre antics have been taken by the Street View team, leading to suggestions that some pranksters are staging fake scenes as the cars drive by. Unusual Street View sightings have included a pair of Norwegians donned in wetsuits engaging in street-side combat. A picture taken in Aberdeen, Scotland, also showed a boy in a burgundy jumper wearing a horses head. While the Street View team have detached themselves from the birth-scene photo, they have embraced the bizarre collection of what they believe to be spontaneous scenes.

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Communications manager Laura Scott told Sky News: “People are really creative. There have been some fantastic examples of smart, fast-thinking people creating these scenes.” Though the website provides details of where the cars will be, Miss Scott said she did not believe the scenes were planned. “It’s actually quite tricky. The website is precise as it can be but they don’t know how long it will take them to get there. “It doesn’t say what street they’ll be on at what time.” There have been suggestions that the photographs are a subversive method of turning the tables on Google, whose Street View technology has been criticised for invading people’s privacy. Miss Scott added: “We have to look at the facts. Once it’s available people love it. “In Germany, immediately after launching imagery there was a 300% increase in usage of Google Maps”.

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World News

Irish austerity plan adds £900 to taxpayer bills A FOUR-YEAR plan by Ireland’s embattled government to slash its massive deficit would see the average taxpayer £900 worse off a year. Spending cuts, including a cull of 24,750 public sector jobs, make up two-thirds of the £12.7bn savings proposed in the National Recovery Plan. Under the new proposals, the minimum wage will be slashed to £6.43 and pension reforms will mean a 10% reduction in wages for new entrants. While Ireland’s minimum wage will be cut, it will remain among the highest in the EU and will be 8% higher than the UK equivalent. Homeowners will face an annual tax dependent on land value, as well as a new charge for domestic water by 2014. The government will also gradually double the carbon tax to £25.30 which will see heating and fuel costs rise. In addition, VAT will increase from 21% to 22% in 2013, with a further growth to 23% in 2014. MAIN MEASURES

Tesco bonus

Proposal to cut 24,000 public sector jobs VAT would rise to 23% by 2014 New property and water taxes The minimum wage would fall to £6.43 However, Ireland’s low rate of corporation tax, a key attraction for foreign company investment, will remain at 12.5%. The proposals aim to take national debt to 100% of GDP by the end of the four-year period and reduce unemployment to below 10%. The Irish prime minister Brian Cowen said: “It’s a time for us to pull together as a people. It’s a time to confront these challenges and do so in a united way.” The plan precedes a full budget on December 7 and is the first step towards a bailout of up to £72bn from the European Union and International Monetary Fund. The deal requires Ireland to achieve 40% of the proposed cuts next year.

Super virus a target for Cyber terrorists A SUPER virus that was used to disrupt Iran’s nuclear programme has been traded on the black market and could be used by terrorists, according to sources. Senior cyber-security figures have said the Stuxnet worm the first to have been used to damage targets in the real world - could be used to attack any physical target which relies on computers. The list of vulnerable installations is almost endless – they include power stations, food distribution networks, hospitals, traffic lights and even dams. A senior IT security source said: “We have hard evidence that the virus is in the hands of bad guys – we can’t say any more than that but these people are highly motivated and highly skilled with a lot of money behind them. You could shut down power stations, you could shut down the transport network across the United Kingdom. Will Gilpin, an IT security consultant to the UK Government said: “You could shut down the police 999 system. “You could shut down hospital systems and equipment. “You could shut down power stations, you could shut down the transport network across

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the United Kingdom.” The Stuxnet attack on the Bushehr nuclear installation in Iran is believed to have been orchestrated by a country. Now experts warn that the West is extremely vulnerable to similar attacks by criminal gangs seeking blackmail payouts or more likely by terrorist groups. Stewart Baker, a former assistant secretary with the US Department of Homeland Security, said: “They could shut down power systems, dams, almost any sophisticated industrial process that requires a control software. Which is practically everything.” There has been a rise in cyber attacks in recent years. On April 8, 15% of all internet traffic was routed through China for 18 minutes in a mysterious incident the Chinese authorities have denied any part in. The Royal Navy’s website was shut down on November 5, allegedly by a Romanian hacker. In October, the UK Government declared cyber warfare to be a “tier 1” threat to national security. But experts say a more coordinated effort is needed to tackle attacks, along the lines of the Cyber Command agency set up in the US this year.

STAFF at Tesco have received £55 million worth of Christmas benefits as a reward for their efforts in the build-up to the festive season. Each of the supermarket giant’s 280,000 UK employees have been given a

voucher, worth up to £20, as well as a booklet containing exclusive discount vouchers worth a further £120. The vouchers, which must be spent at a Tesco store, can be redeemed on top of Tesco’s 10 per cent staff discount. In addition to the voucher package, employees are also entitled to an extra day’s

holiday over the festive season, which can be taken whenever they want. Lucy Neville-Rolfe, executive director at Tesco, said: “Christmas is the busiest and most challenging time of the year for Tesco .” “Our staff are working harder than ever and are key to providing customers with a great Christmas. This is our

thank you for all their loyalty and hard work.” Tesco said it is also continuing its ‘family and friends’ scheme, which was launched last Christmas. The scheme gives friends and relatives of existing staff members the chance to apply for temporary roles over the festive period. Source

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World News

TV safari park say over-65s are too old to work STAFF at a safari park that featured on a popular TV series have been told they will soon be out of a job if they are over the age of 65. Longleat Estate has moved swiftly to fire the workers ahead of a change in the law next year which will make it illegal to force people into retirement at 65. A spokesman for Longleat said the number of employees affected by the decision, but reports suggest around 25 people have been handed redundancy notices. “Staff contracts have always included a retirement clause at 65,” said the spokesman. He added that there was a modernisation programme underway at the estate, and that the workforce cuts were part of a series of changes. However, charity Age UK has warned the events at Longleat may be the first of many ahead of the legal change next October. “We are concerned that some employers might be tempted to rush out forced retirement notices before the proposed ban on the Default Retirement Age

comes into force next year,” said Michelle Mitchell, charity director at Age UK. “The fact that this is legally allowed doesn’t make it any less arbitrary or unfair to older employees who would see their working lives cut short for no reason other than their age.” Ms Mitchell added that the retirement age legislation “can’t come soon enough” for thousands of older workers, and meanwhile urged workers who had been retired against their will to check whether their employers followed the correct procedure. Longleat is home to the flamboyant Marquess of Bath, an energetic 78-yearold with a passion for painting. In 1949 Longleat became the first stately home in Britain to be opened as a tourist attraction, and Lord Bath has since helped it become a successful business. Its safari park, with lions, tigers, hippos and rhinos as well as giraffe and zebra herds, was the first of its kind outside Africa and went on to feature in the BBC show Animal Park. The business is now run by Lord Bath’s eldest son, 36year-old Ceawlin Thynn.

Domestic-abuse suspects facing new set of rules PEOPLE suspected of domestic abuse could be banned from their homes for up to four weeks even if there is not enough evidence to charge them. Under the “go orders” police will be able to prevent alleged abusers from having contact with the victim or going to their home for 48 hours. The orders will be used even if the victims are too afraid to take action themselves or if no criminal proceedings are possible.

from suspected abusers. “Tackling violence against women in all its forms is a priority for me and for this Government,” said Home Secretary Theresa May. “Domestic violence is an appalling crime which sees two women a week die at the hands of their partners, while millions more suffer years of abuse in their own homes. “These new powers will allow the police to step in when the victims are most vulnerable to give them vital space and time, which could ultimately save their lives.” The year-long pilot scheme,

which will start next summer in Greater Manchester, Wiltshire and West Mercia, comes as the Government prepares to publish its plans to halt violence against women. Similar schemes in Austria, Germany, Poland and Switzerland have been successful. Figures from the British Crime Survey showed more than one in four women in the UK will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, with one million women suffering at least one incident of domestic violence every year.

Lisa Snowdon ‘recovering’ from a bout of meningitis DJ and model Lisa Snowdon is “on the mend” after being diagnosed with viral meningitis. The 38-year-old complained of feeling faint, exhausted and having blinding headaches after turning on the Christmas lights in Bond Street on Friday. She was admitted to hospital and underwent tests which revealed she has viral meningitis - not as serious as bacterial meningitis - and is said to be recovering. Lisa, who appears in Marks & Spencer’s new Christmas advert, has been forced to miss her usual slot on the

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The courts could then extend the order for up to 28 days while police offer legal and emotional support to the victims. The new measure is designed to fill the gap which often sees victims only receive immediate protection when the attacker is arrested and charged. Domestic violence is an appalling crime which sees two women a week die at the hands of their partners, while millions more suffer years of abuse in their own homes. Victims will then have time to discuss options with trained supporters away

Capital radio breakfast show alongside Johnny Vaughan. The Saturdays singer Frankie Sanford is filling in for her. A spokeswoman for the star

said: “Lisa was taken to hospital on Friday and has been diagnosed with viral meningitis. “She is now on the mend but is unlikely to return to the

Breakfast Show next week.” Snowdon, who got to the final of BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing in 2008, has dated Hollywood heart-throb George Clooney.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

World News

OAP loses £80k after leaving it on his car roof A PENSIONER who does not trust banks claims to have lost his life savings of £80,000 - by leaving it on the roof of his car and driving off. The man from Westcliffon-Sea, Southend, put a bag containing the cash on top of the vehicle as he was moving the money to his place of work. As soon as he realised what had happened he began a search with his grandson but they could find only the bags the notes had been in. The 68-year-old, who does not want to be named, is

said to have saved £2,000 every year during his working life and kept the money under a bed while he had a guard dog. When the dog died he kept the money close by him. The man would take the money from his bedroom and put it in the car when he went to work. “My car is never more than 10ft from me at work so I can keep an eye on it,” he told Mail Online. “That morning I left at about 6.20am and didn’t realise I had lost it until noon. “I went home and checked my bedroom in case I had left it there.” The man has offered a

reward for the return of the cash. Essex Police confirmed that a man contacted them on Friday, November 18, “reporting he had lost £80,000 in cash”. “He told us he had lost it at 6.20am the previous day in Prince Avenue, Southend,” said a police spokeswoman. “He said the money was in an orange plastic bag inside a blue pull-string bag.” She said the details were given to the police lost property section. Anyone who may have found the money is asked to hand it to their local police station or risk being accused of “theft by finding”, the spokeswoman added.

Queen vsits Mosque on first day of her UAE trip THE QUEEN has begun a trip to the Gulf with a visit to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. Accompanied by her husband Prince Philip, the pair were given a tour of the mosque, the biggest in the United Arab Emirates and one of the biggest in the world. Wearing a hat and headscarf and a long patterned robe, the Queen met local children. The Royals will spend two days in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) before setting off to neighbouring Oman. It comes one day after the date of Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding was announced. The Duke of York, who is accompanying his parents on the trip, said he was glad that the nation already seemed to have taken Ms Middleton to its heart. Prince Andrew said: "I think this is the most wonderful piece of news that the UK has had for a long time. "I've been away for a couple of days now so I'm not fully up to speed with what's going on but I'm aware that the UK has taken Kate to their heart. "I think that's absolutely wonderful news.

"I think a spring wedding will be absolutely fantastic. I understand it's going to take place over a bank holiday

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weekend so it's another excuse for a good party and I think it's wonderful news it's absolutely great."

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World News

World goes weird and wacky to suit record-breakers! THE WACKY and the weird have been celebrating Guinness World Records Day with a whole range of record-breaking attempts. More than 200,000 people took part, all hoping to get their names in the prestigious pages of the Book of World Records. In Gloucestershire, pensioner Thomas Lackey broke his own record as the oldest wing walker. The 90-year-old was strapped to the 32ft wing of a plane and flown 500ft above the ground. In London, an American broke the world record for heaviest shoes walked in at Tower Bridge. Ashrita Furman walked a distance of 10m in shoes weighing a total of 146.5kg (323lb).

Across the channel can-can girls at the Moulin Rouge in Paris showed off their flexibility for the most high kicks in a single chorus line (in 30 seconds). Also in Paris, Anatol Stykan and Monika Stykan - a male and female balancing act broke the world record for the most stairs climbed while balancing a person on the head - on the steps of the famous Sacre Coeur. In the America, 400 pooches successfully convened to win the title of most dogs in costumed dress. The fashionable mutts traded their dog coats for cowboys hats, tiaras, T-shirts and ponchos. Other weird and wonderful records toppled include the largest painting by numbers, the world’s largest shoe and the most concrete blocks broken whilst holding a raw egg.

Apple’s iPad wins top accolades for the Best Gadgets

APPLE has won a best gadget award for its iPad, beating the Amazon Kindle and Sky 3D to two titles. The iPad was crowned Gadget of the Year and Readers’ Gadget of the Year in the 2010 Stuff Gadget Awards. “The iPad’s success was by no means pre-ordained. It’s

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expensive and functionally limited,” Stuff magazine editor and judge Fraser Macdonald said. “But it is also quite gloriously indispensable and only making itself more so with the increasing number of apps and accessories. To see it is to want it, and that’s why it’s our gadget of the year.” Microsoft’s motion-sensor gaming system Xbox Kinect

won readers’ votes for Innovation of the Year. The annual awards recognise the best consumer technology released in the past year and are decided by expert judges and readers. Apple’s iPhone4 won Phone of the Year, and the compact hybrid electric Honda CR-Z car took the Eco Gadget title. “Say what you will about

the karma-cancelling effects of buying any new car, the Honda CR-Z is the first truly desirable, affordable hybrid,” said Mr Macdonald. “It looks ace, goes fast, sends a positive message and gets an award.” In two new categories, the Web App of the Year title went to film library LoveFilm, while personal fitness trainer MiCoach won Mobile App of the Year.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


MARIANO E ZUNINO SIRI Understanding the Law Email:

Where there’s a Will… ONE of our readers has sent an email to Canarian Weekly concerning a situation that involves many English people being granted Spanish Wills. It’s a fascinating subject and I believe is worthy of discussing, so I am reproducing the email from Penelope, in Los Cristianos, and will add my opinion. A number of years ago, my husband and I (and most of our friends in Tenerife) made Spanish wills, following advice given in your paper, and from our accountant. We believed this would make things easier for the survivor when one of us died. According to a recent internet article by Raymundo Larrain Nesbitt, of Lawbird Legal Services: “A Spanish will has the advantage that it can be executed almost immediately, whereas a UK one will, no doubt, exceed the deadline … “The reason is that Grant of Probate must be followed in your home country which takes a long time and is fairly expensive.” The article also states that if you have made a Spanish Will, it will not be necessary for your beneficiaries to obtain a Grant of Probate, which would have to be translated and apostillated. (An apostille is the legalisation of a document for international use) A friend of ours, who recently lost her husband,

has been told by a Notaria and a Gestoria that, despite having a valid Spanish Will and original death certificate, etc, there is no way she can transfer the property to her sole name, and pay the Inheritance Tax, unless she obtains British Probate validated with an Apostille. This is contrary to the information given by Lawbird Legal Services (which I understand is a Spanish Company), and to our understanding of the reasons for making Spanish Wills. My friend will have to return to England to do this, and will incur heavy legal costs. According to English Law, her circumstances do not require her to obtain probate. To do so now will entail a great deal of extra expense and inconvenience, at a time when she is already very distressed. Her experience has worried my husband and me - and many of our elderly friends. We would be very grateful if you could confirm that the information given by Lawbird Legal Services is correct. If not, is it true that on the death of one of us, our partner will have to obtain British Probate and get it apostillated, even though we have Spanish Wills? This would make it very difficult to complete the legal formalities within the time allowed. There is no doubt that the answer to this email is a challenge. This is an international, private law issue and

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

there are different opinions - all of them valid. In fact, the same situation regarding a Spanish Will varies with time. I agree with the advice given in the article she read, and also confirm that I consider a Spanish Will for expats is always recommended. In fact, it is advisable to have a Will (if there is no Spanish Will, at least one that has been granted abroad). As she said, she read an article “a number of years ago” and acted on it after advice from her accountant, but the legal opinions then are not the same as today. In this case, there is no “black and white”, meaning that ten years ago, most notaries in Spain at the time of granting the “Deed of Inheritance”, considered the Spanish Will could be enough to execute it. However the situation has changed, and most of them now consider that the Grant of Probate is necessary, and that the Spanish Will itself is not sufficient. In addition, many notaries, apart from the Probate, request other documents

(to be discussed by me in a follow-up article), so what is the reason for that? Spanish Law says that the law governing Inheritance is the national law of the decedent (English Law in this case). Thus, Spanish Law reverts to British Law. This means that an English person can be granted a Spanish Will (referred to as Spanish assets) according to his/her national law (in this case UK law), following Spanish Law formalities. This Spanish Will is considered valid unless in breach of UK Law. Many notaries request the Grant of Probate to confirm (or give more security) that the Spanish Will does not contradict a UK Will, or an English Court decision. Anyhow, if the Spanish Will can be freely granted, according to the national law of the Grantor, it is completely feasible that he states that the Spanish Will is going to govern only his/her assets in Spain, irrespective of what is said in other Wills signed abroad. Consequently, any Will granted in England would

not affect the Spanish one. Another opinion says that the English Will can revoke the Spanish one previously granted. In the latter case, how can the inheritors, or even the Spanish notary, know if this really happens? In Spain, there is a Registry subsidiary of the Ministry of Justice where all Wills are registered. Consequently, it is possible to know in Spain which was the Last Will, granted before Notary (if any). But if there is no Central Registry in England, it would be not possible to determine if there is a signed English Will. My opinion (and probably there are many other valid opinions that differ) is that the Spanish Will (referred to Spanish assets) granted before Spanish Notary Public, can be revoked only by another Spanish Will (see by explanation below regarding re-envoy). Nevertheless, the view of the Notary who grants the Inheritance Deed might be taken into account, and he could require the Probate (as an additional English document). But this is not the end of the matter: we know that Spanish Law reverts to English Law but, what happens if the English Law “reverts” to Spanish Law? This situation is called “reenvoy” and is quite usual in international private law. If English Law re-envoys to Spanish law, this means that no Probate could be granted in England. At this stage, it

would be necessary to distinguish between “immovables” (real properties) and “movables” left in inheritance, and co-ordinate this with the applicable law to the inheritance. This matter exceeds the purposes of this article and will be discussed in my future columns. So, to summarise, signing a Will is advisable, but not an absolute necessity. An “abintestato” proceeding (Inheritance with no Will) would be very expensive and long. The English Will can be enforced in Spain, but a Spanish Will (with or without English one) would facilitate things. To have a Spanish Will is a question of time and money (among other things, translations and legalisations). Remember that every case should be studied independently, especially taking into account the payment of Inheritance Taxes which, depending on the cases, could be reduced. Despite seeing similar inheritances, I have never seen two identical English ones. That is why this article cannot be considered as general advice, but purely as legal opinion. As I wrote earlier, I will continue to discuss the matter in a future column. Mariano Zunino Siri is a lawyerregistered in Tenerife Bar Association since 1991. Office in Los Cristianos at Edificio Valdes Center Torre “A”, oficina 1, piso 2º. Phone: 922 79 44 12.

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Christmas Who can give new Bazaar at home to loveable St Francis little Scoobydoo?

THE festive season begins early for the St Francis Anglican Chaplaincy, with a Christmas Bazaar tomorrow (Saturday) in the Plaza at Los Gigantes.

“Something For Everyone” is the theme, and there certainly is, with books, clothes, videos, tombola, bric-a-brac and many other stalls, including one featuring Christmas cards. It opens at 10.30am, so get there early and don’t miss out on all the bargains on offer.

Update for Live Arico Our thanks to … Jean Blake and Oasis Fm, for donations of 500 euros and 337 euros respectively. We are so grateful. All involved in our calendar launch party at Amanda’s Bar. Thanks to entertainers Colin Stevens, Phil Gibson, Suzy Q, Bleu Travelle, Alfie and friends, Sean King and his talented daughter Toni and, lastly, the girls from Polercise, who gave two fantastic displays for us. Call Steffi on 626 505 355 for more information. The calendars are now on sale at the following outlets: Live Arico shops in Silencio, Los Cristianos and San Eugenio Tenerife Sunshine, Playa de Las Americas Island Pool Bar, Amarilla Golf Beauty Room, Golf del Sur Harbour Club, Los Gigantes Our tombola stall at the markets Our calendar makes an ideal Christmas gift, and remember, by buying one, you are feeding 13 dogs for one day! Upcoming events On Wednesday, (1st Dec), we are at the Albatross Bar, Costa del Silencio, for a Christmas Fun Day, complete with Santa! It starts at 3pm and we have Paul Lee, Keith Lucas, Jo Harriet, Phil Gibson and Suzy Q singing, a bouncy castle for the kids, and a real Xmas tree. Proceeds will be split between ourselves and Cancer Research, and other charities are invited to have a stall or table if they wish. Lastly, we have our Christmas Gala Night on Saturday, 18th December, at

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the VIVO club in Las Americas. Tickets are 25 euros each for a threecourse meal and a half-bottle of wine. We have also negotiated excellent prices at the bar. On stage, we will have Mark, from the Wild Boyz (9pm to midnight), and he will be introducing some of the finest talent on the Island, as well as a short song-and-dance show from the children of Estrellas Theatre School. There is also a disco from midnight, and we invite companies who have not yet organised their Christmas Party to celebrate with us. Tickets are limited to 120, so call Suzy Q (629 388 102) to reserve yours as soon as possible. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, neutered, vaccinated and wormed.

SUSAN DEHMEL is furious with people dumping their dogs on her doorstep three in as many months recently! But the Guernsey-born woman, who lives off the beaten track on the mountainside near Adeje, has a great love of the animals and does her best to rehome them. She even believes the “dogdumpers”, as she calls them, are aware that she helped found the K9 animal refuge, and still offers assistance on the rescue side. Susan already has three rescue dogs herself, but she has been able to rehome two of the three newcomers. Now, she is left with Scoobydoo, the “adorable” puppy she found outside her house in a cardboard box. “She is tiny, healthy and eats everything - even fruit,” says Susan. “She walks on a lead, is about four months old, weighs one kilo and is probably a Yorky cross. Scooby is totally adorable and has us in stitches with her antics.” This dog-lover extraordi-

naire has lived on Tenerife for 16 years after spending 30 years in Germany, where she ran an animal rescue operation. She once had an operating room in her present house, where vets from Germany used to stay to neuter

strays. So keen is she to find a new home for the puppy that she and her partner, Eddy, would be prepared to look after Scoobydoo if the new owner wanted a holiday. Susan adds: “I know K9 are overfull, so please, please, is

there some kind person out there who needs a loveable companion? Whoever takes her will never regret it because she is such a character.” If you are interested, contact Susan on 922 710 675 for further details.

Aktiontier’s old folk’s home!

OLD-TIMERS Tigre and Wolf are enjoying the sunshine at their long-time home in the luxury Aktiontier,dog sanctuary in Granadilla. They arrived at the Accion Del Sol centre along with

200 other dogs when it first opened and, despite being overlooked by would-be adopters visitors because of their age, they are still alive and happy, living alongside their other elderly friends

there. They love going for walkies, so if anyone would like to take them out - or any of the other 190 inmates then please contact Aktiontier on 922 778 630. The refuge is open Monday

to Friday (3-6pm), and the refuge is situated at exit 51 on the TF1. Just follow the signs for ITER, the Eolica windmill farm, and Accion Del Sol is directly under the windmills.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


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SUE MCDONALD Common Sense Furnishings Email:

DO YOU have people coming to stay over the festive period? Do you need a sofa bed for your visitors because we are still taking orders that can be fulfilled before Christmas! Sofa beds are a practical and popular solution, especially here in Tenerife, where they can obviously increase the occupancy rates for properties used for holiday rentals. However, times have changed, and those days of sofa beds being basically uncomfortable - both as a sofa and as a bed - have long gone. The sofa beds we sell come in a variety of styles, from classical to very modern, and are all available with a strong, sofa-bed mechanism, with a double bed. The sprung mattress is extremely comfortable, and the mechanism does not detract from the comfort of the sofa. For the difference in price between a sofa and a sofa bed, and taking into account that this does not affect the comfort, many people are now deciding to have a sofa bed in their own lounge, for those impromptu visits - we all know how many friends can suddenly find you once you move to Tenerife! Most of our sofas and sofa beds are made over here, and for that reason we are still able to comply with orders placed now, in the fabric of your choice, before Christmas. Faux leather remains a strong option on the Island

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Sofa, so good…

because sun cream can be wiped off, and management companies are happy that they do not need to remove the cushions for periodic cleaning (although all the cushions are, in fact, removable). Come down to Deco Nuevo, near Ofipapel in Los

Cristianos, and have a look at the wide range of sofas and sofa beds on offer. Estimates are given without obligation, and delivery is free. We will also take away your old sofa, and these are usually donated to a very worthy charitable cause locally.

Bungalow vase sells for a record £51m A CHINESE vase discovered during a routine clear-out of a bungalow in northwest London has sold at auction for a record £51m, leaving the sellers flabbergasted. In scenes reminiscent of the famous Only Fools And Horses episode that finally made Del Boy Trotter a millionaire, the price of the vase kept rising... and rising. And the mother-and-son owners who had inherited the piece had no idea of its value. The 18th century work of art, described as “a piece of exquisite beauty”, was eventually snapped up by an anonymous, private collector from China. Bainbridges Auctioneers in Ruislip, northwest London, had estimated the Qianlongdynasty porcelain vase would fetch between £800,000 and £1.2m. But the bidding attracted many Chinese buyers keen to get their hands on a

piece of their imperial past, and the cost went sky high. The staggering price it fetched surpassed the expectations of the auctioneer and the owners. Helen Porter, of Bainbridges, said: “They had no idea what they had. They were hopeful but they didn’t dare believe until the hammer went down.” The 16-inch-high masterpiece is believed to have fetched the highest price for any Chinese artwork sold at auction. Bainbridges described it as one of the most important Chinese vases to go on sale this century. A posting on the auctioneer’s blog said: “It is a piece of exquisite beauty and a supreme example of the skill of the ceramicist and decorator. “How it reached Ruislip is something we shall never know, and that it is in such fine condition is amazing.” The blog added: “It is a masterpiece. If only it could talk!” The vase is decorated with a fish motif and has a yellow painted trumpet neck. It has a double-walled con-

struction, meaning an inner vase can be seen through the perforations of the main body. Qianlong was the fourth emperor in the Qing dynasty and served from 1735 to 1796. During that era the ceramics industry in China was known for the perfection of its porcelain and development of decorative techniques. Luan Grocholski, one of Bainbridge’s consultant valuers and specialist in oriental antiquities, was the first to realise the vase might be valuable. “When I first saw it I thought extraordinary. What is this doing here? Can it be real I asked myself?” he said. Mr Grocholski had a few beers that night but could not stop thinking about the artefact. “The thought of the vase kept going through my head. I looked at it again very hard,” he said. “The more I looked at it the better it became. That was the point at which I said if this is real we’re into millions.”

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Home-grown potatoes 2011 Chelsea are the tastiest of all show gardens

are confirmed

THERE is nothing to beat the taste of new potatoes, especially if you’ve grown them in your own garden. It’s a mouth-watering prospect but, until now, has been beyond our reach in Tenerife. But not any longer because seed potatoes are now available here in the South from any respectable garden centre. And they are so simple to grow, either in your garden or in containers if you live in an apartment with only a patio. Potatoes are, in fact, one of those mystery crops that develop out of sight, underground. You never really know how you’re doing until you harvest them - and by then it’s either too late, or you’ve struck gold! They were first grown in Peru over 200 years ago, long before the Irish ever got their hands on them! Aside from dairy foods, potatoes are the most commonly-eaten food in the western world. Seed potatoes aren’t really seeds at all but full-size spuds, which have been allowed to start producing green shoots in the “eyes”. You’ve probably seen this happen when you’ve stored

them in the kitchen for too long. These can be planted whole or cut into pieces, with each piece containing an eye or two - or even three. And because potatoes can rot if the soil is too cool or wet, many gardeners prefer to allow the cut pieces to callus over, by leaving them exposed overnight. You can also purchase a powdered fungicide for dusting on to the pieces, to avoid rotting Cold-climate gardeners, like those in Britain, plant potatoes in mid-to-late spring, with a covering of straw to safeguard them from late frosts. But in warm climates such as Tenerife, planting can be done in either late summer or late winter, so the plants aren’t trying to grow during the hottest months. How to plant Choose a sunny spot with well-draining, loose soil, so that the roots and tubers can develop. The traditional method involves digging a shallow trench, about six inches deep and placing the seed potatoes in the trench, eyes facing up, about two feet apart. You then cover the potatoes with a couple of inches of soil. As the plant grows, soil is continually “hilled” up

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

along the sides of the plants. This keeps the soil around the developing tubers loose and keeps the surface tubers from being exposed to sunlight, which will turn them green and somewhat toxic. Hill the soil whenever the plants reach a height of about 4-6 inches, and you can call a halt when the plants begin to flower. Some gardeners prefer to simply lay the seed potatoes right on the soil and then cover them with a few inches of mulch. You can continue laying mulch as the plants grow. But if you have a rodent problem, as some people do over here, this method is probably not the best choice. As for those of you who are restricted to growing spuds in containers, fear not because this method makes hilling easy and takes up less space. Plant your seed potatoes in the bottom of a tall container - a small plastic water butt, perhaps - first of all putting about six inches of soil in the bottom and spreading your spuds all around. You then keep adding soil as the plants get taller, and one tried and tested method is to use just a bale of peat because it is functional and

works a treat. As for regular maintenance, potatoes don’t like a particularly rich soil. If you have some organic matter and the pH is good, the potatoes should be happy. But what they do rely on and must have to promote regular growth is a steady water supply, so make sure you give them at least an inch a week. The entire crop is ready to harvest once the foliage first starts to die off and turns yellow. You can leave the potatoes in the ground for a few weeks longer, as long as the ground is not wet. New, or early, potatoes are small and immature, but they taste absolutely divine, especially with a knob of butter. You can harvest a few of these without harm to the plant, by gently feeling around in the soil near the plant, once it reaches about a foot in height. Harvest carefully, by hand or with a spade. Turn the soil over and search through for treasure. The tubers can branch out and digging in with a fork is a sure fire way of stabbing a potato or two. It takes between 70-90 days before harvesting new potatoes, and up to 120 for the regular varieties. But believe me, they are well worth the wait!

A DAZZLING shortlist of show gardens for the 2011 RHS Chelsea Flower Show, sponsored by M&G Investments, has been confirmed - including the return of multi-goldmedal-winning designer Bunny Guinness. RHS Chelsea Show Manager, Alex Denman, said: “We have literally been inundated with exhibitors. Our final selection of show gardens represents the very best garden designers in the world today. “It’s fantastic to see sponsors M&G Investments are bringing back Bunny Guinness, who is returning to Chelsea after an eight year absence. We are also delighted to have on board Robert Myers, Luciano Giubbilei and James Wong. We are very, very excited, and Chelsea 2011 is set to be the best ever! The 18 spectacular show garden designs, confirmed to date, which will wow the crowds are as follows: The M&G Garden, designed by renowned landscape architect Bunny Guinness, is a modern take on a traditional kitchen garden. The Well Tailored Garden, exhibited by Savile Row tailors Anderson & Sheppard and designed by Madison Cox features a ‘well dressed’ urban garden with spring flowering bulbs from North America and Asia. The B&Q Garden highlights the environmental difference every gardener can make through an 8m high, vertical living wall of window boxes demonstrating vertical farms and urban food production. The British Heart Foundation Garden, designed by AnneMarie Powell, is themed around the movement of the heart’s veins and arteries and cleverly includes heart shaped foliage and ‘aspirin’ plant Salix angustifolia. The Cancer Research UK Garden, designed by Robert Myers, has a ‘Surviving’ and ‘Seashore’ combined theme using plants adapted to survive in coastal conditions. The Daily Telegraph Garden, by designer Cleve West, explores timelessness and permanence through species

plants and modern hybrids in a peaceful, relaxing sunken garden. The Trailfinder’s Australian Garden, presented by Flemings Nurseries, is themed on the journey of the HMS Endeavour and the botanical discoveries that Joseph Banks made on his voyage between 1768 and 1771. Gateshead Council’s Essence of a City Garden reflects Gateshead’s long terms vision to become a city. Evoking a civic garden, the design takes reference from squares, avenues, vistas, tree lined boulevards, fountains, and sculptures. The Homebase Garden takes its inspiration from childhood memories of trips to Cornwall featuring naturalistic shapes and textures of Cornwall and a colour scheme of blue, pink and white. The Green Poem Garden, by Kazuyki Ishihara, is based on the mountain-scapes of Nagasaki in Japan and features water, rocks, wind and soft greens to create calmness. The Laurent-Perrier Garden, by award-winning designer Luciano Giubbilei, brings together garden, art and architecture. Leading Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and British sculptor Peter RandellPage will be contributing respectively with a sensory bamboo pavilion and three commissioned sculptures. The Leeds Garden draws attention to the importance of waterpower in the industrial evolution in Leeds. The Monaco Garden, by designer Sarah Eberle, illustrates the landscape and architecture of Monaco with Mediterranean plants and colour scheme. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) New Wild Garden, designed by Nigel Dunnett for the Landscape Agency, takes its inspiration from The Wild Garden, a book by William Robinson published over a century ago. Robinson popularised naturalistic gardening who virtually invented the herbaceous border, this garden celebrates beautiful, colourful and romantic plantings.

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DANNI BYRNE Keeping you fit Email:


Cheap chic way Trimming to look fabulous

for Xmas: Part 2

THIS week we are going to talk a “Cheap chic” way of making what you have go a lot further - not only with money but with your hair as well. There are so many ways to cut corners yet still look fabulous, and looking great needn’t cost the earth. But where do you start? Well, at the beginning, the most important aspect of your hair “the cut”. Without a good cut you are stuck. And you can forget changing your look with a simple blow-dry or application of product because you won’t get anywhere without a decent shape. Cut into your hair to make styling simple. Find the right stylist and he/she can give you an adaptable cut to change simply, without visiting the salon. An average cut and blow-dry here in Tenerife costs 30 euros, which is hardly the earth when what’s on your head is the second thing people look at when they see you (after your eyes, believe it or not). A good cut shows a mile away, so once you’ve got it, don’t let him/her go (your stylist, that is). Okay, you got your cut, so now what? Well an all-over colour (an extra 30ish euros on top of your cut) will transform even the simplest haircut because colours will bring out your eyes, enhance your make-

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THERE is an abundance of diets out there to follow in magazines and on the web, and in this issue I will be taking you through a few guidelines to help prepare you for the festive season. Achieved with cheap pearl necklace

up and complement your clothes (if applied correctly). A few high-lites or low-lites can make a dramatic change, even for a handful of euros. So, when you’ve got your cut and your colour, then what? Styling, that’s what, because anyone can learn to create a salon look with patience and advice from the stylist. Practise a different style when you’re not going out, and try straighteners, tongs and rollers. Even simple “updoos” are achievable at home. I don’t like the words “I can’t do that” because you can. Yes you can! Next, accessorise. The simplest hair ornament, band, clips, slides, anything at all can make a statement, and if placed correctly can transform a simple style into 100% glamour. I’m not plugging any businesses in particular, but the

Chinese shops here are great places to source out inexpensive items which, even if used only once, look so expensive that you can afford to wear something different every time you go out. Right now, anything goes, and I’ve seen necklaces used as hair ornaments - even earrings! If all else fails, visit your salon for an inexpensive blow-dry or quick put-up to enhance your outfit. Don’t be scared to experiment – to try something new. So, next time you are on a night out, a works party or even a dinner, don’t think: “I have to go mad and spend the earth to look wow.” Just remember that “cheap chic” works for everyone. If you mix cheaper items with more expensive ones, who will know that your hair accessory cost only two euros? It’s our little secret, right!

If you do select one, choose it to fit into your lifestyle. For example, if you pick a diet that needs freshly-prepared meals and you work long hours, you would end up starving and start picking rather than sticking to the diet. Pick one that suits you and yes, you can chop around a few of the products if you do not like something. To shift those kilos, you will probably need to reduce your portions as well as make some smart food swaps to cut calories. Even “healthy” foods such as brown rice, wholemeal bread, chicken, fish and lowfat dairy products contain calorie, so you may need to limit your intake. I hate scales to weigh out food. Go by guidelines and watch your portion control. Many of us are unaware that we are actually eating too much, even though we may be eating healthy, to the tune of 500 calories a day.

An example of portion sizes are as follows: •A woman’s fist is equivalent to a serving of fruit or veg •A rounded handful is equivalent to a serving of raw or cooked veg, half a portion of cooked rice or pasta. A rounded handful is also equivalent to a good serving of crisps •The palm of your hand is equivalent to 3oz of meat, chicken or fish •A tennis ball is equivalent to a portion of ice cream, pasta, potato or rice •A thumb tip is equivalent to a teaspoon of butter, margarine or peanut butter •Four cubes equate to an ounce of cheese Before grabbing something to eat, check whether you’re actually thirsty rather than hungry. It is easy to confuse thirst and hunger, which results in many people grabbing a snack or filling their plate a second time, when what they really need is a glass of water. Better still, water is needed for every chemical reaction in the body, including burning

fat. And it will not only help fill you up, but it will also work wonders for your skin and hair. For maximum “filling power”, opt for sparkling water because the bubbles will help to fight those hunger pangs. If you’re watching what you are eating, don’t forget to watch what your drinking as well. Your diet could go down the pan if you forget to count your alcohol calories, especially as alcohol contains seven calories per gram. That’s second only to fat, at nine calories per gram! Let’s translate your alcohol calories into food - get ready to be shocked! A large glass of white wine (250ml) is 320 calories, a large vodka and tonic is 185 calories and a pint of lager is 180. Such a shame because they never TASTE that fattening! When things get tough, it’s easy to dwell on previous dieting experiences, and even easier to find examples of times when you’ve felt like this in the past, given up and ended up piling on all those lost pounds in a matter of weeks. That doesn’t mean it is guaranteed to happen this time as well, although thinking negatively will almost certainly result in you giving up. Instead, the key to losing weight is to put past dieting failures behind you and focus instead on the success that lies ahead. Be positive, surround yourself with positive people and go for it! In my next column, we’ll take a look at tips on how to enjoy the festive period without guilt - and without feeling (and seeing) the return of those unwanted pounds.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Tweeting on the loo? It’s all the rage now! WORLD Toilet Day, “celebrated” on 19th November, was dominated by the news that most Britons do not clean their loos anywhere near enough. But lots of people are more than happy to take their mobiles to the bathroom with them to enjoy a toilet tweet! A survey to mark the event, polling people aged from 16 to 64, showed that 78% of the nation do not clean their loos every day, with 6% only bothering to wipe round the bowl when it is visibly dirty. The poll was commissioned by the charity Toilet Twinning, which works to improve sanitation and prevent disease in some of the world’s poorest communities. In fact, the most startling fact to emerge from World Toilet Day is that one in five kids from emerging countries will die from a diarrheal disease before his/her fifth birthday.

Another frightening statistic reveals that the water and sanitation crisis in these countries has claimed more lives already than those lost in all the wars throughout the 20th century. Kim Woodburn, a stickler for

loo-cleaning and presenter of Channel 4’s How Clean Is Your House? said: “In the average household of two adults and two children, with one bathroom, the toilet should be cleaned once a day. “It takes two minutes. Little

and often will keep it spotless, and there will be no build-up of odours or bacteria.” Scottish toilets topped the cleanliness table, with 27% carrying out a daily scrub, while London’s loos fared the worst (19% cleaned daily). The Welsh appeared to be the dirtiest, with one in 10 cleaning the loo just once a month. Comically, the smallest room in the house is a hive of activity. Scots preferred to get in and out fast, while Londoners are most likely to look for a distraction. The findings show that technology is creeping into the bathroom, with one-quarter of the people surveyed taking their phones to chat, text, email or update Facebook or Twitter. The English were twice as likely as the Scots or Welsh to update their Facebook status, or to post a toilet tweet! Toilet-going is seemingly a social experience, because 5.5 million people (14%) confess to chatting on the loo. And women are more likely to talk in person, while men tend to chat on the phone.

Kidney zapper could prevent heart attacks A NEW technique that lowers blood pressure by zapping the kidneys with a radio beam could produce a dramatic improvement in patients.

It applies especially to those who have been unable to control their high blood pressure with several varieties of drugs.

Dieting mums influence their daughters so much MOST teenage girls are concerned about being overweight, and they are twice as likely to go on a diet if their mothers try to slim down regularly. While 93% of girls worry about their size, more than half say their families comment on what they eat, according to a survey conducted by Sugar magazine. A total of 15% of respondents admitted they dieted regularly. But for those whose mothers changed their eating habits regularly, the

figure rose to double that number. Meanwhile, a quarter of the teenage girls claimed they had a friend with an eating disorder. Sugar editor Annabel Brog said: “This survey shows that most teenage girls worry about their weight. “All mums want the best for their daughters, but we live in a world preoccupied with body size and, inevitably, daughters are picking up on, and assimilating, anxieties their mums have about their own bodies.”

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Scientists believe the technique could lead to a completely new approach to managing high blood pressure, or hypertension, which is a significant risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. The treatment involves a catheter device that delivers a burst of high-energy radio waves to deactivate renal nerves, which play a role in raising blood pressure. Trial patients who received the therapy saw their blood pressure fall by an average 32 over 12 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg) over a period of six months. The first figure is the systolic pressure, which coincides with each heart beat. The second is the diastolic “resting” pressure between beats. At the start of the international trial, patients had a blood pressure reading

of 178 over 97 on average. A second “control” group, given a dummy version of the treatment, had the same blood pressure levels, which did not change significantly during the trial. Study leader Professor Murray Esler, from Australia’s Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, said: “The impressive results show that this has the potential to become a revolutionary treatment.” His colleague, the University of Glasgow’s Professor Alan Jardine, said: “The results are groundbreaking. It’s the most exciting development in this field for many years.” A total of 106 patients took part in the Symplicity HTN-2 trial, reported in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal.

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Food News

Ready, Steady, Chop!

READY Steady Cook, TV’s longest-running cookery show, is off the BBC menu because officials believe it’s had its day after more than 15 years. The show began in 1994 with presenter Fern Britton at the helm and attracted three million viewers for starters, all wondering what professional chefs could do with a £5 bag of mystery ingredients. But even with Ainsley Harriot at the helm in the past decade - he also appeared as a chef before then - the figures have

slipped to around 1.5million, which has given the BBC more than enough food for thought. Harriot’s catchphrases “Percy Pepper” and “Sally Salt” soon transformed him into a household name, but even he couldn’t save the show, which ran for nearly 2,000 episodes, spanning 21 series. The main focus of the show was to pit two members of the public or two celebrities together to team up with well-know chefs for a cooking contest against each other. Audience members of the audience then waved cards featuring a green pepper or a tomato to vote on who had

come up with the best dishes. The final shows were filmed late last year and Harriot said in a statement: “I feel privileged to have been part of the Ready Steady Cook family for 15 years. I am immensely proud of its success and will always look back on it with the fondest memories.” The axe fell on Ready Steady Cook’s chopping block as part of a plan by BBC’s head of daytime, Liam Keelan, to revamp the schedule. He said: “Ready Steady Cook has hung up its cooking aprons. I’m proud of the show, which will go down in history as the longest-running cookery show on TV. “While the series has been

hugely popular on BBC Two, it was felt that Ready Steady Cook has been taken as far as it could.’” Yet the show’s format has proved popular worldwide, having been sold to 25 countries, including the United States. It will be replaced by other food-based shows, including the Hairy Bikers’ Cook-Off, featuring comical motorbike chefs David Myers and Simon King, which has just started on BBC2. But don’t mourn the demise of Ready Steady Cook just yet because repeats will still be shown until the end of next year, when it goes off the air altogether.

Christmas cake mix success ACCORDING to online supermarket website sales at Waitrose have been boosted by growing demand for Delia Smith’s ready-to-make

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Christmas cake mix, the retailer has revealed. Waitrose chief executive Mark Price said the product has broken store seasonal records, with shoppers picking up the

celebrity chef’s £10 festive cake kit at a rate of one pack every seven seconds. “Delia’s cake ingredients pack is the fastest-selling Christmas product Waitrose has ever had at this stage in the run-up to the holiday season”, he commented. Price revealed that the product’s popularity contributed to total sales rising to £98million in the week to Saturday 20 November, up 8 per cent on the same week last year and 24 per cent on the same period in 2008.

“Our strong sales figures show that Christmas preparations are well underway as customers stock up with festive fare for their freezers and store cupboards,” he added. Waitrose said it expects stock of both Ms Smith’s cake mix and Heston Blumenthal’s Christmas pudding to run out next week. Both chefs feature in the supermarket’s “recipe for great food” TV campaign, which shows them giving tips on how to make their signature festive treats.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid. Use logic alone to deduce where each of these numbers must be placed in every cell of a puzzle. Don’t worry! We´ve kept in two original sudokus for you on the right.




8 8 1




4 6

7 1






3 6













9 5


4 Puzzle Rating: Moderate






8 6

9 2















Puzzle Rating: Difficult

7 9




6 Puzzle Rating: Quite Hard

Horoscopes of the week Sagittaruis (November 23rd-December 21st) The line-up this week is sure to make for some memorable times. In particular, the return of a face from your past will lift your spirits, but how much of a permanent fixture he/she will be to your future depends on your reaction on Sunday. Just don’t rush into anything hastily and think long and hard where you actually want to go with it. CAPRICORN (Dec 22nd-Jan 20th) Events that happened at the beginning of the month have left you with little time on your hands to take on new things. Indeed, the tying up of events is what this week is all about. Make sure you finish with style and don’t leave it to others, or you will end up ruining what started out as a professional job. AQUARIUS (Jan 21stFeb 19th) Use the coming days to sort out the home matters which have piled so high all around you. Some careful sums should prove to you how easy it is to wriggle out of what at first seemed like a tight corner. There’s a rainbow approaching with a pot of gold at the end of it for you, if you can just discover its whereabouts! PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) This coming week marks an important phase in your personal life, and you can start to make headway with someone who has come to mean so much to you. Don’t assume you can scold a family member for doing something which you also had experience with in the recent past. It doesn’t work like that, so be true to yourself and recognise your own shortcomings. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) You may have to have to wait for the

approval of a close one before you can book something you have been dreaming about. Patience in this matter is sure to earn you many brownie points, though. Surprise visitors make this an alternative weekend in which you finally piece together a puzzle from the past. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) Try to use your powers of concentration more this week as things that are being discussed are set to be of more relevance than you might imagine to your future. Someone from your past is trying to contact you. Check your messages, because there may be good news waiting for your ears only. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) The main quality enjoyed by Geminis is their ability to see both sides of a situation. So why can’t you manage to see that a close one was not purposely trying to hurt you with recent actions? The full moon on Sunday requires you to think before you speak. And coming up is your power day for all-important peace talks. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) This week sees you with some tough decisions to make, and family members seem to play a key role in such affairs. You must realise that everyone will always have his or her own opinion, but it is your choice this week that really matters. Take

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

charge and life and love will soon prove more than a little interesting. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) You’re likely to run up against quite a few stumbling blocks over the coming days, but try to use your initiative and you will come out smelling of roses. Trouble with cash-flow might require you to make new travel plans. But there some signs are worth joining forces with in business this month. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Try not to cast opinion on new faces too soon because you could end up eating your words this time next week if you’re not careful. News of a pregnancy or birth gives you reason to question a major decision recently, made by you or someone very close to you. But you can utilise the current line-up to your advantage. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Face up to your financial worries and don’t ignore them. Solutions are available from more unexpected sources than you think. All you have to do is put out the initial feelers. A friend needs a favour, which is above and beyond the call of duty. But for some reason, you are willing to put yourself out for them. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Thoughts and ideas you have for your career are set to be the source of much fun and inspiration for your future. In fact, one avenue in particular could even lead to a move early next year for some of you Scorpios. Arguments with a particular family member can be avoided, and old feuds finally mended.

Brain Training: Beginer: 7 Intermediate: 29 Advanced: 36 Moderate



































































































































































Quite Hard

6 7







6 3




Quiz: 1. Katrina And The Waves 2. A Cappella 3. Piccolo 4. Kaiser Chiefs 5. Joseph(Joe) and Catherine 6. Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants (written around the edge of a £2 coin) 7. 1970 8. Mariah Carey 9. Roll With It & Country House 10. Bohemian Rhapsody (Knocked off by Mamma Mia)









Last Week’s Answers:


Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training FLYING 1. What was the nickname of the H4 Hercules flying boat, that never went into production after its maiden flight due to post war cutbacks in 1947?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER

2. Which sportsman was nicknamed “The Non-Flying Dutchman” ?

3. Flying Down to Rio is a 1933 movie that saw the first screen pairing of which partnership?

4. Where are you most likely to see a flying buttress?

5. Which group had a hit with Flying Without Wings in 1999?


72 4

÷5 8

3/5 of this
















6. In which town was the Flying Scotsman locomotive manufactured in 1956?

12 4

7. Which member of Monty Python’s Flying Circus was largely responsible for the animation, including the giant foot in the show’s opening sequence?

-97 8

8. What is the correct name for the “Flying Lady” ornament on a Rolls Royce radiator?



Squared 5



+134 50% of this 6


÷3 +172 5/6 of this 9




9. The Flying Pickets were a British vocal group who had Christmas no1 hit in 1983. What was the title of the song?




250 40% -76 of this 4

10. The Flying Wallendas were a circus act and daredevil stunt performers with Barnum & Bailey for 40 years, and Karl Wallenda was known for high wire performances. From which country did they originate?



+126 5/6 of this 8








+214 ÷3 Page 43


Aer Lingus have new Irish routes AER LINGUS have announced next summer’s new routes and increased frequencies on flights from Cork and Belfast to Spain and the Canary Islands. From the end of March, a new twice-weekly service will begin to Palma, Majorca, from Cork, as will a similar service from Belfast to Gran Canaria. Aer Lingus will also increase frequency on flights from Cork to Amsterdam, bringing to 13 the total number of weekly flights to the

Dutch capital. Flights from Cork to Lanzarote, Tenerife and Faro will also benefit from one additional weekly service. Also, Aer Lingus Regional will continue to operate daily morning and evening services from Cork to Manchester and Birmingham, offering same-day returns for those travelling on business. ”This marks our continued development at Cork Airport,” said Declan Kearney, Aer Lingus Director of Communications.

Non-stop flights are a Paris lure IBERIA Airlines are now offering non-stop return flights between Tenerife South and Paris on Saturdays. The 196-seater A321 will take off from Paris Orly airport at 11.55am and land in Tenerife at 3pm local time. The return journey will begin at 3.50pm and arrive back in Paris at 8.45 pm. These new flights will increase Iberia’s volume of

Page 44

seats in the French market by more than 8,600 this winter. Last year, the company carried nearly 1,519,000 people on Spain-France routes, including about 35,000 people who made the ParisTenerife flight, with a stop in Madrid. Last year, Tenerife was the favourite two-stop destination for Iberia passengers originating in France.

Ryanair 1,000-euro gift is Christmas prize offer RYANAIR, launched on the 16th November a novel Christmas gift. They are urging people to avoid the hassle of shopping for hours and save time and money by snapping up great their Ryanair Christmas Gift Vouchers from the comfort of your home or office, give a loved one something really useful instead, and enter a draw to win a 1,000 euros Christmas Gift Voucher. Ryanair Christmas gift vouchers start from just £25, allowing the lucky recipients to jet off for an exciting holiday of their choice on over 1,200 Ryanair low fare routes. Vouchers can be easily purchased and redeemed online against Ryanair’s guaranteed lowest fares at Ryanair’s Stephen McNamara said: “Ryanair’s Christmas Gift Vouchers are the headache free way to complete your Christmas shopping from the comfort of your own home. Ryanair’s Christmas Gift vouchers can be purchased and redeemed online and allow those lucky enough to receive them to

plan a great value city break, winter sun or summer sun holiday by taking advantage of Ryanair’s guaranteed lowest fares on over 1,200 routes across 27 countries. Christmas Gift Vouchers are available now from when customers can also enter a draw to win a 1,000 euros Christmas Gift Voucher .” Customers who purchase a Ryanair Christmas Gift Voucher can enter their unique voucher reference

number and contact details on to be in with a chance to win a 1,000 euros Ryanair Gift Voucher. Entry closes 17th January 2011 when the winning customer will be chosen at random.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

Skoda hit the heights READERS of the influential What Car? website have named Skoda the best car manufacturer of the year It is yet another award for the Czech company, who also

picked up the Best Small Family Car award for the Octavia. The Octavia is a timeless design, advanced technology, plenty of room for passengers and luggage, outstanding drive properties and excellent value for money. These benefits have so far

attracted over two million customers worldwide, which makes the Octavia amongst the most successful models of the Skoda range. With its timeless elegance, the new design - introduced earlier this year - shows quite clearly that it’s a member of the Škoda family.

The appearance is now more sophisticated, the lines have become more elegant and the front and rear of the vehicle have been redesigned. However, Saab’s recent resurgence suffered a setback when it was named worst manufacturer overall. The Swedish company have

spent most of the year in transition, having been sold to Dutch firm Spyker by former American owner General Motors. More surprising is the fact that Lexus featured in the bottom ten. The Japanese company and is more used to taking top reliability and customer satisfaction prizes. German company’s Volkswagen’s place in the bottom three us something of a shock as well, because it is also associated with reliability.

The What Car? awards took the opinions of more than 30,000 readers this year, ranking individual cars in various categories. BMW’ 1 Series Coupé finished highest overall, and the Ford Focus CC convertible was rated lowest. Editor Steve Fowler said: “The results suggest that no one ever regrets buying a 1 Series Coupé, with the vast majority of readers dishing out a full five-star verdict.”

Top ten manufacturers 1. Skoda 2. Porsche 3. Daihatsu 4. Alfa Romeo 5. Hyundai 6. Jaguar 7. SEAT 8. Jeep 9. Mitsubishi 10. BMW

Bottom ten 1. Saab 2. Vauxhall 3. Volkswagen 4. Peugeot 5. Chevrolet 6. Toyota 7. Ford 8. Lexus 9. Land Rover 10. Renault

Best cars overall: Supermini: Alfa Romeo MiTO. Executive and luxury: Mercedes-Benz CLS. Crossover and 4x4: Land Rover Defender. Coupé: BMW 1-Series Coupé. Estate: MINI Clubman. Small family: Skoda Octavia. Open-top: Lotus Elise. Family and compact executive: Volkswagen Passat CC. MPV: Ford C-Max.

Moon-buggy tyre set for the road AN AMAZING punc- buggies, could soon ture-proof tyre, cre- be developed for use ated for NASA moon on road cars.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

The Spring Tyre, developed jointly by NASA and tyre specialist Goodyear, has picked up a prestigious R&D 100 award for innovation. The annual R&D 100 award ceremony, regarded informally as the Oscars of Innovation, recognises 100 of the year’s most signifi-

cant inventions. The Spring Tyre, built from 800 loadbearing springs, took the top prize in the Mechanical Devices category. Previous winners have included the fax machine and, more recently, High Definition TV. It is a development of the original airless tyre, made by

Goodyear for the Apollo lunar missions. It is designed to carry up to ten times more weight over 100 times the distance. The huge improvement suggests that the tyre could soon be suitable for road cars. Goodyear haven’t yet announced anything, but

they believe the moon tyre might be suitable for normal vehicles in the near future. Rival tyre company Michelin are also working on a lunar tyre based on its existing invention, the Tweel, which uses rubbery polyurethene spokes.

Page 45



Sponsored By

See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Sport Talk Email:

Tenerife show signs of life CD Tenerife 1 Alcorcon 0 THE green shoots of recovery finally bloomed in Santa Cruz last Sunday. Tenerife went into the match with new boys Alcorcon on the back of a decent point and clean-sheet - at Huesca, and that draw seems to have restored their confidence. The swagger is not back far from it - but there are signs that the medicine is working inside a sick camp. Tenerife were unrecognisable from the side who surrendered against Nastic a fortnight ago. Maybe rock-bottom has been truly reached, and the bounce back is underway? Alcorcon have made a decent start to life in the second tier of Spanish football, and they caused Tenerife lots of problems. They started off with the league’s top scorer, Quini, in the lone striker role, which allowed Tenerife plenty of early possession. Nino spurned an early chance, and another effort a few minutes later nearly hit the corner flag. This gave the visitors heart, and halfway through the first period they changed shape. Fernando and Borja pushed on in the wide positions and Mora was working off Quini. Tenerife struggled to adapt and, with Ricardo again marking space, Mikel Alonso was swamped in midfield. One sweeping move nearly led to the opener but Fernando’s shot, after some great wing play by Borja, smacked against Melli and went behind for a corner when Aragoneses was well beaten. It was the wake-up call Tenerife needed. A subsequent corner fell invitingly for David Prieto, and the centre-back’s bullet effort was smartly saved by Manu, and Melli’s follow-up effort was charged down.

Page 46

Alvarez evades challenge

Moments later, a Tenerife break saw Natalio in acres of space in front of the visitors’ box. He composed himself and smacked the ball past Manu. But he had hit it too well, and it thumped off the post and wide of the goal. It was a decent half and the fans were optimistic as they enjoyed their half-time bird seed. But they were soon choking as Alcorcon nearly caught Tenerife cold after forcing a corner straight from the restart. It was swung into the near post, where Aragoneses caught the ball, then dropped it, and Alberdi poked it on to the bar. The ball dropped on the goal-line and Mikel thumped it clear. It was a massive let-off and the start of a fine second half in which, a few minutes later, Tenerife took the lead. Ricardo found some of his old form to chip over a glorious pass to Nino who had slipped the offside trap. He chested the ball down on the edge of the area and, as Manu advanced, he smashed the ball past him. It was Nino’s first goal for 500 minutes and the sense of

Oltra's back in La Liga

relief was obvious. It was the sort of goal Tenerife fans have become accustomed to over the last few years. Tenerife used the advantage wisely and they started to pick off Alcorcon, who by now were much more adventurous. Nino and Natalio had good chances well saved and, with 20 minutes to play, coach Juan Mandia decided to stick. He replaced winger Juanlu with central-midfielder Hidalgo, but his opposite number, Juan Anquela, countered. He threw on three attackers and went for broke. And it so nearly worked. Mantañez and Sanz were a real handful up front, while the waspish Carlos was buzzing around, getting himself involved. He carved out a brilliant chance ten minutes from time. Carlos stormed down the right and spotted that Borja had stolen a yard on Prieto. His deep cross drew the defender and Aragoneses, but Borja got there first. He looped his header over the keeper and it seemed to hold in the air for an eternity.

Eventually, it dipped down on to the far post, hit the inside of the woodwork and started rolling across the goal-line. Mercifully, it missed the molehill and was scrambled clear. Late on, Sanz missed a simple header from 12 yards and then, in time added on, Hidalgo squandered a chance to kill the match off when he wasted a one-onone with Manu. The win was massive: four points, two clean-sheets and a win away from safety. It has been a good week for Tenerife fans. On Sunday, CDT travel to face Villarreal B. Like their senior side, they are excellent at home and have kept three straight clean-sheets. Former Tenerife B player Airam could start in attack in what will be another testing trip to the mainland. Canarian Weekly ratings TENERIFE: Aragoneses 7, Bertrán 6, Prieto 7, Melli 8, Beranger 6, Mikel 9, Ricardo 7, Juanlu 6 (Hidalgo 70min 6), Natalio 7 (Kome 84min), Julio Álvarez 7 (Pablo Sicilia 91min), Nino 7. ALCORCÓN: Manu 7, Nagore 7, Hernández 7, Nino 7 (David Sanz 79min), Ángel 7, Alberdi 6 (Montañez 61min 6), Rubén Sanz 7, Fernando 6 (Carlos 69min 8), Mora 6, Borja 7, Quini 7. Finally, popular former head coach Jose Luis Oltra is back in management. He rejected a host of jobs in the summer, but has said yes to a return to the top flight. Oltra takes charge of Almeria until the end of the season, and he faces a tough task to keep them up. They are one off the bottom and last weekend lost 80 at home to Barcelona. It’s strange how the football Gods move as his first match is the Sunday’s trip to Valencia. So that would be the Mestalla Stadium, where Tenerife were relegated on the last day of last season in what would prove to be Oltra’s last match in charge! All Tenerife fans will wish him well, but already the Spanish media are linking him with moves for Marc Betran and Nino. Say it ain’t so, Jose.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Strictly come darting! Division 1 8 Ball Massive 4 - 6 Target Bar Atlantis Sharks 9 - 1 Bar La Cana Bar 180 B 5 - 5 Trap Door Legends A 3 - 7 Men Of Atlantis Nauta A 3 - 7 Bar 180 A Phoenix Knights 8 - 2 Summerlands Allstars Summerlands Superstars 7 - 3 Rat Pack Toscales Old Boys 8 - 2 Dreamers Bar Division One

POS 1 Summerlands Superstars 2 Palms Bar A 3 Tenerife Hammers A 4 Phoenix Knights 5 Target Bar 6 Rat Pack 7 Bar 180 B 8 Trap Door 9 Bar 180 A 10 Hoops Bar 11 Atlantis Sharks 12 Nauta A 13 Summerlands Allstars 14 Terrace Bar A 15 Men Of Atlantis 16 Dreamers Bar 17 8 Ball Massive 18 Toscales Old Boys 19 Legends A 20 Bar La Cana

P 16 15 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 15 17 16 17 17 17 17

W 15 14 12 9 9 9 8 7 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 4 4 3 1 1

D 1 1 2 6 4 3 6 6 3 4 4 3 2 4 5 2 1 3 1 1

L F A +- PTS 0 123 37 86 46 0 106 44 62 43 2 105 55 50 38 2 98 72 26 33 4 88 82 6 31 5 96 74 22 30 3 94 76 18 30 4 91 79 12 27 6 78 92 -14 27 5 87 73 14 25 7 82 88 -6 22 8 77 93 -16 21 10 73 97 -24 17 7 67 83 -16 16 9 81 89 -8 14 10 65 95 -30 14 12 71 99 -28 13 11 75 95 -20 12 15 53 117 -64 4 15 50 120-70 4

Division 2 Bar 180 C 6 - 4 Barracuda Bandits Bar Tasca 3 - 7 Tenerife Hammers C Barracuda Hunters 2 - 8 Legends B Gaffers 7 - 3 Connors Lupain 6 - 4 Phoenix Potters Target Rangers 3 - 7 Inn The Pink Tenerife Hammers B 3 - 7 Summerland Elite Terrace Bar B 5 - 5 Palms Bar B Woodys 4 - 6 Nauta B Division Two

POS 1 Legends B 2 Gaffers 3 Bar 180 C 4 Bar Tasca 5 Nauta B 6 Lupain 7 Target Rangers 8 Phoenix Potters 9 Tenerife Hammers C 10 Barracuda Bandits 11 Inn The Pink 12 Summerland Elite 13 Tenerife Hammers B 14 Toscales Tangos 15 Woodys 16 Barracuda Hunters 17 Terrace Bar B 18 Connors 19 Palms Bar B

WITH Palms A not playing until Monday, Summerland Superstars took advantage to gain a three-point lead in Division One of the Oasis Fm Pool League. The Los Cristianos crew were always in control at home to Rat Pack, despite a

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 16 16 15 15 16 15 16 15 16 13

W 12 11 10 9 9 8 9 8 8 6 7 5 6 2 3 2 1 1 1

D 3 3 2 4 3 5 1 2 2 5 2 7 3 5 2 3 3 3 2

L F A +- PTS 1 103 57 46 39 2 94 66 28 36 4 86 74 12 32 3 100 60 40 31 4 85 75 10 30 3 86 74 12 29 5 86 64 22 28 6 92 68 24 26 6 92 68 24 26 5 83 77 6 23 7 83 77 6 23 3 84 66 18 22 6 75 75 0 21 9 68 92 -24 11 10 62 88 -26 11 11 59 101-42 9 11 54 96 -42 6 12 52 108-56 6 10 36 94 -58 5

poor night for young Ashley. He “bookends” their side, yet managed to lose all his three matches, and who knows how important those lost legs will prove at the end of the season? He will be praying he is not dropped for this week’s match at La Caña. Phoenix Knights continue to charge up the table, and are now fourth after smashing Allstars 8-2.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Division 1 Exiles 0-8 Bar Nauta A Our Place Flukers 3-5 Toscales Ensecan Phoenix Bar 7-1 Sundowners Rood A 1-7 Target Bar A Silver Surfers 6-2 X-Men Target Bar B 4-4 Heroes Sports Bar Toscales Allsorts 4-4 Tenerife Sons Woody´s A 8-0 Strikers Bar

Division 2 Barracuda Hunters 6-2 Phoenix Flames Gaffers 2-6 Barracudarts Boys La Caña Lancers 4-4 The Tavern Marilyns 2-6 Our Place Playgirls Naughty Nautas B 6-2 Bar 180 B Nautas Nutters C 6-2 Amigos Bad Girls Tenerife Sun 6-2 Our Place Naturals The Knights B P-P Rood B Yelas Bar 7-1 Woodys B Division 2

Division 1 POS Pld 1 Bar Nauta A 160 2 Bar 180 160 3 Phoenix Bar 168 4 Exiles Bar 160 5 Tenerife Sons 168 6 Toscales Allsorts 168 7 Target Bar A 160 8 Rood A 168 9 Silver Surfers 168 10 Woody´s A 160 11 X-Men 160 12 Target Bar B 168 13 Toscales Ensecan 168 14 Heroes Sports Bar 168 15 Sundowners 160 16 Ourplace Flukers 168 17 Strikers Bar 160

Sing 83 75 74 69 68 68 59 45 44 47 45 36 33 34 35 30 29

THE headline says it all, because that was the cry from Nauta A as they waltzed their way to an amazing 8-0 whitewash over Exiles last Friday night. And although Del Boy hit a 13-dart opening leg for a Brucie Bonus, it was an American Smooth night for Nauta. Tom was in ridiculously good form with a 180, ably assisted by Big Al, who hit one of his own. For the record, it was the first time Exiles had ever ended a match empty-handed. Phoenix Bar, with Ashley in great form (19-dart leg) tripped the light fantastic

Dbles 29 34 31 28 25 23 26 25 26 16 13 15 14 14 13 11 6

Treb 17 16 16 16 13 9 14 11 11 9 4 7 10 7 6 4 5

180’s 9 9 10 7 7 3 0 8 2 2 2 4 1 3 0 0 0

PTS 129 125 121 113 106 100 99 81 81 72 62 58 57 55 54 45 40

and beat Sundowners 7-1, and Target A recorded the same winning margin during a dance-off at Rood A. The judges awarded four points each to the Allsorts and Tenerife Sons in a tight battle in Valle San Lorenzo, while Harry and his heroes quickstepped out of Target B, also with four points. Ensecan hip-hopped their way down to the Flukers and went home with five valuable points, while Silver Surfers dished out the old Paso Doble to the X-men, winning 6-2. Elsewhere, Woodys A left the opposition checking their ballroom as they hammered Strikers 8-0. A top-three clash in Division 2 had Barracudarts

POS 1 Barracudarts Boys 2 Nautas Nutters C 3 Gaffers 4 Tenerife Sun 5 Yelas Bar 6 The Tavern 7 Bar 180 B 8 Naughty Nautas B 9 Ourplace Naturals 10 Rood B 11 The Knights B 12 Woody´s B 13 La Caña Lancers 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Ourplace Playgirls 16 Phoenix Flames 17 Marilyns 18 Amigos Bad Girls

Pld 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 160 168 176 176 176 176 176 168 176

Sing 94 84 69 66 62 58 63 61 54 52 52 42 47 44 34 40 32 30

Boys doing the cha-cha all the way home after winning 6-2 at Gaffers. Nauta Nutters prevailed by the same scoreline over disco queens Amigos Bad Girls, and Yelas Bar jigged their way to a 7-1 win against Woodys B. Bar 180 B’s Wayne stuck a 180 into the Naughtys, but it was the Nauta B side who Morris-danced their way to a 62 victory. and the Playgirls took Marilyns to the ballet and pirouetted to a 6-2 success. The Phoenix Flames’ jive

Dbles 37 36 36 29 25 32 23 19 23 19 18 16 17 15 13 6 16 12

Treb 15 15 14 11 18 14 10 7 7 13 11 13 6 9 9 7 5 9

180’s 1 5 2 1 2 0 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

PTS 146 135 119 106 105 104 96 87 84 84 81 71 70 68 56 53 53 51

sisters skipped up to Calleo Salvaje to face the Hunters and although captain Carole again won her singles, it was tears on the dance floor as they lost 6-2. The Lancers and the Tavern joined up in Los Abrigos and foxtrotted their way to a 44 draw, while the Naturals were left with salsa on their faces after a 6-2 defeat at Tenerife Sun (well you don’t get anything for a pair in this game!). By Geoff Huxtable

Ash clouds fine Superstars win Atlantis Sharks had La Caña all at sea with an excellent 9-1 win, and Toscales Old

Boys’ 8-2 victory over Dreamers will give them confidence.

Men of Atantis returned to winning ways at Legends A, and Bar 180 A were too strong for Nauta A. Target Bar moved up to fifth after a 6-4er at 8 Ball Massive, while Trap Door will be happy with their draw with Bar 180 B. Legends B and Gaffers drew two weeks ago, and the top two sides in Division Two are still keeping up a fine pace. Legends’ 8-2 win at Roger’s Barracuda Hunters was their first win since 19th October, while Gaffers are nine unbeaten after victory at Connors. Bar 180 C are leading the

charge, moving into third spot after success over Barracuda Bandits - and a shock defeat for Bar Tasca. They crashed 7-3 at home to Tenerife Hammers C. Paul, who sunk the winning black, has now won his last seven singles rubbers, and they could yet sneak into the promotion shake-up. Nauta B are going along nicely. This week they beat Woodys 6-4, and Inn The Pink are also improving. Their 7-3 win at Target Rangers was a mini upset. Summerland Elite, and Lupain also won, while Palms B got a rare point at Terrace Bar B.

Page 47


Page 48

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Free Ads

ing machine 100 euros. Silver gas bottle 30 euros. Tel: 662 354 391.



Pine baby changing unit with swivel top, shelves and 2 wicker baskets, excellent condition, 45 euros. Tel 659 756 793 Wii console with Wii fit with 2 remotes and 4 games, 150 euros. Freezer 78l Ignis ICF220, 50 euros. Sofa for 4 people, 80 euros. Rollerblades kids girls size 38-40 and 32-34, 50 euros. Diving equipment regulator, BCD, flippers 120 euros. Tel 661 185 854 Juke box 1970’s model, 325 euros ono. Records 50 cents each. Tel 618 222 169 White microwave good condition 25 euros. Large intex swimming pool with steps and filter 75 euros. Laminator 10 euros. Scanner/printer/copier 20 euros. Toshiba telephone/fax 20 euros. Stainless steel sink with double draining board 50 euros. Red girls bike 60 euros. Large bathroom mirror still in box 40 euros. Children’s books age 3-6yrs from 1 euro. Baby walker 10 euros. Amplifier 50 euros. Tel 609 814 225 R4 Games chip (2GB) inc 15 games for Nintendo DS 20 euros. Polti Vaporella forever 950 steam generator iron (still boxed) 90 euros. Tel 695 808 394 Commercial heavy duty citrus press 150 euros. Nintendo game cube, with all accessories & many games 100 euros. Exercise bike 50 euros. Almost 2000 DVD films 50 cents each. Bar stool 5 euros each. Tel 922 795 592 Clothing Shop fittings fitted wall racking with shelving, drawers and clothing racks. Very versatile and good quality, pictures available 500 euros. Large glass and metal counter desk 80 euros. Children’s size half shell torso dummies 6 available 10 euros each. Adult size half shell torso dummies 6 available 12 euros each. Tel 610 625 619 after 8pm. Orange Alcatel OT-S319 mobile phone, 10 euros, British number, unused and in box with charge and instructions, black and silver. Medium sized dog travelling cage, 40 euros, IATA approved, suitable for Staffordshire size dogs, excellent condition, grey with secure door locking, water bowls and labels. Tel 0044 75125 773 28 Mattress, super king size, 2.2 metres by 2 metres, top UK brand 100 euros. Calloway golf bag 20 euros. Tel 699 196 790 48cm high teddy bear light grey, 25 euros. Tel 699 186 103. Very large Chinchilla/Ferret/Parrot Cage (height 137 cm, width 75 x 80 - bar widths 1.7cm & 2.5cm), good condition, 60 euros. Rock drum kit, perfect condition, 200 euros. Tel 628 898 413. Hair Saloon furniture almost new - a hair washing unit ORION white ceramic with the attached black leather chair 450 euros, modern office sofa in black used as the waiting sofa in the hairdressing saloon 190 euros, the modern reception desk in black and white 300 euros. 2 tall glass cabinets with a deep grey flower pattern, 200cm high X 80cm wide and 40cm deep, 100 euros each. Flat screen Sony LCD TV 26 inch, 190 euros. Tel 617 733 999.

Quality, Crystal glasses incl., champagne, wine, whiskey, brandy, etc. 120 euros. Marble surround for bathroom washbasin, 20 euros. Shower base 73cm sq. 20 euros. Tel 922 770 983 or 686 250 634 Play station 2 games: Medal of Honour rising sun: Ghost recon, Jungle Storm the Great Escape, Prince of Persia, Warrior within, Conflict, Global Storm, Americas 10 most wanted, Conflict desert storm 2, Mummy returns, Golden eye rouge agent, Spartan total warrior, Max Payne, Dead to rights, Splinter cell, Chaos Theory, Splinter cell, Double agent, Resident Evil, Code Veronica, Metal Gear solid 2, Vietcong, Purple Haze, all 7 euros each. PC games, Far Cry, Call of Duty 2, Kane and Lynch, Dead men, Tom Clancy’s rainbow six vagas, Splinter cell, Pandora tomorrow, all 7 euros each. PC game Commandos strife force and red alert 1 and 2, 4 euros each. Tel 696 575 016. Bed Settee, double size, Ikea, condition as new, less than half price at 100 euros ono. Electric paella/pizza cooker, 15 euros. Filter coffee machine 10 euros. Mini stitch battery sewing machine, 5 euros. Tel 922 164 360. World War 2 binoculars in leather case 30 euros. Table Tennis set with original 1940 Lewis’s recipe 30 euros. 1940/50’s Monopoly, Draughts & Domino’s all individually boxed 20 euros each. Tel: 922 768 627 or 667 058 219 Juke box radio (1mtr) 300 euros ono. 2 fire extinguishers 35 each. Legends pictures of rock n roll & film stars, various sizes, 5-10 euros. Large Elvis jig saw, 60 euros. Elvis ladies watch & Elvis silver dollar both with certificates, 50 euros each. Stream traveling iron, 5 euros. Tel 639 906 130. Sky free view digital box with remote, vgc, 50 euros. Tel 0044 756 148 7016

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Patio table and 4 chairs 2 sets of cushions, 40 euro. Tel: 686 444 296 Children’s bedroom furniture with bed cot up to age 7 with mattress, baby changing unit, with deep drawers and cupboard, very good quality, leaf green and beige grained with curtains, bumper, fitted cover, leaf green and blue plus bedroom mat 80 X 110 green background, 120 euros 2m X 3m green astro turf, 20 euros. Shower and hand spray for over bath, chrome, 45 euros. No offers! 32” Phillips TV, vgc, 75 euros. Tel 922 740 250 Double & Single size mattresses, wall unit, teak,(105x35x40cm), PC monitor, buggy, video recorder, large parasol, Espresso machine, power steam iron, digital camera, microwave (white), mini oven,14” TV from 8 to 15 euros each. Shopping trolley, ironing board, patio table, single bed & mattress (80 cm), sandwich toaster, suit case, food liquidiser, parasols, fans, linen basket (wicker), toaster, stool, lamps, iron, kettle, airer, headboards, chairs, from 3 to 7 euros each. 4 rings electric hob, solid pine table, 20 euros each. Fridge (white), 24” TV silver, 40 euros each. JVC digital camcorder, boxed, 50 euros. Tel 646 615 794. Singer sewing machine with carrying case and all accessories, i.e.; spare spools, pedal, instruction book, 250 euros ono. Brand new never been used. Tel 639 738 745 between 3.30pm and 5pm White fridge, with ice box, 45cm wide height 84cm, 1 year old, excellent condition, 60 euros ono. Tel 628 804 569.

Campingaz festivio portable gas stove plus stone grill, BNIB, 75 euros. Set of 4 Taylor international size 5 bowls plus Jack and bag, 75 euros. Stainless steel tabletop oven and rotisserie, 45 euros. LG 19” television, black with one scart plug and remote, 30 euros. Bicycle panniers and frame, plus saddle bag, 15 euros. Carpet red patterned 1770 x 2300, 25 euros. Golf balls 10 for 1 euro. Tel 629 570 945

Vadem portable air conditioning unit with remote control, hot and cold with tube and lock for window 150 euros ono. Pritec industrial kitchen fly killer 100 euros ono. Werko table cutter for marble and stone 150 euros ono. 5 double sliding wooden windows approx 1.4 x 1.05,3 with clear glass 2 with obsured 500 euros ono. Chio, Guia de Isora. Tel 639 481 064.

Gorgeous Faith black patent peep toe shoes, 4 inch wood effect heel and wedge sole size 5. Perfect glam for the party season, 20 euros. Tel 639 104 616.

Ladies mountain bike, shimano gears, in good condition, silver and ice green, 85 euros. Silencio. Tel 608 653 260

Sharp 21” remote control TV, good working condition, 1 scart socket, 30 euros. San Eugenio Alto. Tel 649 609 504. Exercise trampoline 15 euros. Yamaha electronic keyboard 30 euros. Ikea shelf units 4 wooden shelves, metal frame x 2 18 euros each. Lightwood 2 tier coffee table 20 euros. 2 x teak wood sideboards double & single cupboard with 3 drawers 70 euros each ono. 2 x dark red display cabinets 15 euros each. Metal umbrella stand 10 euros. Bluesky surround sound system 20 euros. Beige & dark brown metal shelf units 20 euros. 2 x fire extinguishers 15 euros each. The Sims complete collection PC game 20 euros ono. Tel 922 748 008 or 609 984 473.

Ryobi Table Saw 180 euros. Small electric Radial Arm Tile Cutter 80 euros. Large Electric Radial Arm Tile Cutter 170 euros. Heavy Duty Trolley with Treble Revolving Wheels for stairs 65 euros. New White Shower Enclosure 70cm x 73cm still in box 100 euros. Large Turbo Fan on stand very powerful 45 euros. Easy Shaper Fitness Machine 25 euros. Total Trainer Fitness fold-up bench 55 euros. Cross Trainer 100 euros. Black Leather Office Chair 20 euros. Tel 637 166 582. Wii Sports with 2 controllers + Nunchucks Boxed Ideal Christmas Gift 150 euros. Tall Upright Freezer 150 euros. Chest Freezer 120 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Commercial 2 ring gas burner 80 euros. Large 2 burner gas plancha 80 euros. Large deep fat fryer 50 euros. Commercial meat slic-

Chest Freezer with sliding glass top 150 euros. Tall Upright Bottle Chill 150 euros. White Fridge 50 euros. Stainless Steel Table with Shelf 120 euros. Large BBQ with 4 Burners + Griddle, 2 side shelves with lid and on wheels 500 euros. All ONO. Tel: 620 469 102. Golf clubs: - Eye-line putting aid alignment mirror new 25 euros. Callaway x18 pro series irons 3-pw stiff shafts 250 euros. Ping tour-w lob wedge 90 euros. Titleist 909d2 driver 9.5 degree aldila vs proto stiff shaft 180 euros. Ping rapture v2 driver 10.5 stiff ping shaft 180 euros. Sonartec ss01 3 wood 15 degree aldila vs proto stiff shaft 75 euros. Sonartec np99 3 wood 13 degree aldila firm shaft 75 euros. Rife aruba anser style putter new 100 euros. Tel 680 909 394 Polti vaporella forever 950 steam generator iron (still boxed) 90 euros. Tel 695 808 394 Fan, bag, blender, sun beds, ceiling lights, phone, patio chair & table, table lamps, child’s wooden bed & mattress, from 5 to 30 euros each. Babys boy & girl clothes 0-6 yrs bodies, pyjamas, suits, leggings, tights, skirts, 1euro each. Bike 4-7 yrs 35 euros. Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros. TV stand 25 euros. Dog carrier 15 euros. Portable radio CD player 10 euros. Suit case 10 euros. Large chest freezer 120 euros. Playstation 2 60 euros. Microwave white 25 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Fridge freezer 150 euros. 29 TV silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. PC monitor & table 10 euros each. Tel 679 088 846 or 922 795 592. R4 games chip (2gb) inc.15 games for Nintendo DS, 20 euros. Tel 695 808 394 3 domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros each. Tumble dryer 85 euros, Washing machine excellent condition top door 95 euros. Washing machine front loader 100 euros, Dishwasher 95 euros. Fridge freezer, excellent condition 80 euros, Fridge 45 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. 38 flat screen TV 130 euros. 42 flat screen TV 450 euros. Microwave, 25 euros, Foot spa 15 euros. DVD player + remote 20 euros, Children’s car seat 018 kgs 20 euros. Steam iron 10 euros. 14” TV, microwave, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 15 euros each. 29” TV, silver 60 euros. 21” TV 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 10 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge freezer 120 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Bird-cage, 10 euros. Commercial heavy duty citrus press 150 euros. Nntendo game cube, many games 100 euros. Exercise bike 50 euros, Almost 2000 DVD films 50 cents each. Bar stool 5 euros each. Tel 686 3369 04 Chest freezer, 90 euros. Commercial heavy duty microwave 1100 w 250 euros. Kettle/parasol/patio chairs table 5 to 10 euros each. Playstation 2 60 euros. 14 computer monitor 10 euros. Mountain bike 70 euros. Video recorders 10 euros. Fax telephone machine 20 euros. Table fan 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. Commercial heavy duty microwave 1100 w 250 euros. Tel 679 788 586 2 single solid wood white headboards, 20 euros. Tel 922 797 888 Manual Wheelchair & Cushion - Model Sunrise Medical Breezy 100, excellent condition, 150 euros. Tel 628 430 734. Little touch LeapPad, pink with 4 books and cartridges, VGC, age 6mths - 36mths 20 euros. Clowns musical cot mobile, red, suitable for girls and boys, 10 euros. Blue playmat, 7 euros. Brand new mens Adidas winter jacket, XL, 20 euros. Childrens swim jacket, 11-18kgs, 5 euros. Babyliss short hair dryer/straightner, only used a few times, 15 euros. Tel: 637 206 026

Ideal CHRISTMAS presents Child’s house tent with separate round tunnel and floor mat, red and blue, 20 euros. No offers! Ideal Christmas present. Tel 922 740 250 Various boys toys, new condition kids snooker table with accessories 50 euros. Intersport football table 50 euros. Tel 606 500 432 or 922 748 835. 78 cm high teddy bear light brown, perfect for Christmas, 50 euros. Tel 699 186 103 Ladies mountain bike, immaculate condition, shimano gears, front suspension, will make excellent Xmas gift, 170 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Silencio

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm 03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Page 49


Villa Plus offer that added holiday value HOW TO ADVERTISE:



page 49

PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop).



page 50



page 50


LINEAGE 0.50c per word FREE: 1 telephone number


UPMARKET company Villa Plus have quality holidays on offer at over 700 exclusive homes across Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Portugal. Now they are planning to expand their portfolio to Tenerife and are looking for appropriate properties, especially in the South. They promise better holidays in better villas with private pools at competitive prices, so if you have a holiday home you feel matches their requirements, and you want to utilise it, then Villa Plus are keen to hear from you. The company also targets classy locations in Corfu, Kefalonia, Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca, Menorca, Mallorca, Lanzarote and the Algarve, and their proud boast is that their villas are among the best-equipped on the market. Villa Plus is an independent, direct-sell holiday company, and over half their villas are within walking distance of the beach. They also have more villas in central locations than any other UK tour operator. In fact, you won’t even need to hire a car at over one-third of their holiday homes. The company, founded in 1986 and based in St Albans, remains owner-managed after all those years. They have a strong ethos of good customer service, coupled with dedicated, 24-hour service centres at each of their nine destinations.

Page 50

Their aim is to demonstrate care, vigilance and knowledge and, as Tenerife Resort Manager Carolyn Bisic says: “We are passionate in everything we do, and our villas are exclusive.” Villa Plus have always taken pride in listening to customers and acting on their comments, which is why the company and their customers have together pioneered improvements in the standard of villa holidays. They were the first villa provider to try to set a minimum standard for this type of accommodation in the late 80s and early 90, which means their villas have always been refurbished regularly As well as the swimming pools, they are equipped with air-conditioning/heating, pool tables, table tennis tables, DVDs, Satellite TV and barbeques. Where possible, practical items like washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, hairdryers, CD players, safes, and alarms are installed to make your life easier. Maid and linen service is also provided, while a gardener, pool man and villa manager are there to oversee the villa. Prices are competitive and you can relax in the knowledge that air-holiday packages with flights booked through Villa Plus are ATOLprotected by the Civil Aviation Authority. If you have any questions, just email and discuss them with a member of their dedicated Operations team.

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 20 euros per week (30 words maximum) CLASSIC BOX ADVERT

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 25 euros per week (30 words maximum)

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 35 euros per week (60 words maximum) N.B. There is a 50% Premium for a Property/Business for sale classified adverts. Discounts available for more than one edition.



PROPERTY FOR SALE Detached Villa, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sea views, quiet residential complex, swimming pool. Divorce forces sale. Genuine bargain, 250,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900

PROPERTY FOR RENT Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271 LONGLETS: Los Cristianos Nirvana, 1 bed ground floor apt., 530€ incl. bills, fully furnished. Parque Tropical I, 3 bed duplex penthouse apt., 1050€ incl. 50€ of bills, unfurnished. Las Americas - Island Village Heights Studio apt., ground floor, 370€ incl. 35€ of bills, fully furnished.

1 bed, ground floor apt., 450€ incl. 35€ of bills, fully furnished. Callao Salvaje - Un Posto al Solé 2 bed penthouse apt., 550€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed 1st floor apt., 500€ incl. bills, fully furnished. Parque de la Reina Moncayo, 3 bed, penthouse apt. 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished

NO FINDERS OR CONTRACT FEES. I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.

Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497 Email: Website:



page 51

LINEAGE - 35 euros for 4 weeks 1 MODULE BOX ADVERT

Advertise your service advert here. 80 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (20 euros per week) 2 MODULE BOX ADVERT

Augusta Park - Amarilla Golf - 3 bed 2 bath apartment, €670 plus bills Aires - Amarilla Golf - 1 bed apartment, recently refurbished, €375 inc, available 19/12/2010 La Perla - Parque de la Reina - 3 Bed detached house with separate kitchen and utility room, downstairs toilet, all bedrooms have fitted wardrobes, unfurnished €700 pm plus bills Ocean Golf - Golf Del Sur - 1 bed 1 bath comfortably furnished apartment with lovely views €550 pm inc bills to €50 La Finca - Chayofa - Choice of 2 one

Advertise your service advert here. 100 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (25 euros per week)

bed apartments from €450 inc La Perla - Parque de La Reina - 3 bed detached Villa, all one level, lovely outside space, corner plot, unfurnished €800 pm plus bills Palm Gardens - Golf del Sur - 2 bed 2 bath Penthouse apartment with double garage €825 pm plus bills Jardin San Miguel - Las Chafiras - 3/4 Bedroom family house on prominent corner plot with 3 separate terraces and rear gate access, main terrace wraps around the house, separate kitchen, double garage €850 plus bills


Please ask us for prices for larger size adverts and colour. All property, classfied and service point have to be paid for in cash at our offices in Las Chafiras. *Service point adverts have to be in for a minimum of 4 weeks.

CHANGE OF DEADLINE: Tuesdays 5pm 03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Classified JOBS




EUROSUPERPLUS SL are looking for highly motivated & professional individuals with a flair for selling & promoting to all types of businesses large or small in North & South of Tenerife & Canaries in general. Spanish and other languages an advantage but not essential. Applicants must be of smart appearance & confident. 35% commission on all sales plus target bonuses with excellent website support. Choose your own hours, email CV to




A well established global company based in the South require a multilingual Front Desk receptionist with exceptional customer service skills. Candidates must be fluent in English, French and German with Dutch, Italian and Scandinavian an advantage. Applicants should be highly professional, presentable and computer literate with a pleasant attitude to dealing with customers. Email or call 922 788 559 Future Resorts are looking for Bookers to work in their unique hotel program. Large clientele base, top commissions and a small basic will be offered to the right applicant. Call Peter on 629 016 542

Yamaha R1 2003, 30,000kms, Fantastic condition, loads of extras, very fast bike. 3,995 euros. Tel 610 285 953. Hyundai Accent 1.5, 2000, reconditioned Auto box guaranteed. ITV 12 months, 70,000 miles, air con, excellent condition, 3,995 euros. Tel 645 082 307 To advertise here please call 902 232 102 or email us at

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.

Tel 669 626 840

CARS WANTED CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.


Large Satellite Dish 3.2 MTR Great for all English channels. Perfect for bar/cafe 1,100 euros Call Norman Home: 922 712 732 Mobile : 658 393 618

FISH & CHIP EQUIPMENT Potato peeler and auto chipper (25 kilos in 10 mins). Fish fryer electric (8-10 pieces), double grill for pizzas/toasties, 5´ glass display counter, microwave,

1500 euros the lot.

A young dynamic company require a Sales & Marketing professional who is computer literate and has previous sales experience. Applicants must speak English and Spanish with other languages an advantage and be capable of assessing and forming marketing strategies. Basic salary plus uncapped commission structure and the possibility of a directorship after a trial period. Send your CV to A Marketing Company in the South of Tenerife urgently require the follow speaking staff; Slovakian, Czech, Polish and Estonian with some spoken English to work in a very friendly office environment. Basic wage paid, plus commission. Working hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call Sue between these hours on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 anytime. Telemarketers required for a successful office in Playa de Las Americas. Generous basic wage and high commissions paid weekly plus many incentives and bonuses are available. Huge earning potential available for the right candidates. For an immediate start, call Lee on 608 698 719.

Tel: 672 599 411

WANTED Large double/triple garage wanted for rent in the Las Americas/San Eugenio area on a monthly basis. Tel Mark 659 202 826

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

A busy salon require a fully qualified hair stylist for an immediate start, either on an employed basis or to rent a chair. For further information call 922 737 569

Page 51




SAFECLEAN For all professional cleaning of carpets & upholstery

Tel: 609 066 973






T & D Services – All aspects of plumbing, kitchen and bathroom refurbishments, water heaters fitted or replaced, Tiling. All quotes no obligation. 30 years experience. Tel 639 979 369 or 646 812 968

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.


ELECTRICIAN CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790

Page 52

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Service Point





the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle



677 806 800


UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.


9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841



VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions


Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

PERSONAL SERVICES Polish very beautiful blonde girl, slim Barbie body, blue eyes, all services, lesbian too. Private apartment, hotel visits, 24hrs, good English spoken. Tel: 672 845 107 The only professional Mistress in Tenerife! Young, busty, fit, extreme blondie shows you who is the Boss! All fetishes, rubber, boots, strapon, whips, electric, watersport, scat, poppers, Viagra! 662 476 036


PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


OPEN 9am - 6pm Mon - Fri, Sat 10am - 5pm SECONDHAND CENTRE Vina del Mar Hotel Playa de las AmĂŠricas

Other times by arrangement

Ring Ray or Gary on: 922 790 822 or 675 569 804



SUPER SALE, SUPER SALE NOW ON! Open Mon-Thurs. Los Cristianos, Edf.Rosy, Calle Valle Mendez, opp Police Station near Pet Shop

Tel: 618 381 488

Page 53



Colin Peel Tiling Specialist

TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493




The Travel Shop



SEWING SEW & SEW’S - For Clothing Alteration’s. Also stocking good quality used baby/children’s clothes, maternity wear, nursery items, toys, books, curtains etc. I also buy the above. Tel 671 784 608. Email:


SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270



Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 657 302 428. International Psychic Tarot Card Reader. Confidential, reliable, caring readings in the privacy of your own home/hotel. Tel : Anna 678 236 803

Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157.

Page 54

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind West 28 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Friday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 20 °C . Wind West 39 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Saturday Clear. High: 23 °C . Wind WSW 28 km/h . Saturday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 20 °C . Wind WSW 25 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Sunday Chance of Rain. Overcast. High: 24 °C . Wind South 50 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 0.27 mm). Sunday Night Thunderstorm. Low: 20 °C . Wind SW 64 km/h . 80% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 42.31 mm). Monday Chance of a Thunderstorm. Scattered Clouds. High: 25 °C . Wind SW 79 km/h . 40% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 5.82 mm). Monday Night Chance of a Thunderstorm. Partly Cloudy. Low: 18 °C . Wind West 54 km/h . 40% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 7.63 mm). Tuesday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 22 °C . Wind West 14 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Tuesday Night Clear. Low: 16 °C . Wind North 14 km/h .

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Wednesday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 21 °C . Wind East 14 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Wednesday Night Scattered Clouds. Low: 17 °C . Wind ENE 14 km/h .

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Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

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